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synced 2025-02-17 05:48:44 +00:00
Existing `get`/`set` logic is flawed in that it doesn't work on Big Endian operating systems, and it allocates heap objects when it doesn't need to. `System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives` in the `System.Memory` NuGet package provides both Little Endian and Big Endian methods to read and write data; all the `get`/`set` operations have been reworked to use this new API. This removes the need for PKHeX's manual `BigEndian` class, as all functions are already covered by the BinaryPrimitives API. The `StringConverter` has now been rewritten to accept a Span to read from & write to, no longer requiring a temporary StringBuilder. Other Fixes included: - The Super Training UI for Gen6 has been reworked according to the latest block structure additions. - Cloning a Stadium2 Save File now works correctly (opening from the Folder browser list). - Checksum & Sanity properties removed from parent PKM class, and is now implemented via interface.
298 lines
11 KiB
298 lines
11 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Pokémon Stadium (Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan)
/// </summary>
public sealed class SAV1Stadium : SAV_STADIUM
public override int SaveRevision => Japanese ? 0 : 1;
public override string SaveRevisionString => Japanese ? "J" : "U";
public override PersonalTable Personal => PersonalTable.Y;
public override int MaxEV => ushort.MaxValue;
public override IReadOnlyList<ushort> HeldItems => Array.Empty<ushort>();
public override GameVersion Version { get; protected set; } = GameVersion.Stadium;
protected override SaveFile CloneInternal() => new SAV1Stadium((byte[])Data.Clone(), Japanese);
public override int Generation => 1;
private int StringLength => Japanese ? StringLengthJ : StringLengthU;
private const int StringLengthJ = 6;
private const int StringLengthU = 11;
public override int OTLength => StringLength;
public override int NickLength => StringLength;
public override int BoxCount => Japanese ? 8 : 12;
public override int BoxSlotCount => Japanese ? 30 : 20;
public override int MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_1;
public override int MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_1;
public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_1;
public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_1;
public override Type PKMType => typeof(PK1);
public override PKM BlankPKM => new PK1(Japanese);
private const int SIZE_PK1J = PokeCrypto.SIZE_1STORED + (2 * StringLengthJ); // 0x2D
private const int SIZE_PK1U = PokeCrypto.SIZE_1STORED + (2 * StringLengthU); // 0x37
protected override int SIZE_STORED => Japanese ? SIZE_PK1J : SIZE_PK1U;
protected override int SIZE_PARTY => Japanese ? SIZE_PK1J : SIZE_PK1U;
private int ListHeaderSize => Japanese ? 0x0C : 0x10;
private const int ListFooterSize = 6; // POKE + 2byte checksum
private const int TeamCountU = 10;
private const int TeamCountJ = 12;
private const int TeamCountTypeU = 9; // team-types 1 & 2 are unused
private const int TeamCountTypeJ = 9;
protected override int TeamCount => Japanese ? TeamCountJ * TeamCountTypeJ : TeamCountU * TeamCountTypeU;
private const int TeamSizeJ = 0x0C + (SIZE_PK1J * 6) + ListFooterSize; // 0x120
private const int TeamSizeU = 0x10 + (SIZE_PK1U * 6) + ListFooterSize; // 0x160
private const uint FOOTER_MAGIC = 0x454B4F50; // POKE
private int BoxSize => Japanese ? BoxSizeJ : BoxSizeU;
//private int ListHeaderSizeBox => Japanese ? 0x0C : 0x10;
private const int BoxSizeJ = 0x0C + (SIZE_PK1J * 30) + ListFooterSize; // 0x558
private const int BoxSizeU = 0x10 + (SIZE_PK1U * 20) + 6 + ListFooterSize; // 0x468 (6 bytes alignment)
public override int GetBoxOffset(int box) => Box + ListHeaderSize + (box * BoxSize);
public SAV1Stadium(byte[] data) : this(data, IsStadiumJ(data)) { }
public SAV1Stadium(byte[] data, bool japanese) : base(data, japanese, StadiumUtil.IsMagicPresentSwap(data, japanese ? TeamSizeJ : TeamSizeU, FOOTER_MAGIC))
Box = 0xC000;
public SAV1Stadium(bool japanese = false) : base(japanese, SaveUtil.SIZE_G1STAD)
Box = 0xC000;
protected override bool GetIsBoxChecksumValid(int box)
var boxOfs = GetBoxOffset(box) - ListHeaderSize;
var size = BoxSize - 2;
var chk = Checksums.CheckSum16(new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(Data, boxOfs, size));
var actual = ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(boxOfs + size));
return chk == actual;
protected override void SetBoxChecksum(int box)
var boxOfs = GetBoxOffset(box) - ListHeaderSize;
var size = BoxSize - 2;
var chk = Checksums.CheckSum16(new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(Data, boxOfs, size));
WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(boxOfs + size), chk);
protected override void SetBoxMetadata(int box)
var bdata = GetBoxOffset(box);
// Set box count
int count = 0;
for (int s = 0; s < BoxSlotCount; s++)
var rel = bdata + (SIZE_STORED * s);
if (Data[rel] != 0) // Species present
// Last byte of header
Data[bdata - 1] = (byte)count;
protected override PKM GetPKM(byte[] data)
int len = StringLength;
var nick = data.AsSpan(PokeCrypto.SIZE_1STORED, len);
var ot = data.AsSpan(PokeCrypto.SIZE_1STORED + len, len);
data = data.Slice(0, PokeCrypto.SIZE_1STORED);
var pk1 = new PK1(data, Japanese);
return pk1;
public override byte[] GetDataForFormatStored(PKM pkm)
byte[] result = new byte[SIZE_STORED];
var gb = (PK1)pkm;
var data = pkm.Data;
int len = StringLength;
data.CopyTo(result, 0);
gb.RawNickname.CopyTo(result, PokeCrypto.SIZE_1STORED);
gb.RawOT.CopyTo(result, PokeCrypto.SIZE_1STORED + len);
return result;
public override byte[] GetDataForFormatParty(PKM pkm) => GetDataForFormatStored(pkm);
public override byte[] GetDataForParty(PKM pkm) => GetDataForFormatStored(pkm);
public override byte[] GetDataForBox(PKM pkm) => GetDataForFormatStored(pkm);
public int GetTeamOffset(int team) => Japanese ? GetTeamOffsetJ(team) : GetTeamOffsetU(team);
private int GetTeamOffsetJ(int team)
if ((uint) team > TeamCount)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(team));
return GetTeamTypeOffsetJ(team / TeamCountJ) + (TeamSizeJ * (team % TeamCountJ));
private int GetTeamOffsetU(int team)
if ((uint)team > TeamCount)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(team));
return GetTeamTypeOffsetU(team / TeamCountU) + (TeamSizeU * (team % TeamCountU));
private static int GetTeamTypeOffsetJ(int team) => team switch
0 => 0x0000, // Anything Goes
1 => 0x0D80, // Nintendo Cup '97
2 => 0x1B00, // Nintendo Cup '98
3 => 0x2880, // Nintendo Cup '99
4 => 0x4000, // Petit Cup
5 => 0x4D80, // Pika Cup
6 => 0x5B00, // Prime Cup
7 => 0x6880, // Gym Leader Castle
8 => 0x8000, // Vs. Mewtwo
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(team)),
private static int GetTeamTypeOffsetU(int team) => team switch
0 => 0x0000,
1 => 0x0DC0, // Unused
2 => 0x1B80, // Unused
3 => 0x2940, // Poke Cup
4 => 0x4000, // Petit Cup
5 => 0x4DC0, // Pika Cup
6 => 0x5B80, // Prime Cup
7 => 0x6940, // Gym Leader Castle
8 => 0x8000, // Vs. Mewtwo
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(team)),
public int GetTeamOffset(Stadium2TeamType type, int team)
if (Japanese)
return GetTeamTypeOffsetJ((int)type) + (TeamSizeJ * team);
return GetTeamTypeOffsetU((int)type) + (TeamSizeU * team);
public string GetTeamName(int team)
if ((uint)team >= TeamCount)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(team));
var teamsPerType = Japanese ? TeamCountJ : TeamCountU;
var type = team / teamsPerType;
var index = team % teamsPerType;
var name = $"{GetTeamTypeName(type).Replace('_', ' ')} {index + 1}";
var ofs = GetTeamOffset(team);
var otOfs = ofs + (Japanese ? 2 : 1);
var str = GetString(otOfs, Japanese ? 5 : 7);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str))
return name;
var idOfs = ofs + (Japanese ? 0x8 : 0xC);
var id = ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(idOfs));
return $"{name} [{id:D5}:{str}]";
private string GetTeamTypeName(int type)
if (Japanese)
return ((Stadium1TeamType) type).ToString();
return type switch
1 => "Unused1",
2 => "Unused2",
3 => "Poké_Cup",
_ => ((Stadium1TeamType)type).ToString(),
public override SlotGroup[] GetRegisteredTeams()
var result = base.GetRegisteredTeams();
if (Japanese)
return result;
// Trim out the teams that aren't accessible
var noUnused = new SlotGroup[result.Length - (2 * TeamCountU)];
Array.Copy(result, 0, noUnused, 0, TeamCountU);
Array.Copy(result, 3 * TeamCountU, noUnused, TeamCountU, noUnused.Length - TeamCountU);
return noUnused;
public override SlotGroup GetTeam(int team)
if ((uint)team >= TeamCount)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(team));
var name = GetTeamName(team);
var members = new PK1[6];
var ofs = GetTeamOffset(team);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
var rel = ofs + ListHeaderSize + (i * SIZE_STORED);
members[i] = (PK1)GetStoredSlot(Data, rel);
return new SlotGroup(name, members);
public override void WriteSlotFormatStored(PKM pkm, Span<byte> data, int offset)
// pkm that have never been boxed have yet to save the 'current level' for box indication
// set this value at this time
((PK1)pkm).Stat_LevelBox = pkm.CurrentLevel;
base.WriteSlotFormatStored(pkm, Data, offset);
public override void WriteBoxSlot(PKM pkm, Span<byte> data, int offset)
// pkm that have never been boxed have yet to save the 'current level' for box indication
// set this value at this time
((PK1)pkm).Stat_LevelBox = pkm.CurrentLevel;
base.WriteBoxSlot(pkm, Data, offset);
public static bool IsStadium(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data)
if (data.Length != SaveUtil.SIZE_G1STAD)
return false;
if (IsStadiumU(data))
return true;
if (IsStadiumJ(data))
return true;
return false;
private static bool IsStadiumU(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data) => StadiumUtil.IsMagicPresentEither(data, TeamSizeU, FOOTER_MAGIC);
private static bool IsStadiumJ(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data) => StadiumUtil.IsMagicPresentEither(data, TeamSizeJ, FOOTER_MAGIC);
public enum Stadium1TeamType
Anything_Goes = 0,
Nintendo_Cup97 = 1, // unused in non-JP
Nintendo_Cup98 = 2, // unused in non-JP
Nintendo_Cup99 = 3, // Poke Cup in non-JP
Petit_Cup = 4,
Pika_Cup = 5,
Prime_Cup = 6,
Gym_Leader_Castle = 7,
Vs_Mewtwo = 8,