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synced 2025-02-18 14:28:33 +00:00
We implement simple state machine iterators to iterate through every split type encounter array, and more finely control the path we iterate through. And, by using generics, we can have the compiler generate optimized code to avoid virtual calls. In addition to this, we shift away from the big-5 encounter types and not inherit from an abstract class. This allows for creating a PK* of a specific type and directly writing properties (no virtual calls). Plus we can now fine-tune each encounter type to call specific code, and not have to worry about future game encounter types bothering the generation routines.
399 lines
16 KiB
399 lines
16 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Logic for finding a <see cref="Frame"/> from inputs.
/// </summary>
public static class FrameFinder
/// <summary>
/// Checks a <see cref="PIDIV"/> to see if any encounter frames can generate the spread. Requires further filtering against matched Encounter Slots and generation patterns.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pidiv">Matched <see cref="PIDIV"/> containing info and <see cref="PIDIV.OriginSeed"/>.</param>
/// <param name="pk"><see cref="PKM"/> object containing various accessible information required for the encounter.</param>
/// <returns><see cref="IEnumerable{Frame}"/> to yield possible encounter details for further filtering</returns>
public static IEnumerable<Frame> GetFrames(PIDIV pidiv, PKM pk)
if (pk.Version == (int)GameVersion.CXD)
return Array.Empty<Frame>();
// Don't trust pk.Nature, just get the correct original via EncryptionConstant
var info = new FrameGenerator(pk) {Nature = pk.EncryptionConstant % 25};
var seeds = GetSeeds(pidiv, info, pk);
var frames = pidiv.Type == PIDType.CuteCharm
? FilterCuteCharm(seeds, info)
: FilterNatureSync(seeds, info);
return GetRefinedSeeds(frames, info, pidiv);
// gather possible nature determination seeds until a same-nature PID breaks the unrolling
private static IEnumerable<SeedInfo> GetSeeds(PIDIV pidiv, FrameGenerator info, PKM pk)
if (pk is { Species: (int)Species.Unown, FRLG: true }) // Gen3 FRLG Unown: reversed await case
return SeedInfo.GetSeedsUntilUnownForm(pidiv, info, pk.Form);
if (pidiv.Type == PIDType.CuteCharm && info.FrameType != FrameType.MethodH) // Gen4: ambiguous seed due to gender-buffered PID
return SeedInfo.GetSeedsUntilNature4Cute(pk);
return SeedInfo.GetSeedsUntilNature(pidiv, info);
private static IEnumerable<Frame> GetRefinedSeeds(IEnumerable<Frame> frames, FrameGenerator info, PIDIV pidiv)
var refined = RefineFrames(frames, info);
if (pidiv.Type == PIDType.CuteCharm && info.FrameType != FrameType.MethodH) // only permit cute charm successful frames
return refined.Where(z => (z.Lead & ~LeadRequired.UsesLevelCall) == LeadRequired.CuteCharm);
return refined;
private static IEnumerable<Frame> RefineFrames(IEnumerable<Frame> frames, FrameGenerator info)
return info.FrameType == FrameType.MethodH
? RefineFrames3(frames, info)
: RefineFrames4(frames, info);
private static IEnumerable<Frame> RefineFrames3(IEnumerable<Frame> frames, FrameGenerator info)
// ESV
// Level
// Nature
// Current Seed of the frame is the Level Calc (frame before nature)
foreach (var f in frames)
bool noLead = !info.AllowLeads && f.Lead != LeadRequired.None;
if (noLead)
var prev = LCRNG.Prev(f.Seed); // ESV
f.RandESV = (ushort)(prev >> 16);
f.RandLevel = (ushort)(f.Seed >> 16);
f.OriginSeed = LCRNG.Prev(prev);
if (f.Lead != LeadRequired.CuteCharm) // needs proc checking
yield return f;
// Generate frames for other slots after the regular slots
if (info.AllowLeads && (f.Lead is LeadRequired.CuteCharm or LeadRequired.None))
var leadframes = GenerateLeadSpecificFrames3(f, info);
foreach (var frame in leadframes)
yield return frame;
private static IEnumerable<Frame> GenerateLeadSpecificFrames3(Frame f, FrameGenerator info)
// Check leads -- none in list if leads are not allowed
// Certain leads inject a RNG call
// 3 different rand places
LeadRequired lead;
var prev0 = f.Seed; // 0
var prev1 = LCRNG.Prev(f.Seed); // -1
var prev2 = LCRNG.Prev(prev1); // -2
var prev3 = LCRNG.Prev(prev2); // -3
// Rand call raw values
var p0 = prev0 >> 16;
var p1 = prev1 >> 16;
var p2 = prev2 >> 16;
// Cute Charm
// -2 ESV
// -1 Level
// 0 CC Proc (Random() % 3 != 0)
// 1 Nature
if (info.Gendered)
bool cc = p0 % 3 != 0;
if (f.Lead == LeadRequired.CuteCharm) // 100% required for frame base
if (cc)
yield return info.GetFrame(prev2, LeadRequired.CuteCharm, (ushort)p2, (ushort)p1, prev3);
yield break;
lead = cc ? LeadRequired.CuteCharm : LeadRequired.CuteCharmFail;
yield return info.GetFrame(prev2, lead, (ushort)p2, (ushort)p1, prev3);
if (f.Lead == LeadRequired.CuteCharm)
yield break;
// Pressure, Hustle, Vital Spirit = Force Maximum Level from slot
// -2 ESV
// -1 Level
// 0 LevelMax proc (Random() & 1)
// 1 Nature
bool max = p0 % 2 == 1;
lead = max ? LeadRequired.PressureHustleSpirit : LeadRequired.PressureHustleSpiritFail;
yield return info.GetFrame(prev2, lead, (ushort)p2, (ushort)p1, prev3);
// Keen Eye, Intimidate (Not compatible with Sweet Scent)
// -2 ESV
// -1 Level
// 0 Level Adequate Check !(Random() % 2 == 1) rejects -- rand%2==1 is adequate
// 1 Nature
// Note: if this check fails, the encounter generation routine is aborted.
if (max) // same result as above, no need to recalculate
lead = LeadRequired.IntimidateKeenEye;
yield return info.GetFrame(prev2, lead, (ushort)p2, (ushort)p1, prev3);
// Static or Magnet Pull
// -2 SlotProc (Random % 2 == 0)
// -1 ESV (select slot)
// 0 Level
// 1 Nature
bool force = p2 % 2 == 0;
if (force)
// Since a failed proc is indistinguishable from the default frame calls, only generate if it succeeds.
lead = LeadRequired.StaticMagnet;
yield return info.GetFrame(prev2, lead, (ushort)p1, (ushort)p0, prev3);
private static IEnumerable<Frame> RefineFrames4(IEnumerable<Frame> frames, FrameGenerator info)
foreach (var f in frames)
// Current Seed of the frame is the ESV.
var rand = (ushort)(f.Seed >> 16);
f.RandESV = rand;
f.RandLevel = rand; // unused
f.OriginSeed = LCRNG.Prev(f.Seed);
yield return f;
if (f.Lead == LeadRequired.None)
var leadframes = GenerateLeadSpecificFrames4(f, info);
foreach (var frame in leadframes)
yield return frame;
// Create a copy for level; shift ESV and origin back
var esv = f.OriginSeed >> 16;
var origin = LCRNG.Prev(f.OriginSeed);
var withLevel = info.GetFrame(f.Seed, f.Lead | LeadRequired.UsesLevelCall, (ushort)esv, f.RandLevel, origin);
yield return withLevel;
if (f.Lead == LeadRequired.None)
var leadframes = GenerateLeadSpecificFrames4(withLevel, info);
foreach (var frame in leadframes)
yield return frame;
private static IEnumerable<Frame> GenerateLeadSpecificFrames4(Frame f, FrameGenerator info)
LeadRequired lead;
var prev0 = f.Seed; // 0
var prev1 = LCRNG.Prev(f.Seed); // -1
var prev2 = LCRNG.Prev(prev1); // -2
var prev3 = LCRNG.Prev(prev2); // -3
// Rand call raw values
var p0 = prev0 >> 16;
var p1 = prev1 >> 16;
var p2 = prev2 >> 16;
// Cute Charm
// -2 ESV
// -1 Level (Optional)
// 0 CC Proc (Random() % 3 != 0)
// 1 Nature
if (info.Gendered)
bool cc = (info.DPPt ? p0 / 0x5556 : p0 % 3) != 0;
if (f.Lead == LeadRequired.CuteCharm) // 100% required for frame base
if (!cc) yield break;
yield return info.GetFrame(prev2, LeadRequired.CuteCharm, (ushort)p1, (ushort)p1, prev2);
yield return info.GetFrame(prev2, LeadRequired.CuteCharm | LeadRequired.UsesLevelCall, (ushort)p2, (ushort)p1, prev3);
yield break;
lead = cc ? LeadRequired.CuteCharm : LeadRequired.CuteCharmFail;
yield return info.GetFrame(prev2, lead, (ushort)p1, (ushort)p1, prev2);
yield return info.GetFrame(prev2, lead | LeadRequired.UsesLevelCall, (ushort)p2, (ushort)p1, prev3);
if (f.Lead == LeadRequired.CuteCharm)
yield break;
// Pressure, Hustle, Vital Spirit = Force Maximum Level from slot
// -2 ESV
// -1 Level (Optional)
// 0 LevelMax proc (Random() & 1)
// 1 Nature
bool max = (info.DPPt ? p0 >> 15 : p0 & 1) == 1;
lead = max ? LeadRequired.PressureHustleSpirit : LeadRequired.PressureHustleSpiritFail;
yield return info.GetFrame(prev2, lead, (ushort)p1, (ushort)p1, prev2);
yield return info.GetFrame(prev2, lead | LeadRequired.UsesLevelCall, (ushort)p2, (ushort)p1, prev3);
// Keen Eye, Intimidate (Not compatible with Sweet Scent)
// -2 ESV
// -1 Level (Optional)
// 0 Level Adequate Check !(Random() % 2 == 1) rejects -- rand%2==1 is adequate
// 1 Nature
// Note: if this check fails, the encounter generation routine is aborted.
if (max) // same result as above, no need to recalculate
lead = LeadRequired.IntimidateKeenEye;
yield return info.GetFrame(prev2, lead, (ushort)p1, (ushort)p1, prev2);
yield return info.GetFrame(prev2, lead | LeadRequired.UsesLevelCall, (ushort)p2, (ushort)p1, prev3);
// Static or Magnet Pull
// -2 SlotProc (Random % 2 == 0)
// -1 ESV (select slot)
// 0 Level (Optional)
// 1 Nature
var force1 = (info.DPPt ? p1 >> 15 : p1 & 1) == 1;
lead = force1 ? LeadRequired.StaticMagnet : LeadRequired.StaticMagnetFail;
yield return info.GetFrame(prev2, lead, (ushort)p0, (ushort)p0, prev3);
var force2 = (info.DPPt ? p2 >> 15 : p2 & 1) == 1;
lead = (force2 ? LeadRequired.StaticMagnet : LeadRequired.StaticMagnetFail) | LeadRequired.UsesLevelCall;
yield return info.GetFrame(prev2, lead, (ushort)p1, (ushort)p0, prev3);
/// <summary>
/// Filters the input <see cref="SeedInfo"/> according to a Nature Lock frame generation pattern.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="seeds">Seed Information for the frame</param>
/// <param name="info">Search Info for the frame</param>
/// <returns>Possible matches to the Nature Lock frame generation pattern</returns>
private static IEnumerable<Frame> FilterNatureSync(IEnumerable<SeedInfo> seeds, FrameGenerator info)
foreach (var seed in seeds)
var s = seed.Seed;
if (info.Safari3)
// successful pokeblock activation
bool result = IsValidPokeBlockNature(s, info.Nature, out uint blockSeed);
if (result)
yield return info.GetFrame(blockSeed, seed.Charm3 ? LeadRequired.CuteCharm : LeadRequired.None);
// if no pokeblocks present (or failed call), fall out of the safari specific code and generate via the other scenarios
var rand = s >> 16;
bool sync = info.AllowLeads && !seed.Charm3 && (info.DPPt ? rand >> 15 : rand & 1) == 0;
bool reg = (info.DPPt ? rand / 0xA3E : rand % 25) == info.Nature;
if (!sync && !reg) // doesn't generate nature frame
uint prev = LCRNG.Prev(s);
if (info.AllowLeads && reg) // check for failed sync
var failsync = (info.DPPt ? prev >> 31 : (prev >> 16) & 1) != 1;
if (failsync)
yield return info.GetFrame(LCRNG.Prev(prev), LeadRequired.SynchronizeFail);
if (sync)
yield return info.GetFrame(prev, LeadRequired.Synchronize);
if (reg)
if (seed.Charm3)
yield return info.GetFrame(prev, LeadRequired.CuteCharm);
if (info.Safari3)
prev = LCRNG.Prev(prev); // wasted RNG call
yield return info.GetFrame(prev, LeadRequired.None);
private static bool IsValidPokeBlockNature(uint seed, uint nature, out uint natureOrigin)
if (nature % 6 == 0) // neutral
natureOrigin = 0;
return false;
// unroll the RNG to a stack of seeds
var stack = new Stack<uint>();
for (uint i = 0; i < 25; i++)
for (uint j = 1 + i; j < 25; j++)
stack.Push(seed = LCRNG.Prev(seed));
natureOrigin = LCRNG.Prev(stack.Peek());
if (natureOrigin >> (16 % 100) >= 80) // failed proc
return false;
// init natures
Span<byte> natures = stackalloc byte[25];
for (byte i = 0; i < 25; i++)
natures[i] = i;
// shuffle nature list
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
for (int j = 1 + i; j < 25; j++)
var s = stack.Pop();
if (((s >> 16) & 1) == 0)
continue; // only swap if 1
(natures[i], natures[j]) = (natures[j], natures[i]);
var likes = Pokeblock.GetLikedBlockFlavor(nature);
// best case scenario is a perfect flavored pokeblock for the nature.
// has liked flavor, and all other non-disliked flavors are present.
// is it possible to skip this step?
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
var n = natures[i];
if (n == nature)
var nl = Pokeblock.GetLikedBlockFlavor(natures[i]);
if (nl == likes) // next random nature likes the same block as the desired nature
return false; // current nature is chosen instead, fail!
// unroll once more to hit the level calc (origin with respect for beginning the nature calcs)
natureOrigin = LCRNG.Prev(natureOrigin);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Filters the input <see cref="SeedInfo"/> according to a Cute Charm frame generation pattern.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="seeds">Seed Information for the frame</param>
/// <param name="info">Search Info for the frame</param>
/// <returns>Possible matches to the Cute Charm frame generation pattern</returns>
private static IEnumerable<Frame> FilterCuteCharm(IEnumerable<SeedInfo> seeds, FrameGenerator info)
foreach (var seed in seeds)
var s = seed.Seed;
var rand = s >> 16;
var nature = info.DPPt ? rand / 0xA3E : rand % 25;
if (nature != info.Nature)
var prev = LCRNG.Prev(s);
var proc = prev >> 16;
bool charmProc = (info.DPPt ? proc / 0x5556 : proc % 3) != 0; // 2/3 odds
if (!charmProc)
yield return info.GetFrame(LCRNG.Prev(prev), LeadRequired.CuteCharm);