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using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace PKHeX.Core
public static partial class Legal
/// <summary>
/// Species that trigger Light Ball yielding Volt Tackle
/// </summary>
public static readonly HashSet<int> LightBall = new HashSet<int> { 25, 26, 172 };
/// <summary>
/// Species that can yield a different baby species when bred.
/// </summary>
public static readonly HashSet<int> SplitBreed = new HashSet<int>
// Incense
113, 242, // Chansey
122, 866, // Mr. Mime
143, // Snorlax
183, 184, // Marill
185, // Sudowoodo
202, // Wobbuffet
226, // Mantine
315, 407, // Roselia
358, // Chimecho
/// <summary>
/// Species that can change between their forms and get access to form-specific moves.
/// </summary>
public static readonly HashSet<int> FormChangeMoves = new HashSet<int>
386, // Deoxys
487, // Giratina
492, // Shaymin
720, // Hoopa
/// <summary>
/// Species that cannot hatch from an egg.
/// </summary>
public static readonly HashSet<int> NoHatchFromEgg = new HashSet<int>
132, // Ditto
144, // Articuno
145, // Zapdos
146, // Moltres
150, // Mewtwo
151, // Mew
201, // Unown
243, // Raikou
244, // Entei
245, // Suicune
249, // Lugia
250, // Ho-Oh
251, // Celebi
377, // Regirock
378, // Regice
379, // Registeel
380, // Latias
381, // Latios
382, // Kyogre
383, // Groudon
384, // Rayquaza
385, // Jirachi
386, // Deoxys
480, // Uxie
481, // Mesprit
482, // Azelf
483, // Dialga
484, // Palkia
485, // Heatran
486, // Regigigas
487, // Giratina
488, // Cresselia
490, // Manaphy
491, // Darkrai
492, // Shaymin
493, // Arceus
494, // Victini
638, // Cobalion
639, // Terrakion
640, // Virizion
641, // Tornadus
642, // Thundurus
643, // Reshiram
644, // Zekrom
645, // Landorus
646, // Kyurem
647, // Keldeo
648, // Meloetta
649, // Genesect
716, // Xerneas
717, // Yveltal
718, // Zygarde
719, // Diancie
720, // Hoopa
721, // Volcanion
772, // Type: Null
773, // Silvally
785, // Tapu Koko
786, // Tapu Lele
787, // Tapu Bulu
788, // Tapu Fini
789, // Cosmog
790, // Cosmoem
791, // Solgaleo
792, // Lunala
793, // Nihilego
794, // Buzzwole
795, // Pheromosa
796, // Xurkitree
797, // Celesteela
798, // Kartana
799, // Guzzlord
800, // Necrozma
801, // Magearna
802, // Marshadow
803, // Poipole
804, // Naganadel
805, // Stakataka
806, // Blacephalon
807, // Zeraora
808, // Meltan
809, // Melmetal
/// <summary>
/// Generation 3 & 4 Battle Frontier Species banlist. When referencing this in context to generation 4, be sure to disallow <see cref="Species.Pichu"/> with Form 1 (Spiky).
/// </summary>
public static readonly HashSet<int> BattleFrontierBanlist = new HashSet<int>
150, // Mewtwo
151, // Mew
249, // Lugia
250, // Ho-Oh
251, // Celebi
382, // Kyogre
383, // Groudon
384, // Rayquaza
385, // Jirachi
386, // Deoxys
483, // Dialga
484, // Palkia
487, // Giratina
489, // Phione
490, // Manaphy
491, // Darkrai
492, // Shaymin
493, // Arceus
494, // Victini
643, // Reshiram
644, // Zekrom
646, // Kyurem
647, // Keldeo
648, // Meloetta
649, // Genesect
716, // Xerneas
717, // Yveltal
718, // Zygarde
719, // Diancie
720, // Hoopa
721, // Volcanion
789, // Cosmog
790, // Cosmoem
791, // Solgaleo
792, // Lunala
800, // Necrozma
801, // Magearna
802, // Marshadow
807, // Zeraora
808, // Meltan
809, // Melmetal
public static readonly HashSet<int> Z_Moves = new HashSet<int>
622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658,
695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703,
723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728
/// <summary>
/// Moves that can not be obtained by using Sketch with Smeargle.
/// </summary>
internal static readonly HashSet<int> InvalidSketch = new HashSet<int>(Z_Moves)
// Can't Sketch
165, // Struggle
448, // Chatter
// Unreleased
617, // Light of Ruin
/// <summary>
/// Species classified as "Legend" by the game code.
/// </summary>
public static readonly HashSet<int> Legends = new HashSet<int>
(int)Species.Mewtwo, (int)Species.Mew,
(int)Species.Lugia, (int)Species.HoOh, (int)Species.Celebi,
(int)Species.Kyogre, (int)Species.Groudon, (int)Species.Rayquaza, (int)Species.Jirachi, (int)Species.Deoxys,
(int)Species.Dialga, (int)Species.Palkia, (int)Species.Giratina, (int)Species.Phione, (int)Species.Manaphy, (int)Species.Darkrai, (int)Species.Shaymin, (int)Species.Arceus,
(int)Species.Victini, (int)Species.Reshiram, (int)Species.Zekrom, (int)Species.Kyurem, (int)Species.Keldeo, (int)Species.Meloetta, (int)Species.Genesect,
(int)Species.Xerneas, (int)Species.Yveltal, (int)Species.Zygarde, (int)Species.Diancie, (int)Species.Hoopa, (int)Species.Volcanion,
(int)Species.Cosmog, (int)Species.Cosmoem, (int)Species.Solgaleo, (int)Species.Lunala, (int)Species.Necrozma, (int)Species.Magearna, (int)Species.Marshadow, (int)Species.Zeraora,
(int)Species.Meltan, (int)Species.Melmetal,
(int)Species.Zacian, (int)Species.Zamazenta, (int)Species.Eternatus, (int)Species.Zarude, (int)Species.Calyrex,
/// <summary>
/// Species classified as "SubLegend" by the game code.
/// </summary>
public static readonly HashSet<int> SubLegends = new HashSet<int>
(int)Species.Articuno, (int)Species.Zapdos, (int)Species.Moltres,
(int)Species.Raikou, (int)Species.Entei, (int)Species.Suicune,
(int)Species.Regirock, (int)Species.Regice, (int)Species.Registeel, (int)Species.Latias, (int)Species.Latios,
(int)Species.Uxie, (int)Species.Mesprit, (int)Species.Azelf, (int)Species.Heatran, (int)Species.Regigigas, (int)Species.Cresselia,
(int)Species.Cobalion, (int)Species.Terrakion, (int)Species.Virizion, (int)Species.Tornadus, (int)Species.Thundurus, (int)Species.Landorus,
(int)Species.TypeNull, (int)Species.Silvally, (int)Species.TapuKoko, (int)Species.TapuLele, (int)Species.TapuBulu, (int)Species.TapuFini,
(int)Species.Nihilego, (int)Species.Buzzwole, (int)Species.Pheromosa, (int)Species.Xurkitree, (int)Species.Celesteela, (int)Species.Kartana, (int)Species.Guzzlord,
(int)Species.Poipole, (int)Species.Naganadel, (int)Species.Stakataka, (int)Species.Blacephalon,
(int)Species.Kubfu, (int)Species.Urshifu, (int)Species.Regieleki, (int)Species.Regidrago, (int)Species.Glastrier, (int)Species.Spectrier,
internal static readonly HashSet<int> MixedGenderBreeding = new HashSet<int>
29, // Nidoran♀
32, // Nidoran♂
313, // Volbeat
314, // Illumise
(int)Species.Indeedee, // male/female
/// <summary>
/// Species that evolve from a Bi-Gendered species into a Single-Gender.
/// </summary>
public static readonly HashSet<int> FixedGenderFromBiGender = new HashSet<int>
290, // Nincada
292, // Shedinja (G)
412, // Burmy
413, // Wormadam (F)
414, // Mothim (M)
280, // Ralts
475, // Gallade (M)
361, // Snorunt
478, // Froslass (F)
677, // Espurr
678, // Meowstic (M/F) forme specific