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using System.Collections.Generic;
using static PKHeX.Core.Species;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Contains logic for Alternate Form information.
/// </summary>
public static class AltFormInfo
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the form cannot exist outside of a Battle.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="species">Entity species</param>
/// <param name="form">Entity form</param>
/// <param name="format">Current generation format</param>
/// <returns>True if it can only exist in a battle, false if it can exist outside of battle.</returns>
public static bool IsBattleOnlyForm(int species, int form, int format)
if (!BattleOnly.Contains(species))
return false;
// Some species have battle only forms as well as out-of-battle forms (other than base form).
switch (species)
case (int)Slowbro when form == 2 && format >= 8: // Only mark Ultra Necrozma as Battle Only
case (int)Darmanitan when form == 2 && format >= 8: // this one is OK, Galarian Slowbro (not a Mega)
case (int)Zygarde when form < 4: // Zygarde Complete
case (int)Mimikyu when form == 2: // Totem disguise Mimikyu
case (int)Necrozma when form < 3: // this one is OK, Galarian non-Zen
case (int)Minior when form >= 7: // Minior Shields-Down
return false;
return form != 0;
/// <summary>
/// Reverts the Battle Form to the form it would have outside of Battle.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Only call this if you've already checked that <see cref="IsBattleOnlyForm"/> returns true.</remarks>
/// <param name="species">Entity species</param>
/// <param name="form">Entity form</param>
/// <param name="format">Current generation format</param>
/// <returns>Suggested alt form value.</returns>
public static int GetOutOfBattleForm(int species, int form, int format)
return species switch
(int)Darmanitan => form & 2,
(int)Zygarde when format > 6 => 3,
(int)Minior => form + 7,
_ => 0
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the <see cref="form"/> is a fused form, which indicates it cannot be traded away.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="species">Entity species</param>
/// <param name="form">Entity form</param>
/// <param name="format">Current generation format</param>
/// <returns>True if it is a fused species-form, false if it is not fused.</returns>
public static bool IsFusedForm(int species, int form, int format)
return species switch
(int)Kyurem when form != 0 && format >= 5 => true,
(int)Necrozma when form != 0 && format >= 7 => true,
(int)Calyrex when form != 0 && format >= 8 => true,
_ => false
/// <summary>Checks if the form may be different than the original encounter detail.</summary>
/// <param name="species">Original species</param>
/// <param name="oldForm">Original form</param>
/// <param name="newForm">Current form</param>
/// <param name="format">Current format</param>
public static bool IsFormChangeable(int species, int oldForm, int newForm, int format)
if (FormChange.Contains(species))
return true;
// Zygarde Form Changing
// Gen6: Introduced; no form changing.
// Gen7: Form changing introduced; can only change to Form 2/3 (Power Construct), never to 0/1 (Aura Break). A form-1 can be boosted to form-0.
// Gen8: Form changing improved; can pick any Form & Ability combination.
if (species == (int)Zygarde)
return format switch
6 => false,
7 => newForm >= 2 || (oldForm == 1 && newForm == 0),
_ => true,
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Species that can be captured normally in the wild and can change between their forms.
/// </summary>
public static readonly HashSet<int> WildChangeFormAfter = new HashSet<int>
412, // Burmy
479, // Rotom
676, // Furfrou
741, // Oricorio
/// <summary>
/// Species that can change between their forms, regardless of origin.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Excludes Zygarde as it has special conditions. Check separately.</remarks>
private static readonly HashSet<int> FormChange = new HashSet<int>(WildChangeFormAfter)
386, // Deoxys
487, // Giratina
492, // Shaymin
493, // Arceus
641, // Tornadus
642, // Thundurus
645, // Landorus
646, // Kyurem
647, // Keldeo
649, // Genesect
720, // Hoopa
773, // Silvally
800, // Necrozma
898, // Calyrex
/// <summary>
/// Species that have an alternate form that cannot exist outside of battle.
/// </summary>
private static readonly HashSet<int> BattleForms = new HashSet<int>
/// <summary>
/// Species that have a mega form that cannot exist outside of battle.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Using a held item to change form during battle, via an in-battle transformation feature.</remarks>
private static readonly HashSet<int> BattleMegas = new HashSet<int>
// XY
(int)Venusaur, (int)Charizard, (int)Blastoise,
(int)Alakazam, (int)Gengar, (int)Kangaskhan, (int)Pinsir,
(int)Gyarados, (int)Aerodactyl, (int)Mewtwo,
(int)Ampharos, (int)Scizor, (int)Heracross, (int)Houndoom, (int)Tyranitar,
(int)Blaziken, (int)Gardevoir, (int)Mawile, (int)Aggron, (int)Medicham,
(int)Manectric, (int)Banette, (int)Absol, (int)Latios, (int)Latias,
(int)Garchomp, (int)Lucario, (int)Abomasnow,
// AO
(int)Beedrill, (int)Pidgeot, (int)Slowbro,
(int)Sceptile, (int)Swampert, (int)Sableye, (int)Sharpedo, (int)Camerupt,
(int)Altaria, (int)Glalie, (int)Salamence, (int)Metagross, (int)Rayquaza,
(int)Lopunny, (int)Gallade,
(int)Audino, (int)Diancie,
(int)Necrozma, // Ultra Necrozma
/// <summary>
/// Species that have a primal form that cannot exist outside of battle.
/// </summary>
private static readonly HashSet<int> BattlePrimals = new HashSet<int> { (int)Kyogre, (int)Groudon };
private static readonly HashSet<int> BattleOnly = GetBattleFormSet();
private static HashSet<int> GetBattleFormSet()
var hs = new HashSet<int>(BattleForms);
return hs;