Kurt dcc0e79435
Evotree: Evolution Traversal Enhancements (#3936)
Like move validation, evolutions are the earliest thing we wish to traverse when determining what encounters may have originated the current Pokémon. To determine the permitted species-form-levels a Pokémon could originate with, we must devolve a Pokémon by traveling down-generation to origin. Once we have an encounter, we can then evolve it to the current species, traversing upwards from origin to the current format.
2023-07-05 21:14:09 -07:00

112 lines
4.1 KiB

using System;
using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Generation 9 Fixed Spawn Encounter
/// </summary>
public sealed record EncounterFixed9 : EncounterStatic, IGemType
public override int Generation => 9;
public override int Location => Location0;
public override EntityContext Context => EntityContext.Gen9;
public GemType TeraType { get; private init; }
private byte Location0 { get; init; }
private byte Location1 { get; init; }
private byte Location2 { get; init; }
private byte Location3 { get; init; }
private const int MinScaleStrongTera = 200; // [200,255]
public static EncounterFixed9[] GetArray(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data)
const int size = 0x14;
var count = data.Length / size;
var result = new EncounterFixed9[count];
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
result[i] = ReadEncounter(data.Slice(i * size, size));
return result;
private EncounterFixed9() : base(GameVersion.SV) { }
private static EncounterFixed9 ReadEncounter(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data) => new()
Species = ReadUInt16LittleEndian(data),
Form = data[0x02],
Level = data[0x03],
FlawlessIVCount = data[0x04],
TeraType = (GemType)data[0x05],
Gender = (sbyte)data[0x06],
// 1 byte reserved
Moves = new Moveset(
Location0 = data[0x10],
Location1 = data[0x11],
Location2 = data[0x12],
Location3 = data[0x13],
protected override bool IsMatchLocation(PKM pk)
var metState = LocationsHOME.GetRemapState(Context, pk.Context);
if (metState == LocationRemapState.Original)
return IsMatchLocationExact(pk);
if (metState == LocationRemapState.Remapped)
return IsMatchLocationRemapped(pk);
return IsMatchLocationExact(pk) || IsMatchLocationRemapped(pk);
private bool IsMatchLocationRemapped(PKM pk)
var met = (ushort)pk.Met_Location;
var version = pk.Version;
if (pk.Context == EntityContext.Gen8)
return LocationsHOME.IsValidMetSV(met, version);
return LocationsHOME.GetMetSWSH((ushort)Location, version) == met;
private bool IsMatchLocationExact(PKM pk)
var loc = pk.Met_Location;
return loc == Location0 || loc == Location1 || loc == Location2 || loc == Location3;
protected override bool IsMatchForm(PKM pk, EvoCriteria evo)
if (Species is (int)Core.Species.Deerling or (int)Core.Species.Sawsbuck)
return pk.Form <= 3;
return base.IsMatchForm(pk, evo);
public override bool IsMatchExact(PKM pk, EvoCriteria evo)
if (TeraType != GemType.Random && pk is ITeraType t && !Tera9RNG.IsMatchTeraType(TeraType, Species, Form, (byte)t.TeraTypeOriginal))
return false;
if (TeraType != 0 && pk is IScaledSize3 { Scale: < MinScaleStrongTera })
return false;
if (FlawlessIVCount != 0 && pk.FlawlessIVCount < FlawlessIVCount)
return false;
return base.IsMatchExact(pk, evo);
protected override void ApplyDetails(ITrainerInfo tr, EncounterCriteria criteria, PKM pk)
base.ApplyDetails(tr, criteria, pk);
var pk9 = (PK9)pk;
pk9.Obedience_Level = (byte)pk9.Met_Level;
var type = Tera9RNG.GetTeraType(Util.Rand.Rand64(), TeraType, Species, Form);
pk9.TeraTypeOriginal = (MoveType)type;
if (criteria.TeraType != -1 && type != criteria.TeraType)
pk9.SetTeraType(type); // sets the override type
pk9.HeightScalar = PokeSizeUtil.GetRandomScalar();
pk9.WeightScalar = PokeSizeUtil.GetRandomScalar();
pk9.Scale = TeraType != 0 ? (byte)(MinScaleStrongTera + Util.Rand.Next(byte.MaxValue - MinScaleStrongTera + 1)) : PokeSizeUtil.GetRandomScalar();