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synced 2025-02-17 05:48:44 +00:00
We implement simple state machine iterators to iterate through every split type encounter array, and more finely control the path we iterate through. And, by using generics, we can have the compiler generate optimized code to avoid virtual calls. In addition to this, we shift away from the big-5 encounter types and not inherit from an abstract class. This allows for creating a PK* of a specific type and directly writing properties (no virtual calls). Plus we can now fine-tune each encounter type to call specific code, and not have to worry about future game encounter types bothering the generation routines.
806 lines
27 KiB
806 lines
27 KiB
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using static PKHeX.Core.PIDType;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Class containing logic to obtain a PKM's PIDIV method.
/// </summary>
public static class MethodFinder
/// <summary>
/// Analyzes a <see cref="PKM"/> to find a matching PIDIV method.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pk">Input <see cref="PKM"/>.</param>
/// <returns><see cref="PIDIV"/> object containing seed and method info.</returns>
public static PIDIV Analyze(PKM pk)
if (pk.Format < 3)
return AnalyzeGB(pk);
var pid = pk.EncryptionConstant;
var top = pid & 0xFFFF0000;
var bot = pid << 16;
Span<uint> temp = stackalloc uint[6];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
temp[i] = (uint)pk.GetIV(i);
ReadOnlySpan<uint> IVs = temp;
// Between XDRNG and LCRNG, the LCRNG will have the most results.
// Reuse our temp buffer across all methods.
const int maxResults = LCRNG.MaxCountSeedsIV;
Span<uint> seeds = stackalloc uint[maxResults];
if (GetLCRNGMatch(seeds, top, bot, IVs, out PIDIV pidiv))
return pidiv;
if (pk.Species == (int)Species.Unown && GetLCRNGUnownMatch(seeds, top, bot, IVs, out pidiv)) // frlg only
return pidiv;
if (GetColoStarterMatch(seeds, pk, top, bot, IVs, out pidiv))
return pidiv;
if (GetXDRNGMatch(seeds, pk, top, bot, IVs, out pidiv))
return pidiv;
// Special cases
if (GetLCRNGRoamerMatch(seeds, top, bot, IVs, out pidiv))
return pidiv;
if (GetChannelMatch(seeds, top, bot, IVs, out pidiv, pk))
return pidiv;
if (GetMG4Match(seeds, pid, IVs, out pidiv))
return pidiv;
if (GetBACDMatch(seeds, pk, pid, IVs, out pidiv))
return pidiv;
if (GetModifiedPIDMatch(seeds, pk, pid, IVs, out pidiv))
return pidiv;
return PIDIV.None; // no match
private static bool GetModifiedPIDMatch(Span<uint> seeds, PKM pk, uint pid, ReadOnlySpan<uint> IVs, out PIDIV pidiv)
if (pk.IsShiny)
if (GetChainShinyMatch(seeds, pk, pid, IVs, out pidiv))
return true;
if (GetModified8BitMatch(pk, pid, out pidiv))
return true;
if (pid <= 0xFF && GetCuteCharmMatch(pk, pid, out pidiv))
return true;
return GetPokewalkerMatch(pk, pid, out pidiv);
private static bool GetModified8BitMatch(PKM pk, uint pid, out PIDIV pidiv)
return pk.Gen4
? (pid <= 0xFF && GetCuteCharmMatch(pk, pid, out pidiv)) || GetG5MGShinyMatch(pk, pid, out pidiv)
: GetG5MGShinyMatch(pk, pid, out pidiv) || (pid <= 0xFF && GetCuteCharmMatch(pk, pid, out pidiv));
private static bool GetLCRNGMatch(Span<uint> seeds, uint top, uint bot, ReadOnlySpan<uint> IVs, out PIDIV pidiv)
var count = LCRNGReversal.GetSeeds(seeds, bot, top);
var reg = seeds[..count];
var iv1 = GetIVChunk(IVs[..3]);
var iv2 = GetIVChunk(IVs[3..]);
foreach (var seed in reg)
// A and B are already used by PID
var B = LCRNG.Next2(seed);
// Method 1/2/4 can use 3 different RNG frames
var C = LCRNG.Next(B);
var ivC = C >> 16 & 0x7FFF;
if (iv1 == ivC)
var D = LCRNG.Next(C);
var ivD = D >> 16 & 0x7FFF;
if (iv2 == ivD) // ABCD
pidiv = new PIDIV(Method_1, seed);
return true;
var E = LCRNG.Next(D);
var ivE = E >> 16 & 0x7FFF;
if (iv2 == ivE) // ABCE
pidiv = new PIDIV(Method_4, seed);
return true;
var D = LCRNG.Next(C);
var ivD = D >> 16 & 0x7FFF;
if (iv1 != ivD)
var E = LCRNG.Next(D);
var ivE = E >> 16 & 0x7FFF;
if (iv2 == ivE) // ABDE
pidiv = new PIDIV(Method_2, seed);
return true;
count = LCRNGReversalSkip.GetSeeds(seeds, bot, top);
reg = seeds[..count];
foreach (var seed in reg)
// A and B are already used by PID
var C = LCRNG.Next3(seed);
// Method 3
var D = LCRNG.Next(C);
var ivD = D >> 16 & 0x7FFF;
if (iv1 != ivD)
var E = LCRNG.Next(D);
var ivE = E >> 16 & 0x7FFF;
if (iv2 != ivE)
pidiv = new PIDIV(Method_3, seed);
return true;
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
private static bool GetLCRNGUnownMatch(Span<uint> seeds, uint top, uint bot, ReadOnlySpan<uint> IVs, out PIDIV pidiv)
// this is an exact copy of LCRNG 1,2,4 matching, except the PID has its halves switched (BACD, BADE, BACE)
var count = LCRNGReversal.GetSeeds(seeds, top, bot); // reversed!
var reg = seeds[..count];
var iv1 = GetIVChunk(IVs[..3]);
var iv2 = GetIVChunk(IVs[3..]);
foreach (var seed in reg)
// A and B are already used by PID
var B = LCRNG.Next2(seed);
// Method 1/2/4 can use 3 different RNG frames
var C = LCRNG.Next(B);
var ivC = C >> 16 & 0x7FFF;
if (iv1 == ivC)
var D = LCRNG.Next(C);
var ivD = D >> 16 & 0x7FFF;
if (iv2 == ivD) // BACD
pidiv = new PIDIV(Method_1_Unown, seed);
return true;
var E = LCRNG.Next(D);
var ivE = E >> 16 & 0x7FFF;
if (iv2 == ivE) // BACE
pidiv = new PIDIV(Method_4_Unown, seed);
return true;
var D = LCRNG.Next(C);
var ivD = D >> 16 & 0x7FFF;
if (iv1 != ivD)
var E = LCRNG.Next(D);
var ivE = E >> 16 & 0x7FFF;
if (iv2 == ivE) // BADE
pidiv = new PIDIV(Method_2_Unown, seed);
return true;
count = LCRNGReversalSkip.GetSeeds(seeds, top, bot); // reversed!
reg = seeds[..count];
foreach (var seed in reg)
// A and B are already used by PID
var C = LCRNG.Next3(seed);
// Method 3
var D = LCRNG.Next(C);
var ivD = D >> 16 & 0x7FFF;
if (iv1 != ivD)
var E = LCRNG.Next(D);
var ivE = E >> 16 & 0x7FFF;
if (iv2 != ivE)
pidiv = new PIDIV(Method_3_Unown, seed);
return true;
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
private static bool GetLCRNGRoamerMatch(Span<uint> seeds, uint top, uint bot, ReadOnlySpan<uint> IVs, out PIDIV pidiv)
if (IVs is not [_, <= 7, 0, 0, 0, 0])
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
var iv1 = GetIVChunk(IVs[..3]);
var count = LCRNGReversal.GetSeeds(seeds, bot, top);
var reg = seeds[..count];
foreach (var seed in reg)
// Only the first 8 bits are kept
var ivC = LCRNG.Next3(seed) >> 16 & 0x00FF;
if (iv1 != ivC)
pidiv = new PIDIV(Method_1_Roamer, seed);
return true;
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
private static bool GetXDRNGMatch(Span<uint> seeds, PKM pk, uint top, uint bot, ReadOnlySpan<uint> IVs, out PIDIV pidiv)
var count = XDRNG.GetSeeds(seeds, top, bot);
var xdc = seeds[..count];
foreach (var seed in xdc)
var B = XDRNG.Prev(seed);
var A = XDRNG.Prev(B);
var hi = A >> 16;
var lo = B >> 16;
if (IVsMatch(hi, lo, IVs))
pidiv = new PIDIV(CXD, XDRNG.Prev(A));
return true;
// check for anti-shiny against player TSV
var tsv = (uint)(pk.TID16 ^ pk.SID16) >> 3;
var psv = (top ^ bot) >> 3;
if (psv == tsv) // already shiny, wouldn't be anti-shiny
var p2 = seed;
var p1 = B;
psv = ((p2 ^ p1) >> 19);
if (psv != tsv) // prior PID must be shiny
B = XDRNG.Prev(A);
A = XDRNG.Prev(B);
hi = A >> 16;
lo = B >> 16;
if (IVsMatch(hi, lo, IVs))
pidiv = new PIDIV(CXDAnti, XDRNG.Prev(A));
return true;
p2 = XDRNG.Prev(p1);
p1 = XDRNG.Prev(p2);
psv = (p2 ^ p1) >> 19;
while (psv == tsv);
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
private static bool GetChannelMatch(Span<uint> seeds, uint top, uint bot, ReadOnlySpan<uint> IVs, out PIDIV pidiv, PKM pk)
var ver = pk.Version;
if (ver is not ((int)GameVersion.R or (int)GameVersion.S))
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
var undo = (top >> 16) ^ 0x8000;
if ((undo > 7 ? 0 : 1) != ((bot >> 16) ^ pk.SID16 ^ 40122))
top = (undo << 16);
var count = XDRNG.GetSeeds(seeds, top, bot);
var channel = seeds[..count];
foreach (var seed in channel)
var C = XDRNG.Next3(seed); // held item
// no checks, held item can be swapped
var D = XDRNG.Next(C); // Version
if ((D >> 31) + 1 != ver) // (0-Sapphire, 1-Ruby)
var E = XDRNG.Next(D); // OT Gender
if (E >> 31 != pk.OT_Gender)
if (!XDRNG.GetSequentialIVsUInt32(E, IVs))
if (seed >> 16 != pk.SID16)
pidiv = new PIDIV(Channel, XDRNG.Prev(seed));
return true;
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
private static bool GetMG4Match(Span<uint> seeds, uint pid, ReadOnlySpan<uint> IVs, out PIDIV pidiv)
uint mg4Rev = ARNG.Prev(pid);
var count = LCRNGReversal.GetSeeds(seeds, mg4Rev << 16, mg4Rev & 0xFFFF0000);
var mg4 = seeds[..count];
foreach (var seed in mg4)
var B = LCRNG.Next2(seed);
var C = LCRNG.Next(B);
var D = LCRNG.Next(C);
if (!IVsMatch(C >> 16, D >> 16, IVs))
pidiv = new PIDIV(G4MGAntiShiny, seed);
return true;
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
private static bool GetG5MGShinyMatch(PKM pk, uint pid, out PIDIV pidiv)
var low = pid & 0xFFFF;
// generation 5 shiny PIDs
if (low <= 0xFF)
var av = (pid >> 16) & 1;
var genPID = PIDGenerator.GetMG5ShinyPID(low, av, pk.TID16, pk.SID16);
if (genPID == pid)
pidiv = PIDIV.G5MGShiny;
return true;
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
internal static bool GetCuteCharmMatch(PKM pk, uint pid, out PIDIV pidiv)
if (pid > 0xFF)
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
(var species, int genderValue) = GetCuteCharmGenderSpecies(pk, pid, pk.Species);
static byte getRatio(ushort species)
return species <= Legal.MaxSpeciesID_4
? PersonalTable.HGSS[species].Gender
: PKX.Personal[species].Gender;
switch (genderValue)
case 2: break; // can't cute charm a genderless pk
case 0: // male
var gr = getRatio(species);
if (gr >= PersonalInfo.RatioMagicFemale) // no modification for PID
var rate = 25*((gr / 25) + 1); // buffered
var nature = pid % 25;
if (nature + rate != pid)
pidiv = PIDIV.CuteCharm;
return true;
case 1: // female
if (pid >= 25)
break; // nope, this isn't a valid nature
if (getRatio(species) >= PersonalInfo.RatioMagicFemale) // no modification for PID
pidiv = PIDIV.CuteCharm;
return true;
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
private static bool GetChainShinyMatch(Span<uint> seeds, PKM pk, uint pid, ReadOnlySpan<uint> IVs, out PIDIV pidiv)
// 13 shiny bits
// PIDH & 7
// PIDL & 7
// IVs
var bot = GetIVChunk(IVs[..3]) << 16;
var top = GetIVChunk(IVs[3..]) << 16;
var count = LCRNGReversal.GetSeedsIVs(seeds, bot, top);
var reg = seeds[..count];
foreach (var seed in reg)
// check the individual bits
var s = seed;
int i = 15;
var bit = s >> 16 & 1;
if (bit != (pid >> i & 1))
s = LCRNG.Prev(s);
while (--i != 2);
if (i != 2) // bit failed
// Shiny Bits of PID validated
var upper = s;
if ((upper >> 16 & 7) != (pid >> 16 & 7))
var lower = LCRNG.Prev(upper);
if ((lower >> 16 & 7) != (pid & 7))
var upid = (((pid & 0xFFFF) ^ pk.TID16 ^ pk.SID16) & 0xFFF8) | ((upper >> 16) & 0x7);
if (upid != pid >> 16)
s = LCRNG.Prev2(lower); // unroll one final time to get the origin seed
pidiv = new PIDIV(ChainShiny, s);
return true;
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
private static bool GetBACDMatch(Span<uint> seeds, PKM pk, uint pid, ReadOnlySpan<uint> IVs, out PIDIV pidiv)
var bot = GetIVChunk(IVs[..3]) << 16;
var top = GetIVChunk(IVs[3..]) << 16;
var count = LCRNGReversal.GetSeedsIVs(seeds, bot, top);
var reg = seeds[..count];
PIDType type = BACD_U;
foreach (var seed in reg)
var B = seed;
var A = LCRNG.Prev(B);
var low = B >> 16;
var PID = (A & 0xFFFF0000) | low;
if (PID != pid)
uint idxor = (uint)(pk.TID16 ^ pk.SID16);
bool isShiny = (idxor ^ PID >> 16 ^ (PID & 0xFFFF)) < 8;
if (!isShiny)
if (!pk.IsShiny) // check for nyx antishiny
if (!IsBACD_U_AX(idxor, pid, low, A, ref type))
else // check for force shiny pk
if (!IsBACD_U_S(idxor, pid, low, ref A, ref type))
else if (!IsBACD_U_AX(idxor, pid, low, A, ref type))
if ((PID + 8 & 0xFFFFFFF8) != pid)
type = BACD_U_A;
var s = LCRNG.Prev(A);
// Check for prior Restricted seed
var sn = s;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++, sn = LCRNG.Prev(sn))
if ((sn & 0xFFFF0000) != 0)
// shift from unrestricted enum val to restricted enum val
pidiv = new PIDIV(--type, sn);
return true;
// no restricted seed found, thus unrestricted
pidiv = new PIDIV(type, s);
return true;
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
private static bool GetPokewalkerMatch(PKM pk, uint oldpid, out PIDIV pidiv)
// check surface compatibility
// Bits 8-24 must all be zero or all be one.
const uint midMask = 0x00FFFF00;
var mid = oldpid & midMask;
if (mid is not (0 or midMask))
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
// Quirky Nature is not possible with the algorithm.
var nature = oldpid % 25;
if (nature == 24)
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
// No Pokewalker Pokémon evolves into a different gender-ratio species.
// Besides Azurill.
var gender = pk.Gender;
uint pid = PIDGenerator.GetPokeWalkerPID(pk.TID16, pk.SID16, nature, gender, pk.PersonalInfo.Gender);
if (pid != oldpid)
if (!(gender == 0 && IsAzurillEdgeCaseM(pk, nature, oldpid)))
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
pidiv = PIDIV.Pokewalker;
return true;
private static bool IsAzurillEdgeCaseM(PKM pk, uint nature, uint oldpid)
// check for Azurill evolution edge case... 75% F-M is now 50% F-M; was this a F->M bend?
ushort species = pk.Species;
if (species is not ((int)Species.Marill or (int)Species.Azumarill))
return false;
const byte AzurillGenderRatio = 0xBF;
var gender = EntityGender.GetFromPIDAndRatio(pk.EncryptionConstant, AzurillGenderRatio);
if (gender != 1)
return false;
var pid = PIDGenerator.GetPokeWalkerPID(pk.TID16, pk.SID16, nature, 1, AzurillGenderRatio);
return pid == oldpid;
private static bool GetColoStarterMatch(Span<uint> seeds, PKM pk, uint top, uint bot, ReadOnlySpan<uint> IVs, out PIDIV pidiv)
bool starter = pk.Version == (int)GameVersion.CXD && pk.Species switch
(int)Species.Espeon when pk.Met_Level >= 25 => true,
(int)Species.Umbreon when pk.Met_Level >= 26 => true,
_ => false,
if (!starter)
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
var iv1 = GetIVChunk(IVs[..3]);
var iv2 = GetIVChunk(IVs[3..]);
var count = XDRNG.GetSeeds(seeds, top, bot);
var xdc = seeds[..count];
foreach (var seed in xdc)
uint origin = seed;
if (!LockFinder.IsColoStarterValid(pk.Species, ref origin, pk.TID16, pk.SID16, pk.PID, iv1, iv2))
pidiv = new PIDIV(CXD_ColoStarter, origin);
return true;
return GetNonMatch(out pidiv);
/// <summary>
/// Returns false and no <see cref="PIDIV"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pidiv">Null</param>
/// <returns>False</returns>
private static bool GetNonMatch(out PIDIV pidiv)
pidiv = PIDIV.None;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the PID is a <see cref="PIDType.BACD_U_S"></see> match.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="idxor"><see cref="PKM.TID16"/> ^ <see cref="PKM.SID16"/></param>
/// <param name="pid">Full actual PID</param>
/// <param name="low">Low portion of PID (B)</param>
/// <param name="A">First RNG call</param>
/// <param name="type">PID Type is updated if successful</param>
/// <returns>True/False if the PID matches</returns>
/// <remarks>First RNG call is unrolled once if the PID is valid with this correlation</remarks>
private static bool IsBACD_U_S(uint idxor, uint pid, uint low, ref uint A, ref PIDType type)
// 0-Origin
// 1-PIDH
// 2-PIDL (ends up unused)
// PID = PIDH << 16 | (SID16 ^ TID16 ^ PIDH)
var X = LCRNG.Prev(A); // unroll once as there's 3 calls instead of 2
uint PID = (X & 0xFFFF0000) | (idxor ^ X >> 16);
PID |= low & 0x7; // lowest 3 bits
if (PID != pid)
return false;
A = X; // keep the unrolled seed
type = BACD_U_S;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the PID is a <see cref="PIDType.BACD_U_AX"></see> match.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="idxor"><see cref="PKM.TID16"/> ^ <see cref="PKM.SID16"/></param>
/// <param name="pid">Full actual PID</param>
/// <param name="low">Low portion of PID (B)</param>
/// <param name="A">First RNG call</param>
/// <param name="type">PID Type is updated if successful</param>
/// <returns>True/False if the PID matches</returns>
private static bool IsBACD_U_AX(uint idxor, uint pid, uint low, uint A, ref PIDType type)
if ((pid & 0xFFFF) != low)
return false;
// 0-Origin
// 1-ushort rnd, do until >8
// 2-PIDL
uint rnd = A >> 16;
if (rnd < 8)
return false;
uint PID = ((rnd ^ idxor ^ low) << 16) | low;
if (PID != pid)
return false;
type = BACD_U_AX;
return true;
private static PIDIV AnalyzeGB(PKM _)
// not implemented; correlation between IVs and RNG hasn't been converted to code.
return PIDIV.None;
/// <summary>
/// Generates IVs from 2 RNG calls using 15 bits of each to generate 6 IVs (5bits each).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="r1">First rand frame</param>
/// <param name="r2">Second rand frame</param>
/// <param name="IVs">IVs that should be the result</param>
/// <returns>IVs match random number IVs</returns>
private static bool IVsMatch(uint r1, uint r2, ReadOnlySpan<uint> IVs)
if (IVs[0] != (r1 & 31))
return false;
if (IVs[1] != (r1 >> 5 & 31))
return false;
if (IVs[2] != (r1 >> 10 & 31))
return false;
if (IVs[3] != (r2 & 31))
return false;
if (IVs[4] != (r2 >> 5 & 31))
return false;
if (IVs[5] != (r2 >> 10 & 31))
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Generates IVs from 2 RNG calls using 15 bits of each to generate 6 IVs (5bits each).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result">Result storage</param>
/// <param name="r1">First rand frame</param>
/// <param name="r2">Second rand frame</param>
/// <returns>Array of 6 IVs</returns>
internal static void GetIVsInt32(Span<int> result, uint r1, uint r2)
result[5] = (int)r2 >> 10 & 31;
result[4] = (int)r2 >> 5 & 31;
result[3] = (int)r2 & 31;
result[2] = (int)r1 >> 10 & 31;
result[1] = (int)r1 >> 5 & 31;
result[0] = (int)r1 & 31;
private static uint GetIVChunk(ReadOnlySpan<uint> arr)
uint result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
result |= arr[i] << (5*i);
return result;
public static bool IsPokeSpotActivation(int slot, uint seed, out uint s)
s = seed;
var esv = (seed >> 16) % 100;
if (!IsPokeSpotSlotValid(slot, esv))
// todo
// check for valid activation
s = XDRNG.Prev(seed);
if ((s >> 16) % 3 != 0)
if ((s >> 16) % 100 < 10) // can't fail a munchlax/bonsly encounter check
// todo
s = XDRNG.Prev(s);
if ((s >> 16) % 3 != 0) // can't activate even if generous
// todo
return true;
private static bool IsPokeSpotSlotValid(int slot, uint esv) => slot switch
0 => esv < 50 , // [0,50)
1 => esv - 50 < 35, // [50,85)
2 => esv >= 85, // [85,100)
_ => false,
internal static bool IsCuteCharm4Valid(ISpeciesForm enc, PKM pk)
if (pk.Gender is not (0 or 1))
return false;
if (pk.Species is not ((int)Species.Marill or (int)Species.Azumarill))
return true;
if (!IsCuteCharmAzurillMale(pk.PID)) // recognized as not Azurill
return true;
return enc.Species == (int)Species.Azurill; // encounter must be male Azurill
private static bool IsCuteCharmAzurillMale(uint pid) => pid is >= 0xC8 and <= 0xE0;
/// <summary>
/// There are some edge cases when the gender ratio changes across evolutions.
/// </summary>
private static (ushort Species, int Gender) GetCuteCharmGenderSpecies(PKM pk, uint pid, ushort currentSpecies) => currentSpecies switch
// Nincada evo chain travels from M/F -> Genderless Shedinja
(int)Species.Shedinja => ((int)Species.Nincada, EntityGender.GetFromPID((int)Species.Nincada, pid)),
// These evolved species cannot be encountered with cute charm.
// 100% fixed gender does not modify PID; override this with the encounter species for correct calculation.
// We can assume the re-mapped species's [gender ratio] is what was encountered.
(int)Species.Wormadam => ((int)Species.Burmy, 1),
(int)Species.Mothim => ((int)Species.Burmy, 0),
(int)Species.Vespiquen => ((int)Species.Combee, 1),
(int)Species.Gallade => ((int)Species.Kirlia, 0),
(int)Species.Froslass => ((int)Species.Snorunt, 1),
// Azurill & Marill/Azumarill collision
// Changed gender ratio (25% M -> 50% M) needs special treatment.
// Double check the encounter species with IsCuteCharm4Valid afterwards.
(int)Species.Marill or (int)Species.Azumarill when IsCuteCharmAzurillMale(pid) => ((int)Species.Azurill, 0),
// Future evolutions
(int)Species.Sylveon => ((int)Species.Eevee, pk.Gender),
(int)Species.MrRime => ((int)Species.MimeJr, pk.Gender),
(int)Species.Kleavor => ((int)Species.Scyther, pk.Gender),
_ => (currentSpecies, pk.Gender),
public static PIDIV GetPokeSpotSeedFirst(PKM pk, byte slot)
// Activate (rand % 3)
// Munchlax / Bonsly (10%/30%)
// Encounter Slot Value (ESV) = 50%/35%/15% rarity (0-49, 50-84, 85-99)
Span<uint> seeds = stackalloc uint[XDRNG.MaxCountSeedsPID];
int count = XDRNG.GetSeeds(seeds, pk.EncryptionConstant);
var reg = seeds[..count];
foreach (var seed in reg)
// check for valid encounter slot info
if (IsPokeSpotActivation(slot, seed, out uint s))
return new PIDIV(PokeSpot, s);
return default;