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synced 2025-01-11 12:08:57 +00:00
We implement simple state machine iterators to iterate through every split type encounter array, and more finely control the path we iterate through. And, by using generics, we can have the compiler generate optimized code to avoid virtual calls. In addition to this, we shift away from the big-5 encounter types and not inherit from an abstract class. This allows for creating a PK* of a specific type and directly writing properties (no virtual calls). Plus we can now fine-tune each encounter type to call specific code, and not have to worry about future game encounter types bothering the generation routines.
510 lines
17 KiB
510 lines
17 KiB
using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.Core.Searching;
using PKHeX.WinForms.Controls;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite;
using PKHeX.WinForms.Properties;
using static PKHeX.Core.MessageStrings;
namespace PKHeX.WinForms;
public partial class SAV_Encounters : Form
private readonly PKMEditor PKME_Tabs;
private SaveFile SAV => PKME_Tabs.RequestSaveFile;
private readonly SummaryPreviewer ShowSet = new();
private readonly TrainerDatabase Trainers;
private readonly CancellationTokenSource TokenSource = new();
private readonly EntityInstructionBuilder UC_Builder;
public SAV_Encounters(PKMEditor f1, TrainerDatabase db)
WinFormsUtil.TranslateInterface(this, Main.CurrentLanguage);
UC_Builder = new EntityInstructionBuilder(() => f1.PreparePKM())
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right,
Width = Tab_Advanced.Width,
Dock = DockStyle.Top,
ReadOnly = true,
PKME_Tabs = f1;
Trainers = db;
var grid = EncounterPokeGrid;
var smallWidth = grid.Width;
var smallHeight = grid.Height;
grid.InitializeGrid(6, 11, SpriteUtil.Spriter);
var newWidth = grid.Width;
var newHeight = grid.Height;
var wdelta = newWidth - smallWidth;
if (wdelta != 0)
Width += wdelta;
var hdelta = newHeight - smallHeight;
if (hdelta != 0)
Height += hdelta;
PKXBOXES = grid.Entries.ToArray();
// Enable Scrolling when hovered over
foreach (var slot in PKXBOXES)
// Enable Click
slot.MouseClick += (sender, e) =>
if (sender == null)
if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control)
ClickView(sender, e);
slot.Enter += (sender, e) =>
if (sender is not PictureBox pb)
var index = Array.IndexOf(PKXBOXES, sender);
if (index < 0)
index += (SCR_Box.Value * RES_MIN);
if (index >= Results.Count)
var enc = Results[index];
pb.AccessibleDescription = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, enc.GetTextLines());
slot.ContextMenuStrip = mnu;
if (Main.Settings.Hover.HoverSlotShowText)
slot.MouseEnter += (o, args) => ShowHoverTextForSlot(slot, args);
Counter = L_Count.Text;
L_Viewed.Text = string.Empty; // invis for now
L_Viewed.MouseEnter += (sender, e) => hover.SetToolTip(L_Viewed, L_Viewed.Text);
WinFormsUtil.TranslateInterface(this, Main.CurrentLanguage);
// Load Data
L_Count.Text = "Ready...";
private void GetTypeFilters()
var types = (EncounterTypeGroup[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(EncounterTypeGroup));
var checks = types.Select(z => new CheckBox
Name = z.ToString(),
Text = z.ToString(),
AutoSize = true,
Checked = true,
Padding = Padding.Empty,
Margin = Padding.Empty,
foreach (var chk in checks)
TypeFilters.SetFlowBreak(chk, true);
private EncounterTypeGroup[] GetTypes()
return TypeFilters.Controls.OfType<CheckBox>().Where(z => z.Checked).Select(z => z.Name)
.Select(z => (EncounterTypeGroup)Enum.Parse(typeof(EncounterTypeGroup), z)).ToArray();
private readonly PictureBox[] PKXBOXES;
private List<IEncounterInfo> Results = new();
private int slotSelected = -1; // = null;
private Image? slotColor;
private const int RES_MAX = 66;
private const int RES_MIN = 6;
private readonly string Counter;
private bool GetShiftedIndex(ref int index)
if (index >= RES_MAX)
return false;
index += SCR_Box.Value * RES_MIN;
return index < Results.Count;
// Important Events
private void ClickView(object sender, EventArgs e)
var pb = WinFormsUtil.GetUnderlyingControl<PictureBox>(sender);
int index = Array.IndexOf(PKXBOXES, pb);
if (index >= RES_MAX)
index += SCR_Box.Value * RES_MIN;
if (index >= Results.Count)
var enc = Results[index];
var criteria = GetCriteria(enc, Main.Settings.EncounterDb);
var trainer = Trainers.GetTrainer(enc.Version, enc.Generation <= 2 ? (LanguageID)SAV.Language : null) ?? SAV;
var pk = enc.ConvertToPKM(trainer, criteria);
PKME_Tabs.PopulateFields(pk, false);
slotSelected = index;
slotColor = SpriteUtil.Spriter.View;
private EncounterCriteria GetCriteria(ISpeciesForm enc, EncounterDatabaseSettings settings)
if (!settings.UseTabsAsCriteria)
return EncounterCriteria.Unrestricted;
var editor = PKME_Tabs.Data;
var tree = EvolutionTree.GetEvolutionTree(editor.Context);
bool isInChain = tree.IsSpeciesDerivedFrom(editor.Species, editor.Form, enc.Species, enc.Form);
if (!settings.UseTabsAsCriteriaAnySpecies)
if (!isInChain)
return EncounterCriteria.Unrestricted;
var set = new ShowdownSet(editor);
var criteria = EncounterCriteria.GetCriteria(set, editor.PersonalInfo);
if (!isInChain)
criteria = criteria with { Gender = -1 }; // Genderless tabs and a gendered enc -> let's play safe.
return criteria;
private void PopulateComboBoxes()
// Set the Text
var Any = new ComboItem(MsgAny, 0);
var DS_Species = new List<ComboItem>(GameInfo.SpeciesDataSource);
DS_Species.RemoveAt(0); DS_Species.Insert(0, Any); CB_Species.DataSource = DS_Species;
// Set the Move ComboBoxes too..
var DS_Move = new List<ComboItem>(GameInfo.MoveDataSource);
DS_Move.RemoveAt(0); DS_Move.Insert(0, Any);
foreach (ComboBox cb in new[] { CB_Move1, CB_Move2, CB_Move3, CB_Move4 })
cb.DataSource = new BindingSource(DS_Move, null);
var DS_Version = new List<ComboItem>(GameInfo.VersionDataSource);
DS_Version.Insert(0, Any);
DS_Version.RemoveAt(DS_Version.Count - 1);
CB_GameOrigin.DataSource = DS_Version;
// Trigger a Reset
ResetFilters(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void ResetFilters(object sender, EventArgs e)
CB_Species.SelectedIndex = 0;
CB_Move1.SelectedIndex = CB_Move2.SelectedIndex = CB_Move3.SelectedIndex = CB_Move4.SelectedIndex = 0;
CB_GameOrigin.SelectedIndex = 0;
if (sender == this)
return; // still starting up
foreach (var chk in TypeFilters.Controls.OfType<CheckBox>())
chk.Checked = true;
// View Updates
private IEnumerable<IEncounterInfo> SearchDatabase(CancellationToken token)
var settings = GetSearchSettings();
// If nothing is specified, instead of just returning all possible encounters, just return nothing.
if (settings is { Species: 0, Moves.Count: 0 } && Main.Settings.EncounterDb.ReturnNoneIfEmptySearch)
return Array.Empty<IEncounterInfo>();
var pk = SAV.BlankPKM;
var moves = settings.Moves.ToArray();
var versions = settings.GetVersions(SAV);
var species = settings.Species == 0 ? GetFullRange(SAV.MaxSpeciesID) : new[] { settings.Species };
var results = GetAllSpeciesFormEncounters(species, SAV.Personal, versions, moves, pk, token);
if (settings.SearchEgg != null)
results = results.Where(z => z.EggEncounter == settings.SearchEgg);
if (settings.SearchShiny != null)
results = results.Where(z => z.IsShiny == settings.SearchShiny);
// return filtered results
var comparer = new ReferenceComparer<IEncounterInfo>();
results = results.Distinct(comparer); // only distinct objects
static Func<IEncounterInfo, bool> IsPresent<TTable>(TTable pt) where TTable : IPersonalTable => z =>
if (pt.IsPresentInGame(z.Species, z.Form))
return true;
return z is IEncounterFormRandom { IsRandomUnspecificForm: true } && pt.IsSpeciesInGame(z.Species);
if (Main.Settings.EncounterDb.FilterUnavailableSpecies)
results = SAV switch
SAV9SV s9 => results.Where(IsPresent(s9.Personal)),
SAV8SWSH s8 => results.Where(IsPresent(s8.Personal)),
SAV8BS b8 => results.Where(IsPresent(b8.Personal)),
SAV8LA a8 => results.Where(IsPresent(a8.Personal)),
_ => results.Where(z => z.Generation <= 7),
if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
return results;
ReadOnlySpan<char> batchText = RTB_Instructions.Text;
if (batchText.Length > 0 && !StringInstructionSet.HasEmptyLine(batchText))
var filters = StringInstruction.GetFilters(batchText);
results = results.Where(enc => BatchEditing.IsFilterMatch(filters, enc)); // Compare across all filters
return results;
private static IEnumerable<ushort> GetFullRange(int max)
for (ushort i = 1; i <= max; i++)
yield return i;
private IEnumerable<IEncounterInfo> GetAllSpeciesFormEncounters(IEnumerable<ushort> species, IPersonalTable pt, IReadOnlyList<GameVersion> versions, ushort[] moves, PKM pk, CancellationToken token)
foreach (var s in species)
if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
var pi = pt.GetFormEntry(s, 0);
var fc = pi.FormCount;
if (fc == 0 && !Main.Settings.EncounterDb.FilterUnavailableSpecies) // not present in game
// try again using past-gen table
pi = PersonalTable.USUM.GetFormEntry(s, 0);
fc = pi.FormCount;
for (byte f = 0; f < fc; f++)
if (FormInfo.IsBattleOnlyForm(s, f, pk.Format))
var encs = GetEncounters(s, f, moves, pk, versions);
foreach (var enc in encs)
yield return enc;
private sealed class ReferenceComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<T> where T : class
public bool Equals(T? x, T? y)
if (x == null)
return false;
if (y == null)
return false;
return RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(x).Equals(RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(y));
public int GetHashCode(T obj) => RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(obj);
private IEnumerable<IEncounterInfo> GetEncounters(ushort species, byte form, ushort[] moves, PKM pk, IReadOnlyList<GameVersion> vers)
pk.Species = species;
pk.Form = form;
EncounterMovesetGenerator.OptimizeCriteria(pk, SAV);
return EncounterMovesetGenerator.GenerateEncounters(pk, moves, vers);
private SearchSettings GetSearchSettings()
var settings = new SearchSettings
Format = SAV.Generation, // 0->(n-1) => 1->n
Generation = SAV.Generation,
Species = GetU16(CB_Species),
BatchInstructions = RTB_Instructions.Text,
Version = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_GameOrigin),
static ushort GetU16(ListControl cb)
var val = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(cb);
if (val <= 0)
return 0;
return (ushort)val;
if (CHK_IsEgg.CheckState != CheckState.Indeterminate)
settings.SearchEgg = CHK_IsEgg.CheckState == CheckState.Checked;
if (CHK_Shiny.CheckState != CheckState.Indeterminate)
settings.SearchShiny = CHK_Shiny.CheckState == CheckState.Checked;
return settings;
private async void B_Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
B_Search.Enabled = false;
EncounterMovesetGenerator.PriorityList = GetTypes();
var token = TokenSource.Token;
var search = SearchDatabase(token);
if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
var results = await Task.Run(() => search.ToList(), token).ConfigureAwait(true);
if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
if (results.Count == 0)
SetResults(results); // updates Count Label as well.
B_Search.Enabled = true;
private void UpdateScroll(object sender, ScrollEventArgs e)
if (e.OldValue != e.NewValue)
private void SetResults(List<IEncounterInfo> res)
Results = res;
SCR_Box.Maximum = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)Results.Count / RES_MIN);
if (SCR_Box.Maximum > 0) SCR_Box.Maximum--;
slotSelected = -1; // reset the slot last viewed
SCR_Box.Value = 0;
L_Count.Text = string.Format(Counter, Results.Count);
B_Search.Enabled = true;
private void FillPKXBoxes(int start)
var boxes = PKXBOXES;
if (Results.Count == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < RES_MAX; i++)
boxes[i].Image = null;
boxes[i].BackgroundImage = null;
// Load new sprites
int begin = start * RES_MIN;
int end = Math.Min(RES_MAX, Results.Count - begin);
for (int i = 0; i < end; i++)
var pb = boxes[i];
var enc = Results[i + begin];
pb.Image = enc.Sprite();
// Clear empty slots
for (int i = end; i < RES_MAX; i++)
boxes[i].Image = null;
// Reset backgrounds for all
for (int i = 0; i < RES_MAX; i++)
boxes[i].BackgroundImage = SpriteUtil.Spriter.Transparent;
// Reload last viewed index's background if still within view
if (slotSelected != -1 && slotSelected >= begin && slotSelected < begin + RES_MAX)
boxes[slotSelected - begin].BackgroundImage = slotColor ?? SpriteUtil.Spriter.View;
private void Menu_Exit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => Close();
protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e)
if (!EncounterPokeGrid.RectangleToScreen(EncounterPokeGrid.ClientRectangle).Contains(MousePosition))
int oldval = SCR_Box.Value;
int newval = oldval + (e.Delta < 0 ? 1 : -1);
if (newval >= SCR_Box.Minimum && SCR_Box.Maximum >= newval)
FillPKXBoxes(SCR_Box.Value = newval);
private void ShowHoverTextForSlot(object sender, EventArgs e)
var pb = (PictureBox)sender;
int index = Array.IndexOf(PKXBOXES, pb);
if (!GetShiftedIndex(ref index))
ShowSet.Show(pb, Results[index]);
private void SAV_Encounters_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) => TokenSource.Cancel();
private void B_Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var s = UC_Builder.Create();
if (s.Length == 0)
{ WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgBEPropertyInvalid); return; }
// If we already have text, add a new line (except if the last line is blank).
var tb = RTB_Instructions;
var batchText = tb.Text;
if (batchText.Length > 0 && !batchText.EndsWith('\n'))