mirror of
synced 2024-11-10 22:54:14 +00:00
Add xmldoc Simplify some casts Demote priority of Gen2 event yielding Remove old EncounterMatchUtil code Repoint DateTime.Now to console specific date provider stubs
372 lines
16 KiB
372 lines
16 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Generation 8 <see cref="SaveFile"/> object for <see cref="GameVersion.BDSP"/> games.
/// </summary>
public sealed class SAV8BS : SaveFile, ISaveFileRevision, ITrainerStatRecord, IEventFlagArray, IEventWorkArray<int>
// Save Data Attributes
protected internal override string ShortSummary => $"{OT} ({Version}) - {System.LastSavedTime}";
public override string Extension => string.Empty;
public override IReadOnlyList<string> PKMExtensions => Array.FindAll(PKM.Extensions, f =>
int gen = f[^1] - 0x30;
return gen <= 8;
public SAV8BS(byte[] data, bool exportable = true) : base(data, exportable)
FlagWork = new FlagWork8b(this, 0x00004);
Items = new MyItem8b(this, 0x0563C);
Underground = new UndergroundItemList8b(this, 0x111BC);
SelectBoundItems = new SaveItemShortcut8b(this, 0x14090); // size: 0x8
PartyInfo = new Party8b(this, 0x14098);
BoxLayout = new BoxLayout8b(this, 0x148AA); // size: 0x64A
// 0x14EF4 - Box[40]
Config = new ConfigSave8b(this, 0x79B74); // size: 0x40
MyStatus = new MyStatus8b(this, 0x79BB4); // size: 0x50
Played = new PlayTime8b(this, 0x79C04); // size: 0x04
Contest = new Contest8b(this, 0x79C08); // size: 0x720
Zukan = new Zukan8b(this, 0x7A328); // size: 0x30B8
BattleTrainer = new BattleTrainerStatus8b(this, 0x7D3E0); // size: 0x1618
MenuSelection = new MenuSelect8b(this, 0x7E9F8); // size: 0x44
FieldObjects = new FieldObjectSave8b(this, 0x7EA3C); // size: 0x109A0 (1000 * 0x44)
Records = new Record8b(this, 0x8F3DC); // size: 0x78 * 12
Encounter = new EncounterSave8b(this, 0x8F97C); // size: 0x188
Player = new PlayerData8b(this, 0x8FB04); // 0x80
SealDeco = new SealBallDecoData8b(this, 0x8FB84); // size: 0x4288
SealList = new SealList8b(this, 0x93E0C); // size: 0x960 SaveSealData[200]
Random = new RandomGroup8b(this, 0x9476C); // size: 0x630
FieldGimmick = new FieldGimmickSave8b(this, 0x94D9C); // FieldGimmickSaveData; int[3] gearRotate
BerryTrees = new BerryTreeGrowSave8b(this, 0x94DA8); // size: 0x808
Poffins = new PoffinSaveData8b(this, 0x955B0); // size: 0x644
BattleTower = new BattleTowerWork8b(this, 0x95BF4); // size: 0x1B8
System = new SystemData8b(this, 0x95DAC); // size: 0x138
Poketch = new Poketch8b(this, 0x95EE4); // todo
Daycare = new Daycare8b(this, 0x96080); // 0x2C0
// BadgeSaveData; byte[8]
// BoukenNote; byte[24]
// TV_DATA (int[48], TV_STR_DATA[42]), (int[37], bool[37])*2, (int[8], int[8]), TV_STR_DATA[10]; 144 128bit zeroed (900 bytes?)?
UgSaveData = new UgSaveData8b(this, 0x9A89C); // size: 0x27A0
// 0x9D03C - GMS_DATA // size: 0x31304, (GMS_POINT_DATA[650], ushort, ushort, byte)?; substructure GMS_POINT_HISTORY_DATA[5]
// 0xCE340 - PLAYER_NETWORK_DATA; bcatFlagArray byte[1300]
UnionSave = new UnionSaveData8b(this, 0xCEA10); // size: 0xC
ContestPhotoLanguage = new ContestPhotoLanguage8b(this, 0xCEA1C); // size: 0x18
ZukanExtra = new ZukanSpinda8b(this, 0xCEA34); // size: 0x64 (100)
UgCount = new UgCountRecord8b(this, 0xE8178); // size: 0x20
// 0xE8198 - ReBuffnameData; RE_DENDOU_RECORD[30], RE_DENDOU_POKEMON_DATA_INSIDE[6] (0x20) = 0x1680
// 0xE9818 -- 0x10 byte[] MD5 hash of all savedata;
// v1.1 additions
RecordAdd = new RecordAddData8b(this, 0xE9828); // size: 0x3C0
MysteryRecords = new MysteryBlock8b(this, 0xE9BE8); // size: ???
// POKETCH_POKETORE_COUNT_ARRAY -- (u16 species, u16 unused, i32 count, i32 reserved, i32 reserved)[3] = 0x10bytes
// PLAYREPORT_DATA -- reporting player progress online? 248 bytes?
// MT_DATA mtData; -- 0x400 bytes
// DENDOU_SAVE_ADD -- language tracking of members (hall of fame?); ADD_POKE_MEMBER[30], ADD_POKE[6]
// v1.2 additions
// ReBuffnameData reBuffNameDat -- RE_DENDOU_RECORD[], RE_DENDOU_RECORD is an RE_DENDOU_POKEMON_DATA_INSIDE[] with nicknames
// PLAYREPORT_DATA playReportData sizeof(0xF8)
// PLAYREPORT_DATA playReportDataRef sizeof(0xF8)
public SAV8BS() : this(new byte[SaveUtil.SIZE_G8BDSP_3], false) => SaveRevision = (int)Gem8Version.V1_3;
private void Initialize()
Box = 0x14EF4;
Party = PartyInfo.Offset;
PokeDex = Zukan.PokeDex;
DaycareOffset = Daycare.Offset;
TeamSlots = BoxLayout.TeamSlots;
// Configuration
protected override int SIZE_STORED => PokeCrypto.SIZE_8STORED;
protected override int SIZE_PARTY => PokeCrypto.SIZE_8PARTY;
public override int SIZE_BOXSLOT => PokeCrypto.SIZE_8PARTY;
public override PB8 BlankPKM => new();
public override Type PKMType => typeof(PB8);
public override int BoxCount => BoxLayout8b.BoxCount;
public override int MaxEV => 252;
public override int Generation => 8;
public override EntityContext Context => EntityContext.Gen8b;
public override PersonalTable8BDSP Personal => PersonalTable.BDSP;
public override int MaxStringLengthOT => 12;
public override int MaxStringLengthNickname => 12;
public override ushort MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_8b;
public override ushort MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_8b;
public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_8b;
public override int MaxBallID => Legal.MaxBallID_8b;
public override int MaxGameID => Legal.MaxGameID_HOME;
public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_8b;
public bool HasFirstSaveFileExpansion => (Gem8Version)SaveRevision >= Gem8Version.V1_1;
public bool HasSecondSaveFileExpansion => (Gem8Version)SaveRevision >= Gem8Version.V1_2;
public int SaveRevision
get => ReadInt32LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0));
init => WriteInt32LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0), value);
public string SaveRevisionString => ((Gem8Version)SaveRevision).GetSuffixString();
public override ReadOnlySpan<ushort> HeldItems => Legal.HeldItems_BS;
protected override SAV8BS CloneInternal() => new((byte[])(Data.Clone()));
protected override byte[] GetFinalData()
return base.GetFinalData();
private void ReloadBattleTeams()
if (!State.Exportable)
else // Valid slot locking info present
public override StorageSlotSource GetSlotFlags(int index)
int team = Array.IndexOf(TeamSlots, index);
if (team < 0)
return StorageSlotSource.None;
team /= 6;
var result = (StorageSlotSource)((int)StorageSlotSource.BattleTeam1 << team);
if (BoxLayout.GetIsTeamLocked(team))
result |= StorageSlotSource.Locked;
return result;
#region Checksums
private const int HashLength = 0x10;
private const int HashOffset = SaveUtil.SIZE_G8BDSP - HashLength;
private Span<byte> CurrentHash => Data.AsSpan(HashOffset, HashLength);
private static void ComputeHash(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, Span<byte> dest)
using var h = IncrementalHash.CreateHash(HashAlgorithmName.MD5);
Span<byte> zeroes = stackalloc byte[HashLength]; // Hash is zeroed prior to computing over the payload. Treat it as zero.
h.AppendData(data[(HashOffset + HashLength)..]);
h.TryGetCurrentHash(dest, out _);
protected override void SetChecksums() => ComputeHash(Data, CurrentHash);
public override bool ChecksumsValid => GetIsHashValid(Data, CurrentHash);
public override string ChecksumInfo => !ChecksumsValid ? "MD5 Hash Invalid" : string.Empty;
public static bool GetIsHashValid(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, ReadOnlySpan<byte> currentHash)
Span<byte> computed = stackalloc byte[HashLength];
ComputeHash(data, computed);
return computed.SequenceEqual(currentHash);
protected override PB8 GetPKM(byte[] data) => new(data);
protected override byte[] DecryptPKM(byte[] data) => PokeCrypto.DecryptArray8(data);
#region Blocks
// public Box8 BoxInfo { get; }
public FlagWork8b FlagWork { get; }
public MyItem8b Items { get; }
public UndergroundItemList8b Underground { get; }
public SaveItemShortcut8b SelectBoundItems { get; }
public Party8b PartyInfo { get; }
// public MyItem Items { get; }
public BoxLayout8b BoxLayout { get; }
public ConfigSave8b Config { get; }
public MyStatus8b MyStatus { get; }
public PlayTime8b Played { get; }
public Contest8b Contest { get; }
// public Misc8 Misc { get; }
public Zukan8b Zukan { get; }
public BattleTrainerStatus8b BattleTrainer { get; }
public MenuSelect8b MenuSelection { get; }
public FieldObjectSave8b FieldObjects { get; }
public Record8b Records { get; }
public EncounterSave8b Encounter { get; }
public PlayerData8b Player { get; }
public SealBallDecoData8b SealDeco { get; }
public SealList8b SealList { get; }
public RandomGroup8b Random { get; }
public FieldGimmickSave8b FieldGimmick { get; }
public BerryTreeGrowSave8b BerryTrees { get; }
public PoffinSaveData8b Poffins { get; }
public BattleTowerWork8b BattleTower { get; }
public SystemData8b System { get; }
public Poketch8b Poketch { get; }
public Daycare8b Daycare { get; }
public UgSaveData8b UgSaveData { get; }
public UnionSaveData8b UnionSave { get; }
public ContestPhotoLanguage8b ContestPhotoLanguage { get; }
public ZukanSpinda8b ZukanExtra { get; }
public UgCountRecord8b UgCount { get; }
// First Savedata Expansion!
public RecordAddData8b RecordAdd { get; }
public MysteryBlock8b MysteryRecords { get; }
public override GameVersion Version => Game switch
(int)GameVersion.BD => GameVersion.BD,
(int)GameVersion.SP => GameVersion.SP,
_ => GameVersion.Invalid,
public override string GetString(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data) => StringConverter8.GetString(data);
public override int SetString(Span<byte> destBuffer, ReadOnlySpan<char> value, int maxLength, StringConverterOption option)
return StringConverter8.SetString(destBuffer, value, maxLength, option);
public int EventFlagCount => FlagWork8b.COUNT_FLAG;
public bool GetEventFlag(int flagNumber) => FlagWork.GetFlag(flagNumber);
public void SetEventFlag(int flagNumber, bool value) => FlagWork.SetFlag(flagNumber, value);
// Player Information
public override uint ID32 { get => MyStatus.ID32; set => MyStatus.ID32 = value; }
public override ushort TID16 { get => MyStatus.TID16; set => MyStatus.TID16 = value; }
public override ushort SID16 { get => MyStatus.SID16; set => MyStatus.SID16 = value; }
public override int Game { get => MyStatus.Game; set => MyStatus.Game = value; }
public override int Gender { get => MyStatus.Male ? 0 : 1; set => MyStatus.Male = value == 0; }
public override int Language { get => Config.Language; set => Config.Language = value; }
public override string OT { get => MyStatus.OT; set => MyStatus.OT = value; }
public override uint Money { get => MyStatus.Money; set => MyStatus.Money = value; }
public override int PlayedHours { get => Played.PlayedHours; set => Played.PlayedHours = (ushort)value; }
public override int PlayedMinutes { get => Played.PlayedMinutes; set => Played.PlayedMinutes = (byte)value; }
public override int PlayedSeconds { get => Played.PlayedSeconds; set => Played.PlayedSeconds = (byte)value; }
// Inventory
public override IReadOnlyList<InventoryPouch> Inventory { get => Items.Inventory; set => Items.Inventory = value; }
// Storage
public override int GetPartyOffset(int slot) => Party + (SIZE_PARTY * slot);
public override int GetBoxOffset(int box) => Box + (SIZE_PARTY * box * 30);
protected override int GetBoxWallpaperOffset(int box) => BoxLayout.GetBoxWallpaperOffset(box);
public override int GetBoxWallpaper(int box) => BoxLayout.GetBoxWallpaper(box);
public override void SetBoxWallpaper(int box, int value) => BoxLayout.SetBoxWallpaper(box, value);
public override string GetBoxName(int box) => BoxLayout[box];
public override void SetBoxName(int box, ReadOnlySpan<char> value) => BoxLayout.SetBoxName(box, value);
public override byte[] GetDataForBox(PKM pk) => pk.EncryptedPartyData;
public override int CurrentBox { get => BoxLayout.CurrentBox; set => BoxLayout.CurrentBox = (byte)value; }
public override int BoxesUnlocked { get => BoxLayout.BoxesUnlocked; set => BoxLayout.BoxesUnlocked = (byte)value; }
public string Rival
get => GetString(Data.AsSpan(0x55F4, 0x1A));
set => SetString(Data.AsSpan(0x55F4, 0x1A), value, MaxStringLengthOT, StringConverterOption.ClearZero);
public short ZoneID // map
get => ReadInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x5634));
set => WriteInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x5634), value);
public float TimeScale // default 1440.0f
get => ReadSingleLittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x5638));
set => WriteSingleLittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x5638), value);
public uint UnionRoomPenaltyTime // move this into the UnionSaveData block once reversed.
get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0xCEA14));
set => WriteSingleLittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0xCEA14), value);
protected override void SetPKM(PKM pk, bool isParty = false)
var pb8 = (PB8)pk;
// Apply to this Save File
var now = EncounterDate.GetDateSwitch();
pb8.Trade(this, now.Day, now.Month, now.Year);
private void AddCountAcquired(PKM pk)
// There aren't many records, and they only track Capture/Fish/Hatch/Defeat.
Records.AddRecord(pk.WasEgg ? 004 : 002); // egg, capture
protected override void SetDex(PKM pk) => Zukan.SetDex(pk);
public override bool GetCaught(ushort species) => Zukan.GetCaught(species);
public override bool GetSeen(ushort species) => Zukan.GetSeen(species);
public override int PartyCount
get => PartyInfo.PartyCount;
protected set => PartyInfo.PartyCount = value;
public override PB8 GetDecryptedPKM(byte[] data) => GetPKM(DecryptPKM(data));
public override PB8 GetBoxSlot(int offset) => GetDecryptedPKM(Data.AsSpan(offset, SIZE_PARTY).ToArray()); // party format in boxes!
public enum TopMenuItemType
Zukan = 0,
Pokemon = 1,
Bag = 2,
Card = 3,
Map = 4,
Seal = 5,
Setting = 6,
Gift = 7,
public int RecordCount => Record8b.RecordCount;
public int GetRecord(int recordID) => Records.GetRecord(recordID);
public int GetRecordOffset(int recordID) => Records.GetRecordOffset(recordID);
public int GetRecordMax(int recordID) => Record8b.GetMax(recordID);
public void SetRecord(int recordID, int value) => Records.SetRecord(recordID, value);
#region Daycare
public override int DaycareSeedSize => 16; // 8byte
public override int GetDaycareSlotOffset(int loc, int slot) => Daycare.GetParentSlotOffset(slot);
public override uint? GetDaycareEXP(int loc, int slot) => 0;
public override bool? IsDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot) => Daycare.GetDaycareSlotOccupied(slot);
public override bool? IsDaycareHasEgg(int loc) => Daycare.IsEggAvailable;
public override void SetDaycareEXP(int loc, int slot, uint EXP) { }
public override void SetDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot, bool occupied) { }
public override void SetDaycareHasEgg(int loc, bool hasEgg) => Daycare.IsEggAvailable = hasEgg;
public override string GetDaycareRNGSeed(int loc) => $"{Daycare.DaycareSeed:X16}";
public override void SetDaycareRNGSeed(int loc, string seed) => Daycare.DaycareSeed = Util.GetHexValue64(seed);
public int EventWorkCount => FlagWork8b.COUNT_WORK;
public int GetWork(int index) => FlagWork.GetWork(index);
public void SetWork(int index, int value = default) => FlagWork.SetWork(index, value);