
110 lines
3.7 KiB

using System;
using static PKHeX.Core.Move;
using static PKHeX.Core.Species;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Restriction logic for evolutions that are a little more complex than <see cref="EvolutionMethod"/> can simply check.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Currently only checks "is able to know a move required to level up".
/// </remarks>
internal static class EvolutionRestrictions
/// <summary>
/// List of species that evolve from a previous species having a move while leveling up
/// </summary>
private static ushort GetSpeciesEvolutionMove(ushort species) => species switch
(int)Eevee => 0,
(int)MimeJr => (int)Mimic,
(int)Bonsly => (int)Mimic,
(int)Aipom => (int)DoubleHit,
(int)Lickitung => (int)Rollout,
(int)Tangela => (int)AncientPower,
(int)Yanma => (int)AncientPower,
(int)Piloswine => (int)AncientPower,
(int)Steenee => (int)Stomp,
(int)Clobbopus => (int)Taunt,
(int)Stantler => (int)PsyshieldBash,
(int)Qwilfish => (int)BarbBarrage,
(int)Primeape => (int)RageFist,
(int)Girafarig => (int)TwinBeam,
(int)Dunsparce => (int)HyperDrill,
_ => NONE,
private const ushort NONE = ushort.MaxValue;
private static ReadOnlySpan<ushort> EeveeFairyMoves => new ushort[]
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the <see cref="pk"/> is correctly evolved, assuming it had a known move requirement evolution in its evolution chain.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if unnecessary to check or the evolution was valid.</returns>
public static bool IsValidEvolutionWithMove(PKM pk, LegalInfo info)
// Known-move evolutions were introduced in Gen4.
if (pk.Format < 4) // doesn't exist yet!
return true;
// OK if un-evolved from original encounter
var enc = info.EncounterOriginal;
ushort species = pk.Species;
if (enc.Species == species)
return true;
// Exclude evolution paths that did not require a move w/level-up evolution
var move = GetSpeciesEvolutionMove(enc.Species);
if (move is NONE)
return true; // not a move evolution
if (move == 0)
return species != (int)Sylveon || IsValidEvolutionWithMoveSylveon(pk, enc, info);
if (!IsMoveSlotAvailable(info.Moves))
return false;
if (pk.HasMove(move))
return true;
var head = LearnGroupUtil.GetCurrentGroup(pk);
return MemoryPermissions.GetCanKnowMove(enc, move, info.EvoChainsAllGens, pk, head);
private static bool IsValidEvolutionWithMoveSylveon(PKM pk, IEncounterTemplate enc, LegalInfo info)
if (!IsMoveSlotAvailable(info.Moves))
return false;
foreach (var move in EeveeFairyMoves)
if (pk.HasMove(move))
return true;
var head = LearnGroupUtil.GetCurrentGroup(pk);
foreach (var move in EeveeFairyMoves)
if (MemoryPermissions.GetCanKnowMove(enc, move, info.EvoChainsAllGens, pk, head))
return true;
return false;
private static bool IsMoveSlotAvailable(ReadOnlySpan<MoveResult> moves)
// If the pokemon does not currently have the move, it could have been an egg move that was forgotten.
// This requires the pokemon to not have 4 other moves identified as egg moves or inherited level up moves.
// If any move is not an egg source, then a slot could have been forgotten.
foreach (var move in moves)
if (!move.Info.Method.IsEggSource())
return true;
return false;