Kurt 0b32cbf132 Update PKHeX.Core abstractions with latest logic
Co-Authored-By: Matt <>
Co-Authored-By: SciresM <>
Co-Authored-By: Lusamine <>
2022-02-04 17:35:15 -08:00

238 lines
8.8 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Verifies the stat details of data that has not yet left <see cref="GameVersion.PLA"/>.
/// </summary>
public sealed class LegendsArceusVerifier : Verifier
protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove;
public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pk = data.pkm;
if (!pk.LA || pk is not PA8 pa)
CheckLearnset(data, pa);
CheckMastery(data, pa);
if (pa.IsNoble)
if (pa.IsAlpha != data.EncounterMatch is IAlpha { IsAlpha: true })
CheckScalars(data, pa);
private void CheckScalars(LegalityAnalysis data, PA8 pa)
// Static encounters hard-match the Height & Weight; only slots are unchecked for Alpha Height/Weight.
if (pa.IsAlpha && data.EncounterMatch is EncounterSlot8a)
if (pa.HeightScalar != 255)
if (pa.WeightScalar != 255)
// No way to mutate the display height scalar value. Must match!
if (pa.HeightScalar != pa.HeightScalarCopy)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LStatIncorrectHeightCopy, CheckIdentifier.Encounter));
private static void CheckLearnset(LegalityAnalysis data, PA8 pa)
var moveCount = GetMoveCount(pa);
if (moveCount == 4)
// Get the bare minimum moveset.
Span<int> expect = stackalloc int[4];
var minMoveCount = LoadBareMinimumMoveset(data.EncounterMatch, data.Info.EvoChainsAllGens[8], pa, expect);
// Flag move slots that are empty.
for (int i = moveCount; i < minMoveCount; i++)
// Expected move should never be empty, but just future-proof against any revisions.
var msg = expect[i] != 0 ? string.Format(LMoveFExpect_0, ParseSettings.MoveStrings[expect[i]]) : LMoveSourceEmpty;
data.Info.Moves[i] = new CheckMoveResult(data.Info.Moves[i], Severity.Invalid, msg, CheckIdentifier.CurrentMove);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the expected minimum count of moves, and modifies the input <see cref="moves"/> with the bare minimum move IDs.
/// </summary>
private static int LoadBareMinimumMoveset(ISpeciesForm enc, IReadOnlyList<EvoCriteria> evos, PA8 pa, Span<int> moves)
// Get any encounter moves
var pt = PersonalTable.LA;
var index = pt.GetFormIndex(enc.Species, enc.Form);
var moveset = Legal.LevelUpLA[index];
moveset.SetEncounterMoves(pa.Met_Level, moves);
var count = moves.IndexOf(0);
if ((uint)count >= 4)
return 4;
// Level up to current level
moveset.SetLevelUpMoves(pa.Met_Level, pa.CurrentLevel, moves, count);
count = moves.IndexOf(0);
if ((uint)count >= 4)
return 4;
// Evolve and try
for (int i = 0; i < evos.Count - 1; i++)
var (species, form) = evos[i];
index = pt.GetFormIndex(species, form);
moveset = Legal.LevelUpLA[index];
moveset.SetEvolutionMoves(moves, count);
count = moves.IndexOf(0);
if ((uint)count >= 4)
return 4;
// Any tutored moves we don't know about??
return AddMasteredMissing(pa, moves, count);
private static int AddMasteredMissing(PA8 pa, Span<int> current, int ctr)
for (int i = 0; i < pa.MoveShopPermitIndexes.Length; i++)
// Buying the move tutor grants access, but does not learn the move.
// Mastering requires the move to be present in the movepool.
if (!pa.GetMasteredRecordFlag(i))
// Purchased moves can be swapped with existing moves; we're only interested in special granted moves.
if (pa.GetPurchasedRecordFlag(i))
var move = pa.MoveShopPermitIndexes[i];
if (current.IndexOf(move) == -1)
current[ctr++] = move;
if (ctr == 4)
return 4;
return ctr;
private static int GetMoveCount(PKM pa)
var count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (pa.GetMove(i) is not 0)
return count;
private void CheckMastery(LegalityAnalysis data, PA8 pa)
var bits = pa.MoveShopPermitFlags;
var moves = pa.MoveShopPermitIndexes;
var alphaMove = pa.AlphaMove;
if (alphaMove is not 0)
VerifyAlphaMove(data, pa, alphaMove, moves, bits);
for (int i = 0; i < bits.Length; i++)
VerifyTutorMoveIndex(data, pa, i, bits, moves);
private void VerifyTutorMoveIndex(LegalityAnalysis data, PA8 pa, int i, ReadOnlySpan<bool> bits, ReadOnlySpan<int> moves)
bool isPurchased = pa.GetPurchasedRecordFlag(i);
if (isPurchased)
// Check if the move can be purchased.
if (bits[i])
return; // If it has been legally purchased, then any mastery state is legal.
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMoveShopPurchaseInvalid_0, ParseSettings.MoveStrings[moves[i]])));
bool isMastered = pa.GetMasteredRecordFlag(i);
if (!isMastered)
return; // All good.
// Check if the move can be purchased; using a Mastery Seed checks the permission.
if (pa.AlphaMove == moves[i])
return; // Previously checked.
if (data.EncounterMatch is IAlpha { IsAlpha: true } && CanMasterMoveFromMoveShop(moves[i], moves, bits))
return; // Alpha forced move.
if (!bits[i])
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMoveShopMasterInvalid_0, ParseSettings.MoveStrings[moves[i]])));
else if (!CanLearnMoveByLevelUp(data, pa, i, moves))
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMoveShopMasterNotLearned_0, ParseSettings.MoveStrings[moves[i]])));
private static bool CanLearnMoveByLevelUp(LegalityAnalysis data, PA8 pa, int i, ReadOnlySpan<int> moves)
// Check if the move can be learned in the learnset...
// Changing forms do not have separate tutor permissions, so we don't need to bother with form changes.
// Level up movepools can grant moves for mastery at lower levels for earlier evolutions... find the minimum.
int level = 101;
foreach (var (species, form) in data.Info.EvoChainsAllGens[8])
var pt = PersonalTable.LA;
var index = pt.GetFormIndex(species, form);
var moveset = Legal.LevelUpLA[index];
var lvl = moveset.GetLevelLearnMove(moves[i]);
if (lvl == -1)
continue; // cannot learn via level up
level = Math.Min(lvl, level);
return pa.CurrentLevel >= level;
private void VerifyAlphaMove(LegalityAnalysis data, PA8 pa, int alphaMove, ReadOnlySpan<int> moves, ReadOnlySpan<bool> bits)
if (!pa.IsAlpha)
if (!CanMasterMoveFromMoveShop(alphaMove, moves, bits))
// An Alpha Move must be marked as mastered.
var masteredIndex = moves.IndexOf(alphaMove);
// Index is already >= 0, implicitly via the above call not returning false.
if (!pa.GetMasteredRecordFlag(masteredIndex))
private void VerifyAlphaMoveZero(LegalityAnalysis data)
var enc = data.Info.EncounterMatch;
if (enc is IAlpha { IsAlpha: false })
return; // okay
var pi = PersonalTable.LA.GetFormEntry(enc.Species, enc.Form);
var tutors = pi.SpecialTutors[0];
bool hasAnyTutor = Array.IndexOf(tutors, true) >= 0;
if (hasAnyTutor) // must have had a tutor flag
private static bool CanMasterMoveFromMoveShop(int move, ReadOnlySpan<int> moves, ReadOnlySpan<bool> bits)
var index = moves.IndexOf(move);
if (index == -1)
return false; // not in the list
if (!bits[index])
return false; // not a possible move
return true;