mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 00:43:14 +00:00
`Moveset` struct stores 4 moves, and exposes methods to interact with a moveset. `IndividualValueSet` stores a 6 IV template (signed). Performance impact: * Less allocating on the heap: Moves - (8 bytes member ptr, 20 bytes heap->8 bytes member) * Less allocating on the heap: IVs - (8 bytes member ptr, 28 bytes heap->8 bytes member) * No heap pointers, no need to jump to grab data. * Easy to inline logic for checking if moves are present (no linq usage with temporary collections). End result is faster ctor times, less memory used, faster program.
618 lines
36 KiB
618 lines
36 KiB
using static PKHeX.Core.EncounterUtil;
using static PKHeX.Core.GameVersion;
using static PKHeX.Core.AbilityPermission;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Generation 5 Encounters
/// </summary>
public static class Encounters5
internal static readonly EncounterArea5[] SlotsB = EncounterArea5.GetAreas(Get("b", "51"), B);
internal static readonly EncounterArea5[] SlotsW = EncounterArea5.GetAreas(Get("w", "51"), W);
internal static readonly EncounterArea5[] SlotsB2 = EncounterArea5.GetAreas(Get("b2", "52"), B2);
internal static readonly EncounterArea5[] SlotsW2 = EncounterArea5.GetAreas(Get("w2", "52"), W2);
static Encounters5()
MarkEncounterTradeStrings(TradeGift_BW, TradeBW);
MarkEncounterTradeStrings(TradeGift_B2W2_Regular, TradeB2W2);
#region Dream Radar Tables
private static readonly EncounterStatic5DR[] Encounter_DreamRadar =
new(079, 0), // Slowpoke
new(120, 0), // Staryu
new(137, 0), // Porygon
new(163, 0), // Hoothoot
new(174, 0), // Igglybuff
new(175, 0), // Togepi
new(213, 0), // Shuckle
new(238, 0), // Smoochum
new(249, 0), // Lugia (SoulSilver cart)
new(250, 0), // Ho-Oh (HeartGold cart)
new(280, 0), // Ralts
new(333, 0), // Swablu
new(374, 0), // Beldum
new(425, 0), // Drifloon
new(436, 0), // Bronzor
new(442, 0), // Spiritomb
new(447, 0), // Riolu
new(479, 0, Any12), // Rotom (no HA)
new(483, 0), // Dialga (Diamond cart)
new(484, 0), // Palkia (Pearl cart)
new(487, 0), // Giratina (Platinum cart)
new(517, 0), // Munna
new(561, 0), // Sigilyph
new(641, 1), // Therian Tornadus
new(642, 1), // Therian Thundurus
new(645, 1), // Therian Landorus
#region DreamWorld Encounter
public static readonly EncounterStatic5[] DreamWorld_Common = DreamWorldEntry.GetArray(Gen5, new DreamWorldEntry[]
// Pleasant Forest
new(019, 10, 098, 382, 231), // Rattata
new(043, 10, 230, 298, 202), // Oddish
new(069, 10, 022, 235, 402), // Bellsprout
new(077, 10, 033, 037, 257), // Ponyta
new(083, 10, 210, 355, 348), // Farfetch'd
new(084, 10, 045, 175, 355), // Doduo
new(102, 10, 140, 235, 202), // Exeggcute
new(108, 10, 122, 214, 431), // Lickitung
new(114, 10, 079, 073, 402), // Tangela
new(115, 10, 252, 068, 409), // Kangaskhan
new(161, 10, 010, 203, 343), // Sentret
new(179, 10, 084, 115, 351), // Mareep
new(191, 10, 072, 230, 414), // Sunkern
new(234, 10, 033, 050, 285), // Stantler
new(261, 10, 336, 305, 399), // Poochyena
new(283, 10, 145, 056, 202), // Surskit
new(399, 10, 033, 401, 290), // Bidoof
new(403, 10, 268, 393, 400), // Shinx
new(431, 10, 252, 372, 290), // Glameow
new(054, 10, 346, 227, 362), // Psyduck
new(058, 10, 044, 034, 203), // Growlithe
new(123, 10, 098, 226, 366), // Scyther
new(128, 10, 099, 231, 431), // Tauros
new(183, 10, 111, 453, 008), // Marill
new(185, 10, 175, 205, 272), // Sudowoodo
new(203, 10, 093, 243, 285), // Girafarig
new(241, 10, 111, 174, 231), // Miltank
new(263, 10, 033, 271, 387), // Zigzagoon
new(427, 10, 193, 252, 409), // Buneary
new(037, 10, 046, 257, 399), // Vulpix
new(060, 10, 095, 054, 214), // Poliwag
new(177, 10, 101, 297, 202), // Natu
new(239, 10, 084, 238, 393), // Elekid
new(300, 10, 193, 321, 445), // Skitty
// Windswept Sky
new(016, 10, 016, 211, 290), // Pidgey
new(021, 10, 064, 185, 211), // Spearow
new(041, 10, 048, 095, 162), // Zubat
new(142, 10, 044, 372, 446), // Aerodactyl
new(165, 10, 004, 450, 009), // Ledyba
new(187, 10, 235, 227, 340), // Hoppip
new(193, 10, 098, 364, 202), // Yanma
new(198, 10, 064, 109, 355), // Murkrow
new(207, 10, 028, 364, 366), // Gligar
new(225, 10, 217, 420, 264), // Delibird
new(276, 10, 064, 203, 413), // Taillow
new(397, 14, 017, 297, 366), // Staravia
new(227, 10, 064, 065, 355), // Skarmory
new(357, 10, 016, 073, 318), // Tropius
// Sparkling Sea
new(086, 10, 029, 333, 214), // Seel
new(090, 10, 110, 112, 196), // Shellder
new(116, 10, 145, 190, 362), // Horsea
new(118, 10, 064, 060, 352), // Goldeen
new(129, 10, 150, 175, 340), // Magikarp
new(138, 10, 044, 330, 196), // Omanyte
new(140, 10, 071, 175, 446), // Kabuto
new(170, 10, 086, 133, 351), // Chinchou
new(194, 10, 055, 034, 401), // Wooper
new(211, 10, 040, 453, 290), // Qwilfish
new(223, 10, 199, 350, 362), // Remoraid
new(226, 10, 048, 243, 314), // Mantine
new(320, 10, 055, 214, 340), // Wailmer
new(339, 10, 189, 214, 209), // Barboach
new(366, 10, 250, 445, 392), // Clamperl
new(369, 10, 055, 214, 414), // Relicanth
new(370, 10, 204, 300, 196), // Luvdisc
new(418, 10, 346, 163, 352), // Buizel
new(456, 10, 213, 186, 352), // Finneon
new(072, 10, 048, 367, 202), // Tentacool
new(318, 10, 044, 037, 399), // Carvanha
new(341, 10, 106, 232, 283), // Corphish
new(345, 10, 051, 243, 202), // Lileep
new(347, 10, 010, 446, 440), // Anorith
new(349, 10, 150, 445, 243), // Feebas
new(131, 10, 109, 032, 196), // Lapras
new(147, 10, 086, 352, 225), // Dratini
// Spooky Manor
new(092, 10, 095, 050, 482), // Gastly
new(096, 10, 095, 427, 409), // Drowzee
new(122, 10, 112, 298, 285), // Mr. Mime
new(167, 10, 040, 527, 450), // Spinarak
new(200, 10, 149, 194, 517), // Misdreavus
new(228, 10, 336, 364, 399), // Houndour
new(325, 10, 149, 285, 278), // Spoink
new(353, 10, 101, 194, 220), // Shuppet
new(355, 10, 050, 220, 271), // Duskull
new(358, 10, 035, 095, 304), // Chimecho
new(434, 10, 103, 492, 389), // Stunky
new(209, 10, 204, 370, 038), // Snubbull
new(235, 10, 166, 445, 214), // Smeargle
new(313, 10, 148, 271, 366), // Volbeat
new(314, 10, 204, 313, 366), // Illumise
new(063, 10, 100, 285, 356), // Abra
// Rugged Mountain
new(066, 10, 067, 418, 270), // Machop
new(081, 10, 319, 278, 356), // Magnemite
new(109, 10, 123, 399, 482), // Koffing
new(218, 10, 052, 517, 257), // Slugma
new(246, 10, 044, 399, 446), // Larvitar
new(324, 10, 052, 090, 446), // Torkoal
new(328, 10, 044, 324, 202), // Trapinch
new(331, 10, 071, 298, 009), // Cacnea
new(412, 10, 182, 450, 173), // Burmy
new(449, 10, 044, 254, 276), // Hippopotas
new(240, 10, 052, 009, 257), // Magby
new(322, 10, 052, 034, 257), // Numel
new(359, 10, 364, 224, 276), // Absol
new(453, 10, 040, 409, 441), // Croagunk
new(236, 10, 252, 364, 183), // Tyrogue
new(371, 10, 044, 349, 200), // Bagon
// Icy Cave
new(027, 10, 028, 068, 162), // Sandshrew
new(074, 10, 111, 446, 431), // Geodude
new(095, 10, 020, 446, 431), // Onix
new(100, 10, 268, 324, 363), // Voltorb
new(104, 10, 125, 195, 067), // Cubone
new(293, 10, 253, 283, 428), // Whismur
new(304, 10, 106, 283, 457), // Aron
new(337, 10, 093, 414, 236), // Lunatone
new(338, 10, 093, 428, 234), // Solrock
new(343, 10, 229, 356, 428), // Baltoy
new(459, 10, 075, 419, 202), // Snover
new(050, 10, 028, 251, 446), // Diglett
new(215, 10, 269, 008, 067), // Sneasel
new(361, 10, 181, 311, 352), // Snorunt
new(220, 10, 316, 246, 333), // Swinub
new(443, 10, 082, 200, 203), // Gible
// Dream Park
new(046, 10, 078, 440, 235), // Paras
new(204, 10, 120, 390, 356), // Pineco
new(265, 10, 040, 450, 173), // Wurmple
new(273, 10, 074, 331, 492), // Seedot
new(287, 10, 281, 400, 389), // Slakoth
new(290, 10, 141, 203, 400), // Nincada
new(311, 10, 086, 435, 324), // Plusle
new(312, 10, 086, 435, 324), // Minun
new(316, 10, 139, 151, 202), // Gulpin
new(352, 10, 185, 285, 513), // Kecleon
new(401, 10, 522, 283, 253), // Kricketot
new(420, 10, 073, 505, 331), // Cherubi
new(455, 10, 044, 476, 380), // Carnivine
new(023, 10, 040, 251, 399), // Ekans
new(175, 10, 118, 381, 253), // Togepi
new(190, 10, 010, 252, 007), // Aipom
new(285, 10, 078, 331, 264), // Shroomish
new(315, 10, 074, 079, 129), // Roselia
new(113, 10, 045, 068, 270), // Chansey
new(127, 10, 011, 370, 382), // Pinsir
new(133, 10, 028, 204, 129), // Eevee
new(143, 10, 133, 007, 278), // Snorlax
new(214, 10, 030, 175, 264), // Heracross
// Pokémon Café Forest
new(061, 25, 240, 114, 352), // Poliwhirl
new(133, 10, 270, 204, 129), // Eevee
new(235, 10, 166, 445, 214), // Smeargle
new(412, 10, 182, 450, 173), // Burmy
// PGL
new(212, 10, 211, Gender: 0), // Scizor
new(445, 48, Gender: 0), // Garchomp
new(149, 55, 245, Gender: 0), // Dragonite
new(248, 55, 069, Gender: 0), // Tyranitar
new(376, 45, 038, Gender: 2), // Metagross
public static readonly EncounterStatic5[] DreamWorld_BW = DreamWorldEntry.GetArray(BW, new DreamWorldEntry[]
// Pleasant Forest
new(029, 10, 010, 389, 162), // Nidoran♀
new(032, 10, 064, 068, 162), // Nidoran♂
new(174, 10, 047, 313, 270), // Igglybuff
new(187, 10, 235, 270, 331), // Hoppip
new(270, 10, 071, 073, 352), // Lotad
new(276, 10, 064, 119, 366), // Taillow
new(309, 10, 086, 423, 324), // Electrike
new(351, 10, 052, 466, 352), // Castform
new(417, 10, 098, 343, 351), // Pachirisu
// Windswept Sky
new(012, 10, 093, 355, 314), // Butterfree
new(163, 10, 193, 101, 278), // Hoothoot
new(278, 10, 055, 239, 351), // Wingull
new(333, 10, 064, 297, 355), // Swablu
new(425, 10, 107, 095, 285), // Drifloon
new(441, 10, 119, 417, 272), // Chatot
// Sparkling Sea
new(079, 10, 281, 335, 362), // Slowpoke
new(098, 10, 011, 133, 290), // Krabby
new(119, 33, 352, 214, 203), // Seaking
new(120, 10, 055, 278, 196), // Staryu
new(222, 10, 145, 109, 446), // Corsola
new(422, 10, 189, 281, 290, Form: 0), // Shellos-West
new(422, 10, 189, 281, 290, Form: 1), // Shellos-East
// Spooky Manor
new(202, 15, 243, 204, 227), // Wobbuffet
new(238, 10, 186, 445, 285), // Smoochum
new(303, 10, 313, 424, 008), // Mawile
new(307, 10, 096, 409, 203), // Meditite
new(436, 10, 095, 285, 356), // Bronzor
new(052, 10, 010, 095, 290), // Meowth
new(479, 10, 086, 351, 324), // Rotom
new(280, 10, 093, 194, 270), // Ralts
new(302, 10, 193, 389, 180), // Sableye
new(442, 10, 180, 220, 196), // Spiritomb
// Rugged Mountain
new(056, 10, 067, 179, 009), // Mankey
new(111, 10, 030, 068, 038), // Rhyhorn
new(231, 10, 175, 484, 402), // Phanpy
new(451, 10, 044, 097, 401), // Skorupi
new(216, 10, 313, 242, 264), // Teddiursa
new(296, 10, 292, 270, 008), // Makuhita
new(327, 10, 383, 252, 276), // Spinda
new(374, 10, 036, 428, 442), // Beldum
new(447, 10, 203, 418, 264), // Riolu
// Icy Cave
new(173, 10, 227, 312, 214), // Cleffa
new(213, 10, 227, 270, 504), // Shuckle
new(299, 10, 033, 446, 246), // Nosepass
new(363, 10, 181, 090, 401), // Spheal
new(408, 10, 029, 442, 007), // Cranidos
new(206, 10, 111, 277, 446), // Dunsparce
new(410, 10, 182, 068, 090), // Shieldon
// Dream Park
new(048, 10, 050, 226, 285), // Venonat
new(088, 10, 139, 114, 425), // Grimer
new(415, 10, 016, 366, 314), // Combee
new(015, 10, 031, 314, 210), // Beedrill
new(335, 10, 098, 458, 067), // Zangoose
new(336, 10, 044, 034, 401), // Seviper
// PGL
new(134, 10, Gender: 0), // Vaporeon
new(135, 10, Gender: 0), // Jolteon
new(136, 10, Gender: 0), // Flareon
new(196, 10, Gender: 0), // Espeon
new(197, 10, Gender: 0), // Umbreon
new(470, 10, Gender: 0), // Leafeon
new(471, 10, Gender: 0), // Glaceon
new(001, 10, Gender: 0), // Bulbasaur
new(004, 10, Gender: 0), // Charmander
new(007, 10, Gender: 0), // Squirtle
new(453, 10, Gender: 0), // Croagunk
new(387, 10, Gender: 0), // Turtwig
new(390, 10, Gender: 0), // Chimchar
new(393, 10, Gender: 0), // Piplup
new(493, 100), // Arceus
new(252, 10, Gender: 0), // Treecko
new(255, 10, Gender: 0), // Torchic
new(258, 10, Gender: 0), // Mudkip
new(468, 10, 217, Gender: 0), // Togekiss
new(473, 34, Gender: 0), // Mamoswine
new(137, 10), // Porygon
new(384, 50), // Rayquaza
new(354, 37, 538, Gender: 1), // Banette
new(453, 10, 398, Gender: 0), // Croagunk
new(334, 35, 206, Gender: 0), // Altaria
new(242, 10), // Blissey
new(448, 10, 418, Gender: 0), // Lucario
new(189, 27, 206, Gender: 0), // Jumpluff
public static readonly EncounterStatic5[] DreamWorld_B2W2 = DreamWorldEntry.GetArray(B2W2, new DreamWorldEntry[]
// Pleasant Forest
new(535, 10, 496, 414, 352), // Tympole
new(546, 10, 073, 227, 388), // Cottonee
new(548, 10, 079, 204, 230), // Petilil
new(588, 10, 203, 224, 450), // Karrablast
new(616, 10, 051, 226, 227), // Shelmet
new(545, 30, 342, 390, 276), // Scolipede
// Windswept Sky
new(519, 10, 016, 095, 234), // Pidove
new(561, 10, 095, 500, 257), // Sigilyph
new(580, 10, 432, 362, 382), // Ducklett
new(587, 10, 098, 403, 204), // Emolga
// Sparkling Sea
new(550, 10, 029, 097, 428, Form: 0), // Basculin-Red
new(550, 10, 029, 097, 428, Form: 1), // Basculin-Blue
new(594, 10, 392, 243, 220), // Alomomola
new(618, 10, 189, 174, 281), // Stunfisk
new(564, 10, 205, 175, 334), // Tirtouga
// Spooky Manor
new(605, 10, 377, 112, 417), // Elgyem
new(624, 10, 210, 427, 389), // Pawniard
new(596, 36, 486, 050, 228), // Galvantula
new(578, 32, 105, 286, 271), // Duosion
new(622, 10, 205, 007, 009), // Golett
// Rugged Mountain
new(631, 10, 510, 257, 202), // Heatmor
new(632, 10, 210, 203, 422), // Durant
new(556, 10, 042, 073, 191), // Maractus
new(558, 34, 157, 068, 400), // Crustle
new(553, 40, 242, 068, 212), // Krookodile
// Icy Cave
new(529, 10, 229, 319, 431), // Drilbur
new(621, 10, 044, 424, 389), // Druddigon
new(525, 25, 479, 174, 484), // Boldore
new(583, 35, 429, 420, 286), // Vanillish
new(600, 38, 451, 356, 393), // Klang
new(610, 10, 082, 068, 400), // Axew
// Dream Park
new(531, 10, 270, 227, 281), // Audino
new(538, 10, 020, 008, 276), // Throh
new(539, 10, 249, 009, 530), // Sawk
new(559, 10, 067, 252, 409), // Scraggy
new(533, 25, 067, 183, 409), // Gurdurr
// PGL
new(575, 32, 243, Gender: 0), // Gothorita
new(025, 10, 029, Gender: 0), // Pikachu
new(511, 10, 437, Gender: 0), // Pansage
new(513, 10, 257, Gender: 0), // Pansear
new(515, 10, 056, Gender: 0), // Panpour
new(387, 10, 254, Gender: 0), // Turtwig
new(390, 10, 252, Gender: 0), // Chimchar
new(393, 10, 297, Gender: 0), // Piplup
new(575, 32, 286, Gender: 0), // Gothorita
#region Static Encounter/Gift Tables
private static readonly EncounterStatic5[] Encounter_BW =
// Starters @ Nuvema Town
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 495, Level = 05, Location = 004 }, // Snivy
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 498, Level = 05, Location = 004 }, // Tepig
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 501, Level = 05, Location = 004 }, // Oshawott
// Fossils @ Nacrene City
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 138, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Omanyte
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 140, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Kabuto
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 142, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Aerodactyl
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 345, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Lileep
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 347, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Anorith
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 408, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Cranidos
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 410, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Shieldon
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 564, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Tirtouga
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 566, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Archen
// Gift
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 511, Level = 10, Location = 032 }, // Pansage @ Dreamyard
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 513, Level = 10, Location = 032 }, // Pansear
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 515, Level = 10, Location = 032 }, // Panpour
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 129, Level = 05, Location = 068 }, // Magikarp @ Marvelous Bridge
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 636, Level = 01, EggLocation = 60003 }, // Larvesta Egg from Treasure Hunter
// Stationary
new(BW) { Species = 518, Level = 50, Location = 032, Ability = OnlyHidden }, // Musharna @ Dreamyard Friday Only
new(BW) { Species = 590, Level = 20, Location = 019 }, // Foongus @ Route 6
new(BW) { Species = 590, Level = 30, Location = 023 }, // Foongus @ Route 10
new(BW) { Species = 591, Level = 40, Location = 023 }, // Amoonguss @ Route 10
new(BW) { Species = 555, Level = 35, Location = 034, Ability = OnlyHidden }, // HA Darmanitan @ Desert Resort
new(BW) { Species = 637, Level = 70, Location = 035 }, // Volcarona @ Relic Castle
// Stationary Legendary
new(BW) { Species = 638, Level = 42, Location = 074 }, // Cobalion @ Guidance Chamber
new(BW) { Species = 639, Level = 42, Location = 073 }, // Terrakion @ Trial Chamber
new(BW) { Species = 640, Level = 42, Location = 055 }, // Virizion @ Rumination Field
new(B ) { Species = 643, Level = 50, Location = 045, Shiny = Shiny.Never }, // Reshiram @ N's Castle
new(B ) { Species = 643, Level = 50, Location = 039, Shiny = Shiny.Never }, // Reshiram @ Dragonspiral Tower
new( W) { Species = 644, Level = 50, Location = 045, Shiny = Shiny.Never }, // Zekrom @ N's Castle
new( W) { Species = 644, Level = 50, Location = 039, Shiny = Shiny.Never }, // Zekrom @ Dragonspiral Tower
new(BW) { Species = 645, Level = 70, Location = 070 }, // Landorus @ Abundant Shrine
new(BW) { Species = 646, Level = 75, Location = 061 }, // Kyurem @ Giant Chasm
// Event
new(BW) { Species = 494, Level = 15, Location = 062, Shiny = Shiny.Never}, // Victini @ Liberty Garden
new(BW) { Species = 570, Level = 10, Location = 008, Shiny = Shiny.Never, Gender = 0 }, // Zorua @ Castelia City
new(BW) { Species = 571, Level = 25, Location = 072, Shiny = Shiny.Never, Gender = 1 }, // Zoroark @ Lostlorn Forest
// Roamer
new(B ) { Roaming = true, Species = 641, Level = 40, Location = 25 }, // Tornadus
new( W) { Roaming = true, Species = 642, Level = 40, Location = 25 }, // Thundurus
private static readonly EncounterStatic5[] Encounter_B2W2_Regular =
// Starters @ Aspertia City
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 495, Level = 05, Location = 117 }, // Snivy
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 498, Level = 05, Location = 117 }, // Tepig
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 501, Level = 05, Location = 117 }, // Oshawott
// Fossils @ Nacrene City
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 138, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Omanyte
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 140, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Kabuto
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 142, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Aerodactyl
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 345, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Lileep
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 347, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Anorith
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 408, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Cranidos
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 410, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Shieldon
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 564, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Tirtouga
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 566, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Archen
// Gift
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 133, Level = 10, Location = 008, Ability = OnlyHidden }, // HA Eevee @ Castelia City
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 585, Level = 30, Location = 019, Ability = OnlyHidden, Form = 0 }, // HA Deerling @ Route 6
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 585, Level = 30, Location = 019, Ability = OnlyHidden, Form = 1 }, // HA Deerling @ Route 6
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 585, Level = 30, Location = 019, Ability = OnlyHidden, Form = 2 }, // HA Deerling @ Route 6
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 585, Level = 30, Location = 019, Ability = OnlyHidden, Form = 3 }, // HA Deerling @ Route 6
new(B2 ) { Gift = true, Species = 443, Level = 01, Location = 122, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Gender = 0 }, // Shiny Gible @ Floccesy Town
new( W2) { Gift = true, Species = 147, Level = 01, Location = 122, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Gender = 0 }, // Shiny Dratini @ Floccesy Town
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 129, Level = 05, Location = 068 } , // Magikarp @ Marvelous Bridge
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 440, Level = 01, EggLocation = 60003 }, // Happiny Egg from PKMN Breeder
// Stationary
new(B2W2) { Species = 590, Level = 29, Location = 019 }, // Foongus @ Route 6
new(B2W2) { Species = 591, Level = 43, Location = 024 }, // Amoonguss @ Route 11
new(B2W2) { Species = 591, Level = 47, Location = 127 }, // Amoonguss @ Route 22
new(B2W2) { Species = 591, Level = 56, Location = 128 }, // Amoonguss @ Route 23
new(B2 ) { Species = 593, Level = 40, Location = 071, Ability = OnlyHidden, Gender = 0 }, // HA Jellicent @ Undella Bay Mon Only
new( W2) { Species = 593, Level = 40, Location = 071, Ability = OnlyHidden, Gender = 1 }, // HA Jellicent @ Undella Bay Thurs Only
new(B2W2) { Species = 593, Level = 40, Location = 071 }, // HA Jellicent @ Undella Bay EncounterSlot collision
new( W2) { Species = 628, Level = 25, Location = 017, Ability = OnlyHidden, Gender = 0 }, // HA Braviary @ Route 4 Mon Only
new(B2 ) { Species = 630, Level = 25, Location = 017, Ability = OnlyHidden, Gender = 1 }, // HA Mandibuzz @ Route 4 Thurs Only
new(B2W2) { Species = 637, Level = 35, Location = 035 }, // Volcarona @ Relic Castle
new(B2W2) { Species = 637, Level = 65, Location = 035 }, // Volcarona @ Relic Castle
new(B2W2) { Species = 558, Level = 42, Location = 141 }, // Crustle @ Seaside Cave
new(B2W2) { Species = 612, Level = 60, Location = 147, Shiny = Shiny.Always}, // Haxorus @ Nature Preserve
// Stationary Legendary
new(B2W2) { Species = 377, Level = 65, Location = 150 }, // Regirock @ Rock Peak Chamber
new(B2W2) { Species = 378, Level = 65, Location = 151 }, // Regice @ Iceberg Chamber
new(B2W2) { Species = 379, Level = 65, Location = 152 }, // Registeel @ Iron Chamber
new( W2) { Species = 380, Level = 68, Location = 032 }, // Latias @ Dreamyard
new(B2 ) { Species = 381, Level = 68, Location = 032 }, // Latios @ Dreamyard
new(B2W2) { Species = 480, Level = 65, Location = 007 }, // Uxie @ Nacrene City
new(B2W2) { Species = 481, Level = 65, Location = 056 }, // Mesprit @ Celestial Tower
new(B2W2) { Species = 482, Level = 65, Location = 128 }, // Azelf @ Route 23
new(B2W2) { Species = 485, Level = 68, Location = 132 }, // Heatran @ Reversal Mountain
new(B2W2) { Species = 486, Level = 68, Location = 038 }, // Regigigas @ Twist Mountain
new(B2W2) { Species = 488, Level = 68, Location = 068 }, // Cresselia @ Marvelous Bridge
new(B2W2) { Species = 638, Level = 45, Location = 026 }, // Cobalion @ Route 13
new(B2W2) { Species = 638, Level = 65, Location = 026 }, // Cobalion @ Route 13
new(B2W2) { Species = 639, Level = 45, Location = 127 }, // Terrakion @ Route 22
new(B2W2) { Species = 639, Level = 65, Location = 127 }, // Terrakion @ Route 22
new(B2W2) { Species = 640, Level = 45, Location = 024 }, // Virizion @ Route 11
new(B2W2) { Species = 640, Level = 65, Location = 024 }, // Virizion @ Route 11
new( W2) { Species = 643, Level = 70, Location = 039, Shiny = Shiny.Never }, // Reshiram @ Dragonspiral Tower
new(B2 ) { Species = 644, Level = 70, Location = 039, Shiny = Shiny.Never }, // Zekrom @ Dragonspiral Tower
new(B2W2) { Species = 646, Level = 70, Location = 061, Form = 0 }, // Kyurem @ Giant Chasm
private static readonly EncounterStatic5N[] Encounter_B2W2_N =
// N's Pokemon
new(0xFF01007F) { Species = 509, Level = 07, Location = 015, Ability = OnlySecond, Nature = Nature.Timid }, // Purloin @ Route 2
new(0xFF01007F) { Species = 519, Level = 13, Location = 033, Ability = OnlySecond, Nature = Nature.Sassy }, // Pidove @ Pinwheel Forest
new(0xFF00003F) { Species = 532, Level = 13, Location = 033, Ability = OnlyFirst, Nature = Nature.Rash }, // Timburr @ Pinwheel Forest
new(0xFF01007F) { Species = 535, Level = 13, Location = 033, Ability = OnlySecond, Nature = Nature.Modest }, // Tympole @ Pinwheel Forest
new(0xFF00007F) { Species = 527, Level = 55, Location = 053, Ability = OnlyFirst, Nature = Nature.Timid }, // Woobat @ Wellspring Cave
new(0xFF01007F) { Species = 551, Level = 22, Location = 034, Ability = OnlySecond, Nature = Nature.Docile }, // Sandile @ Desert Resort
new(0xFF00007F) { Species = 554, Level = 22, Location = 034, Ability = OnlyFirst, Nature = Nature.Naive }, // Darumaka @ Desert Resort
new(0xFF00007F) { Species = 555, Level = 35, Location = 034, Ability = OnlyHidden, Nature = Nature.Calm }, // Darmanitan @ Desert Resort
new(0xFF00007F) { Species = 559, Level = 22, Location = 034, Ability = OnlyFirst, Nature = Nature.Lax }, // Scraggy @ Desert Resort
new(0xFF01007F) { Species = 561, Level = 22, Location = 034, Ability = OnlySecond, Nature = Nature.Gentle }, // Sigilyph @ Desert Resort
new(0xFF00007F) { Species = 525, Level = 28, Location = 037, Ability = OnlyFirst, Nature = Nature.Naive }, // Boldore @ Chargestone Cave
new(0xFF01007F) { Species = 595, Level = 28, Location = 037, Ability = OnlySecond, Nature = Nature.Docile }, // Joltik @ Chargestone Cave
new(0xFF00007F) { Species = 597, Level = 28, Location = 037, Ability = OnlyFirst, Nature = Nature.Bashful }, // Ferroseed @ Chargestone Cave
new(0xFF000000) { Species = 599, Level = 28, Location = 037, Ability = OnlyFirst, Nature = Nature.Rash }, // Klink @ Chargestone Cave
new(0xFF00001F) { Species = 570, Level = 25, Location = 010, Ability = OnlyFirst, Nature = Nature.Hasty, Gift = true }, // N's Zorua @ Driftveil City
private static readonly EncounterStatic5[] Encounter_B2W2 = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(Encounter_B2W2_Regular, Encounter_B2W2_N, Encounter_DreamRadar);
#region Trade Tables
internal static readonly EncounterTrade5PID[] TradeGift_BW =
new(B , 0x64000000) { Species = 548, Level = 15, Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 39922, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 1, IVs = new(20,20,20,20,31,20), Nature = Nature.Modest }, // Petilil
new( W, 0x6400007E) { Species = 546, Level = 15, Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 39922, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 1, IVs = new(20,20,20,20,31,20), Nature = Nature.Modest }, // Cottonee
new(B , 0x9400007F) { Species = 550, Level = 25, Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 27646, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(20,31,20,20,20,20), Nature = Nature.Adamant, Form = 0 }, // Basculin-Red
new( W, 0x9400007F) { Species = 550, Level = 25, Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 27646, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(20,31,20,20,20,20), Nature = Nature.Adamant, Form = 1 }, // Basculin-Blue
new(BW, 0xD400007F) { Species = 587, Level = 30, Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 11195, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(20,20,31,20,20,20), Nature = Nature.Lax }, // Emolga
new(BW, 0x2A000000) { Species = 479, Level = 60, Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 54673, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 2, IVs = new(20,20,20,20,20,31), Nature = Nature.Gentle }, // Rotom
new(BW, 0x6200001F) { Species = 446, Level = 60, Ability = OnlySecond, TID = 40217, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(31,20,20,20,20,20), Nature = Nature.Serious }, // Munchlax
internal static readonly EncounterTrade5[] TradeGift_B2W2_Regular =
new(B2 ) { Species = 548, Level = 20, Ability = OnlySecond, TID = 65217, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 1, IVs = new(20,20,20,20,31,20), Nature = Nature.Timid }, // Petilil
new( W2) { Species = 546, Level = 20, Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 05720, SID = 00001, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(20,20,20,20,31,20), Nature = Nature.Modest }, // Cottonee
new(B2W2) { Species = 526, Level = 35, Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 11195, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(20,31,20,20,20,20), Nature = Nature.Adamant, IsNicknamed = false }, // Gigalith
new(B2W2) { Species = 465, Level = 45, Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 27658, SID = 00001, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(31,20,20,20,20,20), Nature = Nature.Hardy }, // Tangrowth
new(B2W2) { Species = 479, Level = 60, Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 54673, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 2, IVs = new(20,20,20,20,20,31), Nature = Nature.Calm }, // Rotom
new(B2W2) { Species = 424, Level = 40, Ability = OnlySecond, TID = 17074, SID = 00001, OTGender = 1, Gender = 0, IVs = new(20,20,20,31,20,20), Nature = Nature.Jolly }, // Ambipom
new(B2W2) { Species = 065, Level = 40, Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 17074, SID = 00001, OTGender = 1, Gender = 0, IVs = new(20,20,20,31,20,20), Nature = Nature.Timid }, // Alakazam
internal const int YancyTID = 10303;
internal const int CurtisTID = 54118;
private static readonly string[] TradeOT_B2W2_F = { string.Empty, "ルリ", "Yancy", "Brenda", "Lilì", "Sabine", string.Empty, "Belinda", "루리" };
private static readonly string[] TradeOT_B2W2_M = { string.Empty, "テツ", "Curtis", "Julien", "Dadi", "Markus", string.Empty, "Julián", "철권" };
private static readonly EncounterTrade5[] TradeGift_B2W2_YancyCurtis =
// Player is Male
new(B2W2) { Species = 052, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F }, // Meowth
new(B2W2) { Species = 202, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F }, // Wobbuffet
new(B2W2) { Species = 280, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F }, // Ralts
new(B2W2) { Species = 410, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F }, // Shieldon
new(B2W2) { Species = 111, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F }, // Rhyhorn
new(B2W2) { Species = 422, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F, Form = 0 }, // Shellos-West
new(B2W2) { Species = 303, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F }, // Mawile
new(B2W2) { Species = 442, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F }, // Spiritomb
new(B2W2) { Species = 143, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F }, // Snorlax
new(B2W2) { Species = 216, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F }, // Teddiursa
new(B2W2) { Species = 327, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F }, // Spinda
new(B2W2) { Species = 175, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F }, // Togepi
// Player is Female
new(B2W2) { Species = 056, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M }, // Mankey
new(B2W2) { Species = 202, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M }, // Wobbuffet
new(B2W2) { Species = 280, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M }, // Ralts
new(B2W2) { Species = 408, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M }, // Cranidos
new(B2W2) { Species = 111, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M }, // Rhyhorn
new(B2W2) { Species = 422, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M, Form = 1 }, // Shellos-East
new(B2W2) { Species = 302, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M }, // Sableye
new(B2W2) { Species = 442, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M }, // Spiritomb
new(B2W2) { Species = 143, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M }, // Snorlax
new(B2W2) { Species = 231, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M }, // Phanpy
new(B2W2) { Species = 327, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M }, // Spinda
new(B2W2) { Species = 175, Level = 50, Ability = OnlyHidden, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M }, // Togepi
private const string tradeBW = "tradebw";
private const string tradeB2W2 = "tradeb2w2";
private static readonly string[][] TradeBW = Util.GetLanguageStrings8(tradeBW);
private static readonly string[][] TradeB2W2 = Util.GetLanguageStrings8(tradeB2W2);
internal static readonly EncounterTrade5[] TradeGift_B2W2 = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(TradeGift_B2W2_Regular, TradeGift_B2W2_YancyCurtis);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic5[] StaticB = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(GetEncounters(Encounter_BW, B), DreamWorld_Common, DreamWorld_BW);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic5[] StaticW = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(GetEncounters(Encounter_BW, W), DreamWorld_Common, DreamWorld_BW);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic5[] StaticB2 = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(GetEncounters(Encounter_B2W2, B2), DreamWorld_Common, DreamWorld_B2W2);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic5[] StaticW2 = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(GetEncounters(Encounter_B2W2, W2), DreamWorld_Common, DreamWorld_B2W2);