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synced 2025-01-25 02:35:05 +00:00
Move enum -> ushort instead of int Redo handling of HOME Volt Tackle (disallow on SWSH Cap Pikachu) Pass spans instead of strings to use span methods Reset encounter filters on early abort
311 lines
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311 lines
10 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.Drawing.Misc;
using PKHeX.WinForms.Controls;
namespace PKHeX.WinForms;
public partial class RibbonEditor : Form
private readonly PKM Entity;
private readonly IReadOnlyList<RibbonInfo> riblist;
private const string PrefixNUD = "NUD_";
private const string PrefixLabel = "L_";
private const string PrefixCHK = "CHK_";
private const string PrefixPB = "PB_";
private const int AffixedNone = -1;
private bool EnableBackgroundChange;
private Control? LastToggledOn;
public RibbonEditor(PKM pk)
Entity = pk;
WinFormsUtil.TranslateInterface(this, Main.CurrentLanguage);
riblist = RibbonInfo.GetRibbonInfo(pk);
int vertScrollWidth = SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth;
TLP_Ribbons.Padding = FLP_Ribbons.Padding = new Padding(0, 0, vertScrollWidth, 0);
// Updating a Control display with auto-sized elements on every row addition is cpu intensive. Disable layout updates while populating.
FLP_Ribbons.Scroll += WinFormsUtil.PanelScroll;
TLP_Ribbons.Scroll += WinFormsUtil.PanelScroll;
EnableBackgroundChange = true;
private void InitializeAffixed(PKM pk)
if (pk is not IRibbonSetAffixed affixed)
CB_Affixed.Visible = false;
const int count = (int)RibbonIndex.MAX_COUNT;
static string GetRibbonPropertyName(int z) => RibbonStrings.GetName($"Ribbon{(RibbonIndex)z}");
static ComboItem GetComboItem(int ribbonIndex) => new(GetRibbonPropertyName(ribbonIndex), ribbonIndex);
var none = GameInfo.GetStrings(Main.CurrentLanguage).Move[0];
var ds = new List<ComboItem>(1 + count) { new(none, AffixedNone) };
var list = Enumerable.Range(0, count).Select(GetComboItem).OrderBy(z => z.Text);
CB_Affixed.DataSource = ds;
CB_Affixed.SelectedValue = (int)affixed.AffixedRibbon;
private void B_Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => Close();
private void B_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void PopulateRibbons()
TLP_Ribbons.ColumnCount = 2;
TLP_Ribbons.RowCount = 0;
// Add Ribbons
foreach (var rib in riblist)
var pk = Entity;
var la = new LegalityAnalysis(pk);
Span<RibbonResult> ribbons = stackalloc RibbonResult[riblist.Count];
var args = new RibbonVerifierArguments(pk, la.EncounterOriginal, la.Info.EvoChainsAllGens);
var count = RibbonVerifier.GetRibbonResults(args, ribbons);
var slice = ribbons[..count];
var dict = new Dictionary<string, RibbonResult>(slice.Length);
foreach (var r in slice)
dict.Add(r.PropertyName, r);
var clone = pk.Clone();
var otherList = RibbonInfo.GetRibbonInfo(clone);
var preferred = riblist
.OrderBy(z => GetSortOrder(z.Name, dict, otherList))
.ThenBy(z => RibbonStrings.GetName(z.Name));
foreach (var rib in preferred)
var name = rib.Name;
Color color = dict.TryGetValue(name, out var r)
? r.IsMissing ? Color.LightYellow : Color.Pink
: GetColor(otherList, name);
AddRibbonChoice(rib, color);
// Force auto-size
foreach (var style in TLP_Ribbons.RowStyles.OfType<RowStyle>())
style.SizeType = SizeType.AutoSize;
foreach (var style in TLP_Ribbons.ColumnStyles.OfType<ColumnStyle>())
style.SizeType = SizeType.AutoSize;
private static int GetSortOrder(string name, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, RibbonResult> dict, List<RibbonInfo> otherList)
if (name.StartsWith("RibbonMark"))
return 99;
var other = otherList.Find(z => z.Name == name);
if (other is { HasRibbon: true })
return 0;
if (dict.TryGetValue(name, out var r))
return r.IsMissing ? 1 : 2;
return 3; // last
private static Color GetColor(List<RibbonInfo> otherList, string ribName)
if (ribName.StartsWith("RibbonMark"))
return Color.SeaShell;
var other = otherList.Find(z => z.Name == ribName);
if (other is null)
return Color.Transparent;
return other.HasRibbon ? Color.PaleGreen : Color.Transparent;
private void AddRibbonSprite(RibbonInfo rib)
var name = rib.Name;
var pb = new SelectablePictureBox
AutoSize = false,
Size = new Size(40, 40),
BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Center,
Visible = false,
Name = PrefixPB + name,
AccessibleName = name,
AccessibleDescription = name,
AccessibleRole = AccessibleRole.Graphic,
var img = RibbonSpriteUtil.GetRibbonSprite(name);
pb.BackgroundImage = img;
var display = RibbonStrings.GetName(name);
pb.MouseEnter += (s, e) => tipName.SetToolTip(pb, display);
if (Entity is IRibbonSetAffixed)
pb.Click += (_, _) => CB_Affixed.Text = RibbonStrings.GetName(name);
private void AddRibbonChoice(RibbonInfo rib, Color color)
// Get row we add to
int row = TLP_Ribbons.RowCount;
var label = new Label
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left,
Name = PrefixLabel + rib.Name,
Text = RibbonStrings.GetName(rib.Name),
Padding = Padding.Empty,
Margin = Padding.Empty,
BackColor = color,
AutoSize = true,
TLP_Ribbons.Controls.Add(label, 1, row);
if (rib.Type is RibbonValueType.Byte) // numeric count ribbon
AddRibbonNumericUpDown(rib, row, label);
else // boolean ribbon
AddRibbonCheckBox(rib, row, label);
private void AddRibbonNumericUpDown(RibbonInfo rib, int row, Control label)
var nud = new NumericUpDown
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right,
Name = PrefixNUD + rib.Name,
Minimum = 0,
Width = 35,
Increment = 1,
Padding = Padding.Empty,
Margin = Padding.Empty,
Maximum = rib.MaxCount,
nud.ValueChanged += (sender, e) =>
var controlName = PrefixPB + rib.Name;
var pb = FLP_Ribbons.Controls[controlName];
if (pb is null)
throw new ArgumentException($"{controlName} not found in {FLP_Ribbons.Name}.");
pb.Visible = (rib.RibbonCount = (byte)nud.Value) != 0;
pb.BackgroundImage = RibbonSpriteUtil.GetRibbonSprite(rib.Name, (int)nud.Maximum, (int)nud.Value);
ToggleNewRibbon(rib, pb);
// Setting value will trigger above event
nud.Value = Math.Min(rib.MaxCount, rib.RibbonCount);
TLP_Ribbons.Controls.Add(nud, 0, row);
label.Click += (s, e) => nud.Value = (nud.Value == 0) ? nud.Maximum : 0;
private void AddRibbonCheckBox(RibbonInfo rib, int row, Control label)
var chk = new CheckBox
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right,
Name = PrefixCHK + rib.Name,
AutoSize = true,
Padding = Padding.Empty,
Margin = Padding.Empty,
chk.CheckedChanged += (sender, e) =>
rib.HasRibbon = chk.Checked;
var controlName = PrefixPB + rib.Name;
var control = FLP_Ribbons.Controls[controlName];
control.Visible = rib.HasRibbon;
ToggleNewRibbon(rib, control);
// Setting value will trigger above event
chk.Checked = rib.HasRibbon;
TLP_Ribbons.Controls.Add(chk, 0, row);
label.Click += (s, e) => chk.Checked ^= true;
private void ToggleNewRibbon(RibbonInfo rib, Control pb)
if (!EnableBackgroundChange)
if (LastToggledOn is not null)
LastToggledOn.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
pb.BackColor = rib.HasRibbon ? Color.LightBlue : Color.Transparent;
LastToggledOn = pb;
private void Save()
foreach (var rib in riblist)
ReflectUtil.SetValue(Entity, rib.Name, rib.Type is RibbonValueType.Boolean ? rib.HasRibbon : rib.RibbonCount);
if (Entity is IRibbonSetAffixed affixed)
affixed.AffixedRibbon = (sbyte)WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Affixed);
private void B_All_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift)
EnableBackgroundChange = false;
foreach (var c in TLP_Ribbons.Controls)
if (c is CheckBox chk)
chk.Checked = true;
else if (c is NumericUpDown nud)
nud.Value = nud.Maximum;
EnableBackgroundChange = true;
private void B_None_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift)
if (Entity is IRibbonSetAffixed affixed)
affixed.AffixedRibbon = AffixedNone;
CB_Affixed.SelectedValue = AffixedNone;
foreach (var c in TLP_Ribbons.Controls)
if (c is CheckBox chk)
chk.Checked = false;
else if (c is NumericUpDown nud)
nud.Value = 0;