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synced 2024-11-27 14:30:56 +00:00
no change in species/form from the crownite ore one afaik; common for both games??? fix type of rigel encount so it shows up in block editor, with correct name (ty matt)
230 lines
17 KiB
230 lines
17 KiB
using System.Collections.Generic;
// ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Local
#pragma warning disable IDE0051 // Remove unused private members
#pragma warning disable RCS1213 // Remove unused member declaration.
namespace PKHeX.Core
public class SaveBlockAccessor8SWSH : SCBlockAccessor, ISaveBlock8Main
public override IReadOnlyList<SCBlock> BlockInfo { get; }
public Box8 BoxInfo { get; }
public Party8 PartyInfo { get; }
public MyItem Items { get; }
public MyStatus8 MyStatus { get; }
public Misc8 Misc { get; }
public Zukan8 Zukan { get; }
public BoxLayout8 BoxLayout { get; }
public PlayTime8 Played { get; }
public Fused8 Fused { get; }
public Daycare8 Daycare { get; }
public Record8 Records { get; }
public TrainerCard8 TrainerCard{ get; }
public FashionUnlock8 Fashion { get; }
public RaidSpawnList8 Raid { get; }
public RaidSpawnList8 RaidArmor { get; }
public TitleScreen8 TitleScreen { get; }
public TeamIndexes8 TeamIndexes { get; }
public HallOfFameTime8 FameTime { get; }
public SaveBlockAccessor8SWSH(SAV8SWSH sav)
BlockInfo = sav.AllBlocks;
BoxInfo = new Box8(sav, GetBlock(KBox));
PartyInfo = new Party8(sav, GetBlock(KParty));
Items = new MyItem8(sav, GetBlock(KItem));
Zukan = new Zukan8(sav, GetBlock(KZukan), GetBlockSafe(KZukanR1), GetBlockSafe(KZukanR2));
MyStatus = new MyStatus8(sav, GetBlock(KMyStatus));
Misc = new Misc8(sav, GetBlock(KMisc));
BoxLayout = new BoxLayout8(sav, GetBlock(KBoxLayout));
TrainerCard = new TrainerCard8(sav, GetBlock(KTrainerCard));
Played = new PlayTime8(sav, GetBlock(KPlayTime));
Fused = new Fused8(sav, GetBlock(KFused));
Daycare = new Daycare8(sav, GetBlock(KDaycare));
Records = new Record8(sav, GetBlock(KRecord), Core.Records.MaxType_SWSH);
Fashion = new FashionUnlock8(sav, GetBlock(KFashionUnlock));
Raid = new RaidSpawnList8(sav, GetBlock(KRaidSpawnList), RaidSpawnList8.RaidCountLegal_O0);
RaidArmor = new RaidSpawnList8(sav, GetBlockSafe(KRaidSpawnListR1), RaidSpawnList8.RaidCountLegal_R1);
TitleScreen = new TitleScreen8(sav, GetBlock(KTitleScreenTeam));
TeamIndexes = new TeamIndexes8(sav, GetBlock(KTeamIndexes));
FameTime = new HallOfFameTime8(sav, GetBlock(KEnteredHallOfFame));
// Arrays (Blocks)
private const uint KTeamNames = 0x1920C1E4; // Team 1, 2...6 ((10 + terminator)*6 char16 strings)
private const uint KBoxLayout = 0x19722c89; // Box Names
public const uint KBoxWallpapers = 0x2EB1B190; // Box Wallpapers
private const uint KMenuButtons = 0xB1DDDCA8; // X Menu Button Order
// Objects (Blocks)
private const uint KBox = 0x0d66012c; // Box Data
private const uint KMysteryGift = 0x112d5141; // Mystery Gift Data
private const uint KItem = 0x1177c2c4; // Items
private const uint KCoordinates = 0x16aaa7fa; // Coordinates?
private const uint KMisc = 0x1b882b09; // Money
private const uint KParty = 0x2985fe5d; // Party Data
private const uint KDaycare = 0x2d6fba6a; // Daycare slots (2 daycares)
private const uint KTeamIndexes = 0x33F39467; // Team Indexes for competition
private const uint KRecord = 0x37da95a3;
private const uint KZukan = 0x4716c404; // ZukanData_Pokemon
private const uint KZukanR1 = 0x3F936BA9; // ZukanData_PokemonR1 (Armor)
private const uint KZukanR2 = 0x3C9366F0; // ZukanData_PokemonR2 (Crown)
private const uint KCurryDex = 0x6EB72940; // Curry Dex
private const uint KTrainerCard = 0x874da6fa; // Trainer Card
private const uint KPlayTime = 0x8cbbfd90; // Time Played
private const uint KRaidSpawnList = 0x9033eb7b; // Nest current values (hash, seed, meta)
private const uint KRaidSpawnListR1 = 0x158DA896; // Raid Data for DLC1
private const uint KFused = 0xc0de5c5f; // Fused PKM (*3)
private const uint KFashionUnlock = 0xd224f9ac; // Fashion unlock bool array (owned for (each apparel type) * 0x80, then another array for "new")
private const uint KTitleScreenTeam = 0xE9BE28BF; // Title Screen Team details
public const uint KEnteredHallOfFame = 0xE2F6E456; // U64 Unix Timestamp
private const uint KMyStatus = 0xf25c070e; // Trainer Details
private const uint KFriendLeagueCards = 0x28e707f5; // League Cards received from other players
private const uint KNPCLeagueCards = 0xb1c26fb0; // League Cards received from NPCs
// Rental Teams - Objects (Blocks) (Incrementing internal names?)
private const uint KRentalTeam1 = 0x149A1DD0;
//private const uint KRentalTeam2 = 0x159A1F63; // does not exist
private const uint KRentalTeam3 = 0x169A20F6;
private const uint KRentalTeam4 = 0x179A2289;
private const uint KRentalTeam5 = 0x189A241C;
private const uint KRentalTeam6 = 0x199A25AF;
// Download Rules
private const uint KDownloadRules1 = 0xEEF1B186;
private const uint KDownloadRules2 = 0xEFF1B319;
private const uint KDownloadRules3 = 0xF0F1B4AC;
private const uint KDownloadRules4 = 0xF1F1B63F;
private const uint KDownloadRules5 = 0xF2F1B7D2;
private const uint KDownloadRules6 = 0xF3F1B965;
//private const uint KDownloadRulesX = 0xF4F1BAF8; // does not exist
//private const uint KDownloadRulesX = 0xF5F1BC8B; // does not exist
//private const uint KDownloadRulesX = 0xF6F1BE1E; // does not exist
//private const uint KDownloadRulesX = 0xF7F1BFB1; // does not exist
//private const uint KDownloadRulesX = 0xF8F1C144; // does not exist
//private const uint KDownloadRulesX = 0xF9F1C2D7; // does not exist
private const uint KDownloadRulesU1 = 0xFAF1C46A;
private const uint KDownloadRulesU2 = 0xFBF1C5FD;
private const uint KOfficialCompetition = 0xEEE5A3F8;
// Raid DLC Flatbuffer Storage Objects (Blocks)
private const uint KDropRewards = 0x680EEB85; // drop_rewards
private const uint KDaiEncount = 0xAD3920F5; // dai_encount
private const uint KNormalEncount = 0xAD9DFA6A; // normal_encount
private const uint KBonusRewards = 0xEFCAE04E; // bonus_rewards
private const uint KNormalEncountRigel1 = 0x0E615A8C; // normal_encount_rigel1
// Values
public const uint KCurrentBox = 0x017C3CBB; // U32 Box Index
public const uint KGameLanguage = 0x0BFDEBA1; // U32 Game Language
public const uint KRepel = 0x9ec079da; // U16 Repel Steps remaining
public const uint KRotoRally = 0x38548020; // U32 Roto Rally Score (99,999 cap)
public const uint KBattleTowerSinglesVictory = 0x436CAF2B; // U32 Singles victories (9,999,999 cap)
public const uint KBattleTowerDoublesVictory = 0x0D477836; // U32 Doubles victories (9,999,999 cap)
public const uint KBattleTowerSinglesStreak = 0x6226F5AD; // U16 Singles Streak (300 cap)
public const uint KBattleTowerDoublesStreak = 0x5F74FCEE; // U16 Doubles Streak (300 cap)
public const uint KStarterChoice = 0x3677602D; // U32 Grookey=0, Scorbunny=1, Sobble=2
public const uint KDiggingDuoStreakSkill = 0xA0F49CFB; // U32
public const uint KDiggingDuoStreakStamina = 0x066F38F5; // U32
public const uint KBirthMonth = 0x0D987D50; // U32
public const uint KBirthDay = 0x355C8314; // U32
public const uint KCurrentDexEntry = 0x62743428; // U16 Species ID of last Pokedex entry viewed in Galar Dex
public const uint KCurrentDexEntryR1 = 0x789FF72D; // U16 Species ID of last Pokedex entry viewed in Armor Dex
public const uint KVolumeBackgroundMusic = 0xF8154AC9; // U32 0-10
public const uint KVolumeSoundEffects = 0x62F05895; // U32 0-10
public const uint KVolumePokémonCries = 0x1D482A63; // U32 0-10
public const uint KOptionTextSpeed = 0x92EB0306; // U32 TextSpeedOption
public const uint KOptionBattleEffects = 0xCCC153CD; // U32 OptOut (Show effects by default)
public const uint KOptionBattleStyle = 0x765468C3; // U32 OptOut (Allow Switch by default)
public const uint KOptionSendToBoxes = 0xB1C7C436; // U32 OptIn
public const uint KOptionGiveNicknames = 0x26A1BEDE; // U32 OptOut
public const uint KOptionUseGyroscope = 0x79C56A5C; // U32 OptOut
public const uint KOptionCameraVertical = 0x2846B7DB; // U32 OptOut Invert=1
public const uint KOptionCameraHorizontal = 0x7D249649; // U32 OptOut Invert=1
public const uint KOptionCasualControls = 0x3B23B1E2; // U32 OptOut Casual=0
public const uint KOptionAutoSave = 0xB027F396; // U32 OptOut AutoSave=0
public const uint KOptionShowNicknames = 0xCA8A8CEE; // U32 OptOut Show=0
public const uint KOptionShowMoves = 0x9C781AE2; // U32 OptOut Show=0
public const uint KDojoWattDonationTotal = 0xC7161487; // U32 Amount of Watts donated to Master Dojo
public const uint KDiggingPaWattStreak = 0x68BBA8B1; // U32 Most Watts dug up by the Digging Pa
public const uint KAlolanDiglettFound = 0x4AEA5A7E; // U32 Amount of Alolan Diglett found on Isle of Armor
public const uint KSparringStreakNormal = 0xDB5E16CB; // U32 Best Normal-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringNormalPartySlot1 = 0x7BF09DD3; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringNormalPartySlot2 = 0x7AF09C40; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringNormalPartySlot3 = 0x7DF0A0F9; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringStreakFire = 0xD25E08A0; // U32 Best Fire-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringFirePartySlot1 = 0x455C523A; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringFirePartySlot2 = 0x465C53CD; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringFirePartySlot3 = 0x435C4F14; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringStreakWater = 0xD55BCEC2; // U32 Best Water-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringWaterPartySlot1 = 0x30396510; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringWaterPartySlot2 = 0x313966A3; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringWaterPartySlot3 = 0x32396836; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringStreakElectric = 0xD35BCB9C; // U32 Best Electric-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringElectricPartySlot1 = 0x1E5FB12E; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringElectricPartySlot2 = 0x1F5FB2C1; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringElectricPartySlot3 = 0x1C5FAE08; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringStreakGrass = 0xD65BD055; // U32 Best Grass-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringGrassPartySlot1 = 0x70973021; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringGrassPartySlot2 = 0x6F972E8E; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringGrassPartySlot3 = 0x6E972CFB; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringStreakIce = 0xD15BC876; // U32 Best Ice-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringIcePartySlot1 = 0x892112D4; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringIcePartySlot2 = 0x8A211467; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringIcePartySlot3 = 0x8B2115FA; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringStreakFighting = 0xDA5E1538; // U32 Best Fighting-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringFightingPartySlot1 = 0x153FD7E2; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringFightingPartySlot2 = 0x163FD975; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringFightingPartySlot3 = 0x133FD4BC; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringStreakPoison = 0xDC5E185E; // U32 Best Poison-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringPoisonPartySlot1 = 0x3BFF8084; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringPoisonPartySlot2 = 0x3CFF8217; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringPoisonPartySlot3 = 0x3DFF83AA; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringStreakGround = 0xDF5E1D17; // U32 Best Ground-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringGroundPartySlot1 = 0x29BC6D6F; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringGroundPartySlot2 = 0x28BC6BDC; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringGroundPartySlot3 = 0x2BBC7095; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringStreakFlying = 0xDD5E19F1; // U32 Best Flying-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringFlyingPartySlot1 = 0xA17311F5; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringFlyingPartySlot2 = 0xA0731062; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringFlyingPartySlot3 = 0x9F730ECF; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringStreakPsychic = 0xD45BCD2F; // U32 Best Psychic-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringPsychicPartySlot1 = 0x04C18EBF; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringPsychicPartySlot2 = 0x03C18D2C; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringPsychicPartySlot3 = 0x06C191E5; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringStreakBug = 0xE15E203D; // U32 Best Bug-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringBugPartySlot1 = 0xE9C80191; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringBugPartySlot2 = 0xE8C7FFFE; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringBugPartySlot3 = 0xE7C7FE6B; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringStreakRock = 0xDE5E1B84; // U32 Best Rock-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringRockPartySlot1 = 0xFE44971E; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringRockPartySlot2 = 0xFF4498B1; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringRockPartySlot3 = 0xFC4493F8; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringStreakGhost = 0xE05E1EAA; // U32 Best Ghost-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringGhostPartySlot1 = 0x63170940; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringGhostPartySlot2 = 0x64170AD3; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringGhostPartySlot3 = 0x65170C66; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringStreakDragon = 0xD25BCA09; // U32 Best Dragon-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringDragonPartySlot1 = 0xC18E2C05; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringDragonPartySlot2 = 0xC08E2A72; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringDragonPartySlot3 = 0xBF8E28DF; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringStreakDark = 0xCF5BC550; // U32 Best Dark-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringDarkPartySlot1 = 0xD6F84432; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringDarkPartySlot2 = 0xD7F845C5; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringDarkPartySlot3 = 0xD4F8410C; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringStreakSteel = 0xD35E0A33; // U32 Best Steel-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringSteelPartySlot1 = 0x72115D0B; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringSteelPartySlot2 = 0x71115B78; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringSteelPartySlot3 = 0x74116031; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringStreakFairy = 0xD05BC6E3; // U32 Best Fairy-Type Restricted Sparring Streak
public const uint KSparringFairyPartySlot1 = 0x02BFCC63; // U16 Species ID of 1st PKM in party
public const uint KSparringFairyPartySlot2 = 0x01BFCAD0; // U16 Species ID of 2nd PKM in party
public const uint KSparringFairyPartySlot3 = 0x04BFCF89; // U16 Species ID of 3rd PKM in party
#pragma warning restore IDE0051 // Remove unused private members
#pragma warning restore RCS1213 // Remove unused member declaration.