using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings; using static PKHeX.Core.Encounters6; using static PKHeX.Core.Encounters8; namespace PKHeX.Core { /// /// Verifies the , , and associated values. /// public sealed class MemoryVerifier : Verifier { protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.Memory; private static readonly CheckResult NONE = new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.Memory); public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data) { if (data.pkm.Format < 6) return; var hist = VerifyHistory(data); VerifyOTMemory(data); VerifyHTMemory(data); data.AddLine(hist); } private CheckResult VerifyHistory(LegalityAnalysis data) { var pkm = data.pkm; var Info = data.Info; var EncounterMatch = data.EncounterMatch; if (Info.Generation < 6) { if ((pkm.OT_Affection != 0 && Info.Generation <= 2) || IsInvalidContestAffection(pkm)) return GetInvalid(LMemoryStatAffectionOT0); if (pkm.OT_Memory > 0 || pkm.OT_Feeling > 0 || pkm.OT_Intensity > 0 || pkm.OT_TextVar > 0) return GetInvalid(LMemoryIndexIDOT0); } if (pkm.Format >= 6 && Info.Generation != pkm.Format && pkm.CurrentHandler != 1) return GetInvalid(LTransferHTFlagRequired); if (pkm.HT_Gender > 1) return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryHTGender, pkm.HT_Gender)); if (EncounterMatch is WC6 wc6 && wc6.OT_Name.Length > 0) { if (pkm.OT_Friendship != PersonalTable.AO[EncounterMatch.Species].BaseFriendship) return GetInvalid(LMemoryStatFriendshipOTBaseEvent); if (pkm.OT_Affection != 0 && (pkm.AO || !pkm.IsUntraded) && IsInvalidContestAffection(pkm)) return GetInvalid(LMemoryStatAffectionOT0Event); if (pkm.CurrentHandler != 1) return GetInvalid(LMemoryHTEvent); } else if (EncounterMatch is WC7 wc7 && wc7.OT_Name.Length > 0 && wc7.TID != 18075) // Ash Pikachu QR Gift doesn't set Current Handler { if (pkm.OT_Friendship != PersonalTable.USUM[EncounterMatch.Species].BaseFriendship) return GetInvalid(LMemoryStatFriendshipOTBaseEvent); if (pkm.OT_Affection != 0) return GetInvalid(LMemoryStatAffectionOT0Event); if (pkm.CurrentHandler != 1) return GetInvalid(LMemoryHTEvent); } else if (EncounterMatch is MysteryGift mg && mg.Format < 6 && pkm.Format >= 6) { if (pkm.OT_Affection != 0 && IsInvalidContestAffection(pkm)) return GetInvalid(LMemoryStatAffectionOT0Event); if (pkm.CurrentHandler != 1) return GetInvalid(LMemoryHTEvent); } // Check sequential order (no zero gaps) if (pkm is IGeoTrack t) { var valid = t.GetValidity(); if (valid == GeoValid.CountryAfterPreviousEmpty) return GetInvalid(LGeoBadOrder); if (valid == GeoValid.RegionWithoutCountry) return GetInvalid(LGeoNoRegion); } if (pkm.Format >= 7) return VerifyHistory7(data); // Determine if we should check for Handling Trainer Memories // A Pokémon is untraded if... bool untraded = GetIsUntradedByEncounterMemories(pkm, EncounterMatch, Info.Generation); if (untraded) // Is not Traded { if (pkm.HT_Name.Length != 0) return GetInvalid(LGeoNoCountryHT); if (pkm is IGeoTrack g && g.Geo1_Country != 0) return GetInvalid(LGeoNoHT); if (pkm.HT_Memory != 0) return GetInvalid(LMemoryMissingHTName); if (pkm.CurrentHandler != 0) // Badly edited; PKHeX doesn't trip this. return GetInvalid(LMemoryHTFlagInvalid); if (pkm.HT_Friendship != 0) return GetInvalid(LMemoryStatFriendshipHT0); if (pkm.HT_Affection != 0) return GetInvalid(LMemoryStatAffectionHT0); if (pkm.XY && pkm is IContestStats s && s.HasContestStats()) return GetInvalid(LContestZero); if (VerifyHistoryUntradedHandler(pkm, out CheckResult chk1)) return chk1; if (EncounterMatch.Species != pkm.Species && VerifyHistoryUntradedEvolution(pkm, Info.EvoChainsAllGens, out CheckResult chk2)) return chk2; } else // Is Traded { if (pkm.Format == 6 && pkm.HT_Memory == 0 && !pkm.IsEgg) return GetInvalid(LMemoryMissingHT); } // Memory ChecksResult if (pkm.IsEgg) { if (pkm.HT_Memory != 0) return GetInvalid(LMemoryArgBadHT); if (pkm.OT_Memory != 0) return GetInvalid(LMemoryArgBadEggOT); } else if (!(EncounterMatch is WC6)) { if (pkm.OT_Memory == 0 ^ !pkm.Gen6) return GetInvalid(LMemoryMissingOT); if (Info.Generation < 6 && pkm.OT_Affection != 0 && IsInvalidContestAffection(pkm)) return GetInvalid(LMemoryStatAffectionOT0); } // Unimplemented: Ingame Trade Memories return GetValid(LMemoryValid); } private CheckResult VerifyHistory7(LegalityAnalysis data) { var pkm = data.pkm; var EncounterMatch = data.EncounterMatch; var Info = data.Info; if (pkm.VC1 && pkm is IGeoTrack g) { var hasGeo = g.Geo1_Country != 0; if (!hasGeo) return GetInvalid(LGeoMemoryMissing); } if ((2 >= Info.Generation || Info.Generation >= 7) && pkm is IContestStats s && s.HasContestStats()) return GetInvalid(LContestZero); if (!pkm.WasEvent && pkm.HT_Name.Length == 0) // Is not Traded { if (VerifyHistoryUntradedHandler(pkm, out CheckResult chk1)) return chk1; if (EncounterMatch.Species != pkm.Species && VerifyHistoryUntradedEvolution(pkm, Info.EvoChainsAllGens, out CheckResult chk2)) return chk2; } return GetValid(LMemoryValid); } private bool VerifyHistoryUntradedHandler(PKM pkm, out CheckResult result) { result = NONE; if (pkm.CurrentHandler != 0) // Badly edited; PKHeX doesn't trip this. result = GetInvalid(LMemoryHTFlagInvalid); else if (pkm.HT_Friendship != 0) result = GetInvalid(LMemoryStatFriendshipHT0); else if (pkm.HT_Affection != 0) result = GetInvalid(LMemoryStatAffectionHT0); else return false; return true; } private bool VerifyHistoryUntradedEvolution(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList[] chain, out CheckResult result) { result = NONE; // Handling Trainer string is empty implying it has not been traded. // If it must be trade evolved, flag it. if (pkm.Species == 350) // Milotic { if (Legal.IsTradeEvolved(chain, pkm.Format)) return false; if (pkm is IContestStats s && s.CNT_Beauty < 170) // Beauty Contest Stat Requirement result = GetInvalid(LEvoBeautyTradeLow); else if (pkm.CurrentLevel == 1) result = GetInvalid(LEvoBeautyUntrained); else return false; return true; } if (!Legal.IsTradeEvolved(chain, pkm.Format)) return false; result = GetInvalid(LEvoTradeRequiredMemory); return true; } private CheckResult VerifyCommonMemory(PKM pkm, int handler) { var memory = MemoryVariableSet.Read(pkm, handler); int matchingMoveMemory = Array.IndexOf(Memories.MoveSpecificMemories[0], memory.MemoryID); if (matchingMoveMemory != -1 && pkm.Species != 235 && !Legal.GetCanLearnMachineMove(pkm, Memories.MoveSpecificMemories[1][matchingMoveMemory], 6)) return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler)); switch (memory.MemoryID) { case 6 when !Memories.LocationsWithPKCenter.Contains(memory.Variable): return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadPokecenter, memory.Handler)); // {0} saw {2} carrying {1} on its back. {4} that {3}. case 21 when !Legal.GetCanLearnMachineMove(new PK6 {Species = memory.Variable, EXP = Experience.GetEXP(100, PersonalTable.XY.GetFormeIndex(memory.Variable, 0))}, 19, 6): return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler)); case 16 when memory.Variable == 0 && !GetIsMoveKnowable(pkm, handler, memory.Variable): case 48 when memory.Variable == 0 && !GetIsMoveKnowable(pkm, handler, memory.Variable): return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler)); // {0} was able to remember {2} at {1}'s instruction. {4} that {3}. case 49 when memory.Variable == 0 && !GetIsMoveLearnable(pkm, handler, memory.Variable): return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler)); } if (!Memories.CanHaveIntensity(memory.MemoryID, memory.Intensity)) { if (pkm.Gen6 || (pkm.Gen7 && memory.MemoryID != 0)) // todo: memory intensity checks for gen8 return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryIndexIntensityMin, memory.Handler, Memories.GetMinimumIntensity(memory.MemoryID))); } if (memory.MemoryID != 4 && !Memories.CanHaveFeeling(memory.MemoryID, memory.Feeling)) { if (pkm.Gen6 || (pkm.Gen7 && memory.MemoryID != 0)) // todo: memory feeling checks for gen8 return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryFeelInvalid, memory.Handler)); } return GetValid(string.Format(LMemoryF_0_Valid, memory.Handler)); } private static int GetMoveGeneration(PKM pkm, int handler) => handler == 0 ? pkm.GenNumber : pkm.Format >= 8 ? 8 : 6; private static bool GetIsMoveKnowable(PKM pkm, int handler, int move) => Legal.GetCanKnowMove(pkm, move, GetMoveGeneration(pkm, handler)); private static bool GetIsMoveLearnable(PKM pkm, int handler, int move) => Legal.GetCanRelearnMove(pkm, move, GetMoveGeneration(pkm, handler)); private void VerifyOTMemoryIs(LegalityAnalysis data, int m, int i, int t, int f) { var pkm = data.pkm; if (pkm.OT_Memory != m) data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryIndexID, L_XOT, m))); if (pkm.OT_Intensity != i) data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryIndexIntensity, L_XOT, i))); if (pkm.OT_TextVar != t) data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryIndexVar, L_XOT, t))); if (pkm.OT_Feeling != f) data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryIndexFeel, L_XOT, f))); } private void VerifyOTMemory(LegalityAnalysis data) { var pkm = data.pkm; var Info = data.Info; if (Info.Generation < 6 || pkm.IsEgg) { VerifyOTMemoryIs(data, 0, 0, 0, 0); // empty return; } switch (data.EncounterMatch) { case WC6 g when !g.IsEgg && g.OTGender != 3: VerifyOTMemoryIs(data, g.OT_Memory, g.OT_Intensity, g.OT_TextVar, g.OT_Feeling); return; case WC7 g when !g.IsEgg && g.OTGender != 3: VerifyOTMemoryIs(data, g.OT_Memory, g.OT_Intensity, g.OT_TextVar, g.OT_Feeling); return; case WC8 g when !g.IsEgg && g.OTGender != 3: VerifyOTMemoryIs(data, g.OT_Memory, g.OT_Intensity, g.OT_TextVar, g.OT_Feeling); return; case IMemoryOT t when !(t is MysteryGift): VerifyOTMemoryIs(data, t.OT_Memory, t.OT_Intensity, t.OT_TextVar, t.OT_Feeling); return; } switch (pkm.OT_Memory) { case 2: // {0} hatched from an Egg and saw {1} for the first time at... {2}. {4} that {3}. if (pkm.Egg_Location == 0) data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(LMemoryArgBadHatch, L_XOT), CheckIdentifier.Memory); break; case 4 when pkm.Gen6: // {0} became {1}’s friend when it arrived via Link Trade at... {2}. {4} that {3}. data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(LMemoryArgBadOTEgg, L_XOT), CheckIdentifier.Memory); return; case 6: // {0} went to the Pokémon Center in {2} with {1} and had its tired body healed there. {4} that {3}. int matchingOriginGame = Array.IndexOf(Memories.LocationsWithPKCenter, pkm.OT_TextVar); if (matchingOriginGame != -1) { var gameID = Memories.GetGameVersionForPokeCenterIndex(matchingOriginGame); if (!gameID.Contains((GameVersion)pkm.Version)) data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(LMemoryArgBadLocation, L_XOT), CheckIdentifier.Memory); } data.AddLine(VerifyCommonMemory(pkm, 0)); return; case 14: if (!GetCanBeCaptured(pkm.OT_TextVar, Info.Generation, (GameVersion)pkm.Version)) data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(LMemoryArgBadSpecies, L_XOT), CheckIdentifier.Memory); else data.AddLine(Severity.Valid, string.Format(LMemoryArgSpecies, L_XOT), CheckIdentifier.Memory); return; } if (pkm.XY && Memories.Memory_NotXY.Contains(pkm.OT_Memory)) data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(LMemoryArgBadID, L_XOT), CheckIdentifier.Memory); if (pkm.AO && Memories.Memory_NotAO.Contains(pkm.OT_Memory)) data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(LMemoryArgBadID, L_XOT), CheckIdentifier.Memory); data.AddLine(VerifyCommonMemory(pkm, 0)); } private void VerifyHTMemory(LegalityAnalysis data) { var pkm = data.pkm; if (pkm.Format < 6) return; var Info = data.Info; if (pkm.Format == 7) { /* * Bank Transfer adds in the Link Trade Memory. * Trading 7<->7 between games (not Bank) clears this data. */ if (pkm.HT_Memory == 0) { if (pkm.HT_TextVar != 0 || pkm.HT_Intensity != 0 || pkm.HT_Feeling != 0) data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, LMemoryCleared, CheckIdentifier.Memory); return; } // Transfer 6->7 & withdraw to same HT => keeps past gen memory // Don't require link trade memory for these past gen cases int gen = Info.Generation; if (3 <= gen && gen < 7 && pkm.CurrentHandler == 1) return; if (pkm.HT_Memory != 4) data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, LMemoryIndexLinkHT, CheckIdentifier.Memory); if (pkm.HT_TextVar != 0) data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, LMemoryIndexArgHT, CheckIdentifier.Memory); if (pkm.HT_Intensity != 1) data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, LMemoryIndexIntensityHT1, CheckIdentifier.Memory); if (pkm.HT_Feeling > 10) data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, LMemoryIndexFeelHT09, CheckIdentifier.Memory); return; } switch (pkm.HT_Memory) { case 0: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pkm.HT_Name)) return; data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, LMemoryMissingHT, CheckIdentifier.Memory); return; case 1: // {0} met {1} at... {2}. {1} threw a Poké Ball at it, and they started to travel together. {4} that {3}. data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(LMemoryArgBadCatch, L_XHT), CheckIdentifier.Memory); return; case 2: // {0} hatched from an Egg and saw {1} for the first time at... {2}. {4} that {3}. data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(LMemoryArgBadHatch, L_XHT), CheckIdentifier.Memory); return; case 14: if (GetCanBeCaptured(pkm.HT_TextVar, 6)) data.AddLine(Severity.Valid, string.Format(LMemoryArgSpecies, L_XHT), CheckIdentifier.Memory); else data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(LMemoryArgBadSpecies, L_XHT), CheckIdentifier.Memory); return; } data.AddLine(VerifyCommonMemory(pkm, 1)); } // ORAS contests mistakenly apply 20 affection to the OT instead of the current handler's value private static bool IsInvalidContestAffection(PKM pkm) => pkm.OT_Affection != 255 && pkm.OT_Affection % 20 != 0; private static bool GetIsUntradedByEncounterMemories(PKM pkm, IEncounterable EncounterMatch, int generation) { if (generation < 6) return false; bool untraded = pkm.HT_Name.Length == 0 || (pkm is IGeoTrack g && g.Geo1_Country == 0); if (EncounterMatch is WC6 gift) return gift.OTGender == 3 && untraded; return untraded; } private static bool GetCanBeCaptured(int species, int gen, GameVersion version = GameVersion.Any) { switch (gen) { // Capture Memory only obtainable via Gen 6. case 6: switch (version) { case GameVersion.Any: return Legal.FriendSafari.Contains(species) || GetCanBeCaptured(species, SlotsX, StaticX) || GetCanBeCaptured(species, SlotsY, StaticY) || GetCanBeCaptured(species, SlotsA, StaticA) || GetCanBeCaptured(species, SlotsO, StaticO); case GameVersion.X: return Legal.FriendSafari.Contains(species) || GetCanBeCaptured(species, SlotsX, StaticX); case GameVersion.Y: return Legal.FriendSafari.Contains(species) || GetCanBeCaptured(species, SlotsY, StaticY); case GameVersion.AS: return GetCanBeCaptured(species, SlotsA, StaticA); case GameVersion.OR: return GetCanBeCaptured(species, SlotsO, StaticO); } break; case 8: { switch (version) { case GameVersion.SW: return GetCanBeCaptured(species, SlotsSW, StaticSW); case GameVersion.SH: return GetCanBeCaptured(species, SlotsSH, StaticSH); } break; } } return false; } private static bool GetCanBeCaptured(int species, IEnumerable area, IEnumerable statics) { if (area.Any(loc => loc.Slots.Any(slot => slot.Species == species))) return true; if (statics.Any(enc => enc.Species == species && !enc.Gift)) return true; return false; } } }