using System; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; namespace PKHeX.Core; public static class Encounter9RNG { public static bool TryApply32(this TEnc enc, PK9 pk, in ulong init, in GenerateParam9 param, EncounterCriteria criteria) where TEnc : IEncounterTemplate, ITeraRaid9 { const int maxCtr = 100_000; var rand = new Xoroshiro128Plus(init); for (int ctr = 0; ctr < maxCtr; ctr++) { uint seed = (uint)rand.NextInt(uint.MaxValue); if (!enc.CanBeEncountered(seed)) continue; if (!GenerateData(pk, param, criteria, seed)) continue; var type = Tera9RNG.GetTeraType(seed, enc.TeraType, enc.Species, enc.Form); pk.TeraTypeOriginal = (MoveType)type; if (criteria.TeraType != -1 && type != criteria.TeraType) pk.SetTeraType(type); // sets the override type return true; // done. } return false; } public static bool TryApply64(this TEnc enc, PK9 pk, in ulong init, in GenerateParam9 param, EncounterCriteria criteria, bool ignoreIVs) where TEnc : ISpeciesForm, IGemType { var rand = new Xoroshiro128Plus(init); const int maxCtr = 100_000; for (int ctr = 0; ctr < maxCtr; ctr++) { ulong seed = rand.Next(); // fake cryptosecure if (!GenerateData(pk, param, criteria, seed, ignoreIVs)) continue; var type = Tera9RNG.GetTeraType(seed, enc.TeraType, enc.Species, enc.Form); pk.TeraTypeOriginal = (MoveType)type; if (criteria.TeraType != -1 && type != criteria.TeraType) pk.SetTeraType(type); // sets the override type return true; // done. } return false; } /// /// Fills out an entity with details from the provided encounter template. /// /// False if the seed cannot generate data matching the criteria. public static bool GenerateData(PK9 pk, in GenerateParam9 enc, EncounterCriteria criteria, in ulong seed, bool ignoreIVs = false) { var rand = new Xoroshiro128Plus(seed); pk.EncryptionConstant = (uint)rand.NextInt(uint.MaxValue); var fakeTID = (uint)rand.NextInt(); uint pid = (uint)rand.NextInt(); bool isShiny; uint xor; if (enc.Shiny == Shiny.Random) // let's decide if it's shiny or not! { xor = GetShinyXor(pid, fakeTID); isShiny = xor < 16; if (isShiny && xor != 0) xor = 1; } else { // no need to calculate a fake trainer xor = 0; isShiny = enc.Shiny == Shiny.Always; } ForceShinyState(pk, isShiny, ref pid, xor); pk.PID = pid; const int UNSET = -1; Span ivs = stackalloc[] { UNSET, UNSET, UNSET, UNSET, UNSET, UNSET }; const int MAX = 31; for (int i = 0; i < enc.FlawlessIVs; i++) { int index; do { index = (int)rand.NextInt(6); } while (ivs[index] != UNSET); ivs[index] = MAX; } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (ivs[i] == UNSET) ivs[i] = (int)rand.NextInt(32); } if (!ignoreIVs && !criteria.IsIVsCompatible(ivs, 9)) return false; pk.IV_HP = ivs[0]; pk.IV_ATK = ivs[1]; pk.IV_DEF = ivs[2]; pk.IV_SPA = ivs[3]; pk.IV_SPD = ivs[4]; pk.IV_SPE = ivs[5]; int abil = enc.Ability switch { AbilityPermission.Any12H => (int)rand.NextInt(3) << 1, AbilityPermission.Any12 => (int)rand.NextInt(2) << 1, _ => (int)enc.Ability, }; pk.RefreshAbility(abil >> 1); var gender_ratio = enc.GenderRatio; int gender = gender_ratio switch { PersonalInfo.RatioMagicGenderless => 2, PersonalInfo.RatioMagicFemale => 1, PersonalInfo.RatioMagicMale => 0, _ => GetGender(gender_ratio, rand.NextInt(100)), }; if (criteria.Gender != -1 && gender != criteria.Gender) return false; pk.Gender = gender; byte nature = pk.Species == (int)Species.Toxtricity ? ToxtricityUtil.GetRandomNature(ref rand, pk.Form) : (byte)rand.NextInt(25); if (criteria.Nature != Nature.Random && nature != (int)criteria.Nature) return false; pk.Nature = pk.StatNature = nature; pk.HeightScalar = enc.Height != 0 ? enc.Height : (byte)(rand.NextInt(0x81) + rand.NextInt(0x80)); pk.WeightScalar = enc.Weight != 0 ? enc.Weight : (byte)(rand.NextInt(0x81) + rand.NextInt(0x80)); pk.Scale = enc.Scale != 0 ? enc.Scale : (byte)(rand.NextInt(0x81) + rand.NextInt(0x80)); return true; } public static bool IsMatch(PKM pk, in GenerateParam9 enc, in ulong seed) { // same as above method var rand = new Xoroshiro128Plus(seed); if (pk.EncryptionConstant != (uint)rand.NextInt(uint.MaxValue)) return false; var fakeTID = (uint)rand.NextInt(); uint pid = (uint)rand.NextInt(); bool isShiny; uint xor; if (enc.Shiny == Shiny.Random) // let's decide if it's shiny or not! { int i = 1; while (true) { xor = GetShinyXor(pid, fakeTID); isShiny = xor < 16; if (isShiny) { if (xor != 0) xor = 1; break; } if (i >= enc.RollCount) break; pid = (uint)rand.NextInt(); i++; } } else { // no need to calculate a fake trainer isShiny = enc.Shiny == Shiny.Always; xor = 0; } ForceShinyState(pk, isShiny, ref pid, xor); if (pk.PID != pid) return false; const int UNSET = -1; Span ivs = stackalloc[] { UNSET, UNSET, UNSET, UNSET, UNSET, UNSET }; const int MAX = 31; for (int i = 0; i < enc.FlawlessIVs; i++) { int index; do { index = (int)rand.NextInt(6); } while (ivs[index] != UNSET); ivs[index] = MAX; } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (ivs[i] == UNSET) ivs[i] = (int)rand.NextInt(32); } if (pk.IV_HP != ivs[0]) return false; if (pk.IV_ATK != ivs[1]) return false; if (pk.IV_DEF != ivs[2]) return false; if (pk.IV_SPA != ivs[3]) return false; if (pk.IV_SPD != ivs[4]) return false; if (pk.IV_SPE != ivs[5]) return false; int abil = enc.Ability switch { AbilityPermission.Any12H => (int)rand.NextInt(3) << 1, AbilityPermission.Any12 => (int)rand.NextInt(2) << 1, _ => (int)enc.Ability, }; var gender_ratio = enc.GenderRatio; int gender = gender_ratio switch { PersonalInfo.RatioMagicGenderless => 2, PersonalInfo.RatioMagicFemale => 1, PersonalInfo.RatioMagicMale => 0, _ => GetGender(gender_ratio, rand.NextInt(100)), }; if (pk.Gender != gender) return false; int nature = pk.Species == (int)Species.Toxtricity ? ToxtricityUtil.GetRandomNature(ref rand, pk.Form) : (byte)rand.NextInt(25); if (pk.Nature != nature) return false; if (enc.Height == 0) { var value = (int)rand.NextInt(0x81) + (int)rand.NextInt(0x80); if (pk is IScaledSize s && s.HeightScalar != value) return false; } if (enc.Weight == 0) { var value = (int)rand.NextInt(0x81) + (int)rand.NextInt(0x80); if (pk is IScaledSize s && s.WeightScalar != value) return false; } if (enc.Scale == 0) { var value = (int)rand.NextInt(0x81) + (int)rand.NextInt(0x80); if (pk is IScaledSize3 s && s.Scale != value) return false; } return true; } public static int GetGender(in int ratio, in ulong rand100) => ratio switch { 0x1F => rand100 < 12 ? 1 : 0, // 12.5% 0x3F => rand100 < 25 ? 1 : 0, // 25% 0x7F => rand100 < 50 ? 1 : 0, // 50% 0xBF => rand100 < 75 ? 1 : 0, // 75% 0xE1 => rand100 < 89 ? 1 : 0, // 87.5% _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(ratio)), }; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public static void ForceShinyState(PKM pk, in bool isShiny, ref uint pid, uint xor) { if (isShiny) { if (!GetIsShiny(pk.TID, pk.SID, pid)) pid = GetShinyPID(pk.TID, pk.SID, pid, (int)xor); } else { if (GetIsShiny(pk.TID, pk.SID, pid)) pid ^= 0x1000_0000; } } private static uint GetShinyPID(in int tid, in int sid, in uint pid, in int type) { return (uint)(((tid ^ sid ^ (pid & 0xFFFF) ^ type) << 16) | (pid & 0xFFFF)); } private static bool GetIsShiny(in int tid, in int sid, in uint pid) { return GetShinyXor(tid, sid, pid) < 16; } private static uint GetShinyXor(in int tid, in int sid, in uint pid) { return GetShinyXor(pid, (uint)((sid << 16) | tid)); } private static uint GetShinyXor(in uint pid, in uint oid) { var xor = pid ^ oid; return (xor ^ (xor >> 16)) & 0xFFFF; } } public interface ITeraRaid9 : IGemType { bool IsDistribution { get; } byte Index { get; } byte Stars { get; } byte RandRate { get; } bool CanBeEncountered(uint seed); }