using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace PKHeX.Core { /// /// Bundles raw string inputs into lists that can be used in data binding. /// public sealed class GameDataSource { public static readonly IReadOnlyList Regions = Util.GetCSVUnsortedCBList("regions3ds"); private static readonly List LanguageList = Util.GetCSVUnsortedCBList("languages"); // ignores Poke/Great/Ultra private static readonly ushort[] ball_nums = { 007, 576, 013, 492, 497, 014, 495, 493, 496, 494, 011, 498, 008, 006, 012, 015, 009, 005, 499, 010, 001, 016, 851 }; private static readonly byte[] ball_vals = { 007, 025, 013, 017, 022, 014, 020, 018, 021, 019, 011, 023, 008, 006, 012, 015, 009, 005, 024, 010, 001, 016, 026 }; private static readonly byte[] Gen4EncounterTypes = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 23, 24 }; public GameDataSource(GameStrings s) { Strings = s; BallDataSource = Util.GetVariedCBListBall(s.itemlist, ball_nums, ball_vals); SpeciesDataSource = Util.GetCBList(s.specieslist); NatureDataSource = Util.GetCBList(s.natures); AbilityDataSource = Util.GetCBList(s.abilitylist); EncounterTypeDataSource = Util.GetUnsortedCBList(s.encountertypelist, Gen4EncounterTypes); var moves = Util.GetCBList(s.movelist); HaXMoveDataSource = moves; var legal = new List(moves); legal.RemoveAll(m => Legal.Z_Moves.Contains(m.Value)); LegalMoveDataSource = legal; VersionDataSource = GetVersionList(s); Met = new MetDataSource(s); Empty = new ComboItem(s.Species[0], 0); } /// Strings that this object's lists were generated with. public readonly GameStrings Strings; /// Contains Met Data lists to source lists from. public readonly MetDataSource Met; /// Represents "(None)", localized to this object's language strings. public readonly ComboItem Empty; public readonly IReadOnlyList SpeciesDataSource; public readonly IReadOnlyList BallDataSource; public readonly IReadOnlyList NatureDataSource; public readonly IReadOnlyList AbilityDataSource; public readonly IReadOnlyList VersionDataSource; public readonly IReadOnlyList LegalMoveDataSource; public readonly IReadOnlyList HaXMoveDataSource; public readonly IReadOnlyList EncounterTypeDataSource; private static IReadOnlyList GetVersionList(GameStrings s) { var list = s.gamelist; var games = new byte[] { 44, 45, // 8 swsh 42, 43, // 7 gg 30, 31, // 7 sm 32, 33, // 7 usum 24, 25, // 6 xy 27, 26, // 6 oras 21, 20, // 5 bw 23, 22, // 5 b2w2 10, 11, 12, // 4 dppt 07, 08, // 4 hgss 02, 01, 03, // 3 rse 04, 05, // 3 frlg 15, // 3 cxd 39, 40, 41, // 7vc2 35, 36, 37, 38, // 7vc1 34, // 7go }; return Util.GetUnsortedCBList(list, games); } public List GetItemDataSource(GameVersion game, int generation, IReadOnlyList allowed, bool HaX = false) { var items = Strings.GetItemStrings(generation, game); return HaX ? Util.GetCBList(items) : Util.GetCBList(items, allowed); } public static IReadOnlyList LanguageDataSource(int gen) { var languages = LanguageList.ToList(); if (gen == 3) languages.RemoveAll(l => l.Value >= (int)LanguageID.Korean); else if (gen < 7) languages.RemoveAll(l => l.Value > (int)LanguageID.Korean); return languages; } } }