using System; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; namespace PKHeX.Core; /// /// Reflection utility to create blank without specifying a constructor. /// public static class EntityBlank { /// /// Gets a Blank object of the specified type. /// /// Type of instance desired. /// New instance of a blank object. public static PKM GetBlank(Type type) { var constructors = type.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredConstructors.Where(z => !z.IsStatic); var argCount = constructors.Min(z => z.GetParameters().Length); return (PKM)Activator.CreateInstance(type, new object[argCount]); } public static PKM GetBlank(int gen, GameVersion ver) => gen switch { 1 when ver == GameVersion.BU => new PK1(true), 7 when GameVersion.Gen7b.Contains(ver) => new PB7(), 8 when GameVersion.BDSP.Contains(ver) => new PB8(), 8 when GameVersion.PLA == ver => new PA8(), _ => GetBlank(gen), }; public static PKM GetBlank(int gen, int ver) => GetBlank(gen, (GameVersion)ver); public static PKM GetBlank(int gen) { var type = Type.GetType($"PKHeX.Core.PK{gen}"); if (type is null) throw new InvalidCastException($"Unable to get the type for PK{gen}."); return GetBlank(type); } }