using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using static PKHeX.Core.EncountersWC3;
namespace PKHeX.Core
public static class EncounterEvent
/// Event Database for Generation 3
public static IReadOnlyList MGDB_G3 { get; private set; } = Array.Empty();
/// Event Database for Generation 4
public static IReadOnlyList MGDB_G4 { get; private set; } = Array.Empty();
/// Event Database for Generation 5
public static IReadOnlyList MGDB_G5 { get; private set; } = Array.Empty();
/// Event Database for Generation 6
public static IReadOnlyList MGDB_G6 { get; private set; } = Array.Empty();
/// Event Database for Generation 7
public static IReadOnlyList MGDB_G7 { get; private set; } = Array.Empty();
/// Event Database for Generation 7
public static IReadOnlyList MGDB_G7GG { get; private set; } = Array.Empty();
/// Event Database for Generation 8
public static IReadOnlyList MGDB_G8 { get; private set; } = Array.Empty();
/// Indicates if the databases are initialized.
public static bool Initialized => MGDB_G3.Count != 0;
private static PCD[] GetPCDDB(byte[] bin) => Get(bin, PCD.Size, d => new PCD(d));
private static PGF[] GetPGFDB(byte[] bin) => Get(bin, PGF.Size, d => new PGF(d));
private static WC6[] GetWC6DB(byte[] wc6bin, byte[] wc6full) => WC6Full.GetArray(wc6full, wc6bin);
private static WC7[] GetWC7DB(byte[] wc7bin, byte[] wc7full) => WC7Full.GetArray(wc7full, wc7bin);
private static WB7[] GetWB7DB(byte[] bin) => Get(bin, WB7.SizeFull, d => new WB7(d));
private static WC8[] GetWC8DB(byte[] bin) => Get(bin, WC8.Size, d => new WC8(d));
private static T[] Get(byte[] bin, int size, Func ctor)
var result = new T[bin.Length / size];
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(result.Length * size == bin.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
var offset = i * size;
var slice = bin.Slice(offset, size);
result[i] = ctor(slice);
return result;
public static void RefreshMGDB(params string[] paths)
ICollection g4 = GetPCDDB(Util.GetBinaryResource("wc4.pkl"));
ICollection g5 = GetPGFDB(Util.GetBinaryResource("pgf.pkl"));
ICollection g6 = GetWC6DB(Util.GetBinaryResource("wc6.pkl"), Util.GetBinaryResource("wc6full.pkl"));
ICollection g7 = GetWC7DB(Util.GetBinaryResource("wc7.pkl"), Util.GetBinaryResource("wc7full.pkl"));
ICollection b7 = GetWB7DB(Util.GetBinaryResource("wb7full.pkl"));
ICollection g8 = GetWC8DB(Util.GetBinaryResource("wc8.pkl"));
foreach (var gift in paths.Where(Directory.Exists).SelectMany(MysteryUtil.GetGiftsFromFolder))
static void AddOrExpand(ref ICollection arr, T obj)
if (arr is HashSet h)
arr = new HashSet(arr) {obj};
switch (gift)
case PCD pcd: AddOrExpand(ref g4, pcd); continue;
case PGF pgf: AddOrExpand(ref g5, pgf); continue;
case WC6 wc6: AddOrExpand(ref g6, wc6); continue;
case WC7 wc7: AddOrExpand(ref g7, wc7); continue;
case WB7 wb7: AddOrExpand(ref b7, wb7); continue;
case WC8 wc8: AddOrExpand(ref g8, wc8); continue;
static T[] SetArray(ICollection arr)
if (arr is T[] x)
return x;
// rather than use Linq to build an array, just do it the quick way directly.
var result = new T[arr.Count];
((HashSet)arr).CopyTo(result, 0);
return result;
MGDB_G3 = Encounter_WC3; // hardcoded
MGDB_G4 = SetArray(g4);
MGDB_G5 = SetArray(g5);
MGDB_G6 = SetArray(g6);
MGDB_G7 = SetArray(g7);
MGDB_G7GG = SetArray(b7);
MGDB_G8 = SetArray(g8);
public static IEnumerable GetAllEvents(bool sorted = true)
var regular = new IReadOnlyList[]
}.SelectMany(z => z);
regular = regular.Where(mg => !mg.IsItem && mg.IsPokémon && mg.Species > 0);
var result = MGDB_G3.Concat(regular);
if (sorted)
result = result.OrderBy(mg => mg.Species);
return result;