using System;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// Logic to create an .
public static class EvolutionChain
public static EvolutionHistory GetEvolutionChainsAllGens(PKM pk, IEncounterTemplate enc)
var min = GetMinLevel(pk, enc);
var origin = new EvolutionOrigin(pk.Species, (byte)enc.Version, (byte)enc.Generation, min, (byte)pk.CurrentLevel);
if (!pk.IsEgg && enc is not EncounterInvalid)
return GetEvolutionChainsSearch(pk, origin, enc.Context, enc.Species);
return GetEvolutionChainsSearch(pk, origin, pk.Context, enc.Species);
private static byte GetMinLevel(PKM pk, IEncounterTemplate enc) => enc.Generation switch
2 => pk is ICaughtData2 c2 ? Math.Max((byte)c2.Met_Level, enc.LevelMin) : enc.LevelMin,
<= 4 when pk.Format != enc.Generation => enc.LevelMin,
_ => Math.Max((byte)pk.Met_Level, enc.LevelMin),
public static EvolutionHistory GetEvolutionChainsSearch(PKM pk, EvolutionOrigin enc, EntityContext context, ushort encSpecies)
Span chain = stackalloc EvoCriteria[EvolutionTree.MaxEvolutions];
return EvolutionChainsSearch(pk, enc, context, encSpecies, chain);
private static EvolutionHistory EvolutionChainsSearch(PKM pk, EvolutionOrigin enc, EntityContext context, ushort encSpecies, Span chain)
var history = new EvolutionHistory();
var length = GetOriginChain(chain, pk, enc, encSpecies, false);
if (length == 0)
return history;
chain = chain[..length];
// Update the chain to only include the current species, leave future evolutions as unknown
if (encSpecies != 0)
EvolutionUtil.ConditionBaseChainForward(chain, encSpecies);
if (context == EntityContext.Gen2)
EvolutionGroup2.Instance.Evolve(chain, pk, enc, history);
EvolutionGroup1.Instance.Evolve(chain, pk, enc, history);
if (pk.Format > 2)
context = EntityContext.Gen7;
return history;
var group = EvolutionGroupUtil.GetGroup(context);
while (true)
group.Evolve(chain, pk, enc, history);
var previous = group.GetNext(pk, enc);
if (previous is null)
group = previous;
return history;
public static EvoCriteria[] GetOriginChain(PKM pk, EvolutionOrigin enc, ushort encSpecies = 0, bool discard = true)
Span result = stackalloc EvoCriteria[EvolutionTree.MaxEvolutions];
int count = GetOriginChain(result, pk, enc, encSpecies, discard);
if (count == 0)
return Array.Empty();
var chain = result[..count];
return chain.ToArray();
public static int GetOriginChain(Span result, PKM pk, EvolutionOrigin enc, ushort encSpecies = 0, bool discard = true)
ushort species = enc.Species;
byte form = pk.Form;
if (pk.IsEgg && !enc.SkipChecks)
result[0] = new EvoCriteria { Species = species, Form = form, LevelMax = enc.LevelMax, LevelMin = enc.LevelMax };
return 1;
result[0] = new EvoCriteria { Species = species, Form = form, LevelMax = enc.LevelMax };
var count = DevolveFrom(result, pk, enc, pk.Context, encSpecies, discard);
var chain = result[..count];
EvolutionUtil.CleanDevolve(chain, enc.LevelMin);
return count;
private static int DevolveFrom(Span result, PKM pk, EvolutionOrigin enc, EntityContext context, ushort encSpecies, bool discard)
var group = EvolutionGroupUtil.GetGroup(context);
while (true)
group.Devolve(result, pk, enc);
var previous = group.GetPrevious(pk, enc);
if (previous is null)
group = previous;
if (discard)
group.DiscardForOrigin(result, pk);
if (encSpecies != 0)
return EvolutionUtil.IndexOf(result, encSpecies) + 1;
return GetCount(result);
private static int GetCount(Span result)
// return the count of species != 0
int count = 0;
foreach (var evo in result)
if (evo.Species == 0)
return count;