using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static PKHeX.Core.Species;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// Logic for various related requests.
public static class FormConverter
/// Gets a list of formes that the species can have.
/// of the Pokémon.
/// List of type names
/// List of form names
/// List of genders names
/// Generation number for exclusive formes
/// A list of strings corresponding to the formes that a Pokémon can have.
public static string[] GetFormList(int species, IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms, IReadOnlyList genders, int generation)
// Mega List
if (generation < 8 && IsFormListSingleMega(species))
return GetMegaSingle(types, forms);
if (generation == 7 && Legal.Totem_USUM.Contains(species))
return GetFormsTotem(species, types, forms);
if (species <= Legal.MaxSpeciesID_1)
return GetFormsGen1(species, types, forms, generation);
if (species <= Legal.MaxSpeciesID_2)
return GetFormsGen2(species, types, forms, generation);
if (species <= Legal.MaxSpeciesID_3)
return GetFormsGen3(species, types, forms, generation);
if (species <= Legal.MaxSpeciesID_4)
return GetFormsGen4(species, types, forms, generation);
if (species <= Legal.MaxSpeciesID_5)
return GetFormsGen5(species, types, forms, generation);
if (species <= Legal.MaxSpeciesID_6)
return GetFormsGen6(species, types, forms, genders);
if (species <= Legal.MaxSpeciesID_7_USUM)
return GetFormsGen7(species, types, forms);
return GetFormsGen8(species, types, forms, genders);
// this is a hack; depends on currently loaded SaveFile's Game ID
private static bool IsGG() => PKMConverter.Game == (int)GameVersion.GP || PKMConverter.Game == (int)GameVersion.GE;
public static bool IsTotemForm(int species, int form, int generation)
if (generation != 7)
return false;
if (form == 0)
return false;
if (!Legal.Totem_USUM.Contains(species))
return false;
if (species == (int)Mimikyu)
return form == 2 || form == 3;
if (Legal.Totem_Alolan.Contains(species))
return form == 2;
return form == 1;
public static int GetTotemBaseForm(int species, int form)
if (species == (int)Mimikyu)
return form - 2;
return form - 1;
public static bool IsValidOutOfBoundsForme(int species, int form, int generation)
switch ((Species)species)
case Unown:
return form < (generation == 2 ? 26 : 28); // A-Z : A-Z?!
case Mothim: // Burmy base form is kept
return form < 3;
case Scatterbug:
case Spewpa: // Vivillon Pre-evolutions
return form < 18;
return false;
private static readonly string[] EMPTY = { string.Empty };
private const string Starter = nameof(Starter);
private static string[] GetFormsGen1(int species, IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms, int generation)
switch ((Species)species)
case Charizard when generation < 8:
case Mewtwo when generation < 8:
return GetMegaXY(types, forms);
case Eevee when IsGG():
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
case Pikachu:
return GetFormsPikachu(generation, types, forms);
case Weezing when generation >= 8:
case Ponyta when generation >= 8:
case Rapidash when generation >= 8:
case Slowpoke when generation >= 8:
case MrMime when generation >= 8:
case Farfetchd when generation >= 8:
case Articuno when generation >= 8:
case Zapdos when generation >= 8:
case Moltres when generation >= 8:
return GetFormsGalar(types, forms);
case Slowbro when generation >= 8:
return GetFormsGalarSlowbro(types, forms);
return GetFormsAlolan(generation, types, forms, species);
private static string[] GetFormsGen2(int species, IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms, int generation)
return species switch
(int)Pichu when generation == 4 => GetFormsPichu(types, forms),
(int)Slowking when generation >= 8 => GetFormsGalar(types, forms),
(int)Unown => GetFormsUnown(generation),
(int)Corsola when generation >= 8 => GetFormsGalar(types, forms),
_ => EMPTY
private static string[] GetFormsGen3(int species, IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms, int generation)
switch ((Species)species)
return EMPTY;
case Zigzagoon when generation >= 8:
case Linoone when generation >= 8:
return GetFormsGalar(types, forms);
case Castform: // Castform
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
forms[889], // Sunny
forms[890], // Rainy
forms[891], // Snowy
case Kyogre: // Kyogre
case Groudon: // Groudon
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
forms[899], // Primal
case Deoxys: // Deoxys
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
forms[902], // Attack
forms[903], // Defense
forms[904], // Speed
private static string[] GetFormsGen4(int species, IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms, int generation)
switch ((Species)species)
return EMPTY;
case Burmy:
case Wormadam:
case Mothim:
return new[]
forms[412], // Plant
forms[905], // Sandy
forms[906], // Trash
case Cherrim:
return new[]
forms[421], // Overcast
forms[909], // Sunshine
case Shellos:
case Gastrodon:
return new[]
forms[422], // West
forms[911], // East
case Rotom:
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
forms[917], // Heat
forms[918], // Wash
forms[919], // Frost
forms[920], // Fan
forms[921], // Mow
case Giratina:
return new[]
forms[487], // Altered
forms[922], // Origin
case Shaymin:
return new[]
forms[492], // Land
forms[923], // Sky
case Arceus:
case Silvally:
return GetFormsArceus(generation, types);
private static string[] GetFormsGen5(int species, IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms, int generation)
switch ((Species)species)
return EMPTY;
case Basculin:
return new[]
forms[550], // Red
forms[942], // Blue
case Darumaka when generation >= 8:
return GetFormsGalar(types, forms);
case Darmanitan:
if (generation <= 7)
return new[]
forms[555], // Standard
forms[943], // Zen
return new[]
forms[555], // Standard
forms[943], // Zen
forms[Galarian], // Standard
forms[Galarian] + " " + forms[943], // Zen
case Yamask when generation >= 8:
return GetFormsGalar(types, forms);
case Deerling:
case Sawsbuck:
return new[]
forms[585], // Spring
forms[947], // Summer
forms[948], // Autumn
forms[949], // Winter
case Stunfisk when generation >= 8:
return GetFormsGalar(types, forms);
case Tornadus:
case Thundurus:
case Landorus:
return new[]
forms[641], // Incarnate
forms[952], // Therian
case Kyurem:
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
forms[953], // White
forms[954], // Black
case Keldeo:
return new[]
forms[647], // Ordinary
forms[955], // Resolute
case Meloetta:
return new[]
forms[648], // Aria
forms[956], // Pirouette
case Genesect:
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
types[010], // Douse (Water)
types[012], // Shock (Electric)
types[009], // Burn (Fire)
types[014], // Chill (Ice)
private static string[] GetFormsGen6(int species, IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms, IReadOnlyList genders)
switch ((Species)species)
return EMPTY;
case Greninja:
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
forms[962], // "Ash",
forms[1012], // "Bonded" - Active
case Scatterbug:
case Spewpa:
case Vivillon:
return new[]
forms[666], // Icy Snow
forms[963], // Polar
forms[964], // Tundra
forms[965], // Continental
forms[966], // Garden
forms[967], // Elegant
forms[968], // Meadow
forms[969], // Modern
forms[970], // Marine
forms[971], // Archipelago
forms[972], // High-Plains
forms[973], // Sandstorm
forms[974], // River
forms[975], // Monsoon
forms[976], // Savanna
forms[977], // Sun
forms[978], // Ocean
forms[979], // Jungle
forms[980], // Fancy
forms[981], // Poké Ball
case Flabébé:
case Florges:
return new[]
forms[669], // Red
forms[986], // Yellow
forms[987], // Orange
forms[988], // Blue
forms[989], // White
case Floette:
return new[]
forms[669], // Red
forms[986], // Yellow
forms[987], // Orange
forms[988], // Blue
forms[989], // White
forms[990], // Eternal
case Furfrou:
return new[]
forms[676], // Natural
forms[995], // Heart
forms[996], // Star
forms[997], // Diamond
forms[998], // Debutante
forms[999], // Matron
forms[1000], // Dandy
forms[1001], // La Reine
forms[1002], // Kabuki
forms[1003], // Pharaoh
case Meowstic:
return new[]
genders[000], // Male
genders[001], // Female
case Aegislash:
return new[]
forms[681], // Shield
forms[1005], // Blade
case Pumpkaboo:
case Gourgeist:
return new[]
forms[710], // Average
forms[1006], // Small
forms[1007], // Large
forms[1008], // Super
case Xerneas:
return new[]
forms[716], // Neutral
forms[1012], // Active
case Hoopa:
return new[]
forms[720], // Confined
forms[1018], // Unbound
case Zygarde:
return new[]
forms[718], // 50% (Aura Break)
forms[1013], // 10% (Aura Break)
forms[1014] + "-C", // 10% Cell (Power Construct)
forms[1015] + "-C", // 50% Cell (Power Construct)
forms[1016], // 100% Cell (Power Construct)
private static string[] GetFormsGen7(int species, IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms)
switch ((Species)species)
return EMPTY;
case Oricorio:
return new[]
forms[741], // "RED" - Baile
forms[1021], // "YLW" - Pom-Pom
forms[1022], // "PNK" - Pa'u
forms[1023], // "BLU" - Sensu
case Rockruff:
return new[]
types[0], // Normal
forms[1064], // Dusk
case Lycanroc:
return new[]
forms[745], // Midday
forms[1024], // Midnight
forms[1064], // Dusk
case Wishiwashi:
return new[]
forms[1025], // School
case Silvally:
return GetFormsArceus(7, types);
case Minior:
return new[]
forms[774], // "R-Meteor", // Meteor Red
forms[1045], // "O-Meteor", // Meteor Orange
forms[1046], // "Y-Meteor", // Meteor Yellow
forms[1047], // "G-Meteor", // Meteor Green
forms[1048], // "B-Meteor", // Meteor Blue
forms[1049], // "I-Meteor", // Meteor Indigo
forms[1050], // "V-Meteor", // Meteor Violet
forms[1051], // "R-Core", // Core Red
forms[1052], // "O-Core", // Core Orange
forms[1053], // "Y-Core", // Core Yellow
forms[1054], // "G-Core", // Core Green
forms[1055], // "B-Core", // Core Blue
forms[1056], // "I-Core", // Core Indigo
forms[1057], // "V-Core", // Core Violet
case Mimikyu:
return new[]
forms[778], // Disguised
forms[1058], // Busted
case Necrozma:
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
forms[1065], // Dusk Mane
forms[1066], // Dawn Wings
forms[1067], // Ultra Necrozma
case Magearna:
return new[]
forms[1062], // Original
private static string[] GetFormsGen8(int species, IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms, IReadOnlyList genders)
switch ((Species)species)
return EMPTY;
case Cramorant:
return new[]
types[0], // Normal
case Toxtricity:
return new[]
forms[(int)Toxtricity], // Amped
case Indeedee:
return new[]
genders[000], // Male
genders[001], // Female
case Sinistea:
case Polteageist:
return new[]
case Alcremie:
return new[]
forms[(int)Alcremie], // Vanilla Cream
case Morpeko:
return new[]
types[0], // Normal
case Eiscue:
return new[]
types[0], // Normal
case Zacian:
case Zamazenta:
return new[]
types[0], // Normal
case Eternatus:
return new[]
types[0], // Normal
case Urshifu:
return new[]
case Zarude:
return new[]
types[0], // Normal
case Calyrex:
return new[]
types[0], // Normal
private static string[] GetFormsAlolan (int generation, IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms, int species)
if (generation < 7)
return EMPTY;
switch ((Species)species)
return EMPTY;
case Meowth when generation >= 8:
return new[]
forms[810], // Alolan
forms[Galarian], // Alolan
case Rattata:
case Raticate: // Only reached when Gen8+, as Totem logic picks up Gen7 earlier.
case Raichu:
case Sandshrew:
case Sandslash:
case Vulpix:
case Ninetales:
case Diglett:
case Dugtrio:
case Meowth:
case Persian:
case Geodude:
case Graveler:
case Golem:
case Grimer:
case Muk:
case Exeggutor:
case Marowak: // Only reached when Gen8+, as Totem logic picks up Gen7 earlier.
return new[]
forms[810] // Alolan
private static string[] GetFormsPikachu(int generation, IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms)
switch (generation)
return EMPTY;
case 6:
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
forms[729], // Rockstar
forms[730], // Belle
forms[731], // Pop
forms[732], // PhD
forms[733], // Libre
forms[734], // Cosplay
case 7 when IsGG():
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
forms[813], // Original
forms[814], // Hoenn
forms[815], // Sinnoh
forms[816], // Unova
forms[817], // Kalos
forms[818], // Alola
forms[1063], // Partner
case 7:
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
forms[813], // Original
forms[814], // Hoenn
forms[815], // Sinnoh
forms[816], // Unova
forms[817], // Kalos
forms[818], // Alola
forms[1063], // Partner
case 8:
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
forms[813], // Original
forms[814], // Hoenn
forms[815], // Sinnoh
forms[816], // Unova
forms[817], // Kalos
forms[818], // Alola
forms[1063], // Partner
forms[1085], // World
private static string[] GetFormsPichu (IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms)
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
forms[000], // Spiky
private static string[] GetFormsArceus (int generation, IReadOnlyList types)
switch (generation)
case 4:
return new[]
types[00], // Normal
types[01], // Fighting
types[02], // Flying
types[03], // Poison
types[04], // etc
"???", // ???-type arceus
types[16] // No Fairy Type
case 5:
return new[]
types[00], // Normal
types[01], // Fighting
types[02], // Flying
types[03], // Poison
types[04], // etc
types[16] // No Fairy type
return new[]
types[00], // Normal
types[01], // Fighting
types[02], // Flying
types[03], // Poison
types[04], // etc
private static string[] GetFormsTotem (int species, IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms)
if ((Species)species == Mimikyu) // Mimikyu
return new[]
forms[778], // Disguised
forms[1058], // Busted
forms[1007], // Large
"*" + forms[1058], // Busted
if (Legal.Totem_Alolan.Contains(species))
return new[]
types[0], // Normal
forms[810], // Alolan
forms[1007], // Large
return new[]
types[0], // Normal
forms[1007], // Large
private static string[] GetFormsUnown(int generation)
return generation switch
2 => new[]
"A", "B", "C", "D", "E",
"F", "G", "H", "I", "J",
"K", "L", "M", "N", "O",
"P", "Q", "R", "S", "T",
"U", "V", "W", "X", "Y",
// "!", "?", not in Gen II
_ => new[]
"A", "B", "C", "D", "E",
"F", "G", "H", "I", "J",
"K", "L", "M", "N", "O",
"P", "Q", "R", "S", "T",
"U", "V", "W", "X", "Y",
"!", "?",
private static bool IsFormListSingleMega(int species) => Mega_6_Single.Contains(species);
private static readonly HashSet Mega_6_Single = new HashSet
// XY
003, 009, 065, 094, 115, 127, 130, 142, 181, 212, 214, 229, 248, 257, 282, 303, 306, 308, 310, 354, 359,
380, 381, 445, 448, 460,
// AO
015, 018, 080, 208, 254, 260, 302, 319, 323, 334, 362, 373, 376, 384, 428, 475, 531, 719,
/// Checks if the data should have a drop-down selection visible for the value.
/// Game specific personal info
/// ID
/// ID
/// True if has formes that can be provided by , otherwise false for none.
public static bool HasFormSelection(PersonalInfo pi, int species, int format)
if (format <= 3 && species != (int)Unown)
return false;
if (HasFormeValuesNotIndicatedByPersonal.Contains(species))
return true;
int count = pi.FormeCount;
return count > 1;
private static readonly HashSet HasFormeValuesNotIndicatedByPersonal = new HashSet
(int)Mothim, // (Burmy forme carried over, not cleared)
(int)Scatterbug, (int)Spewpa, // Vivillon pre-evos
private static string[] GetMegaSingle(IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms)
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
forms[804], // Mega
private static string[] GetMegaXY(IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms)
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
forms[805], // Mega X
forms[806], // Mega Y
private static string[] GetFormsGalar(IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms)
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
forms[Galarian], // Galarian
private static string[] GetFormsGalarSlowbro(IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms)
return new[]
types[000], // Normal
forms[804], // Mega
forms[Galarian], // Galarian
private const int Galarian = 1068;
// private const int Gigantamax = 1069;
private const int Gulping = 1070;
private const int Gorging = 1071;
private const int LowKey = 1072;
private const int RubyCream = 1073;
private const int MatchaCream = 1074;
private const int MintCream = 1075;
private const int LemonCream = 1076;
private const int SaltedCream = 1077;
private const int RubySwirl = 1078;
private const int CaramelSwirl = 1079;
private const int RainbowSwirl = 1080;
private const int NoiceFace = 1081;
private const int HangryMode = 1082;
private const int Crowned = 1083;
private const int Eternamax = 1084;
private const int SingleStrike = 1086;
private const int RapidStrike = 1087;
private const int Dada = 1088;
private const int CalyIce = 1089; // Ice
private const int CalyGhost = 1090; // Shadow
public static string[] GetAlcremieFormList(IReadOnlyList forms)
var result = new string[63];
// seed form0 with the pattern
result[0 * 7] = forms[(int) Alcremie]; // Vanilla Cream
result[1 * 7] = forms[RubyCream];
result[2 * 7] = forms[MatchaCream];
result[3 * 7] = forms[MintCream];
result[4 * 7] = forms[LemonCream];
result[5 * 7] = forms[SaltedCream];
result[6 * 7] = forms[RubySwirl];
result[7 * 7] = forms[CaramelSwirl];
result[8 * 7] = forms[RainbowSwirl];
const int deco = 7;
const int fc = 9;
for (int f = 0; f < fc; f++)
int start = f * deco;
// iterate downwards using form0 as pattern ref, replacing on final loop
for (int i = deco - 1; i >= 0; i--)
result[start + i] = $"{result[start]} ({(AlcremieDecoration)i})";
return result;
public static string[] GetFormArgumentStrings(int species, int form, int generation)
if (generation <= 5)
return EMPTY;
static string[] GetBlank(int count)
var result = new string[count];
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
result[i] = i.ToString();
return result;
return species switch
(int) Furfrou when form != 0 => new[] {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"},
(int) Hoopa when form == 1 => new[] {"0", "1", "2", "3"},
(int) Yamask when form == 1 => GetBlank(320),
(int) Runerigus when form == 0 => GetBlank(320), // max Runerigus HP
(int) Alcremie => Enum.GetNames(typeof(AlcremieDecoration)),
_ => EMPTY