! PKHeX Interface Customization File ! Languages: Save this file accordingly and put it in the same folder as PKHeX's executable. ! lang_en.txt = English ! lang_jp.txt = Japanese ! lang_fr.txt = French ! lang_de.txt = German ! lang_es.txt = Spanish ! lang_it.txt = Italian ! lang_ko.txt = Korean ! Make sure that each edit has a ' = ' between Control name and new Text! ! For the Menu Bar, separate the DropDown Item names with ' ; ' ! ! ----------------------------------------------------- - DO NOT CHANGE THIS SECTION. Ribbons / Medals UI Below ! Form1 - Change stuff below this line, not above. ----------------Overall PKX Interface------------------ Menu_File = Archivo ; Abrir... ; Guardar Como... ; Salir Menu_Tools = Herramientas ; Activar Interfaz de Cajas ; Cargar/Exportar Cajas ; Reporte de la caja ; Generador de codigos Menu_Options = Opciones ; Idioma ; Sobre PKHeX --------------------Main Tab Data---------------------- Tab_Main = Inicio Label_PID = PID: BTN_RerollPID = Generar Label_Species = Especie: CHK_Nicknamed = Apodo: Label_EXP = EXP: Label_CurLevel = Nivel: Label_Nature = Naturaleza: Label_HeldItem = Objeto Equipado: Label_Friendship = Felicidad: Label_Form = Forma: Label_Ability = Habilidad: Label_Language = Idioma: CHK_IsEgg = Es Huevo CHK_Infected = Infectado CHK_Cured = Curado Label_PKRS = PkRs: Label_PKRSdays = d: Label_Country = País: Label_SubRegion = Sub Region: Label_3DSRegion = 3DS Region: ---------------------Met Tab Data----------------------- Tab_Met = Conocido Label_OriginGame = Juego Original: Label_MetLocation = Lugar: Label_Ball = Bola: Label_MetLevel = Nivel: Label_MetDate = Fecha: Label_EncounterType = Encuentro: CHK_Fateful = Encuentro Fatídico ---------------------Egg Met Data----------------------- CHK_AsEgg = Como huevo GB_EggConditions = Condiciones del huevo Label_EggLocation = Lugar: Label_EggDate = Fecha: --------------------Stats Tab Data---------------------- Tab_Stats = Estadísticas Label_IVs = IVs Label_EVs = EVs Label_Stats = Estadísticas Label_HP = PS: Label_ATK = Atq: Label_DEF = Def: Label_SPA = Atq E: Label_SPD = Def E: Label_SPE = Velo: Label_Total = Total: Label_HiddenPowerPrefix = Poder Oculto Tipo: Label_CharacteristicPrefix = Características: BTN_RandomIVs = Randomizar IVs BTN_RandomEVs = Randomizar EVs Label_ContestStats = Estadísticas de concurso Label_Cool = Carisma Label_Beauty = Belleza Label_Cute = Dulzura Label_Smart = Ingenio Label_Tough = Dureza Label_Sheen = Brillo -------------------Attacks Tab Data--------------------- Tab_Attacks = Ataques GB_CurrentMoves = Ataques Actuales Label_CurPP = PP Label_PPups = Más PP GB_RelearnMoves = Recordar Movimientos -------------------OT/Misc Tab Data--------------------- Tab_OTMisc = EO/Misc GB_OT = Trainer Information Label_TID = ID: Label_SID = IDS: Label_OT = EO: RB_OTM = M RB_OTF = H GB_nOT = Ultimo dueño (no OT) Label_PrevOT = OT: RB_nOTM = M RB_nOTF = H GB_ExtraBytes = Bytes Extras GB_Markings = Marcas BTN_Ribbons = Listones/Medales BTN_History = Memorias/Recreo Label_EncryptionConstant = Constante de Encryption: BTN_RerollEC = Generar -----------------Save Data Interface-------------------- Tab_Box = Caja Tab_PartyBattle = Caja de combate Tab_Other = Otro Tab_Tools = Herramientas Tab_SAV = SAV B_OpenPokePuffs = ‎Pokélito B_OpenItemPouch = Objeto B_OpenTrainerInfo = Info del Entrenador B_OpenBoxLayout = Box Layout B_OpenWondercards = Tarjetas Misteriosas B_OpenBerryField = Cultivo de Bayas B_OpenOPowers = Poder O B_OpenEventFlags = Event Flags B_OpenPokedex = Pokédex B_OpenSuperTraining = Super Train --------------------Tab Internals----------------------- L_Party = Equipo: L_BattleBox = Caja de Combate: GB_Daycare = Guardería GB_GTS = GTS GB_Fused = Fusionado GB_SUBE = Viejo DayCare_HasEgg = Huevo Disponible L_DaycareSeed = Seed L_ReadOnlyOther = Sólo leer. B_BoxIO = Abrir/Guardar Contenidos de la Caja B_JPEG = Guardar PGL .JPEG B_OUTHallofFame = Hall de la fama B_OUTPasserby = Transeúntes L_IntegrityCheck = Chequeo de integridad: B_VerifyCHK = Checksums B_VerifySHA = Hashes L_SAVManipulation = Manipular archivo de partida: B_SwitchSAV = Cambiar SAV B_ExportSAV = Exportar SAV ! End ! ----------------------------------------------------- - DO NOT CHANGE THIS SECTION. Ribbons / Medals UI Below ! RibbonMedal - Change stuff below this line, not above. ----------------------Buttons-------------------------- BTN_All = Dar todos BTN_None = Quitar todos BTN_Cancel = Cancelar BTN_Save = Guardar -------------------Ribbons/Medals---------------------- Tab_Kalos = Cintas Comunes Tab_Extra = Cintas Extras Tab_Medals = Training Medals GB_Kalos12 = Set 1 Kalos1a_0 = Campeón de Kalos Kalos1a_1 = Campeón de Hoenn Kalos1a_2 = Campeón de Sinnoh Kalos1a_3 = Afecto Kalos1a_4 = Ejercicio Kalos1a_5 = Figura del Combate Kalos1a_6 = Experto del Combate Kalos1a_7 = Esfuerzo --- Kalos1b_0 = Alerta Kalos1b_1 = Impacto Kalos1b_2 = Abatimiento Kalos1b_3 = Descuido Kalos1b_4 = Relax Kalos1b_5 = Cabezada Kalos1b_6 = Sonrisa Kalos1b_7 = Maravilla --- GB_Kalos34 = Set 2 Kalos2a_0 = Realeza Kalos2a_1 = Realeza Maravila Kalos2a_2 = Artista Kalos2a_3 = Huella Kalos2a_4 = Récord Kalos2a_5 = Leyenda Kalos2a_6 = Campo Kalos2a_7 = Nacional --- Kalos2b_0 = Planeta Kalos2b_1 = Mundo Kalos2b_2 = Clásica Kalos2b_3 = Principal Kalos2b_4 = Evento Kalos2b_5 = Cumpleaños Kalos2b_6 = Especial Kalos2b_7 = Recuerdo --- GB_Extra1 = Set 3 Extra1_0 = Deseo Extra1_1 = Campeón de Torneo Extra1_2 = Campeón de Área Extra1_3 = Campeón Nacional Extra1_4 = Campeón Mundial L_PastContest = Cintas de concursos anteriores: L_PastBattle = Cintas de batallas anteriores: ------------------Super Training--------------------- L_SuperTraining = Superentrenamiento Normal L_Rank1 = Nv. 1 TMedal1_3 = PS TMedal1_4 = Atq TMedal1_7 = Def TMedal1_2 = AtE TMedal1_5 = DfE TMedal1_6 = Vel L_Rank2 = Nv. 2 TMedal2_1 = PS TMedal2_2 = Atq TMedal2_5 = Def TMedal2_0 = AtE TMedal2_3 = DfE TMedal2_4 = Vel L_Rank3 = Nv. 3 TMedal2_7 = PS TMedal3_0 = Atq TMedal3_3 = Def TMedal2_6 = AtE TMedal3_1 = DfE TMedal3_2 = Vel CHK_Secret = Superentrenamiento L_Rank3 = NV. 4 TMedal3_4 = Dificultad tras otra L_Rank3 = Nv. 5 TMedal3_5 = Hoja TMedal3_6 = Fuego TMedal3_7 = Agua TMedal4_0 = Evasivas L_Rank3 = Nv. 6 TMedal4_1 = Contraataque TMedal4_2 = Agilidad TMedal4_3 = Ristras L_Rank3 = Nv. 7 TMedal4_4 = Scatterbug TMedal4_5 = Bombardeo TMedal4_6 = Hydreigon L_Rank3 = Nv. 8 TMedal4_7 = X/Y ! End ! ----------------------------------------------------- - DO NOT CHANGE THIS SECTION. Memories / Amie UI Below ! MemoryAmie - Change stuff below this line, not above. ---------------------Bottom UI------------------------- BTN_Cancel = Cancelar BTN_Save = Guardar L_Handler = Manejador Actual: - Tab_OTMemory = Memorias con: EO L_OT_Friendship = Amistad: L_OT_Affection = Cariño: Tab_CTMemory = Memorias con: notEO L_CT_Friendship = Amistad: L_cT_Affection = Cariño: Tab_Residence = Residencia -- -- L_Arguments = Disabled ; Never left ; OT ; Past Gen ; Memories with ; Pokémon ; Area ; Item(s) ; Move ; Location ; ! End