using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using static PKHeX.Core.Legal; using static PKHeX.Core.GameVersion; namespace PKHeX.Core { public static class MoveEgg { public static int[] GetEggMoves(PersonalInfo pi, int species, int form, GameVersion version, int generation) { if (species > GetMaxSpeciesOrigin(generation)) return Array.Empty(); if (pi.Genderless && !FixedGenderFromBiGender.Contains(species)) return Array.Empty(); if (!Breeding.CanGameGenerateEggs(version)) return Array.Empty(); return GetEggMoves(generation, species, form, version); } public static int[] GetEggMoves(int generation, int species, int form, GameVersion version) => generation switch { 1 or 2 => (version == C ? EggMovesC : EggMovesGS)[species].Moves, 3 => EggMovesRS[species].Moves, 4 when version is D or P or Pt => EggMovesDPPt[species].Moves, 4 when version is HG or SS => EggMovesHGSS[species].Moves, 5 => EggMovesBW[species].Moves, 6 when version is X or Y => EggMovesXY[species].Moves, 6 when version is OR or AS => EggMovesAO[species].Moves, 7 when version is SN or MN => GetFormEggMoves(species, form, EggMovesSM), 7 when version is US or UM => GetFormEggMoves(species, form, EggMovesUSUM), 8 => GetFormEggMoves(species, form, EggMovesSWSH), _ => Array.Empty(), }; private static int[] GetFormEggMoves(int species, int form, IReadOnlyList table) { var entry = table[species]; if (form > 0 && entry.FormTableIndex > species) entry = table[entry.FormTableIndex + form - 1]; return entry.Moves; } internal static int[] GetRelearnLVLMoves(PKM pkm, int species, int form, int lvl, GameVersion version = Any) { if (version == Any) version = (GameVersion)pkm.Version; // A pkm can only have levelup relearn moves from the game it originated on // eg Plusle/Minun have Charm/Fake Tears (respectively) only in OR/AS, not X/Y return version switch { X or Y => getMoves(LevelUpXY, PersonalTable.XY), OR or AS => getMoves(LevelUpAO, PersonalTable.AO), SN or MN when species <= MaxSpeciesID_7 => getMoves(LevelUpSM, PersonalTable.SM), US or UM => getMoves(LevelUpUSUM, PersonalTable.USUM), SW or SH => getMoves(LevelUpSWSH, PersonalTable.SWSH), _ => Array.Empty(), }; int[] getMoves(IReadOnlyList moves, PersonalTable table) => moves[table.GetFormIndex(species, form)].GetMoves(lvl); } public static bool GetIsSharedEggMove(PKM pkm, int gen, int move) { if (gen < 8 || pkm.IsEgg) return false; var table = PersonalTable.SWSH; var entry = (PersonalInfoSWSH)table.GetFormEntry(pkm.Species, pkm.Form); var baseSpecies = entry.HatchSpecies; var baseForm = entry.HatchFormIndexEverstone; var egg = GetEggMoves(8, baseSpecies, baseForm, SW); return Array.Exists(egg, z => z == move); } } }