using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace PKHeX.Core; /// /// Generation 8 object for games. /// public sealed class SAV8LA : SaveFile, ISaveBlock8LA, ISCBlockArray, ISaveFileRevision { protected internal override string ShortSummary => $"{OT} ({Version}) - {LastSaved.LastSavedTime}"; public override string Extension => string.Empty; public SAV8LA(byte[] data) : base(data) { Data = Array.Empty(); AllBlocks = SwishCrypto.Decrypt(data); Blocks = new SaveBlockAccessor8LA(this); SaveRevision = Blocks.DetectRevision(); Initialize(); } private SAV8LA(IReadOnlyList blocks) : base(Array.Empty()) { AllBlocks = blocks; Blocks = new SaveBlockAccessor8LA(this); SaveRevision = Blocks.DetectRevision(); Initialize(); } public SAV8LA() { AllBlocks = Meta8.GetBlankDataLA(); Blocks = new SaveBlockAccessor8LA(this); SaveRevision = Blocks.DetectRevision(); Initialize(); ClearBoxes(); } public int SaveRevision { get; } public string SaveRevisionString => SaveRevision switch { 0 => "-Base", // Vanilla 1 => "-DB", // DLC 1: Daybreak _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(SaveRevision)), }; public override string GetString(ReadOnlySpan data) => StringConverter8.GetString(data); public override int SetString(Span destBuffer, ReadOnlySpan value, int maxLength, StringConverterOption option) => StringConverter8.SetString(destBuffer, value, maxLength, option); public override void CopyChangesFrom(SaveFile sav) { // Absorb changes from all blocks var z = (SAV8LA)sav; var mine = AllBlocks; var newB = z.AllBlocks; for (int i = 0; i < mine.Count; i++) mine[i].CopyFrom(newB[i]); State.Edited = true; } protected override int SIZE_STORED => PokeCrypto.SIZE_8ASTORED; protected override int SIZE_PARTY => PokeCrypto.SIZE_8APARTY; public override int SIZE_BOXSLOT => PokeCrypto.SIZE_8ASTORED; protected override PKM GetPKM(byte[] data) => new PA8(data); protected override byte[] DecryptPKM(byte[] data) => PokeCrypto.DecryptArray8A(data); public override PKM BlankPKM => new PA8(); public override Type PKMType => typeof(PA8); public override int MaxEV => 252; public override int Generation => 8; public override int OTLength => 12; public override int NickLength => 12; public SCBlockAccessor Accessor => Blocks; public IReadOnlyList AllBlocks { get; } public override bool ChecksumsValid => true; public override string ChecksumInfo => string.Empty; public override int BoxCount => BoxLayout8a.BoxCount; // 32 public override int TID { get => MyStatus.TID; set => MyStatus.TID = value; } public override int SID { get => MyStatus.SID; set => MyStatus.SID = value; } public override int Game { get => MyStatus.Game; set => MyStatus.Game = value; } public override int Gender { get => MyStatus.Gender; set => MyStatus.Gender = value; } public override int Language { get => MyStatus.Language; set => MyStatus.Language = value; } public override string OT { get => MyStatus.OT; set => MyStatus.OT = value; } public override GameVersion Version => Game switch { (int)GameVersion.PLA => GameVersion.PLA, _ => GameVersion.Invalid, }; protected override void SetChecksums() { } // None! protected override byte[] GetFinalData() => SwishCrypto.Encrypt(AllBlocks); public override PersonalTable Personal => PersonalTable.LA; public override IReadOnlyList HeldItems => Legal.HeldItems_SWSH; #region Blocks public SaveBlockAccessor8LA Blocks { get; } public T GetValue(uint key) where T : struct { if (!State.Exportable) return default; var value = Blocks.GetBlockValue(key); if (value is T v) return v; throw new ArgumentException($"Incorrect type request! Expected {typeof(T).Name}, received {value.GetType().Name}", nameof(T)); } public void SetValue(uint key, T value) where T : struct { if (!State.Exportable) return; Blocks.SetBlockValue(key, value); } #endregion protected override SaveFile CloneInternal() { var blockCopy = new SCBlock[AllBlocks.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < AllBlocks.Count; i++) blockCopy[i] = AllBlocks[i].Clone(); return new SAV8LA(blockCopy); } public override int MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_8a; public override int MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_8a; public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_8a; public override int MaxBallID => Legal.MaxBallID_8a; public override int MaxGameID => Legal.MaxGameID_8a; public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_8a; public Box8 BoxInfo => Blocks.BoxInfo; public Party8a PartyInfo => Blocks.PartyInfo; public MyStatus8a MyStatus => Blocks.MyStatus; public PokedexSave8a PokedexSave => Blocks.PokedexSave; public BoxLayout8a BoxLayout => Blocks.BoxLayout; public MyItem8a Items => Blocks.Items; public AdventureStart8a AdventureStart => Blocks.AdventureStart; public LastSaved8a LastSaved => Blocks.LastSaved; public PlayTime8a Played => Blocks.Played; public AreaSpawnerSet8a AreaSpawners => Blocks.AreaSpawners; public override uint SecondsToStart { get => (uint)AdventureStart.Seconds; set => AdventureStart.Seconds = value; } public override uint Money { get => (uint)Blocks.GetBlockValue(SaveBlockAccessor8LA.KMoney); set => Blocks.SetBlockValue(SaveBlockAccessor8LA.KMoney, value); } public override int MaxMoney => 9_999_999; public override int PlayedHours { get => Played.PlayedHours; set => Played.PlayedHours = (ushort)value; } public override int PlayedMinutes { get => Played.PlayedMinutes; set => Played.PlayedMinutes = (byte)value; } public override int PlayedSeconds { get => Played.PlayedSeconds; set => Played.PlayedSeconds = (byte)value; } protected override byte[] BoxBuffer => BoxInfo.Data; protected override byte[] PartyBuffer => PartyInfo.Data; private void Initialize() { Box = 0; Party = 0; PokeDex = 0; } public override int GetPartyOffset(int slot) => Party + (SIZE_PARTY * slot); public override int PartyCount { get => PartyInfo.PartyCount; protected set => PartyInfo.PartyCount = value; } // Zukan protected override void SetDex(PKM pkm) { // TODO: Seen in wild? // Accessor.SetPokeSeenInWild(pkm); // TODO: Should this update research? What research should it be updating? // TODO: Should this be passing "caught=true" to set caught flags and not just obtain flags? // For now, if we have never obtained the poke, treat this pkm as obtained-via-trade. PokedexSave.OnPokeGet_TradeWithoutEvolution(pkm); } public override bool GetCaught(int species) { if (species > Personal.MaxSpeciesID) return false; var formCount = Personal[species].FormCount; for (var form = 0; form < formCount; form++) { if (PokedexSave.HasAnyPokeObtainFlags(species, form)) return true; } return false; } public override bool GetSeen(int species) => PokedexSave.HasPokeEverBeenUpdated(species); // Inventory public override IReadOnlyList Inventory { get => Items.Inventory; set => Items.Inventory = value; } #region Boxes public override bool HasBoxWallpapers => false; public override bool HasNamableBoxes => true; public override int CurrentBox { get => BoxLayout.CurrentBox; set => BoxLayout.CurrentBox = value; } public override int BoxesUnlocked { get => (byte)Blocks.GetBlockValue(SaveBlockAccessor8LA.KBoxesUnlocked); set => Blocks.SetBlockValue(SaveBlockAccessor8LA.KBoxesUnlocked, (byte)value); } public override byte[] BoxFlags { get => new[] { Convert.ToByte(Blocks.GetBlock(SaveBlockAccessor8LA.KUnlockedSecretBox01).Type - 1), Convert.ToByte(Blocks.GetBlock(SaveBlockAccessor8LA.KUnlockedSecretBox02).Type - 1), Convert.ToByte(Blocks.GetBlock(SaveBlockAccessor8LA.KUnlockedSecretBox03).Type - 1), }; set { if (value.Length != 3) return; Blocks.GetBlock(SaveBlockAccessor8LA.KUnlockedSecretBox01).ChangeBooleanType((SCTypeCode)(value[0] & 1) + 1); Blocks.GetBlock(SaveBlockAccessor8LA.KUnlockedSecretBox02).ChangeBooleanType((SCTypeCode)(value[1] & 1) + 1); Blocks.GetBlock(SaveBlockAccessor8LA.KUnlockedSecretBox03).ChangeBooleanType((SCTypeCode)(value[2] & 1) + 1); } } public override int GetBoxOffset(int box) => Box + (SIZE_BOXSLOT * box * 30); public override string GetBoxName(int box) => BoxLayout.GetBoxName(box); public override void SetBoxName(int box, string value) => BoxLayout.SetBoxName(box, value); public override int GetBoxWallpaper(int box) { if ((uint)box >= BoxCount) return box; var b = Blocks.GetBlock(SaveBlockAccessor8LA.KBoxWallpapersUnused); return b.Data[box]; } public override void SetBoxWallpaper(int box, int value) { if ((uint)box >= BoxCount) return; var b = Blocks.GetBlock(SaveBlockAccessor8LA.KBoxWallpapersUnused); b.Data[box] = (byte)value; } #endregion }