using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace PKHeX { public partial class SAV_SecretBase : Form { public SAV_SecretBase() { InitializeComponent(); Util.TranslateInterface(this, Main.curlanguage); abilitylist = Main.abilitylist; setupComboBoxes(); popFavorite(); popFavorite(); LB_Favorite.SelectedIndex = 0; // MT_Flags.Text = BitConverter.ToUInt16(sav, 0x24800 + 0x140).ToString(); PSS Stat transmitted MT_Flags.Text = BitConverter.ToUInt32(SAV.Data, SAV.SecretBase + 0x62C).ToString(); // read counter B_SAV2FAV(null, null); } private readonly SAV6 SAV = new SAV6(Main.SAV.Data); private bool editing; private bool loading = true; private static string[] abilitylist; private void setupComboBoxes() { CB_Ball.DisplayMember = CB_HeldItem.DisplayMember = CB_Species.DisplayMember = CB_Nature.DisplayMember = "Text"; CB_Ball.ValueMember = CB_HeldItem.ValueMember = CB_Species.ValueMember = CB_Nature.ValueMember = "Value"; CB_Ball.DataSource = new BindingSource(Main.BallDataSource.Where(b => b.Value <= SAV.MaxBallID).ToList(), null); CB_HeldItem.DataSource = new BindingSource(Main.ItemDataSource.Where(i => i.Value < SAV.MaxItemID).ToList(), null); CB_Species.DataSource = new BindingSource(Main.SpeciesDataSource.Where(s => s.Value <= SAV.MaxSpeciesID).ToList(), null); CB_Nature.DataSource = new BindingSource(Main.NatureDataSource, null); CB_Move1.DisplayMember = CB_Move2.DisplayMember = CB_Move3.DisplayMember = CB_Move4.DisplayMember = "Text"; CB_Move1.ValueMember = CB_Move2.ValueMember = CB_Move3.ValueMember = CB_Move4.ValueMember = "Value"; var MoveList = Main.MoveDataSource.Where(m => m.Value <= SAV.MaxMoveID).ToList(); CB_Move1.DataSource = new BindingSource(MoveList, null); CB_Move2.DataSource = new BindingSource(MoveList, null); CB_Move3.DataSource = new BindingSource(MoveList, null); CB_Move4.DataSource = new BindingSource(MoveList, null); } // Repopulation Functions private void popFavorite() { LB_Favorite.Items.Clear(); int playeroff = SAV.SecretBase + 0x326; int favoff = SAV.SecretBase + 0x63A; string OT = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(SAV.Data, playeroff + 0x218, 0x1A)); LB_Favorite.Items.Add("* " + OT); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { string BaseTrainer = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(SAV.Data, favoff + i * 0x3E0 + 0x218, 0x1A)); if (BaseTrainer.Length < 1 || BaseTrainer[0] == '\0') BaseTrainer = "Empty"; LB_Favorite.Items.Add(i + " " + BaseTrainer); } } private void B_SAV2FAV(object sender, EventArgs e) { loading = true; int index = LB_Favorite.SelectedIndex; if (index < 0) return; int offset = SAV.SecretBase + 0x25A; // Base Offset Changing if (index == 0) offset = SAV.SecretBase + 0x326; else offset += 0x3E0 * index; string TrainerName = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(SAV.Data, offset + 0x218, 0x1A)); TB_FOT.Text = TrainerName; TB_FT1.Text = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(SAV.Data, offset + 0x232 + 0x22 * 0, 0x22)); TB_FT2.Text = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(SAV.Data, offset + 0x232 + 0x22 * 1, 0x22)); string saying1 = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(SAV.Data, offset + 0x276 + 0x22 * 0, 0x22)); string saying2 = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(SAV.Data, offset + 0x276 + 0x22 * 1, 0x22)); string saying3 = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(SAV.Data, offset + 0x276 + 0x22 * 2, 0x22)); string saying4 = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(SAV.Data, offset + 0x276 + 0x22 * 3, 0x22)); int baseloc = BitConverter.ToInt16(SAV.Data, offset); NUD_FBaseLocation.Value = baseloc; TB_FSay1.Text = saying1; TB_FSay2.Text = saying2; TB_FSay3.Text = saying3; TB_FSay4.Text = saying4; // Gather data for Object Array objdata = new byte[25, 12]; for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) for (int z = 0; z < 12; z++) objdata[i, z] = SAV.Data[offset + 2 + 12 * i + z]; NUD_FObject.Value = 1; // Trigger Update changeObjectIndex(null, null); GB_PKM.Enabled = index > 0; // Trainer Pokemon pkmdata = new byte[3, 0x34]; if (index > 0) for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int z = 0; z < 0x34; z++) pkmdata[i, z] = SAV.Data[offset + 0x32E + 0x34 * i + z]; NUD_FPKM.Value = 1; changeFavPKM(null, null); // Trigger Update loading = false; } private byte[,] objdata; private byte[,] pkmdata; private void B_FAV2SAV(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Write data back to save int index = LB_Favorite.SelectedIndex; // store for restoring if (!GB_PKM.Enabled && index > 0) { Util.Error("Sorry, no overwriting someone else's base with your own data."); return; } if (GB_PKM.Enabled && index == 0) { Util.Error("Sorry, no overwriting of your own base with someone else's."); return; } if (LB_Favorite.Items[index].ToString().Substring(LB_Favorite.Items[index].ToString().Length - 5, 5) == "Empty") { Util.Error("Sorry, no overwriting an empty base with someone else's."); return; } if (index < 0) return; int offset = SAV.SecretBase + 0x25A; // Base Offset Changing if (index == 0) offset = SAV.SecretBase + 0x326; else offset += 0x3E0 * index; string TrainerName = TB_FOT.Text; byte[] tr = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(TrainerName); Array.Resize(ref tr, 0x22); Array.Copy(tr, 0, SAV.Data, offset + 0x218, 0x1A); string team1 = TB_FT1.Text; string team2 = TB_FT2.Text; byte[] t1 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(team1); Array.Resize(ref t1, 0x22); Array.Copy(t1, 0, SAV.Data, offset + 0x232 + 0x22 * 0, 0x22); byte[] t2 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(team2); Array.Resize(ref t2, 0x22); Array.Copy(t2, 0, SAV.Data, offset + 0x232 + 0x22 * 1, 0x22); string saying1 = TB_FSay1.Text; string saying2 = TB_FSay2.Text; string saying3 = TB_FSay3.Text; string saying4 = TB_FSay4.Text; byte[] s1 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(saying1); Array.Resize(ref s1, 0x22); Array.Copy(s1, 0, SAV.Data, offset + 0x276 + 0x22 * 0, 0x22); byte[] s2 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(saying2); Array.Resize(ref s2, 0x22); Array.Copy(s2, 0, SAV.Data, offset + 0x276 + 0x22 * 1, 0x22); byte[] s3 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(saying3); Array.Resize(ref s3, 0x22); Array.Copy(s3, 0, SAV.Data, offset + 0x276 + 0x22 * 2, 0x22); byte[] s4 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(saying4); Array.Resize(ref s4, 0x22); Array.Copy(s4, 0, SAV.Data, offset + 0x276 + 0x22 * 3, 0x22); int baseloc = (int)NUD_FBaseLocation.Value; if (baseloc < 3) baseloc = 0; // skip 1/2 baselocs as they are dummied out ingame. Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(baseloc), 0, SAV.Data, offset, 2); TB_FOT.Text = TrainerName; TB_FSay1.Text = saying1; TB_FSay2.Text = saying2; TB_FSay3.Text = saying3; TB_FSay4.Text = saying4; // Copy back Objects for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) for (int z = 0; z < 12; z++) SAV.Data[offset + 2 + 12 * i + z] = objdata[i, z]; if (GB_PKM.Enabled) // Copy pkm data back in { saveFavPKM(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int z = 0; z < 0x34; z++) SAV.Data[offset + 0x32E + 0x34 * i + z] = pkmdata[i, z]; } popFavorite(); LB_Favorite.SelectedIndex = index; } // Button Specific private void B_Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Close(); } private void B_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { uint flags = Util.ToUInt32(MT_Flags.Text); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(flags), 0, SAV.Data, SAV.PSSStats + 0x140, 4); // write pss Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(flags), 0, SAV.Data, SAV.SecretBase + 0x62C, 4); // write counter Main.SAV.Data = SAV.Data; Main.SAV.Edited = true; Close(); } private void B_GiveDecor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < 173; i++) { // int qty = BitConverter.ToUInt16(sav, offset + i * 4); // int has = BitConverter.ToUInt16(sav, offset + i * 4 + 2); SAV.Data[SAV.SecretBase + i * 4] = 25; SAV.Data[SAV.SecretBase + i * 4 + 2] = 1; } } private void changeObjectIndex(object sender, EventArgs e) { int objindex = (int)NUD_FObject.Value - 1; byte[] objinfo = new byte[12]; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) objinfo[i] = objdata[objindex, i]; // Array with object data acquired. Fill data. int val = objinfo[0]; if (val == 0xFF) val = -1; byte x = objinfo[2]; byte y = objinfo[4]; byte rot = objinfo[6]; // byte unk1 = objinfo[7]; // ushort unk2 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(objinfo, 0x8); // Set values to display editing = true; NUD_FObjType.Value = val; NUD_FX.Value = x; NUD_FY.Value = y; NUD_FRot.Value = rot; editing = false; } private void changeObjectQuality(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (editing) return; int objindex = (int)NUD_FObject.Value - 1; byte val = (byte)NUD_FObjType.Value; byte x = (byte)NUD_FX.Value; byte y = (byte)NUD_FY.Value; byte rot = (byte)NUD_FRot.Value; objdata[objindex, 0] = val; objdata[objindex, 2] = x; objdata[objindex, 4] = y; objdata[objindex, 6] = rot; } private int currentpkm; private void changeFavPKM(object sender, EventArgs e) { int index = (int)NUD_FPKM.Value; saveFavPKM(); // Save existing PKM currentpkm = index; loadFavPKM(); } private void saveFavPKM() { if (loading || !GB_PKM.Enabled) return; int index = currentpkm; byte[] pkm = new byte[0x34]; BitConverter.GetBytes(Util.getHEXval(TB_EC.Text)).CopyTo(pkm, 0); BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)Util.getIndex(CB_Species)).CopyTo(pkm, 8); BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)Util.getIndex(CB_HeldItem)).CopyTo(pkm, 0xA); pkm[0xC] = (byte)Array.IndexOf(abilitylist, CB_Ability.Text.Remove(CB_Ability.Text.Length - 4)); pkm[0xD] = (byte)(CB_Ability.SelectedIndex << 1); pkm[0x14] = (byte)Util.getIndex(CB_Nature); int fegform = 0; fegform += PKX.getGender(Label_Gender.Text) << 1; fegform += CB_Form.SelectedIndex << 3; pkm[0x15] = (byte)fegform; pkm[0x16] = (byte)Math.Min(Convert.ToInt32( TB_HPEV.Text), 252); pkm[0x17] = (byte)Math.Min(Convert.ToInt32(TB_ATKEV.Text), 252); pkm[0x18] = (byte)Math.Min(Convert.ToInt32(TB_DEFEV.Text), 252); pkm[0x19] = (byte)Math.Min(Convert.ToInt32(TB_SPAEV.Text), 252); pkm[0x1A] = (byte)Math.Min(Convert.ToInt32(TB_SPDEV.Text), 252); pkm[0x1B] = (byte)Math.Min(Convert.ToInt32(TB_SPEEV.Text), 252); BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)Util.getIndex(CB_Move1)).CopyTo(pkm, 0x1C); BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)Util.getIndex(CB_Move2)).CopyTo(pkm, 0x1E); BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)Util.getIndex(CB_Move3)).CopyTo(pkm, 0x20); BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)Util.getIndex(CB_Move4)).CopyTo(pkm, 0x22); pkm[0x24] = (byte)CB_PPu1.SelectedIndex; pkm[0x25] = (byte)CB_PPu2.SelectedIndex; pkm[0x26] = (byte)CB_PPu3.SelectedIndex; pkm[0x27] = (byte)CB_PPu4.SelectedIndex; pkm[0x28] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte(TB_HPIV.Text) & 0x1F); pkm[0x29] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte(TB_ATKIV.Text) & 0x1F); pkm[0x2A] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte(TB_DEFIV.Text) & 0x1F); pkm[0x2B] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte(TB_SPAIV.Text) & 0x1F); pkm[0x2C] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte(TB_SPDIV.Text) & 0x1F); pkm[0x2D] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte(TB_SPEIV.Text) & 0x1F); int shiny = (CHK_Shiny.Checked? 1 : 0) << 6; pkm[0x2D] |= (byte)shiny; pkm[0x2E] = Convert.ToByte(TB_Friendship.Text); pkm[0x2F] = (byte)Util.getIndex(CB_Ball); pkm[0x30] = Convert.ToByte(TB_Level.Text); for (int i = 0; i < 0x34; i++) // Copy data back to storage. pkmdata[index - 1, i] = pkm[i]; } private void loadFavPKM() { int index = currentpkm - 1; byte[] fpkm = new byte[0x34]; for (int i = 0; i < 0x34; i++) fpkm[i] = pkmdata[index, i]; uint ec = BitConverter.ToUInt32(fpkm, 0); // uint unk = BitConverter.ToUInt32(fpkm, 4); int spec = BitConverter.ToInt16(fpkm, 8); int item = BitConverter.ToInt16(fpkm, 0xA); // int abil = fpkm[0xC]; int abil_no = fpkm[0xD]; MT_AbilNo.Text = abil_no.ToString(); // 6 unknown bytes, contest? int nature = fpkm[0x14]; byte genform = fpkm[0x15]; genderflag = genform >> 1 & 0x3; setGenderLabel(); byte HP_EV = fpkm[0x16]; byte AT_EV = fpkm[0x17]; byte DE_EV = fpkm[0x18]; byte SA_EV = fpkm[0x19]; byte SD_EV = fpkm[0x1A]; byte SP_EV = fpkm[0x1B]; int move1 = BitConverter.ToInt16(fpkm, 0x1C); int move2 = BitConverter.ToInt16(fpkm, 0x1E); int move3 = BitConverter.ToInt16(fpkm, 0x20); int move4 = BitConverter.ToInt16(fpkm, 0x22); byte ppu1 = fpkm[0x24]; byte ppu2 = fpkm[0x25]; byte ppu3 = fpkm[0x26]; byte ppu4 = fpkm[0x27]; byte HP_IV = fpkm[0x28]; byte AT_IV = fpkm[0x29]; byte DE_IV = fpkm[0x2A]; byte SA_IV = fpkm[0x2B]; byte SD_IV = fpkm[0x2C]; byte SP_IV = fpkm[0x2D]; bool isshiny = (SP_IV & 0x40) > 0; SP_IV &= 0x1F; byte friendship = fpkm[0x2E]; int ball = fpkm[0x2F]; byte level = fpkm[0x30]; // Put data into fields. TB_EC.Text = ec.ToString("X8"); CB_Species.SelectedValue = spec; CB_HeldItem.SelectedValue = item; CB_Nature.SelectedValue = nature; CB_Ball.SelectedValue = ball; TB_HPIV.Text = HP_IV.ToString(); TB_ATKIV.Text = AT_IV.ToString(); TB_DEFIV.Text = DE_IV.ToString(); TB_SPAIV.Text = SA_IV.ToString(); TB_SPDIV.Text = SD_IV.ToString(); TB_SPEIV.Text = SP_IV.ToString(); TB_HPEV.Text = HP_EV.ToString(); TB_ATKEV.Text = AT_EV.ToString(); TB_DEFEV.Text = DE_EV.ToString(); TB_SPAEV.Text = SA_EV.ToString(); TB_SPDEV.Text = SD_EV.ToString(); TB_SPEEV.Text = SP_EV.ToString(); TB_Friendship.Text = friendship.ToString(); TB_Level.Text = level.ToString(); CB_Move1.SelectedValue = move1; CB_Move2.SelectedValue = move2; CB_Move3.SelectedValue = move3; CB_Move4.SelectedValue = move4; CB_PPu1.SelectedIndex = ppu1; CB_PPu2.SelectedIndex = ppu2; CB_PPu3.SelectedIndex = ppu3; CB_PPu4.SelectedIndex = ppu4; CHK_Shiny.Checked = isshiny; // Set Form setForms(); int form = genform >> 3; CB_Form.SelectedIndex = form; // Set Ability setAbilityList(); } private void setAbilityList() { int newabil = Convert.ToInt16(MT_AbilNo.Text) >> 1; int species = Util.getIndex(CB_Species); int formnum = CB_Form.SelectedIndex; int[] abils = PersonalTable.AO.getAbilities(species, formnum); // Build Ability List List ability_list = new List { abilitylist[abils[0]] + " (1)", abilitylist[abils[1]] + " (2)", abilitylist[abils[2]] + " (H)" }; CB_Ability.DataSource = ability_list; CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = newabil < 3 ? newabil : 0; } private void setForms() { int species = Util.getIndex(CB_Species); bool hasForms = PersonalTable.AO[species].HasFormes || new[] { 664, 665, 414 }.Contains(species); CB_Form.Enabled = CB_Form.Visible = hasForms; CB_Form.DisplayMember = "Text"; CB_Form.ValueMember = "Value"; CB_Form.DataSource = PKX.getFormList(species, Main.types, Main.forms, Main.gendersymbols).ToList(); } private void updateSpecies(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get Forms for Given Species setForms(); // Check for Gender Changes // Get Gender Threshold int gt = SAV.Personal[Util.getIndex(CB_Species)].Gender; if (gt == 255) // Genderless genderflag = 2; else if (gt == 254) // Female Only genderflag = 1; else if (gt == 0) // Male Only genderflag = 0; setGenderLabel(); setAbilityList(); } private void updateForm(object sender, EventArgs e) { setAbilityList(); // If form has a single gender, account for it. if (PKX.getGender(CB_Form.Text) < 2) Label_Gender.Text = Main.gendersymbols[CB_Form.SelectedIndex]; } private int genderflag; private void Label_Gender_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get Gender Threshold int gt = SAV.Personal[Util.getIndex(CB_Species)].Gender; if (gt == 255 || gt == 0 || gt == 254) // Single gender/genderless return; if (gt < 256) // If not a single gender(less) species: Label_Gender.Text = Main.gendersymbols[PKX.getGender(Label_Gender.Text) ^ 1]; } private void setGenderLabel() { Label_Gender.Text = Main.gendersymbols[genderflag]; } private void B_FDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (LB_Favorite.SelectedIndex < 1) { Util.Alert("Cannot delete your Secret Base."); return; } int index = LB_Favorite.SelectedIndex - 1; int favoff = SAV.SecretBase + 0x63A; string BaseTrainer = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(SAV.Data, favoff + index * 0x3E0 + 0x218, 0x1A)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BaseTrainer)) BaseTrainer = "Empty"; if (DialogResult.Yes != Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, $"Delete {BaseTrainer}'s base (Entry {index}) from your records?")) return; const int max = 29; const int size = 0x3E0; int offset = favoff + index * size; if (index != max) Array.Copy(SAV.Data, offset + size, SAV.Data, offset, size * (max - index)); // Ensure Last Entry is Cleared Array.Copy(new byte[size], 0, SAV.Data, size * max, size); popFavorite(); } } }