using System;
using static PKHeX.Core.ContestStatGranting;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
public static class ContestStatInfo
private const int LowestFeelBlock3 = 1; // quad Nutpea
private const int LowestFeelPoffin4 = 11; // Beauty Haircut
private const int LowestFeelPoffin8b = 7;
private const byte MaxContestStat = 255;
/// By giving out all-Nutpea blocks in 3, you can have contest stats all maxed while feel is at 214 if the random stats of the foul blocks line up perfectly.
private const int BestSheenStat3 = 214;
/// Using optimal poffins in BD/SP, roughly 120-140; be generous.
/// Liechi-Pomeg-Qualot-Occa etc. (2 each), which puts sheen at 140 and will max all stats if the cook times are 47.43 or faster
/// Leppa-Pomeg-Qualot-Occa etc. (3 each), which puts sheen at 135 and will max all stats if the cook times are 43.32 or faster
/// Liechi-Leppa-Pomeg-Qualot etc. (2 each), which puts sheen at 120 and will max all stats if the cook times area 40.40 or faster
private const int BestSheenStat8b = 120;
public static void SetSuggestedContestStats(this PKM pk, IEncounterTemplate enc)
if (pk is not IContestStatsMutable s)
var restrict = GetContestStatRestriction(pk, pk.Generation);
var baseStat = GetReferenceTemplate(enc);
if (restrict == None || pk.Species is not (int)Species.Milotic)
baseStat.CopyContestStatsTo(s); // reset
s.SetAllContestStatsTo(MaxContestStat, restrict == NoSheen ? baseStat.CNT_Sheen : MaxContestStat);
public static void SetMaxContestStats(this PKM pk, IEncounterTemplate enc)
if (pk is not IContestStatsMutable s)
var restrict = GetContestStatRestriction(pk, enc.Generation);
var baseStat = GetReferenceTemplate(enc);
if (restrict == None)
s.SetAllContestStatsTo(MaxContestStat, restrict == NoSheen ? baseStat.CNT_Sheen : MaxContestStat);
public static ContestStatGranting GetContestStatRestriction(PKM pk, int origin) => origin switch
3 => pk.Format < 6 ? CorrelateSheen : Mixed,
4 => pk.Format < 6 ? CorrelateSheen : Mixed,
5 => pk.Format >= 6 ? NoSheen : None, // ORAS Contests
6 => pk.AO || !pk.IsUntraded ? NoSheen : None,
8 => pk.BDSP ? CorrelateSheen : None, // BDSP Contests
_ => None,
public static int CalculateMaximumSheen(IContestStats s, int nature, IContestStats initial, bool pokeBlock3)
if (s.IsAnyContestStatMax())
return MaxContestStat;
if (s.IsContestEqual(initial))
return initial.CNT_Sheen;
if (pokeBlock3)
return CalculateMaximumSheen3(s, nature, initial);
var avg = GetAverageFeel(s, nature, initial);
if (avg <= 0)
return initial.CNT_Sheen;
if (avg <= 2)
return 24;
// Can get trash poffins by burning and spilling on purpose.
return Math.Min(MaxContestStat, avg * LowestFeelPoffin4);
public static int CalculateMinimumSheen(IContestStats s, IContestStats initial, INature pkm, ContestStatGrantingSheen method) => method switch
ContestStatGrantingSheen.Gen8b => CalculateMinimumSheen8b(s, pkm.Nature, initial),
ContestStatGrantingSheen.Gen3 => CalculateMinimumSheen3(s, pkm.Nature, initial),
ContestStatGrantingSheen.Gen4 => CalculateMinimumSheen4(s, pkm.Nature, initial),
_ => throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(nameof(method)),
// Slightly better stat:sheen ratio than Gen4; prefer if has visited.
public static int CalculateMinimumSheen8b(IContestStats s, int nature, IContestStats initial)
if (s.IsContestEqual(initial))
return initial.CNT_Sheen;
var rawAvg = GetAverageFeel(s, 0, initial);
if (rawAvg == MaxContestStat)
return BestSheenStat8b;
var avg = Math.Max(1, nature % 6 == 0 ? rawAvg : GetAverageFeel(s, nature, initial));
avg = Math.Min(rawAvg, avg); // be generous
avg = (BestSheenStat8b * avg) / MaxContestStat;
return Math.Min(BestSheenStat8b, Math.Max(LowestFeelPoffin8b, avg));
public static int CalculateMinimumSheen3(IContestStats s, int nature, IContestStats initial)
if (s.IsContestEqual(initial))
return initial.CNT_Sheen;
var rawAvg = GetAverageFeel(s, 0, initial);
if (rawAvg == MaxContestStat)
return MaxContestStat;
var avg = Math.Max(1, nature % 6 == 0 ? rawAvg : GetAverageFeel(s, nature, initial));
avg = Math.Min(rawAvg, avg); // be generous
avg = (BestSheenStat3 * avg) / MaxContestStat;
return Math.Min(BestSheenStat3, Math.Max(LowestFeelBlock3, avg));
public static int CalculateMinimumSheen4(IContestStats s, int nature, IContestStats initial)
if (s.IsContestEqual(initial))
return initial.CNT_Sheen;
var rawAvg = GetAverageFeel(s, 0, initial);
if (rawAvg == MaxContestStat)
return MaxContestStat;
var avg = Math.Max(1, nature % 6 == 0 ? rawAvg : GetAverageFeel(s, nature, initial));
avg = Math.Min(rawAvg, avg); // be generous
return Math.Min(MaxContestStat, Math.Max(LowestFeelPoffin4, avg));
private static int CalculateMaximumSheen3(IContestStats s, int nature, IContestStats initial)
// By using Enigma and Lansat and a 25 +1/-1, can get a +9/+19s at minimum RPM
// By using Enigma, Lansat, and Starf, can get a black +2/2/2 & 21 block (6:21) at minimum RPM.
var sum = GetGainedSum(s, nature, initial);
if (sum == 0)
return 0;
static int Gained2(byte a, byte b) => a - b >= 2 ? 1 : 0;
int gained = Gained2(s.CNT_Cool, initial.CNT_Cool)
+ Gained2(s.CNT_Beauty, initial.CNT_Beauty)
+ Gained2(s.CNT_Cute, initial.CNT_Cute)
+ Gained2(s.CNT_Smart, initial.CNT_Smart)
+ Gained2(s.CNT_Tough, initial.CNT_Tough);
bool has3 = gained >= 3;
// Prefer the bad-black-block correlation if more than 3 stats have gains >= 2.
var permit = has3 ? (sum * 21 / 6) : (sum * 19 / 9);
return Math.Min(MaxContestStat, Math.Max(LowestFeelBlock3, permit));
private static int GetAverageFeel(IContestStats s, int nature, IContestStats initial)
var sum = GetGainedSum(s, nature, initial);
return (int)Math.Ceiling(sum / 5f);
private static int GetGainedSum(IContestStats s, int nature, IContestStats initial)
ReadOnlySpan span = NatureAmpTable.AsSpan(5 * nature, 5);
int sum = 0;
sum += GetAmpedStat(span, 0, s.CNT_Cool - initial.CNT_Cool);
sum += GetAmpedStat(span, 1, s.CNT_Beauty - initial.CNT_Beauty);
sum += GetAmpedStat(span, 2, s.CNT_Cute - initial.CNT_Cute);
sum += GetAmpedStat(span, 3, s.CNT_Smart - initial.CNT_Smart);
sum += GetAmpedStat(span, 4, s.CNT_Tough - initial.CNT_Tough);
return sum;
private static int GetAmpedStat(ReadOnlySpan amps, int index, int gain)
var amp = amps[index];
if (amp == 0)
return gain;
return gain + GetStatAdjustment(gain, amp);
private static int GetStatAdjustment(int gain, sbyte amp)
// Undo the favor factor
var undoFactor = amp == 1 ? 11 : 9;
var boost = Boost(gain, undoFactor);
return amp == -1 ? boost : -boost;
static int Boost(int stat, int factor)
var remainder = stat % factor;
var boost = stat / factor;
if (remainder >= 5)
return boost;
private static readonly DummyContestNone DummyNone = new();
public static IContestStats GetReferenceTemplate(IEncounterTemplate initial) => initial is IContestStats s ? s : DummyNone;
private class DummyContestNone : IContestStats
public byte CNT_Cool => 0;
public byte CNT_Beauty => 0;
public byte CNT_Cute => 0;
public byte CNT_Smart => 0;
public byte CNT_Tough => 0;
public byte CNT_Sheen => 0;
private static readonly sbyte[] NatureAmpTable =
// Spicy, Dry, Sweet, Bitter, Sour
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Hardy
1, 0, 0, 0,-1, // Lonely
1, 0,-1, 0, 0, // Brave
1,-1, 0, 0, 0, // Adamant
1, 0, 0,-1, 0, // Naughty
-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, // Bold
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Docile
0, 0,-1, 0, 1, // Relaxed
0,-1, 0, 0, 1, // Impish
0, 0, 0,-1, 1, // Lax
-1, 0, 1, 0, 0, // Timid
0, 0, 1, 0,-1, // Hasty
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Serious
0,-1, 1, 0, 0, // Jolly
0, 0, 1,-1, 0, // Naive
-1, 1, 0, 0, 0, // Modest
0, 1, 0, 0,-1, // Mild
0, 1,-1, 0, 0, // Quiet
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Bashful
0, 1, 0,-1, 0, // Rash
-1, 0, 0, 1, 0, // Calm
0, 0, 0, 1,-1, // Gentle
0, 0,-1, 1, 0, // Sassy
0,-1, 0, 1, 0, // Careful
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Quirky