using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives; namespace PKHeX.Core { /// /// Generation 1 object. /// public sealed class SAV1 : SaveFile, ILangDeviantSave { protected internal override string ShortSummary => $"{OT} ({Version}) - {PlayTimeString}"; public override string Extension => ".sav"; public bool IsVirtualConsole => State.Exportable && Metadata.FileName is { } s && s.StartsWith("sav") && s.Contains(".dat"); // default to GB-Era for non-exportable public int SaveRevision => Japanese ? 0 : 1; public string SaveRevisionString => (Japanese ? "J" : "U") + (IsVirtualConsole ? "VC" : "GB"); public bool Japanese { get; } public bool Korean => false; public override PersonalTable Personal { get; } public override IReadOnlyList HeldItems => Array.Empty(); public override IReadOnlyList PKMExtensions => Array.FindAll(PKM.Extensions, f => { int gen = f[^1] - 0x30; return gen is 1 or 2; }); public SAV1(GameVersion version = GameVersion.RBY, bool japanese = false) : base(SaveUtil.SIZE_G1RAW) { Version = version; Japanese = japanese; Offsets = Japanese ? SAV1Offsets.JPN : SAV1Offsets.INT; Personal = version == GameVersion.YW ? PersonalTable.Y : PersonalTable.RB; Initialize(version); ClearBoxes(); } public SAV1(byte[] data, GameVersion versionOverride = GameVersion.Any) : base(data) { Japanese = SaveUtil.GetIsG1SAVJ(Data); Offsets = Japanese ? SAV1Offsets.JPN : SAV1Offsets.INT; Version = versionOverride != GameVersion.Any ? versionOverride : SaveUtil.GetIsG1SAV(data); Personal = Version == GameVersion.YW ? PersonalTable.Y : PersonalTable.RB; if (Version == GameVersion.Invalid) return; Initialize(versionOverride); } private void Initialize(GameVersion versionOverride) { // see if RBY can be differentiated if (Starter != 0 && versionOverride is not (GameVersion.RB or GameVersion.YW)) Version = Yellow ? GameVersion.YW : GameVersion.RB; Box = Data.Length; Array.Resize(ref Data, Data.Length + SIZE_RESERVED); Party = GetPartyOffset(0); // Stash boxes after the save file's end. int stored = SIZE_STOREDBOX; int baseDest = Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED; var capacity = Japanese ? PokeListType.StoredJP : PokeListType.Stored; for (int i = 0; i < BoxCount; i++) { int ofs = GetBoxRawDataOffset(i); var box = GetData(ofs, stored); var boxDest = baseDest + (i * SIZE_BOX); var boxPL = new PokeList1(box, capacity, Japanese); for (int j = 0; j < boxPL.Pokemon.Length; j++) { var dest = boxDest + (j * SIZE_STORED); var pkDat = (j < boxPL.Count) ? new PokeList1(boxPL[j]).Write() : new byte[PokeList1.GetDataLength(PokeListType.Single, Japanese)]; pkDat.CopyTo(Data, dest); } } var current = GetData(Offsets.CurrentBox, SIZE_STOREDBOX); var curBoxPL = new PokeList1(current, capacity, Japanese); for (int i = 0; i < curBoxPL.Pokemon.Length; i++) { var dest = Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED + (CurrentBox * SIZE_BOX) + (i * SIZE_STORED); var pkDat = i < curBoxPL.Count ? new PokeList1(curBoxPL[i]).Write() : new byte[PokeList1.GetDataLength(PokeListType.Single, Japanese)]; pkDat.CopyTo(Data, dest); } var party = GetData(Offsets.Party, SIZE_STOREDPARTY); var partyPL = new PokeList1(party, PokeListType.Party, Japanese); for (int i = 0; i < partyPL.Pokemon.Length; i++) { var dest = GetPartyOffset(i); var pkDat = i < partyPL.Count ? new PokeList1(partyPL[i]).Write() : new byte[PokeList1.GetDataLength(PokeListType.Single, Japanese)]; pkDat.CopyTo(Data, dest); } Span rawDC = stackalloc byte[0x38]; Data.AsSpan(Offsets.Daycare, rawDC.Length).CopyTo(rawDC); byte[] TempDaycare = new byte[PokeList1.GetDataLength(PokeListType.Single, Japanese)]; TempDaycare[0] = rawDC[0]; rawDC.Slice(1, StringLength).CopyTo(TempDaycare.AsSpan(2 + 1 + PokeCrypto.SIZE_1PARTY + StringLength)); rawDC.Slice(1 + StringLength, StringLength).CopyTo(TempDaycare.AsSpan(2 + 1 + PokeCrypto.SIZE_1PARTY)); rawDC.Slice(1 + (2 * StringLength), PokeCrypto.SIZE_1STORED).CopyTo(TempDaycare.AsSpan(2 + 1)); PokeList1 daycareList = new(TempDaycare, PokeListType.Single, Japanese); daycareList.Write().CopyTo(Data, GetPartyOffset(7)); DaycareOffset = GetPartyOffset(7); EventFlag = Offsets.EventFlag; // Enable Pokedex editing PokeDex = 0; } private const int SIZE_RESERVED = 0x8000; // unpacked box data private readonly SAV1Offsets Offsets; // Event Flags protected override int EventFlagMax => 0xA00; // 320 * 8 protected override int EventConstMax => 0; protected override byte[] GetFinalData() { var capacity = Japanese ? PokeListType.StoredJP : PokeListType.Stored; for (int i = 0; i < BoxCount; i++) { var boxPL = new PokeList1(capacity, Japanese); int slot = 0; for (int j = 0; j < boxPL.Pokemon.Length; j++) { PK1 boxPK = (PK1)GetPKM(GetData(GetBoxOffset(i) + (j * SIZE_STORED), SIZE_STORED)); if (boxPK.Species > 0) boxPL[slot++] = boxPK; } // copy to box location var boxdata = boxPL.Write(); int ofs = GetBoxRawDataOffset(i); SetData(boxdata, ofs); // copy to active loc if current box if (i == CurrentBox) SetData(boxdata, Offsets.CurrentBox); } var partyPL = new PokeList1(PokeListType.Party, Japanese); int pSlot = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { PK1 partyPK = (PK1)GetPKM(GetData(GetPartyOffset(i), SIZE_STORED)); if (partyPK.Species > 0) partyPL[pSlot++] = partyPK; } partyPL.Write().CopyTo(Data, Offsets.Party); // Daycare is read-only, but in case it ever becomes editable, copy it back in. Span rawDC = Data.AsSpan(GetDaycareSlotOffset(loc: 0, slot: 0), SIZE_STORED); Span dc = stackalloc byte[1 + (2 * StringLength) + PokeCrypto.SIZE_1STORED]; dc[0] = IsDaycareOccupied(0, 0) == true ? (byte)1 : (byte)0; rawDC.Slice(2 + 1 + PokeCrypto.SIZE_1PARTY + StringLength, StringLength).CopyTo(dc[1..]); rawDC.Slice(2 + 1 + PokeCrypto.SIZE_1PARTY, StringLength).CopyTo(dc[(1 + StringLength)..]); rawDC.Slice(2 + 1, PokeCrypto.SIZE_1STORED).CopyTo(dc[(1 + (2 * StringLength))..]); dc.CopyTo(Data.AsSpan(Offsets.Daycare)); SetChecksums(); return Data.AsSpan()[..^SIZE_RESERVED].ToArray(); } private int GetBoxRawDataOffset(int box) { if (box < BoxCount / 2) return 0x4000 + (box * SIZE_STOREDBOX); return 0x6000 + ((box - (BoxCount / 2)) * SIZE_STOREDBOX); } // Configuration protected override SaveFile CloneInternal() => new SAV1(Write(), Version); protected override int SIZE_STORED => Japanese ? PokeCrypto.SIZE_1JLIST : PokeCrypto.SIZE_1ULIST; protected override int SIZE_PARTY => Japanese ? PokeCrypto.SIZE_1JLIST : PokeCrypto.SIZE_1ULIST; private int SIZE_BOX => BoxSlotCount*SIZE_STORED; private int SIZE_STOREDBOX => PokeList1.GetDataLength(Japanese ? PokeListType.StoredJP : PokeListType.Stored, Japanese); private int SIZE_STOREDPARTY => PokeList1.GetDataLength(PokeListType.Party, Japanese); public override PKM BlankPKM => new PK1(Japanese); public override Type PKMType => typeof(PK1); public override int MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_1; public override int MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_1; public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_1; public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_1; public override int MaxBallID => 0; // unused public override int MaxGameID => 99; // unused public override int MaxMoney => 999999; public override int MaxCoins => 9999; public override int BoxCount => Japanese ? 8 : 12; public override int MaxEV => 65535; public override int MaxIV => 15; public override int Generation => 1; protected override int GiftCountMax => 0; public override int OTLength => Japanese ? 5 : 7; public override int NickLength => Japanese ? 5 : 10; public override int BoxSlotCount => Japanese ? 30 : 20; public override bool HasParty => true; private int StringLength => Japanese ? GBPKML.StringLengthJapanese : GBPKML.StringLengthNotJapan; public override bool IsPKMPresent(ReadOnlySpan data) => PKX.IsPKMPresentGB(data); // Checksums protected override void SetChecksums() => Data[Offsets.ChecksumOfs] = GetRBYChecksum(Offsets.OT, Offsets.ChecksumOfs); public override bool ChecksumsValid => Data[Offsets.ChecksumOfs] == GetRBYChecksum(Offsets.OT, Offsets.ChecksumOfs); public override string ChecksumInfo => ChecksumsValid ? "Checksum valid." : "Checksum invalid"; private byte GetRBYChecksum(int start, int end) { byte chksum = 0; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) chksum += Data[i]; chksum ^= 0xFF; return chksum; } // Trainer Info public override GameVersion Version { get; protected set; } public override string OT { get => GetString(Offsets.OT, OTLength); set => SetString(Data.AsSpan(Offsets.OT, OTLength), value.AsSpan(), OTLength, StringConverterOption.Clear50); } public Span OT_Trash { get => Data.AsSpan(Offsets.OT, StringLength); set { if (value.Length == StringLength) value.CopyTo(Data.AsSpan(Offsets.OT)); } } public override int Gender { get => 0; set { } } public override int TID { get => ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(Offsets.TID)); set => WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(Offsets.TID), (ushort)value); } public override int SID { get => 0; set { } } public string Rival { get => GetString(Offsets.Rival, OTLength); set => SetString(Data.AsSpan(Offsets.Rival, OTLength), value.AsSpan(), OTLength, StringConverterOption.Clear50); } public Span Rival_Trash { get => Data.AsSpan(Offsets.Rival, StringLength); set { if (value.Length == StringLength) value.CopyTo(Data.AsSpan(Offsets.Rival)); } } public bool Yellow => Starter == 0x54; // Pikachu public int Starter => Data[Offsets.Starter]; public byte PikaFriendship { get => Data[Offsets.PikaFriendship]; set => Data[Offsets.PikaFriendship] = value; } public int PikaBeachScore { get => BinaryCodedDecimal.ToInt32LE(Data.AsSpan(Offsets.PikaBeachScore, 2)); set => BinaryCodedDecimal.WriteBytesLE(Data.AsSpan(Offsets.PikaBeachScore, 2), Math.Min(9999, value)); } public override string PlayTimeString => !PlayedMaximum ? base.PlayTimeString : $"{base.PlayTimeString} {Checksums.CRC16_CCITT(Data):X4}"; public override int PlayedHours { get => Data[Offsets.PlayTime + 0]; set { if (value >= byte.MaxValue) // Set 255:00:00.00 and flag { PlayedMaximum = true; value = byte.MaxValue; PlayedMinutes = PlayedSeconds = PlayedFrames = 0; } Data[Offsets.PlayTime + 0] = (byte) value; } } public bool PlayedMaximum { get => Data[Offsets.PlayTime + 1] != 0; set => Data[Offsets.PlayTime + 1] = value ? (byte)1 : (byte)0; } public override int PlayedMinutes { get => Data[Offsets.PlayTime + 2]; set => Data[Offsets.PlayTime + 2] = (byte)value; } public override int PlayedSeconds { get => Data[Offsets.PlayTime + 3]; set => Data[Offsets.PlayTime + 3] = (byte)value; } public int PlayedFrames { get => Data[Offsets.PlayTime + 4]; set => Data[Offsets.PlayTime + 4] = (byte)value; } public int Badges { get => Data[Offsets.Badges]; set { if (value < 0) return; Data[Offsets.Badges] = (byte)value; } } private byte Options { get => Data[Offsets.Options]; set => Data[Offsets.Options] = value; } public bool BattleEffects { get => (Options & 0x80) == 0; set => Options = (byte)((Options & 0x7F) | (value ? 0 : 0x80)); } public bool BattleStyleSwitch { get => (Options & 0x40) == 0; set => Options = (byte)((Options & 0xBF) | (value ? 0 : 0x40)); } public int Sound { get => (Options & 0x30) >> 4; set => Options = (byte)((Options & 0xCF) | ((value & 3) << 4)); } public int TextSpeed { get => Options & 0x7; set => Options = (byte)((Options & 0xF8) | (value & 7)); } // yellow only public byte GBPrinterBrightness { get => Data[Offsets.PrinterBrightness]; set => Data[Offsets.PrinterBrightness] = value; } public override uint Money { get => (uint)BinaryCodedDecimal.ToInt32BE(Data.AsSpan(Offsets.Money, 3)); set { value = (uint)Math.Min(value, MaxMoney); BinaryCodedDecimal.WriteBytesBE(Data.AsSpan(Offsets.Money, 3), (int)value); } } public uint Coin { get => (uint)BinaryCodedDecimal.ToInt32BE(Data.AsSpan(Offsets.Coin, 2)); set { value = (ushort)Math.Min(value, MaxCoins); BinaryCodedDecimal.WriteBytesBE(Data.AsSpan(Offsets.Coin, 2), (int)value); } } private readonly ushort[] LegalItems = Legal.Pouch_Items_RBY; public override IReadOnlyList Inventory { get { ushort[] legalItems = LegalItems; InventoryPouch[] pouch = { new InventoryPouchGB(InventoryType.Items, legalItems, 99, Offsets.Items, 20), new InventoryPouchGB(InventoryType.PCItems, legalItems, 99, Offsets.PCItems, 50), }; return pouch.LoadAll(Data); } set => value.SaveAll(Data); } public override int GetDaycareSlotOffset(int loc, int slot) { return DaycareOffset; } public override uint? GetDaycareEXP(int loc, int slot) { return null; } public override bool? IsDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot) { if (loc == 0 && slot == 0) return Data[Offsets.Daycare] == 0x01; return null; } public override void SetDaycareEXP(int loc, int slot, uint EXP) { // todo } public override void SetDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot, bool occupied) { // todo } // Storage public override int PartyCount { get => Data[Offsets.Party]; protected set => Data[Offsets.Party] = (byte)value; } public override int GetBoxOffset(int box) { return Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED + (box * SIZE_BOX); } public override int GetPartyOffset(int slot) { return Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED + (BoxCount * SIZE_BOX) + (slot * SIZE_STORED); } public override int CurrentBox { get => Data[Offsets.CurrentBoxIndex] & 0x7F; set => Data[Offsets.CurrentBoxIndex] = (byte)((Data[Offsets.CurrentBoxIndex] & 0x80) | (value & 0x7F)); } public override string GetBoxName(int box) { return $"BOX {box + 1}"; } public override void SetBoxName(int box, string value) { // Don't allow for custom box names } protected override PKM GetPKM(byte[] data) { if (data.Length == SIZE_STORED) return new PokeList1(data, PokeListType.Single, Japanese)[0]; return new PK1(data); } protected override byte[] DecryptPKM(byte[] data) { return data; } // Pokédex protected override void SetDex(PKM pkm) { int species = pkm.Species; if (!CanSetDex(species)) return; SetCaught(pkm.Species, true); SetSeen(pkm.Species, true); } private bool CanSetDex(int species) { if (species <= 0) return false; if (species > MaxSpeciesID) return false; if (Version == GameVersion.Invalid) return false; return true; } public override bool GetSeen(int species) => GetDexFlag(Offsets.DexSeen, species); public override bool GetCaught(int species) => GetDexFlag(Offsets.DexCaught, species); public override void SetSeen(int species, bool seen) => SetDexFlag(Offsets.DexSeen, species, seen); public override void SetCaught(int species, bool caught) => SetDexFlag(Offsets.DexCaught, species, caught); private bool GetDexFlag(int region, int species) { int bit = species - 1; int ofs = bit >> 3; return GetFlag(region + ofs, bit & 7); } private void SetDexFlag(int region, int species, bool value) { int bit = species - 1; int ofs = bit >> 3; SetFlag(region + ofs, bit & 7, value); } public override void WriteSlotFormatStored(PKM pkm, Span data, int offset) { // pkm that have never been boxed have yet to save the 'current level' for box indication // set this value at this time ((PK1)pkm).Stat_LevelBox = pkm.CurrentLevel; base.WriteSlotFormatStored(pkm, Data, offset); } public override void WriteBoxSlot(PKM pkm, Span data, int offset) { // pkm that have never been boxed have yet to save the 'current level' for box indication // set this value at this time ((PK1)pkm).Stat_LevelBox = pkm.CurrentLevel; base.WriteBoxSlot(pkm, Data, offset); } private const int SpawnFlagCount = 0xF0; public bool[] EventSpawnFlags { get { // RB uses 0xE4 (0xE8) flags, Yellow uses 0xF0 flags. Just grab 0xF0 bool[] data = new bool[SpawnFlagCount]; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) data[i] = GetFlag(Offsets.ObjectSpawnFlags + (i >> 3), i & 7); return data; } set { if (value.Length != SpawnFlagCount) return; for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) SetFlag(Offsets.ObjectSpawnFlags + (i >> 3), i & 7, value[i]); } } public override string GetString(ReadOnlySpan data) => StringConverter12.GetString(data, Japanese); public override int SetString(Span destBuffer, ReadOnlySpan value, int maxLength, StringConverterOption option) { return StringConverter12.SetString(destBuffer, value, maxLength, Japanese, option); } } }