using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// Common logic for data providing and manipulation.
public static class PKX
internal static readonly PersonalTable Personal = PersonalTable.GG;
public const int Generation = 7;
internal const int SIZE_1ULIST = 69;
internal const int SIZE_1JLIST = 59;
internal const int SIZE_1PARTY = 44;
internal const int SIZE_1STORED = 33;
internal const int SIZE_2ULIST = 73;
internal const int SIZE_2JLIST = 63;
internal const int SIZE_2PARTY = 48;
internal const int SIZE_2STORED = 32;
internal const int SIZE_3CSTORED = 312;
internal const int SIZE_3XSTORED = 196;
internal const int SIZE_3PARTY = 100;
internal const int SIZE_3STORED = 80;
internal const int SIZE_3BLOCK = 12;
internal const int SIZE_4PARTY = 236;
internal const int SIZE_4STORED = 136;
internal const int SIZE_4BLOCK = 32;
internal const int SIZE_5PARTY = 220;
internal const int SIZE_5STORED = 136;
internal const int SIZE_5BLOCK = 32;
internal const int SIZE_6PARTY = 0x104;
internal const int SIZE_6STORED = 0xE8;
internal const int SIZE_6BLOCK = 56;
private static readonly HashSet Sizes = new HashSet
/// Determines if the given length is valid for a .
/// Data length of the file/array.
/// A indicating whether or not the length is valid for a .
public static bool IsPKM(long len) => Sizes.Contains((int)len);
public static uint LCRNG(uint seed) => RNG.LCRNG.Next(seed);
public static uint LCRNG(ref uint seed) => seed = RNG.LCRNG.Next(seed);
/// Species name lists indexed by the value.
public static readonly string[][] SpeciesLang =
Util.GetSpeciesList("ja"), // 0 (unused, invalid)
Util.GetSpeciesList("ja"), // 1
Util.GetSpeciesList("en"), // 2
Util.GetSpeciesList("fr"), // 3
Util.GetSpeciesList("it"), // 4
Util.GetSpeciesList("de"), // 5
Util.GetSpeciesList("es"), // 6 (reserved for Gen3 KO?, unused)
Util.GetSpeciesList("es"), // 7
Util.GetSpeciesList("ko"), // 8
Util.GetSpeciesList("zh"), // 9 Simplified
Util.GetSpeciesList("zh2"), // 10 Traditional
public static readonly Dictionary[] SpeciesDict = SpeciesLang.Select(z => z
.Select((value, index) => new {value, index}).ToDictionary(pair => pair.value, pair => pair.index))
/// Gets a Pokémon's default name for the desired language ID.
/// National Dex number of the Pokémon. Should be 0 if an egg.
/// Language ID of the Pokémon
/// The Species name if within expected range, else an empty string.
/// Should only be used externally for message displays; for accurate in-game names use .
public static string GetSpeciesName(int species, int lang)
if (lang < 0 || SpeciesLang.Length <= lang)
return string.Empty;
if (species < 0 || SpeciesLang[0].Length <= species)
return string.Empty;
return SpeciesLang[lang][species];
/// Gets a Pokémon's default name for the desired language ID and generation.
/// National Dex number of the Pokémon. Should be 0 if an egg.
/// Language ID of the Pokémon
/// Generation specific formatting option
/// Generation specific default species name
public static string GetSpeciesNameGeneration(int species, int lang, int generation)
if (generation == 3 && species == 0)
return "タマゴ";
string nick = GetSpeciesName(species, lang);
if (generation == 2 && lang == (int)LanguageID.Korean)
return StringConverter.LocalizeKOR2(nick);
if (generation < 5 && (generation != 4 || species != 0)) // All caps GenIV and previous, except GenIV eggs.
nick = nick.ToUpper();
if (lang == (int)LanguageID.French)
nick = StringConverter.StripDiacriticsFR4(nick); // strips accents on E and I
if (generation < 3)
nick = nick.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
return nick;
/// Checks if a nickname matches the species name of any language.
/// National Dex number of the Pokémon. Should be 0 if an egg.
/// Current name
/// Generation specific formatting option
/// True if it does not match any language name, False if not nicknamed
public static bool IsNicknamedAnyLanguage(int species, string nick, int generation = Generation)
if (species == 083 && string.Equals(nick, "Farfetch'd", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // stupid ’
return false;
var langs = GetAvailableGameLanguages(generation);
return langs.All(lang => GetSpeciesNameGeneration(species, lang, generation) != nick);
private static ICollection GetAvailableGameLanguages(int generation = Generation)
if (generation < 3)
return Legal.Languages_GB;
if (generation < 4)
return Legal.Languages_3;
if (generation < 7)
return Legal.Languages_46;
return Legal.Languages_7;
/// Gets the Species name Language ID for the current name and generation.
/// National Dex number of the Pokémon. Should be 0 if an egg.
/// Current name
/// Generation specific formatting option
/// Language ID with a higher priority
/// Language ID if it does not match any language name, -1 if no matches
public static int GetSpeciesNameLanguage(int species, string nick, int generation = Generation, int priorlang = -1)
var langs = GetAvailableGameLanguages(generation);
if (langs.Contains(priorlang) && GetSpeciesNameGeneration(species, priorlang, generation) == nick)
return priorlang;
foreach (var lang in langs)
if (GetSpeciesNameGeneration(species, lang, generation) == nick)
return lang;
return -1;
/// Gets randomized EVs for a given generation format
/// Generation specific formatting option
/// Array containing randomized EVs (H/A/B/S/C/D)
public static int[] GetRandomEVs(int generation = Generation)
if (generation > 2)
var evs = new int[6];
int max = 510;
int randomEV() => (byte)Math.Min(Util.Rand.Next(Math.Min(300, max)), 252);
for (int i = 0; i < evs.Length - 1; i++)
max -= evs[i] = randomEV();
evs[5] = max;
} while (evs[5] > 252);
return evs;
var evs = new int[6];
for (int i = 0; i < evs.Length; i++)
evs[i] = Util.Rand.Next(ushort.MaxValue + 1);
return evs;
/// Gets the current level of a species.
/// Experience points
/// National Dex number of the Pokémon.
/// AltForm ID (starters in Let's Go)
/// Current level of the species.
public static int GetLevel(uint exp, int species, int forme)
return Experience.GetLevel(exp, species, forme);
/// Gets the minimum Experience points for the specified level.
/// Current level
/// National Dex number of the Pokémon.
/// AltForm ID (starters in Let's Go)
/// Experience points needed to have specified level.
public static uint GetEXP(int level, int species, int forme)
return Experience.GetEXP(level, species, forme);
/// Translates a Gender string to Gender integer.
/// Gender string
/// Gender integer
public static int GetGenderFromString(string s)
if (s == "♂" || s == "M")
return 0;
if (s == "♀" || s == "F")
return 1;
return 2;
/// Gets the nature modification values and checks if they are equal.
/// Nature
/// Increased stat
/// Decreased stat
/// True if nature modification values are equal or the Nature is out of range.
public static bool GetNatureModification(int nature, out int incr, out int decr)
incr = (nature / 5) + 1;
decr = (nature % 5) + 1;
return incr == decr || nature >= 25; // invalid
/// Updates stats according to the specified nature.
/// Current stats to amplify if appropriate
/// Nature
public static void ModifyStatsForNature(ushort[] stats, int nature)
if (GetNatureModification(nature, out int incr, out int decr))
stats[incr] *= 11; stats[incr] /= 10;
stats[decr] *= 9; stats[decr] /= 10;
/// Positions for shuffling.
private static readonly byte[][] blockPosition =
new byte[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3},
new byte[] {1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2},
new byte[] {2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1},
new byte[] {3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/// Positions for unshuffling.
internal static readonly byte[] blockPositionInvert =
0, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 12, 18, 13, 19, 8, 10, 14, 20, 16, 22, 9, 11, 15, 21, 17, 23
/// Shuffles a 232 byte array containing data.
/// Data to shuffle
/// Block Shuffle order
/// Size of shuffling chunks
/// Shuffled byte array
public static byte[] ShuffleArray(byte[] data, uint sv, int blockSize)
byte[] sdata = (byte[])data.Clone();
for (int block = 0; block < 4; block++)
Array.Copy(data, 8 + (blockSize * blockPosition[block][sv]), sdata, 8 + (blockSize * block), blockSize);
return sdata;
/// Decrypts a 232 byte + party stat byte array.
/// Encrypted data.
/// Decrypted data.
/// Encrypted data.
public static byte[] DecryptArray(byte[] ekm)
uint pv = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ekm, 0);
uint sv = (pv >> 0xD & 0x1F) % 24;
CryptPKM(ekm, pv, SIZE_6BLOCK);
return ShuffleArray(ekm, sv, SIZE_6BLOCK);
/// Encrypts a 232 byte + party stat byte array.
/// Decrypted data.
public static byte[] EncryptArray(byte[] pkm)
uint pv = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pkm, 0);
uint sv = (pv >> 0xD & 0x1F) % 24;
byte[] ekm = ShuffleArray(pkm, blockPositionInvert[sv], SIZE_6BLOCK);
CryptPKM(ekm, pv, SIZE_6BLOCK);
return ekm;
/// Decrypts a 136 byte + party stat byte array.
/// Encrypted data.
/// Decrypted data.
public static byte[] DecryptArray45(byte[] ekm)
uint pv = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ekm, 0);
uint chk = BitConverter.ToUInt16(ekm, 6);
uint sv = (pv >> 0xD & 0x1F) % 24;
CryptPKM45(ekm, pv, chk, SIZE_4BLOCK);
return ShuffleArray(ekm, sv, SIZE_4BLOCK);
/// Encrypts a 136 byte + party stat byte array.
/// Decrypted data.
/// Encrypted data.
public static byte[] EncryptArray45(byte[] pkm)
uint pv = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pkm, 0);
uint chk = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkm, 6);
uint sv = (pv >> 0xD & 0x1F) % 24;
byte[] ekm = ShuffleArray(pkm, blockPositionInvert[sv], SIZE_4BLOCK);
CryptPKM45(ekm, pv, chk, SIZE_4BLOCK);
return ekm;
private static void CryptPKM(byte[] data, uint pv, int blockSize)
const int start = 8;
int end = (4 * blockSize) + start;
CryptArray(data, pv, 8, end); // Blocks
CryptArray(data, pv, end, data.Length); // Party Stats
private static void CryptPKM45(byte[] data, uint pv, uint chk, int blockSize)
const int start = 8;
int end = (4 * blockSize) + start;
CryptArray(data, chk, start, end); // Blocks
CryptArray(data, pv, end, data.Length); // Party Stats
public static void CryptArray(byte[] data, uint seed, int start, int end)
for (int i = start; i < end; i += 2)
Crypt(data, ref seed, i);
private static void Crypt(byte[] data, ref uint seed, int i)
seed = (0x41C64E6D * seed) + 0x00006073;
data[i] ^= (byte)(seed >> 16);
data[i + 1] ^= (byte)(seed >> 24);
/// Gets the checksum of a 232 byte array.
/// Decrypted data.
public static ushort GetCHK(byte[] data)
ushort chk = 0;
for (int i = 8; i < 232; i += 2) // Loop through the entire PKX
chk += BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, i);
return chk;
/// Gets the Wurmple Evolution Value for a given
/// Encryption Constant
/// Wurmple Evolution Value
public static uint GetWurmpleEvoVal(uint EC)
var evoVal = EC >> 16;
return evoVal % 10 / 5;
/// Gets the Wurmple for a given Evolution Value
/// Wurmple Evolution Value
/// 0 = Silcoon, 1 = Cascoon
/// Encryption Constant
public static uint GetWurmpleEC(int evoVal)
uint EC;
do EC = Util.Rand32();
while (evoVal != GetWurmpleEvoVal(EC));
return EC;
/// Gets a random PID according to specifications.
/// National Dex ID
/// Current Gender
/// Origin Generation
/// Nature
/// AltForm
/// Current PID
/// Used to retain ability bits.
/// Rerolled PID.
public static uint GetRandomPID(int species, int cg, int origin, int nature, int form, uint OLDPID)
uint bits = OLDPID & 0x00010001;
int gt = Personal[species].Gender;
if (origin >= 24)
return Util.Rand32();
bool g3unown = origin <= 5 && species == 201;
while (true) // Loop until we find a suitable PID
uint pid = Util.Rand32();
// Gen 3/4: Nature derived from PID
if (origin <= 15 && pid%25 != nature)
// Gen 3 Unown: Letter/form derived from PID
if (g3unown)
var pidLetter = GetUnownForm(pid);
if (pidLetter != form)
else if (bits != (pid & 0x00010001)) // keep ability bits
if (gt == 255 || gt == 254 || gt == 0) // Set Gender(less)
return pid; // PID can be anything
// Gen 3/4/5: Gender derived from PID
if (cg == GetGenderFromPIDAndRatio(pid, gt))
return pid;
// Data Requests
public static string GetResourceStringBall(int ball) => $"_ball{ball}";
private const string ResourceSeparator = "_";
private const string ResourcePikachuCosplay = "c"; // osplay
private const string ResourceShiny = "s"; // hiny
private const string ResourceGGStarter = "p"; //artner
public static bool AllowShinySprite { get; set; }
public static string GetResourceStringSprite(int species, int form, int gender, int generation = Generation, bool shiny = false)
if (Legal.SpeciesDefaultFormSprite.Contains(species)) // Species who show their default sprite regardless of Form
form = 0;
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
{ sb.Append(ResourceSeparator); sb.Append(species); }
if (form > 0)
{ sb.Append(ResourceSeparator); sb.Append(form); }
else if (gender == 1 && Legal.SpeciesGenderedSprite.Contains(species)) // Frillish & Jellicent, Unfezant & Pyroar
{ sb.Append(ResourceSeparator); sb.Append(gender); }
if (species == 25 && form > 0 && generation == 6) // Cosplay Pikachu
else if (GameVersion.GG.Contains(PKMConverter.Trainer.Game) && (species == 25 || species == 133) && form != 0)
if (shiny && AllowShinySprite)
return sb.ToString();
/// Gets a list of formes that the species can have.
/// National Dex number of the Pokémon.
/// List of type names
/// List of form names
/// List of genders names
/// Generation number for exclusive formes
/// A list of strings corresponding to the formes that a Pokémon can have.
public static string[] GetFormList(int species, IReadOnlyList types, IReadOnlyList forms, IReadOnlyList genders, int generation = Generation)
return FormConverter.GetFormList(species, types, forms, genders, generation);
/// Calculate the Hidden Power Type of the entered IVs.
/// Hidden Power Type
/// Individual Values (H/A/B/S/C/D)
/// Generation specific format
/// Hidden Power Type
public static int[] SetHPIVs(int type, int[] ivs, int format = Generation)
if (format <= 2)
ivs[1] = (ivs[1] & ~3) | (type >> 2);
ivs[2] = (ivs[2] & ~3) | (type & 3);
return ivs;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
ivs[i] = (ivs[i] & 0x1E) + hpivs[type, i];
return ivs;
/// Hidden Power IV values (even or odd) to achieve a specified Hidden Power Type
/// There are other IV combinations to achieve the same Hidden Power Type.
/// These are just precomputed for fast modification.
/// Individual Values (H/A/B/S/C/D)
public static readonly int[,] hpivs = {
{ 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // Fighting
{ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 }, // Flying
{ 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 }, // Poison
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 }, // Ground
{ 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 }, // Rock
{ 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 }, // Bug
{ 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 }, // Ghost
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 }, // Steel
{ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 }, // Fire
{ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 }, // Water
{ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 }, // Grass
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1 }, // Electric
{ 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 }, // Psychic
{ 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 }, // Ice
{ 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, // Dragon
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, // Dark
/// Gets the Unown Forme ID from PID.
/// Personality ID
/// Should only be used for 3rd Generation origin specimens.
public static int GetUnownForm(uint pid)
var val = (pid & 0x3000000) >> 18 | (pid & 0x30000) >> 12 | (pid & 0x300) >> 6 | (pid & 0x3);
return (int)(val % 28);
/// Gets the gender ID of the species based on the Personality ID.
/// National Dex ID.
/// Personality ID.
/// Gender ID (0/1/2)
/// This method should only be used for Generations 3-5 origin.
public static int GetGenderFromPID(int species, uint PID)
int genderratio = Personal[species].Gender;
return GetGenderFromPIDAndRatio(PID, genderratio);
public static int GetGenderFromPIDAndRatio(uint PID, int gr)
switch (gr)
case 255: return 2;
case 254: return 1;
case 0: return 0;
default: return (PID & 0xFF) < gr ? 1 : 0;
/// Decrypts an 80 byte format byte array.
/// Encrypted data.
/// Decrypted data.
public static byte[] DecryptArray3(byte[] ekm)
if (ekm.Length != SIZE_3PARTY && ekm.Length != SIZE_3STORED)
return null;
uint PID = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ekm, 0);
uint OID = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ekm, 4);
uint seed = PID ^ OID;
byte[] xorkey = BitConverter.GetBytes(seed);
for (int i = 32; i < 80; i++)
ekm[i] ^= xorkey[i & 3];
return ShuffleArray3(ekm, PID%24);
/// Shuffles an 80 byte format byte array.
/// Unshuffled data.
/// Block order shuffle value
private static byte[] ShuffleArray3(byte[] data, uint sv)
byte[] sdata = new byte[data.Length];
Array.Copy(data, sdata, 32); // Copy unshuffled bytes
// Shuffle Away!
for (int block = 0; block < 4; block++)
Array.Copy(data, 32 + (12 * blockPosition[block][sv]), sdata, 32 + (12 * block), 12);
// Fill the Battle Stats back
if (data.Length > SIZE_3STORED)
Array.Copy(data, SIZE_3STORED, sdata, SIZE_3STORED, data.Length - SIZE_3STORED);
return sdata;
/// Encrypts an 80 byte format byte array.
/// Decrypted data.
/// Encrypted data.
public static byte[] EncryptArray3(byte[] pkm)
if (pkm.Length != SIZE_3PARTY && pkm.Length != SIZE_3STORED)
return null;
uint PID = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pkm, 0);
uint OID = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pkm, 4);
uint seed = PID ^ OID;
byte[] ekm = ShuffleArray3(pkm, blockPositionInvert[PID%24]);
byte[] xorkey = BitConverter.GetBytes(seed);
for (int i = 32; i < 80; i++)
ekm[i] ^= xorkey[i & 3];
return ekm;
/// Gets the Main Series language ID from a GameCube (C/XD) language ID.
/// GameCube (C/XD) language ID.
/// Main Series language ID.
public static byte GetMainLangIDfromGC(byte value)
if (value <= 2 || value > 7)
return value;
return (byte)GCtoMainSeries[(LanguageGC)value];
private static readonly Dictionary GCtoMainSeries = new Dictionary
{LanguageGC.German, LanguageID.German},
{LanguageGC.French, LanguageID.French},
{LanguageGC.Italian, LanguageID.Italian},
{LanguageGC.Spanish, LanguageID.Spanish},
{LanguageGC.UNUSED_6, LanguageID.UNUSED_6},
/// Gets the GameCube (C/XD) language ID from a Main Series language ID.
/// Main Series language ID.
/// GameCube (C/XD) language ID.
public static byte GetGCLangIDfromMain(byte value)
if (value <= 2 || value > 7)
return value;
return (byte)MainSeriesToGC[(LanguageID)value];
private static readonly Dictionary MainSeriesToGC = new Dictionary
{LanguageID.German, LanguageGC.German},
{LanguageID.French, LanguageGC.French},
{LanguageID.Italian, LanguageGC.Italian},
{LanguageID.Spanish, LanguageGC.Spanish},
{LanguageID.UNUSED_6, LanguageGC.UNUSED_6},
/// Gets an array of valid file extensions.
/// Maximum Generation to permit
/// Valid file extensions.
public static string[] GetPKMExtensions(int maxGeneration = Generation)
var result = new List();
int min = maxGeneration <= 2 || maxGeneration >= 7 ? 1 : 3;
for (int i = min; i <= maxGeneration; i++)
if (maxGeneration >= 3)
if (maxGeneration >= 4)
return result.ToArray();
/// Roughly detects the PKM format from the file's extension.
/// File extension.
/// Preference if not a valid extension, usually the highest acceptable format.
/// Format hint that the file is.
public static int GetPKMFormatFromExtension(string ext, int prefer)
return ext?.Length > 1
? GetPKMFormatFromExtension(ext[ext.Length - 1], prefer)
: prefer;
/// Roughly detects the PKM format from the file's extension.
/// Last character of the file's extensio.n
/// Preference if not a valid extension, usually the highest acceptable format.
/// Format hint that the file is.
public static int GetPKMFormatFromExtension(char last, int prefer)
if ('1' <= last && last <= '9')
return last - '0';
return last == 'x' ? 6 : prefer;
// Extensions
/// Gets the Location Name for the
/// PKM to fetch data for
/// Location requested is the egg obtained location, not met location.
/// Location string
public static string GetLocationString(this PKM pk, bool eggmet)
if (pk.Format < 2)
return string.Empty;
int locval = eggmet ? pk.Egg_Location : pk.Met_Location;
return GameInfo.GetLocationName(eggmet, locval, pk.Format, pk.GenNumber, (GameVersion)pk.Version);
/// Copies a list to the destination list, with an option to copy to a starting point.
/// Source list to copy from
/// Destination list/array
/// Context for checking slot write protection
/// Criteria for skipping a slot
/// Starting point to copy to
/// Count of copied.
public static int CopyTo(this IEnumerable list, IList dest, SaveFile sav, Func skip, int start = 0)
int ctr = start;
foreach (var z in list)
if (dest.Count <= ctr)
var exist = dest[ctr];
if (exist != null && skip(exist.Box, exist.Slot))
dest[ctr++] = z;
return ctr - start;
/// Copies an list to the destination list, with an option to copy to a starting point.
/// Typed object to copy
/// Source list to copy from
/// Destination list/array
/// Starting point to copy to
/// Count of copied.
public static int CopyTo(this IEnumerable list, IList dest, int start = 0)
int ctr = start;
foreach (var z in list)
if (dest.Count <= ctr)
dest[ctr++] = z;
return ctr - start;
/// Gets an list of PKM data from a concatenated byte array binary.
/// Length of each PKM byte[]
/// Starting offset to rip from. If omitted, will iterate from the start of the .
/// Ending offset to rip to. If omitted, will iterate to the end of the .
/// Enumerable list of PKM byte arrays
public static IEnumerable GetPKMDataFromConcatenatedBinary(byte[] data, int len, int start = 0, int end = -1)
if (end < 0)
end = data.Length;
// split up data to individual pkm
for (int i = start; i < end; i += len)
var pk = new byte[len];
Buffer.BlockCopy(data, i, pk, 0, len);
yield return pk;
/// Detects the language of a or by checking the current Species name against possible names.
/// PKM to fetch language for
/// Language ID best match ()
public static int GetVCLanguage(PKM pk)
if (pk.Japanese)
return 1;
if (pk.Korean)
return 8;
int lang = GetSpeciesNameLanguage(pk.Species, pk.Nickname, pk.Format);
return lang > 0 ? lang : (int)LanguageID.English; // Default to ENG
internal static bool IsPKMPresentGB(byte[] data, int offset) => data[offset] != 0;
internal static bool IsPKMPresentGC(byte[] data, int offset) => BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset) != 0;
internal static bool IsPKMPresentGBA(byte[] data, int offset)
if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, offset) != 0) // PID
return true;
ushort species = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 0x20);
return species != 0;
internal static bool IsPKMPresent(byte[] data, int offset)
if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, offset) != 0) // PID
return true;
ushort species = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 8);
return species != 0;
public static Func GetFuncIsPKMPresent(PKM blank)
if (blank.Format >= 4)
return IsPKMPresent;
if (blank.Format <= 2)
return IsPKMPresentGB;
if (blank is PK3)
return IsPKMPresentGBA;
return IsPKMPresentGC;
/// Reorders (in place) the input array of stats to have the Speed value last rather than before the SpA/SpD stats.
/// Input array to reorder
/// Same array, reordered.
public static int[] ReorderSpeedLast(int[] value)
var spe = value[3];
value[3] = value[4];
value[4] = value[5];
value[5] = spe;
return value;