using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace PKHeX.Core
public abstract class MysteryGift : IEncounterable, IMoveset
/// Determines whether or not the given length of bytes is valid for a mystery gift.
/// Length, in bytes, of the data of which to determine validity.
/// A boolean indicating whether or not the given length is valid for a mystery gift.
public static bool getIsMysteryGift(long len)
return new[] { WC6.SizeFull, WC6.Size, PGF.Size, PGT.Size, PCD.Size }.Contains((int)len);
/// Converts the given data to a .
/// Raw data of the mystery gift.
/// Extension of the file from which the was retrieved.
/// An instance of representing the given data, or null if or is invalid.
/// This overload differs from by checking the / combo for validity. If either is invalid, a null reference is returned.
public static MysteryGift getMysteryGift(byte[] data, string ext)
// Generation 7
if (data.Length == WC7.SizeFull && ext == ".wc7full")
return new WC7(data);
if (data.Length == WC7.Size && ext == ".wc7")
return new WC7(data);
// Generation 6
if (data.Length == WC6.SizeFull && ext == ".wc6full")
return new WC6(data);
if (data.Length == WC6.Size && ext == ".wc6")
return new WC6(data);
// Generation 5
if (data.Length == PGF.Size && ext == ".pgf")
return new PGF(data);
// Generation 4
if (data.Length == PGT.Size && ext == ".pgt")
return new PGT(data);
if (data.Length == PCD.Size && ext == ".pcd")
return new PCD(data);
return null;
/// Converts the given data to a .
/// Raw data of the mystery gift.
/// An instance of representing the given data, or null if is invalid.
public static MysteryGift getMysteryGift(byte[] data)
switch (data.Length)
case WC6.SizeFull:
// Check WC7 size collision
if (data[0x205] == 0) // 3 * 0x46 for gen6, now only 2.
return new WC7(data);
return new WC6(data);
case WC6.Size:
// Check year for WC7 size collision
if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 0x4C) / 10000 < 2000)
return new WC7(data);
return new WC6(data);
case PGF.Size:
return new PGF(data);
case PGT.Size:
return new PGT(data);
case PCD.Size:
return new PCD(data);
return null;
public string Extension => GetType().Name.ToLower();
public string FileName => getCardHeader() + "." + Extension;
public byte[] Data { get; set; }
public abstract PKM convertToPKM(SaveFile SAV);
public abstract int Format { get; }
public MysteryGift Clone()
byte[] data = (byte[])Data.Clone();
return getMysteryGift(data);
public string Type => GetType().Name;
public string Name => $"Event Gift ({Type})";
// Properties
public virtual int Species { get => -1; set { } }
public abstract bool GiftUsed { get; set; }
public abstract string CardTitle { get; set; }
public abstract int CardID { get; set; }
public abstract bool IsItem { get; set; }
public abstract int Item { get; set; }
public abstract bool IsPokémon { get; set; }
public virtual int Quantity { get => 1; set { } }
public bool Empty => Data.SequenceEqual(new byte[Data.Length]);
public virtual bool IsBP { get => false; set { } }
public virtual int BP { get => 0; set { } }
public virtual bool IsBean { get => false; set { } }
public virtual int Bean { get => 0; set { } }
public virtual int BeanCount { get => 0; set { } }
public virtual string getCardHeader() => (CardID > 0 ? $"Card #: {CardID:0000}" : "N/A") + $" - {CardTitle.Replace('\u3000',' ').Trim()}";
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = 17;
foreach (var b in Data)
hash = hash*31 + b;
return hash;
// Search Properties
public virtual int[] Moves { get => new int[4]; set { } }
public virtual int[] RelearnMoves { get => new int[4]; set { } }
public virtual bool IsShiny => false;
public virtual bool IsEgg { get => false; set { } }
public virtual int HeldItem { get => -1; set { } }
public virtual object Content => this;
public abstract int Level { get; set; }
public int LevelMin => Level;
public int LevelMax => Level;
public abstract int Ball { get; set; }
public bool Gen7 => Format == 7;
public bool Gen6 => Format == 6;
public bool Gen5 => Format == 5;
public bool Gen4 => Format == 4;
public bool Gen3 => Format == 3;
public virtual bool EggEncounter => IsEgg;