using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using static PKHeX.Core.GameVersion;
using static System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// Object representing a 's data and derived properties.
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(PublicProperties | NonPublicProperties | PublicParameterlessConstructor)]
public abstract class PKM : ISpeciesForm, ITrainerID32, IGeneration, IShiny, ILangNick, IGameValueLimit, INature, IFatefulEncounter
/// Valid file extensions that represent data, without the leading '.'
public static readonly string[] Extensions = EntityFileExtension.GetExtensions();
public abstract int SIZE_PARTY { get; }
public abstract int SIZE_STORED { get; }
public string Extension => GetType().Name.ToLowerInvariant();
public abstract PersonalInfo PersonalInfo { get; }
public virtual ReadOnlySpan ExtraBytes => Array.Empty();
// Internal Attributes set on creation
public readonly byte[] Data; // Raw Storage
protected PKM(byte[] data) => Data = data;
protected PKM([ConstantExpected] int size) => Data = new byte[size];
public virtual byte[] EncryptedPartyData => Encrypt().AsSpan(0, SIZE_PARTY).ToArray();
public virtual byte[] EncryptedBoxData => Encrypt().AsSpan(0, SIZE_STORED).ToArray();
public virtual byte[] DecryptedPartyData => Write().AsSpan(0, SIZE_PARTY).ToArray();
public virtual byte[] DecryptedBoxData => Write().AsSpan(0, SIZE_STORED).ToArray();
/// Rough indication if the data is junk or not.
public abstract bool Valid { get; set; }
// Trash Bytes
public abstract Span Nickname_Trash { get; }
public abstract Span OT_Trash { get; }
public virtual Span HT_Trash => Span.Empty;
protected abstract byte[] Encrypt();
public abstract EntityContext Context { get; }
public int Format => Context.Generation();
public TrainerIDFormat TrainerIDDisplayFormat => this.GetTrainerIDFormat();
private byte[] Write()
return Data;
// Surface Properties
public abstract ushort Species { get; set; }
public abstract string Nickname { get; set; }
public abstract int HeldItem { get; set; }
public abstract int Gender { get; set; }
public abstract int Nature { get; set; }
public virtual int StatNature { get => Nature; set => Nature = value; }
public abstract int Ability { get; set; }
public abstract int CurrentFriendship { get; set; }
public abstract byte Form { get; set; }
public abstract bool IsEgg { get; set; }
public abstract bool IsNicknamed { get; set; }
public abstract uint EXP { get; set; }
public abstract ushort TID16 { get; set; }
public abstract ushort SID16 { get; set; }
public abstract string OT_Name { get; set; }
public abstract int OT_Gender { get; set; }
public abstract int Ball { get; set; }
public abstract int Met_Level { get; set; }
// Aliases of ID32
public uint TrainerTID7 { get => this.GetTrainerTID7(); set => this.SetTrainerTID7(value); }
public uint TrainerSID7 { get => this.GetTrainerSID7(); set => this.SetTrainerSID7(value); }
public uint DisplayTID { get => this.GetDisplayTID(); set => this.SetDisplayTID(value); }
public uint DisplaySID { get => this.GetDisplaySID(); set => this.SetDisplaySID(value); }
// Battle
public abstract ushort Move1 { get; set; }
public abstract ushort Move2 { get; set; }
public abstract ushort Move3 { get; set; }
public abstract ushort Move4 { get; set; }
public abstract int Move1_PP { get; set; }
public abstract int Move2_PP { get; set; }
public abstract int Move3_PP { get; set; }
public abstract int Move4_PP { get; set; }
public abstract int Move1_PPUps { get; set; }
public abstract int Move2_PPUps { get; set; }
public abstract int Move3_PPUps { get; set; }
public abstract int Move4_PPUps { get; set; }
public abstract int EV_HP { get; set; }
public abstract int EV_ATK { get; set; }
public abstract int EV_DEF { get; set; }
public abstract int EV_SPE { get; set; }
public abstract int EV_SPA { get; set; }
public abstract int EV_SPD { get; set; }
public abstract int IV_HP { get; set; }
public abstract int IV_ATK { get; set; }
public abstract int IV_DEF { get; set; }
public abstract int IV_SPE { get; set; }
public abstract int IV_SPA { get; set; }
public abstract int IV_SPD { get; set; }
public abstract int Status_Condition { get; set; }
public abstract int Stat_Level { get; set; }
public abstract int Stat_HPMax { get; set; }
public abstract int Stat_HPCurrent { get; set; }
public abstract int Stat_ATK { get; set; }
public abstract int Stat_DEF { get; set; }
public abstract int Stat_SPE { get; set; }
public abstract int Stat_SPA { get; set; }
public abstract int Stat_SPD { get; set; }
// Hidden Properties
public abstract int Version { get; set; }
public abstract uint ID32 { get; set; }
public abstract int PKRS_Strain { get; set; }
public abstract int PKRS_Days { get; set; }
public abstract uint EncryptionConstant { get; set; }
public abstract uint PID { get; set; }
// Misc Properties
public abstract int Language { get; set; }
public abstract bool FatefulEncounter { get; set; }
public abstract uint TSV { get; }
public abstract uint PSV { get; }
public abstract int Characteristic { get; }
public abstract int MarkValue { get; set; }
public abstract int Met_Location { get; set; }
public abstract int Egg_Location { get; set; }
public abstract int OT_Friendship { get; set; }
public virtual bool Japanese => Language == (int)LanguageID.Japanese;
public virtual bool Korean => Language == (int)LanguageID.Korean;
// Future Properties
public virtual int Met_Year { get => 0; set { } }
public virtual int Met_Month { get => 0; set { } }
public virtual int Met_Day { get => 0; set { } }
public virtual string HT_Name { get => string.Empty; set { } }
public virtual int HT_Gender { get => 0; set { } }
public virtual int HT_Friendship { get => 0; set { } }
public virtual byte Enjoyment { get => 0; set { } }
public virtual byte Fullness { get => 0; set { } }
public virtual int AbilityNumber { get => 0; set { } }
/// The date the Pokémon was met.
/// A DateTime representing the date the Pokémon was met.
/// Returns null if either the format does not support dates or the stored date is invalid.
/// Not all types support the property. In these cases, this property will return null.
/// If null is assigned to this property, it will be cleared.
public DateOnly? MetDate
// Check to see if date is valid
if (!DateUtil.IsDateValid(2000 + Met_Year, Met_Month, Met_Day))
return null;
return new DateOnly(2000 + Met_Year, Met_Month, Met_Day);
if (value.HasValue)
// Only update the properties if a value is provided.
Met_Year = value.Value.Year - 2000;
Met_Month = value.Value.Month;
Met_Day = value.Value.Day;
// Clear the Met Date.
// If code tries to access MetDate again, null will be returned.
Met_Year = 0;
Met_Month = 0;
Met_Day = 0;
public virtual int Egg_Year { get => 0; set { } }
public virtual int Egg_Month { get => 0; set { } }
public virtual int Egg_Day { get => 0; set { } }
/// The date a Pokémon was met as an egg.
/// A DateTime representing the date the Pokémon was met as an egg.
/// Returns null if either the format does not support dates or the stored date is invalid.
/// Not all types support the property. In these cases, this property will return null.
/// If null is assigned to this property, it will be cleared.
public DateOnly? EggMetDate
// Check to see if date is valid
if (!DateUtil.IsDateValid(2000 + Egg_Year, Egg_Month, Egg_Day))
return null;
return new DateOnly(2000 + Egg_Year, Egg_Month, Egg_Day);
if (value.HasValue)
// Only update the properties if a value is provided.
Egg_Year = value.Value.Year - 2000;
Egg_Month = value.Value.Month;
Egg_Day = value.Value.Day;
// Clear the Met Date.
// If code tries to access MetDate again, null will be returned.
Egg_Year = 0;
Egg_Month = 0;
Egg_Day = 0;
public virtual ushort RelearnMove1 { get => 0; set { } }
public virtual ushort RelearnMove2 { get => 0; set { } }
public virtual ushort RelearnMove3 { get => 0; set { } }
public virtual ushort RelearnMove4 { get => 0; set { } }
// Exposed but not Present in all
public abstract int CurrentHandler { get; set; }
// Maximums
public abstract ushort MaxMoveID { get; }
public abstract ushort MaxSpeciesID { get; }
public abstract int MaxItemID { get; }
public abstract int MaxAbilityID { get; }
public abstract int MaxBallID { get; }
public abstract int MaxGameID { get; }
public virtual int MinGameID => 0;
public abstract int MaxIV { get; }
public abstract int MaxEV { get; }
public abstract int MaxStringLengthOT { get; }
public abstract int MaxStringLengthNickname { get; }
// Derived
public virtual int SpriteItem => HeldItem;
public virtual bool IsShiny => TSV == PSV;
public ushort ShinyXor
var tmp = ID32 ^ PID;
return (ushort)(tmp ^ (tmp >> 16));
public bool E => Version == (int)GameVersion.E;
public bool FRLG => Version is (int)FR or (int)LG;
public bool Pt => (int)GameVersion.Pt == Version;
public bool HGSS => Version is (int)HG or (int)SS;
public bool BW => Version is (int)B or (int)W;
public bool B2W2 => Version is (int)B2 or (int)W2;
public bool XY => Version is (int)X or (int)Y;
public bool AO => Version is (int)AS or (int)OR;
public bool SM => Version is (int)SN or (int)MN;
public bool USUM => Version is (int)US or (int)UM;
public bool GO => Version is (int)GameVersion.GO;
public bool VC1 => Version is >= (int)RD and <= (int)YW;
public bool VC2 => Version is >= (int)GD and <= (int)C;
public bool LGPE => Version is (int)GP or (int)GE;
public bool SWSH => Version is (int)SW or (int)SH;
public virtual bool BDSP => Version is (int)BD or (int)SP;
public virtual bool LA => Version is (int)PLA;
public virtual bool SV => Version is (int)SL or (int)VL;
public bool GO_LGPE => GO && Met_Location == Locations.GO7;
public bool GO_HOME => GO && Met_Location == Locations.GO8;
public bool VC => VC1 || VC2;
public bool GG => LGPE || GO_LGPE;
public bool Gen9 => SV;
public bool Gen8 => Version is >= 44 and <= 49 || GO_HOME;
public bool Gen7 => Version is >= 30 and <= 33 || GG;
public bool Gen6 => Version is >= 24 and <= 29;
public bool Gen5 => Version is >= 20 and <= 23;
public bool Gen4 => Version is (>= 7 and <= 12) and not 9;
public bool Gen3 => Version is (>= 1 and <= 5) or 15;
public bool Gen2 => Version == (int)GSC; // Fixed value set by the Gen2 PKM classes
public bool Gen1 => Version == (int)RBY; // Fixed value set by the Gen1 PKM classes
public bool GenU => Generation <= 0;
public int Generation
if (Gen9) return 9;
if (Gen8) return 8;
if (Gen7) return 7;
if (Gen6) return 6;
if (Gen5) return 5;
if (Gen4) return 4;
if (Gen3) return 3;
if (Gen2) return Format; // 2
if (Gen1) return Format; // 1
if (VC1) return 1;
if (VC2) return 2;
return -1;
public bool PKRS_Infected { get => PKRS_Days != 0 || PKRS_Strain != 0; set => PKRS_Strain = value ? Math.Max(PKRS_Strain, 1) : 0; }
public bool PKRS_Cured
get => PKRS_Days == 0 && PKRS_Strain > 0;
PKRS_Days = value ? 0 : 1;
PKRS_Infected = true;
public int CurrentLevel { get => Experience.GetLevel(EXP, PersonalInfo.EXPGrowth); set => EXP = Experience.GetEXP(Stat_Level = value, PersonalInfo.EXPGrowth); }
public int IVTotal => IV_HP + IV_ATK + IV_DEF + IV_SPA + IV_SPD + IV_SPE;
public int EVTotal => EV_HP + EV_ATK + EV_DEF + EV_SPA + EV_SPD + EV_SPE;
public int MaximumIV => Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(IV_HP, IV_ATK), IV_DEF), IV_SPA), IV_SPD), IV_SPE);
public int FlawlessIVCount
int max = MaxIV;
int ctr = 0;
if (IV_HP == max) ++ctr;
if (IV_ATK == max) ++ctr;
if (IV_DEF == max) ++ctr;
if (IV_SPA == max) ++ctr;
if (IV_SPD == max) ++ctr;
if (IV_SPE == max) ++ctr;
return ctr;
public string FileName => $"{FileNameWithoutExtension}.{Extension}";
public string FileNameWithoutExtension => EntityFileNamer.GetName(this);
public int[] IVs
get => new[] { IV_HP, IV_ATK, IV_DEF, IV_SPE, IV_SPA, IV_SPD };
set => SetIVs(value);
public void GetIVs(Span value)
if (value.Length != 6)
value[0] = IV_HP;
value[1] = IV_ATK;
value[2] = IV_DEF;
value[3] = IV_SPE;
value[4] = IV_SPA;
value[5] = IV_SPD;
public void SetIVs(ReadOnlySpan value)
if (value.Length != 6)
IV_HP = value[0];
IV_ATK = value[1];
IV_DEF = value[2];
IV_SPE = value[3];
IV_SPA = value[4];
IV_SPD = value[5];
public void GetEVs(Span value)
if (value.Length != 6)
value[0] = EV_HP;
value[1] = EV_ATK;
value[2] = EV_DEF;
value[3] = EV_SPE;
value[4] = EV_SPA;
value[5] = EV_SPD;
public void SetEVs(ReadOnlySpan value)
if (value.Length != 6)
EV_HP = value[0];
EV_ATK = value[1];
EV_DEF = value[2];
EV_SPE = value[3];
EV_SPA = value[4];
EV_SPD = value[5];
public int[] Stats
get => new[] { Stat_HPCurrent, Stat_ATK, Stat_DEF, Stat_SPE, Stat_SPA, Stat_SPD };
if (value.Length != 6)
Stat_HPCurrent = value[0]; Stat_ATK = value[1]; Stat_DEF = value[2];
Stat_SPE = value[3]; Stat_SPA = value[4]; Stat_SPD = value[5];
public ushort[] Moves
get => new[] { Move1, Move2, Move3, Move4 };
set => SetMoves(value);
public void PushMove(ushort move)
if (move == 0 || move >= MaxMoveID || HasMove(move))
var ct = MoveCount;
if (ct == 4)
ct = 0;
SetMove(ct, move);
public int MoveCount => Convert.ToInt32(Move1 != 0) + Convert.ToInt32(Move2 != 0) + Convert.ToInt32(Move3 != 0) + Convert.ToInt32(Move4 != 0);
public void GetMoves(Span value)
value[3] = Move4;
value[2] = Move3;
value[1] = Move2;
value[0] = Move1;
public void SetMoves(Moveset value)
Move1 = value.Move1;
Move2 = value.Move2;
Move3 = value.Move3;
Move4 = value.Move4;
public void SetMoves(ReadOnlySpan value)
Move1 = value.Length > 0 ? value[0] : default;
Move2 = value.Length > 1 ? value[1] : default;
Move3 = value.Length > 2 ? value[2] : default;
Move4 = value.Length > 3 ? value[3] : default;
public ushort[] RelearnMoves
get => new[] { RelearnMove1, RelearnMove2, RelearnMove3, RelearnMove4 };
set => SetRelearnMoves(value);
public void SetRelearnMoves(Moveset value)
RelearnMove1 = value.Move1;
RelearnMove2 = value.Move2;
RelearnMove3 = value.Move3;
RelearnMove4 = value.Move4;
public void SetRelearnMoves(ReadOnlySpan value)
RelearnMove1 = value.Length > 0 ? value[0] : default;
RelearnMove2 = value.Length > 1 ? value[1] : default;
RelearnMove3 = value.Length > 2 ? value[2] : default;
RelearnMove4 = value.Length > 3 ? value[3] : default;
public int PIDAbility
if (Generation > 5 || Format > 5)
return -1;
if (Version == (int) CXD)
return PersonalInfo.GetIndexOfAbility(Ability); // Can mismatch; not tied to PID
return (int)((Gen5 ? PID >> 16 : PID) & 1);
public abstract int MarkingCount { get; }
public abstract int GetMarking(int index);
public abstract void SetMarking(int index, int value);
private int HPBitValPower => ((IV_HP & 2) >> 1) | ((IV_ATK & 2) >> 0) | ((IV_DEF & 2) << 1) | ((IV_SPE & 2) << 2) | ((IV_SPA & 2) << 3) | ((IV_SPD & 2) << 4);
public virtual int HPPower => Format < 6 ? ((40 * HPBitValPower) / 63) + 30 : 60;
private int HPBitValType => ((IV_HP & 1) >> 0) | ((IV_ATK & 1) << 1) | ((IV_DEF & 1) << 2) | ((IV_SPE & 1) << 3) | ((IV_SPA & 1) << 4) | ((IV_SPD & 1) << 5);
public virtual int HPType
get => 15 * HPBitValType / 63;
var arr = HiddenPower.DefaultLowBits;
var bits = (uint)value >= arr.Length ? 0 : arr[value];
IV_HP = (IV_HP & ~1) + ((bits >> 0) & 1);
IV_ATK = (IV_ATK & ~1) + ((bits >> 1) & 1);
IV_DEF = (IV_DEF & ~1) + ((bits >> 2) & 1);
IV_SPE = (IV_SPE & ~1) + ((bits >> 3) & 1);
IV_SPA = (IV_SPA & ~1) + ((bits >> 4) & 1);
IV_SPD = (IV_SPD & ~1) + ((bits >> 5) & 1);
// Misc Egg Facts
public virtual bool WasEgg => IsEgg || Egg_Day != 0;
public bool WasTradedEgg => Egg_Location == GetTradedEggLocation();
public bool IsTradedEgg => Met_Location == GetTradedEggLocation();
private int GetTradedEggLocation() => Locations.TradedEggLocation(Generation, (GameVersion)Version);
public virtual bool IsUntraded => false;
public virtual bool IsNative => Generation == Format;
public bool IsOriginValid => Species <= MaxSpeciesID;
/// Checks if the PKM has its original met location.
/// Returns false if the Met Location has been overwritten via generational transfer.
public virtual bool HasOriginalMetLocation => !(Format < 3 || VC || (Generation <= 4 && Format != Generation));
/// Checks if the current is valid.
/// True if valid, False if invalid.
public virtual bool IsGenderValid()
int gender = Gender;
var gv = PersonalInfo.Gender;
if (gv == PersonalInfo.RatioMagicGenderless)
return gender == 2;
if (gv == PersonalInfo.RatioMagicFemale)
return gender == 1;
if (gv == PersonalInfo.RatioMagicMale)
return gender == 0;
int gen = Generation;
if (gen is not (3 or 4 or 5))
return gender == (gender & 1);
return gender == EntityGender.GetFromPIDAndRatio(PID, gv);
/// Updates the checksum of the .
public abstract void RefreshChecksum();
/// Indicates if the data has a proper checksum.
/// Returns true for structures that do not compute or contain a checksum in the structure.
public abstract bool ChecksumValid { get; }
/// Reorders moves and fixes PP if necessary.
public void FixMoves()
if (Move1 == 0) Move1_PP = Move1_PPUps = 0;
if (Move2 == 0) Move2_PP = Move2_PPUps = 0;
if (Move3 == 0) Move3_PP = Move3_PPUps = 0;
if (Move4 == 0) Move4_PP = Move4_PPUps = 0;
/// Reorders moves to put Empty entries last.
private void ReorderMoves()
// Loop to catch multiple empty slots. X2X4 needs 3 shifts, XX34 needs 4.
while (true)
if (Move1 == 0 && Move2 != 0)
// This branch can only be true once, as Move1 is the top move.
Move1 = Move2;
Move1_PP = Move2_PP;
Move1_PPUps = Move2_PPUps;
Move2 = 0;
else if (Move2 == 0 && Move3 != 0)
// This branch can be true more than once, if shifting 3 & 4 down into 1 & 2.
Move2 = Move3;
Move2_PP = Move3_PP;
Move2_PPUps = Move3_PPUps;
Move3 = 0;
else if (Move3 == 0 && Move4 != 0)
// This branch can be true only once, as Move4 is the lowest move and nothing can refill it.
Move3 = Move4;
Move3_PP = Move4_PP;
Move3_PPUps = Move4_PPUps;
Move4 = 0;
// Still need to loop as Move 3 may still have empty slots before it.
// No more reordering, current moveset has no empty slots exist before nonzero slots.
/// Applies the desired Ability option.
/// Ability Number (0/1/2)
public virtual void RefreshAbility(int n)
AbilityNumber = 1 << n;
IPersonalAbility pi = PersonalInfo;
if ((uint)n < pi.AbilityCount)
Ability = pi.GetAbilityAtIndex(n);
/// Gets the IV Judge Rating value.
/// IV Judge scales his response 0 (worst) to 3 (best).
/// Assumes IVs are in the 0-31 range, so this isn't really useful for Gen1/2 formats that are 0-15 per IV.
public int PotentialRating => IVTotal switch
<= 90 => 0,
<= 120 => 1,
<= 150 => 2,
_ => 3,
/// Gets the current Battle Stats.
/// entry containing Base Stat Info
/// Battle Stats (H/A/B/S/C/D)
public ushort[] GetStats(IBaseStat p)
ushort[] stats = new ushort[6];
LoadStats(p, stats);
return stats;
public virtual void LoadStats(IBaseStat p, Span stats)
int level = CurrentLevel; // recalculate instead of checking Stat_Level
if (this is IHyperTrain t)
LoadStats(stats, p, t, level);
LoadStats(stats, p, level);
// Amplify stats based on the stat nature.
NatureAmp.ModifyStatsForNature(stats, StatNature);
private void LoadStats(Span stats, IBaseStat p, IHyperTrain t, int level)
stats[0] = (ushort)(p.HP == 1 ? 1 : (((t.HT_HP ? 31 : IV_HP) + (2 * p.HP) + (EV_HP / 4) + 100) * level / 100) + 10);
stats[1] = (ushort)((((t.HT_ATK ? 31 : IV_ATK) + (2 * p.ATK) + (EV_ATK / 4)) * level / 100) + 5);
stats[2] = (ushort)((((t.HT_DEF ? 31 : IV_DEF) + (2 * p.DEF) + (EV_DEF / 4)) * level / 100) + 5);
stats[4] = (ushort)((((t.HT_SPA ? 31 : IV_SPA) + (2 * p.SPA) + (EV_SPA / 4)) * level / 100) + 5);
stats[5] = (ushort)((((t.HT_SPD ? 31 : IV_SPD) + (2 * p.SPD) + (EV_SPD / 4)) * level / 100) + 5);
stats[3] = (ushort)((((t.HT_SPE ? 31 : IV_SPE) + (2 * p.SPE) + (EV_SPE / 4)) * level / 100) + 5);
private void LoadStats(Span stats, IBaseStat p, int level)
stats[0] = (ushort)(p.HP == 1 ? 1 : ((IV_HP + (2 * p.HP) + (EV_HP / 4) + 100) * level / 100) + 10);
stats[1] = (ushort)(((IV_ATK + (2 * p.ATK) + (EV_ATK / 4)) * level / 100) + 5);
stats[2] = (ushort)(((IV_DEF + (2 * p.DEF) + (EV_DEF / 4)) * level / 100) + 5);
stats[4] = (ushort)(((IV_SPA + (2 * p.SPA) + (EV_SPA / 4)) * level / 100) + 5);
stats[5] = (ushort)(((IV_SPD + (2 * p.SPD) + (EV_SPD / 4)) * level / 100) + 5);
stats[3] = (ushort)(((IV_SPE + (2 * p.SPE) + (EV_SPE / 4)) * level / 100) + 5);
/// Applies the specified stats to the .
/// Battle Stats (H/A/B/S/C/D)
public void SetStats(ReadOnlySpan stats)
Stat_HPMax = Stat_HPCurrent = stats[0];
Stat_ATK = stats[1];
Stat_DEF = stats[2];
Stat_SPE = stats[3];
Stat_SPA = stats[4];
Stat_SPD = stats[5];
/// Indicates if Party Stats are present. False if not initialized (from stored format).
public bool PartyStatsPresent => Stat_HPMax != 0;
/// Clears any status condition and refreshes the stats.
public void ResetPartyStats()
Span stats = stackalloc ushort[6];
LoadStats(PersonalInfo, stats);
Stat_Level = CurrentLevel;
Status_Condition = 0;
public void Heal()
/// Restores PP to maximum based on the current PP Ups for each move.
public void HealPP()
Move1_PP = GetMovePP(Move1, Move1_PPUps);
Move2_PP = GetMovePP(Move2, Move2_PPUps);
Move3_PP = GetMovePP(Move3, Move3_PPUps);
Move4_PP = GetMovePP(Move4, Move4_PPUps);
public int HealPPIndex(int index) => index switch
0 => Move1_PP = GetMovePP(Move1, Move1_PPUps),
1 => Move2_PP = GetMovePP(Move2, Move2_PPUps),
2 => Move3_PP = GetMovePP(Move3, Move3_PPUps),
3 => Move4_PP = GetMovePP(Move4, Move4_PPUps),
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index), index, "Index must be between 0 and 3."),
/// Enforces that Party Stat values are present.
/// True if stats were refreshed, false if stats were already present.
public bool ForcePartyData()
if (PartyStatsPresent)
return false;
return true;
/// Checks if the can hold its .
/// Items that the can hold.
/// True/False if the can hold its .
public virtual bool CanHoldItem(ReadOnlySpan valid) => valid.Contains((ushort)HeldItem);
/// Deep clones the object. The clone will not have any shared resources with the source.
/// Cloned object
public abstract PKM Clone();
/// Sets Link Trade data for an .
/// Day the was traded.
/// Month the was traded.
/// Day the was traded.
/// Link Trade location value.
protected void SetLinkTradeEgg(int day, int month, int y, int location)
Met_Day = day;
Met_Month = month;
Met_Year = y - 2000;
Met_Location = location;
/// Gets the PP of a Move ID with consideration of the amount of PP Ups applied.
/// Move ID
/// PP Ups count
/// Current PP for the move.
public virtual int GetMovePP(ushort move, int ppUpCount) => GetBasePP(move) * (5 + ppUpCount) / 5;
/// Gets the base PP of a move ID depending on the 's format.
/// Move ID
/// Amount of PP the move has by default (no PP Ups).
private int GetBasePP(ushort move) => MoveInfo.GetPP(Context, move);
/// Applies a shiny to the .
/// If a originated in a generation prior to Generation 6, the is updated.
/// If a is in the format, it will update the instead.
public virtual void SetShiny()
var rnd = Util.Rand;
do { PID = EntityPID.GetRandomPID(rnd, Species, Gender, Version, Nature, Form, PID); }
while (!IsShiny);
if (Format >= 6 && (Gen3 || Gen4 || Gen5))
EncryptionConstant = PID;
/// Applies a shiny to the .
public void SetShinySID(Shiny shiny = Shiny.Random)
if (IsShiny && shiny.IsValid(this))
ushort bits = shiny switch
Shiny.AlwaysSquare => 0,
Shiny.AlwaysStar => 1,
_ => (ushort)Util.Rand.Next(8),
var current = ShinyXor;
current ^= bits;
SID16 ^= current;
/// Applies a to the according to the specified .
/// to apply
/// If a originated in a generation prior to Generation 6, the is updated.
public void SetPIDGender(int gender)
var rnd = Util.Rand;
do PID = EntityPID.GetRandomPID(rnd, Species, gender, Version, Nature, Form, PID);
while (IsShiny);
if (Format >= 6 && (Gen3 || Gen4 || Gen5))
EncryptionConstant = PID;
/// Applies a to the according to the specified .
/// to apply
/// If a originated in a generation prior to Generation 6, the is updated.
public void SetPIDNature(int nature)
var rnd = Util.Rand;
do PID = EntityPID.GetRandomPID(rnd, Species, Gender, Version, nature, Form, PID);
while (IsShiny);
if (Format >= 6 && (Gen3 || Gen4 || Gen5))
EncryptionConstant = PID;
/// Applies a to the according to the specified .
/// to apply
/// This method should only be used for Unown originating in Generation 3 games.
/// If a originated in a generation prior to Generation 6, the is updated.
public void SetPIDUnown3(byte form)
var rnd = Util.Rand;
do PID = rnd.Rand32(); while (EntityPID.GetUnownForm3(PID) != form);
if (Format >= 6 && (Gen3 || Gen4 || Gen5))
EncryptionConstant = PID;
public void SetRandomIVs(int minFlawless = 0) => SetRandomIVs(stackalloc int[6], minFlawless);
/// Randomizes the IVs within game constraints.
/// Temporary variable storage
/// Count of flawless IVs to set. If none provided, a count will be detected.
public void SetRandomIVs(Span ivs, int minFlawless = 0)
if (Version == (int)GameVersion.GO)
var rnd = Util.Rand;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
ivs[i] = rnd.Next(MaxIV + 1);
if (minFlawless != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < minFlawless; i++)
ivs[i] = MaxIV;
rnd.Shuffle(ivs); // Randomize IV order
public void SetRandomIVsGO(int minIV = 0, int maxIV = 15) => SetRandomIVsGO(stackalloc int[6], minIV, maxIV);
public void SetRandomIVsGO(Span ivs, int minIV = 0, int maxIV = 15)
var rnd = Util.Rand;
ivs[0] = (rnd.Next(minIV, maxIV + 1) << 1) | 1; // hp
ivs[1] = ivs[4] = (rnd.Next(minIV, maxIV + 1) << 1) | 1; // attack
ivs[2] = ivs[5] = (rnd.Next(minIV, maxIV + 1) << 1) | 1; // defense
ivs[3] = rnd.Next(MaxIV + 1); // speed
/// Applies all shared properties from the current to the .
/// that receives property values.
public void TransferPropertiesWithReflection(PKM result)
// Only transfer declared properties not defined in PKM.cs but in the actual type
var srcType = GetType();
var destType = result.GetType();
static IEnumerable GetImplementingTypes(Type t)
yield return t;
while (true)
var baseType = t.BaseType;
if (baseType is null || baseType == typeof(PKM))
yield break;
yield return t = baseType;
var srcTypes = GetImplementingTypes(srcType);
var srcProperties = srcTypes.SelectMany(ReflectUtil.GetPropertiesCanWritePublicDeclared);
var destTypes = GetImplementingTypes(destType);
var destProperties = destTypes.SelectMany(ReflectUtil.GetPropertiesCanWritePublicDeclared);
// Transfer properties in the order they are defined in the destination PKM format for best conversion
var shared = destProperties.Intersect(srcProperties);
foreach (string property in shared)
// Setter sanity check: a derived type may not implement a setter if its parent type has one.
if (!BatchEditing.TryGetHasProperty(result, property, out var pi))
if (!pi.CanWrite)
// Fetch the current value.
if (!BatchEditing.TryGetHasProperty(this, property, out var src))
var prop = src.GetValue(this);
if (prop is byte[] or null)
continue; // not a valid property transfer
// Write it to the destination.
ReflectUtil.SetValue(pi, result, prop);
// set shared properties for the Gen1/2 base class
if (result is GBPKM l)
/// Checks if the has the in its current move list.
public bool HasMove(ushort move) => Move1 == move || Move2 == move || Move3 == move || Move4 == move;
public int GetMoveIndex(ushort move) => Move1 == move ? 0 : Move2 == move ? 1 : Move3 == move ? 2 : Move4 == move ? 3 : -1;
public ushort GetMove(int index) => index switch
0 => Move1,
1 => Move2,
2 => Move3,
3 => Move4,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index), index, "Move index must be between 0 and 3."),
public ushort SetMove(int index, ushort value) => index switch
0 => Move1 = value,
1 => Move2 = value,
2 => Move3 = value,
3 => Move4 = value,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index), index, "Move index must be between 0 and 3."),
public ushort GetRelearnMove(int index) => index switch
0 => RelearnMove1,
1 => RelearnMove2,
2 => RelearnMove3,
3 => RelearnMove4,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index), index, "Move index must be between 0 and 3."),
public ushort SetRelearnMove(int index, ushort value) => index switch
0 => RelearnMove1 = value,
1 => RelearnMove2 = value,
2 => RelearnMove3 = value,
3 => RelearnMove4 = value,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index), index, "Move index must be between 0 and 3."),
/// Checks if the has the in its relearn move list.
public bool HasRelearnMove(ushort move) => RelearnMove1 == move || RelearnMove2 == move || RelearnMove3 == move || RelearnMove4 == move;
public void GetRelearnMoves(Span value)
value[3] = RelearnMove4;
value[2] = RelearnMove3;
value[1] = RelearnMove2;
value[0] = RelearnMove1;
/// Clears moves that a may have, possibly from a future generation.
public void ClearInvalidMoves()
uint invalid = 0;
Span moves = stackalloc ushort[4];
for (var i = 0; i < moves.Length; i++)
if (moves[i] <= MaxMoveID)
moves[i] = 0;
if (invalid == 0)
if (invalid == 4) // no moves remain
moves[0] = 1; // Pound
Move1_PP = GetMovePP(1, Move1_PPUps);
/// Gets one of the based on its index within the array.
/// Index to get
public int GetEV(int index) => index switch
0 => EV_HP,
1 => EV_ATK,
2 => EV_DEF,
3 => EV_SPE,
4 => EV_SPA,
5 => EV_SPD,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index), index, "EV index must be between 0 and 5."),
/// Gets one of the based on its index within the array.
/// Index to get
public int GetIV(int index) => index switch
0 => IV_HP,
1 => IV_ATK,
2 => IV_DEF,
3 => IV_SPE,
4 => IV_SPA,
5 => IV_SPD,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index), index, "IV index must be between 0 and 5."),