using System; using System.Linq; namespace PKHeX.Core { public sealed class SAV2 : SaveFile { public override string BAKName => $"{FileName} [{OT} ({Version}) - {PlayTimeString}].bak"; public override string Filter => "SAV File|*.sav|All Files|*.*"; public override string Extension => ".sav"; public override string[] PKMExtensions => PKM.Extensions.Where(f => { int gen = f.Last() - 0x30; if (Korean) return gen == 2; return 1 <= gen && gen <= 2; }).ToArray(); public SAV2(byte[] data = null, GameVersion versionOverride = GameVersion.Any) { Data = data == null ? new byte[SaveUtil.SIZE_G2RAW_U] : (byte[])data.Clone(); BAK = (byte[])Data.Clone(); Exportable = !Data.SequenceEqual(new byte[Data.Length]); if (data == null) Version = GameVersion.C; else if (versionOverride != GameVersion.Any) Version = versionOverride; else Version = SaveUtil.GetIsG2SAV(Data); if (Version == GameVersion.Invalid) return; Japanese = SaveUtil.GetIsG2SAVJ(Data) != GameVersion.Invalid; if (Japanese && Data.Length < SaveUtil.SIZE_G2RAW_J) Array.Resize(ref Data, SaveUtil.SIZE_G2RAW_J); if (!Japanese) Korean = SaveUtil.GetIsG2SAVK(Data) != GameVersion.Invalid; Box = Data.Length; Array.Resize(ref Data, Data.Length + SIZE_RESERVED); Party = GetPartyOffset(0); Personal = Version == GameVersion.GS ? PersonalTable.GS : PersonalTable.C; Offsets = new SAV2Offsets(this); LegalItems = Legal.Pouch_Items_GSC; LegalBalls = Legal.Pouch_Ball_GSC; LegalKeyItems = Version == GameVersion.C ? Legal.Pouch_Key_C : Legal.Pouch_Key_GS; LegalTMHMs = Legal.Pouch_TMHM_GSC; HeldItems = Legal.HeldItems_GSC; // Stash boxes after the save file's end. byte[] TempBox = new byte[SIZE_STOREDBOX]; for (int i = 0; i < BoxCount; i++) { if (i < (Japanese ? 6 : 7)) Array.Copy(Data, 0x4000 + i * (TempBox.Length + 2), TempBox, 0, TempBox.Length); else Array.Copy(Data, 0x6000 + (i - (Japanese ? 6 : 7)) * (TempBox.Length + 2), TempBox, 0, TempBox.Length); PokemonList2 PL2 = new PokemonList2(TempBox, Japanese ? PokemonList2.CapacityType.StoredJP : PokemonList2.CapacityType.Stored, Japanese); for (int j = 0; j < PL2.Pokemon.Length; j++) { if (j < PL2.Count) { byte[] pkDat = new PokemonList2(PL2[j]).GetBytes(); pkDat.CopyTo(Data, Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED + i * SIZE_BOX + j * SIZE_STORED); } else { byte[] pkDat = new byte[PokemonList2.GetDataLength(PokemonList2.CapacityType.Single, Japanese)]; pkDat.CopyTo(Data, Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED + i * SIZE_BOX + j * SIZE_STORED); } } } Array.Copy(Data, Offsets.CurrentBox, TempBox, 0, TempBox.Length); PokemonList2 curBoxPL = new PokemonList2(TempBox, Japanese ? PokemonList2.CapacityType.StoredJP : PokemonList2.CapacityType.Stored, Japanese); for (int i = 0; i < curBoxPL.Pokemon.Length; i++) { if (i < curBoxPL.Count) { byte[] pkDat = new PokemonList2(curBoxPL[i]).GetBytes(); pkDat.CopyTo(Data, Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED + CurrentBox * SIZE_BOX + i * SIZE_STORED); } else { byte[] pkDat = new byte[PokemonList2.GetDataLength(PokemonList2.CapacityType.Single, Japanese)]; pkDat.CopyTo(Data, Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED + CurrentBox * SIZE_BOX + i * SIZE_STORED); } } byte[] TempParty = new byte[PokemonList2.GetDataLength(PokemonList2.CapacityType.Party, Japanese)]; Array.Copy(Data, Offsets.Party, TempParty, 0, TempParty.Length); PokemonList2 partyList = new PokemonList2(TempParty, PokemonList2.CapacityType.Party, Japanese); for (int i = 0; i < partyList.Pokemon.Length; i++) { if (i < partyList.Count) { byte[] pkDat = new PokemonList2(partyList[i]).GetBytes(); pkDat.CopyTo(Data, GetPartyOffset(i)); } else { byte[] pkDat = new byte[PokemonList2.GetDataLength(PokemonList2.CapacityType.Single, Japanese)]; pkDat.CopyTo(Data, GetPartyOffset(i)); } } // Daycare currently undocumented for all Gen II games. // Enable Pokedex editing PokeDex = 0; if (!Exportable) ClearBoxes(); } private const int SIZE_RESERVED = 0x8000; // unpacked box data public bool Korean { get; } private readonly SAV2Offsets Offsets; protected override byte[] Write(bool DSV) { for (int i = 0; i < BoxCount; i++) { PokemonList2 boxPL = new PokemonList2(Japanese ? PokemonList2.CapacityType.StoredJP : PokemonList2.CapacityType.Stored, Japanese); int slot = 0; for (int j = 0; j < boxPL.Pokemon.Length; j++) { PK2 boxPK = (PK2) GetPKM(GetData(GetBoxOffset(i) + j*SIZE_STORED, SIZE_STORED)); if (boxPK.Species > 0) boxPL[slot++] = boxPK; } if (i < (Japanese ? 6 : 7)) boxPL.GetBytes().CopyTo(Data, 0x4000 + i * (SIZE_STOREDBOX + 2)); else boxPL.GetBytes().CopyTo(Data, 0x6000 + (i - (Japanese ? 6 : 7)) * (SIZE_STOREDBOX + 2)); if (i == CurrentBox) boxPL.GetBytes().CopyTo(Data, Offsets.CurrentBox); } PokemonList2 partyPL = new PokemonList2(PokemonList2.CapacityType.Party, Japanese); int pSlot = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { PK2 partyPK = (PK2)GetPKM(GetData(GetPartyOffset(i), SIZE_STORED)); if (partyPK.Species > 0) partyPL[pSlot++] = partyPK; } partyPL.GetBytes().CopyTo(Data, Offsets.Party); SetChecksums(); if (Japanese) { switch (Version) { case GameVersion.GS: Array.Copy(Data, Offsets.Trainer1, Data, 0x7209, 0xC83); break; case GameVersion.C: Array.Copy(Data, Offsets.Trainer1, Data, 0x7209, 0xADA); break; } } else if (Korean) { // Calculate oddball checksum ushort sum = 0; ushort[][] offsetpairs = { new ushort[] {0x106B, 0x1533}, new ushort[] {0x1534, 0x1A12}, new ushort[] {0x1A13, 0x1C38}, new ushort[] {0x3DD8, 0x3F79}, new ushort[] {0x7E39, 0x7E6A}, }; foreach (ushort[] p in offsetpairs) for (int i = p[0]; i < p[1]; i++) sum += Data[i]; BitConverter.GetBytes(sum).CopyTo(Data, 0x7E6B); } else { switch (Version) { case GameVersion.GS: Array.Copy(Data, 0x2009, Data, 0x15C7, 0x222F - 0x2009); Array.Copy(Data, 0x222F, Data, 0x3D69, 0x23D9 - 0x222F); Array.Copy(Data, 0x23D9, Data, 0x0C6B, 0x2856 - 0x23D9); Array.Copy(Data, 0x2856, Data, 0x7E39, 0x288A - 0x2856); Array.Copy(Data, 0x288A, Data, 0x10E8, 0x2D69 - 0x288A); break; case GameVersion.C: Array.Copy(Data, 0x2009, Data, 0x1209, 0xB7A); break; } } byte[] outData = new byte[Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED]; Array.Copy(Data, outData, outData.Length); return outData; } // Configuration public override SaveFile Clone() { return new SAV2(Write(DSV: false)); } public override int SIZE_STORED => Japanese ? PKX.SIZE_2JLIST : PKX.SIZE_2ULIST; protected override int SIZE_PARTY => Japanese ? PKX.SIZE_2JLIST : PKX.SIZE_2ULIST; public override PKM BlankPKM => new PK2(null, null, Japanese); public override Type PKMType => typeof(PK2); private int SIZE_BOX => BoxSlotCount*SIZE_STORED; private int SIZE_STOREDBOX => PokemonList2.GetDataLength(Japanese ? PokemonList2.CapacityType.StoredJP : PokemonList2.CapacityType.Stored, Japanese); public override int MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_2; public override int MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_2; public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_2; public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_2; public override int MaxBallID => 0; // unused public override int MaxGameID => 99; // unused public override int MaxMoney => 999999; public override int MaxCoins => 9999; public override int BoxCount => Japanese ? 9 : 14; public override int MaxEV => 65535; public override int MaxIV => 15; public override int Generation => 2; protected override int GiftCountMax => 0; public override int OTLength => Japanese ? 5 : 7; public override int NickLength => Japanese ? 5 : 10; public override int BoxSlotCount => Japanese ? 30 : 20; public override bool HasParty => true; // Checksums private ushort GetChecksum() { return (ushort)Data.Skip(Offsets.Trainer1).Take(Offsets.AccumulatedChecksumEnd - Offsets.Trainer1 + 1).Sum(a => a); } protected override void SetChecksums() { ushort accum = GetChecksum(); BitConverter.GetBytes(accum).CopyTo(Data, Offsets.OverallChecksumPosition); BitConverter.GetBytes(accum).CopyTo(Data, Offsets.OverallChecksumPosition2); } public override bool ChecksumsValid { get { ushort accum = GetChecksum(); ushort actual = BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, Offsets.OverallChecksumPosition); return accum == actual; } } public override string ChecksumInfo => ChecksumsValid ? "Checksum valid." : "Checksum invalid"; // Trainer Info public override GameVersion Version { get; protected set; } public override string OT { get => GetString(Offsets.Trainer1 + 2, OTLength); set => SetString(value, OTLength).CopyTo(Data, Offsets.Trainer1 + 2); } public override int Gender { get => Version == GameVersion.C ? Data[Offsets.Gender] : 0; set { if (Version != GameVersion.C) return; Data[Offsets.Gender] = (byte) value; Data[Offsets.Palette] = (byte) value; } } public override ushort TID { get => BigEndian.ToUInt16(Data, Offsets.Trainer1); set => BigEndian.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Offsets.Trainer1); } public override ushort SID { get => 0; set { } } public override int PlayedHours { get => BigEndian.ToUInt16(Data, Offsets.TimePlayed); set => BigEndian.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, Offsets.TimePlayed); } public override int PlayedMinutes { get => Data[Offsets.TimePlayed + 2]; set => Data[Offsets.TimePlayed + 2] = (byte)value; } public override int PlayedSeconds { get => Data[Offsets.TimePlayed + 3]; set => Data[Offsets.TimePlayed + 3] = (byte)value; } public int Badges { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, Offsets.JohtoBadges); set { if (value < 0) return; BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Offsets.JohtoBadges); } } private byte Options { get => Data[Offsets.Options]; set => Data[Offsets.Options] = value; } public bool BattleEffects { get => (Options & 0x80) == 0; set => Options = (byte)((Options & 0x7F) | (value ? 0 : 0x80)); } public bool BattleStyleSwitch { get => (Options & 0x40) == 0; set => Options = (byte)((Options & 0xBF) | (value ? 0 : 0x40)); } public int Sound { get => (Options & 0x30) >> 4; set { var new_sound = value; if (new_sound > 0) new_sound = 2; // Stereo if (new_sound < 0) new_sound = 0; // Mono Options = (byte)((Options & 0xCF) | (new_sound << 4)); } } public int TextSpeed { get => Options & 0x7; set { var new_speed = value; if (new_speed > 7) new_speed = 7; if (new_speed < 0) new_speed = 0; Options = (byte)((Options & 0xF8) | new_speed); } } public override uint Money { get => BigEndian.ToUInt32(Data, Offsets.Money - 1) & 0xFFFFFF; set { byte[] data = BigEndian.GetBytes((uint) Math.Min(value, MaxMoney)); Array.Copy(data, 1, Data, Offsets.Money, 3); } } public uint Coin { get => BigEndian.ToUInt16(Data, Offsets.Money + 7); set { value = (ushort)Math.Min(value, MaxCoins); BigEndian.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, Offsets.Money + 7); } } private readonly ushort[] LegalItems, LegalKeyItems, LegalBalls, LegalTMHMs; public override InventoryPouch[] Inventory { get { var pouch = new[] { new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.TMHMs, LegalTMHMs, 99, Offsets.PouchTMHM, 57), new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.Items, LegalItems, 99, Offsets.PouchItem, 20), new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.KeyItems, LegalKeyItems, 99, Offsets.PouchKey, 26), new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.Balls, LegalBalls, 99, Offsets.PouchBall, 12), new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.PCItems, LegalItems.Concat(LegalKeyItems).Concat(LegalBalls).Concat(LegalTMHMs).ToArray(), 99, Offsets.PouchPC, 50) }; foreach (var p in pouch) { p.GetPouchG1(ref Data); } return pouch; } set { foreach (var p in value) { int ofs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < p.Count; i++) { while (p.Items[ofs].Count == 0) ofs++; p.Items[i] = p.Items[ofs++]; } while (ofs < p.Items.Length) p.Items[ofs++] = new InventoryItem { Count = 0, Index = 0 }; p.SetPouchG1(ref Data); } } } public override int GetDaycareSlotOffset(int loc, int slot) { return Daycare; } public override uint? GetDaycareEXP(int loc, int slot) { return null; } public override bool? IsDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot) { return null; } public override void SetDaycareEXP(int loc, int slot, uint EXP) { } public override void SetDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot, bool occupied) { } // Storage public override int PartyCount { get => Data[Offsets.Party]; protected set => Data[Offsets.Party] = (byte)value; } public override int GetBoxOffset(int box) { return Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED + box * SIZE_BOX; } public override int GetPartyOffset(int slot) { return Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED + BoxCount * SIZE_BOX + slot * SIZE_STORED; } public override int CurrentBox { get => Data[Offsets.CurrentBoxIndex] & 0x7F; set => Data[Offsets.CurrentBoxIndex] = (byte)((Data[Offsets.OtherCurrentBox] & 0x80) | (value & 0x7F)); } public override string GetBoxName(int box) { int len = Korean ? 17 : 9; return GetString(Offsets.BoxNames + box * len, len); } public override void SetBoxName(int box, string value) { // Don't allow for custom box names } public override PKM GetPKM(byte[] data) { if (data.Length == SIZE_STORED) return new PokemonList2(data, PokemonList2.CapacityType.Single, Japanese)[0]; return new PK2(data); } public override byte[] DecryptPKM(byte[] data) { return data; } // Pokédex protected override void SetDex(PKM pkm) { int species = pkm.Species; if (!CanSetDex(species)) return; SetCaught(pkm.Species, true); SetSeen(pkm.Species, true); } private bool CanSetDex(int species) { if (species <= 0) return false; if (species > MaxSpeciesID) return false; if (Version == GameVersion.Unknown) return false; return true; } public override void SetSeen(int species, bool seen) { int bit = species - 1; int ofs = bit >> 3; byte bitval = (byte)(1 << (bit & 7)); if (seen) Data[Offsets.PokedexSeen + ofs] |= bitval; else Data[Offsets.PokedexSeen + ofs] &= (byte)~bitval; } public override void SetCaught(int species, bool caught) { int bit = species - 1; int ofs = bit >> 3; byte bitval = (byte)(1 << (bit & 7)); if (!caught) { // Clear the Captured Flag Data[Offsets.PokedexCaught + ofs] &= (byte)~bitval; return; } // Set the Captured Flag Data[Offsets.PokedexCaught + ofs] |= bitval; if (species == 201) SetUnownFormFlags(); } private void SetUnownFormFlags() { // Give all Unown caught to prevent a crash on pokedex view for (int i = 1; i <= 26; i++) Data[Offsets.PokedexSeen + 0x1F + i] = (byte)i; } public override bool GetSeen(int species) { int bit = species - 1; int ofs = bit >> 3; byte bitval = (byte)(1 << (bit & 7)); // Get the Seen Flag return (Data[Offsets.PokedexSeen + ofs] & bitval) != 0; } public override bool GetCaught(int species) { int bit = species - 1; int ofs = bit >> 3; byte bitval = (byte)(1 << (bit & 7)); // Get the Caught Flag return (Data[Offsets.PokedexCaught + ofs] & bitval) != 0; } // Misc public ushort ResetKey => GetResetKey(); private ushort GetResetKey() { var val = (TID >> 8) + (TID & 0xFF) + ((Money >> 16) & 0xFF) + ((Money >> 8) & 0xFF) + (Money & 0xFF); var ot = Data.Skip(Offsets.Trainer1 + 2).TakeWhile((z, i) => i < 5 && z != 0x50); var tr = ot.Sum(z => z); return (ushort)(val + tr); } public override string GetString(int Offset, int Count) { if (Korean) return StringConverter.GetString2KOR(Data, Offset, Count); return StringConverter.GetString1(Data, Offset, Count, Japanese); } public override byte[] SetString(string value, int maxLength, int PadToSize = 0, ushort PadWith = 0) { if (Korean) return StringConverter.SetString2KOR(value, maxLength); return StringConverter.SetString1(value, maxLength, Japanese); } } }