using System; using static PKHeX.Core.Species; namespace PKHeX.Core { /// /// Wild Encounter Slot data /// /// Wild encounter slots are found as random encounters in-game. public abstract record EncounterSlot : IEncounterable, ILocation, IEncounterMatch { public int Species { get; } public int Form { get; } public int LevelMin { get; } public int LevelMax { get; } public abstract int Generation { get; } public bool EggEncounter => false; protected EncounterSlot(EncounterArea area, int species, int form, int min, int max) { Area = area; Species = species; Form = form; LevelMin = min; LevelMax = max; } internal readonly EncounterArea Area; public GameVersion Version => Area.Version; public int Location => Area.Location; public int EggLocation => 0; public bool FixedLevel => LevelMin == LevelMax; private protected const string wild = "Wild Encounter"; public string Name => wild; /// /// Gets if the specified level inputs are within range of the and /// /// Single level /// True if within slot's range, false if impossible. public bool IsLevelWithinRange(int lvl) => LevelMin <= lvl && lvl <= LevelMax; /// /// Gets if the specified level inputs are within range of the and /// /// Highest value the low end of levels can be /// Lowest value the high end of levels can be /// True if within slot's range, false if impossible. public bool IsLevelWithinRange(int min, int max) => LevelMin <= max && min <= LevelMax; /// /// Gets if the specified level inputs are within range of the and /// /// Single level /// Highest value the low end of levels can be /// Lowest value the high end of levels can be /// True if within slot's range, false if impossible. public bool IsLevelWithinRange(int lvl, int minDecrease, int maxIncrease) => LevelMin - minDecrease <= lvl && lvl <= LevelMax + maxIncrease; /// /// Gets if the specified level inputs are within range of the and /// /// Lowest level allowed /// Highest level allowed /// Highest value the low end of levels can be /// Lowest value the high end of levels can be /// True if within slot's range, false if impossible. public bool IsLevelWithinRange(int min, int max, int minDecrease, int maxIncrease) => LevelMin - minDecrease <= max && min <= LevelMax + maxIncrease; public virtual string LongName { get { if (Area!.Type == SlotType.Any) return wild; return $"{wild} {Area!.Type.ToString().Replace('_', ' ')}"; } } public PKM ConvertToPKM(ITrainerInfo sav) => ConvertToPKM(sav, EncounterCriteria.Unrestricted); public PKM ConvertToPKM(ITrainerInfo sav, EncounterCriteria criteria) { var pk = PKMConverter.GetBlank(Generation, Version); sav.ApplyTo(pk); ApplyDetails(sav, criteria, pk); return pk; } protected virtual void ApplyDetails(ITrainerInfo sav, EncounterCriteria criteria, PKM pk) { var version = this.GetCompatibleVersion((GameVersion) sav.Game); int lang = (int)Language.GetSafeLanguage(Generation, (LanguageID) sav.Language, version); int level = LevelMin; pk.Species = Species; pk.Language = lang; pk.CurrentLevel = level; pk.Version = (int)version; pk.Nickname = SpeciesName.GetSpeciesNameGeneration(Species, lang, Generation); var ball = Area.Type.GetRequiredBallValueWild(Generation, Location); pk.Ball = (int)(ball == Ball.None ? Ball.Poke : ball); pk.Language = lang; pk.OT_Friendship = pk.PersonalInfo.BaseFriendship; pk.Form = GetWildForm(pk, Form, sav); SetMetData(pk, level, Location); SetPINGA(pk, criteria); SetEncounterMoves(pk, version, level); SetFormatSpecificData(pk); if (pk.Format < 6) return; sav.ApplyHandlingTrainerInfo(pk); } protected virtual void SetEncounterMoves(PKM pk, GameVersion version, int level) { var moves = MoveLevelUp.GetEncounterMoves(pk, level, version); pk.SetMoves(moves); pk.SetMaximumPPCurrent(moves); } protected virtual void SetFormatSpecificData(PKM pk) { } protected virtual void SetPINGA(PKM pk, EncounterCriteria criteria) { var pi = pk.PersonalInfo; int gender = criteria.GetGender(-1, pi); int nature = (int)criteria.GetNature(Nature.Random); var ability = criteria.GetAbilityFromNumber(Ability); if (Generation == 3 && Species == (int)Unown) { do { PIDGenerator.SetRandomWildPID(pk, pk.Format, nature, ability, gender); ability ^= 1; // some nature-forms cannot have a certain PID-ability set, so just flip it as Unown doesn't have dual abilities. } while (pk.Form != Form); } else { PIDGenerator.SetRandomWildPID(pk, pk.Format, nature, ability, gender); } pk.Gender = gender; pk.StatNature = nature; } private void SetMetData(PKM pk, int level, int location) { if (pk.Format <= 2 && Version != GameVersion.C) return; pk.Met_Location = location; pk.Met_Level = level; if (pk.Format >= 4) pk.MetDate = DateTime.Today; } private const int FormDynamic = FormVivillon; private const int FormVivillon = 30; private const int FormRandom = 31; private static int GetWildForm(PKM pk, int form, ITrainerInfo sav) { if (form < FormDynamic) // specified form { if (pk.Species == (int)Minior) return Util.Rand.Next(7, 14); return form; } if (form == FormRandom) // flagged as totally random return Util.Rand.Next(pk.PersonalInfo.FormCount); int species = pk.Species; if (species is >= (int)Scatterbug and <= (int)Vivillon) { if (sav is IRegionOrigin o) return Vivillon3DS.GetPattern((byte)o.Country, (byte)o.Region); } return 0; } public virtual string GetConditionString(out bool valid) { valid = true; return LegalityCheckStrings.LEncCondition; } public bool IsMatchExact(PKM pkm, DexLevel dl) => true; // Matched by Area public virtual EncounterMatchRating GetMatchRating(PKM pkm) { if (IsDeferredWurmple(pkm)) return EncounterMatchRating.PartialMatch; if (pkm.Format >= 5) { bool isHidden = pkm.AbilityNumber == 4; if (isHidden && this.IsPartialMatchHidden(pkm.Species, Species)) return EncounterMatchRating.PartialMatch; if (IsDeferredHiddenAbility(isHidden)) return EncounterMatchRating.Deferred; } return EncounterMatchRating.Match; } protected virtual HiddenAbilityPermission IsHiddenAbilitySlot() => HiddenAbilityPermission.Never; public int Ability => IsHiddenAbilitySlot() switch { HiddenAbilityPermission.Never => 0, HiddenAbilityPermission.Always => 4, _ => -1, }; private bool IsDeferredWurmple(PKM pkm) => Species == (int)Wurmple && pkm.Species != (int)Wurmple && !WurmpleUtil.IsWurmpleEvoValid(pkm); private bool IsDeferredHiddenAbility(bool IsHidden) => IsHiddenAbilitySlot() switch { HiddenAbilityPermission.Never => IsHidden, HiddenAbilityPermission.Always => !IsHidden, _ => false, }; protected enum HiddenAbilityPermission { Always, Never, Possible, } } }