using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives; namespace PKHeX.Core; /// /// format for /// public sealed class SAV4HGSS : SAV4 { public SAV4HGSS() : base(GeneralSize, StorageSize) { Initialize(); Dex = new Zukan4(this, PokeDex); } public SAV4HGSS(byte[] data) : base(data, GeneralSize, StorageSize, GeneralSize + GeneralGap) { Initialize(); Dex = new Zukan4(this, PokeDex); } public override Zukan4 Dex { get; } protected override SAV4 CloneInternal4() => State.Exportable ? new SAV4HGSS((byte[])Data.Clone()) : new SAV4HGSS(); public override PersonalTable4 Personal => PersonalTable.HGSS; public override ReadOnlySpan HeldItems => Legal.HeldItems_HGSS; public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_4_HGSS; public const int GeneralSize = 0xF628; private const int StorageSize = 0x12310; // Start 0xF700, +0 starts box data private const int GeneralGap = 0xD8; protected override int FooterSize => 0x10; protected override BlockInfo4[] ExtraBlocks => [ new BlockInfo4(0, 0x23000, 0x2AC0), // Hall of Fame new BlockInfo4(1, 0x26000, 0x0BB0), // Battle Hall new BlockInfo4(2, 0x27000, 0x1D60), // Battle Video (My Video) new BlockInfo4(3, 0x29000, 0x1D60), // Battle Video (Other Videos 1) new BlockInfo4(4, 0x2B000, 0x1D60), // Battle Video (Other Videos 2) new BlockInfo4(5, 0x2D000, 0x1D60), // Battle Video (Other Videos 3) ]; private void Initialize() { Version = GameVersion.HGSS; GetSAVOffsets(); } protected override int EventWork => 0xDE4; protected override int EventFlag => 0x10C4; private void GetSAVOffsets() { AdventureInfo = 0; Trainer1 = 0x64; Party = 0x98; PokeDex = 0x12B8; Extra = 0x230C; Geonet = 0x8D44; WondercardFlags = 0x9D3C; WondercardData = 0x9E3C; DaycareOffset = 0x15FC; Seal = 0x4E20; Box = 0; } private Span LockCapsuleSpan => General.Slice(0xB064, PCD.Size); public PCD LockCapsuleSlot { get => new(LockCapsuleSpan.ToArray()); set => value.Data.CopyTo(LockCapsuleSpan); } #region Storage // box{pk4[30}[18] // u32 currentBox // u32 counter // g4str[18] boxNames // byte[18] boxWallpapers // -- each box is chunked, padded to nearest 0x100 (resulting in 0x10 trailing zeroes) // -- The final 0x16 bytes in the Storage block are unused (padding to nearest 0x100). private const int BOX_COUNT = 18; private const int BOX_SLOTS = 30; private const int BOX_NAME_LEN = 40; // 20 characters private const int BOX_DATA_LEN = (BOX_SLOTS * PokeCrypto.SIZE_4STORED) + 0x10; // 0xFF0, each box chunk is padded to nearest 0x100 private const int BOX_END = BOX_COUNT * BOX_DATA_LEN; // 18 * 0x1000 private const int BOX_NAME = 0x12008; // after current & counter private const int BOX_WP = BOX_NAME + (BOX_COUNT * BOX_NAME_LEN); // 0x122D8; private const int BOX_FLAGS = 18 + BOX_WP; // 0x122EA; public override int GetBoxOffset(int box) => box * 0x1000; private static int GetBoxNameOffset(int box) => BOX_NAME + (box * BOX_NAME_LEN); protected override int GetBoxWallpaperOffset(int box) => BOX_WP + box; // 8 bytes current box (align 32) & (stored count?) public override int CurrentBox { get => Storage[BOX_END]; set => Storage[BOX_END] = (byte)value; } public override byte[] BoxFlags { get => [ Storage[BOX_FLAGS] ]; set => Storage[BOX_FLAGS] = value[0]; } public int Counter { get => ReadInt32LittleEndian(Storage[(BOX_END + 4)..]); set => WriteInt32LittleEndian(Storage[(BOX_END + 4)..], value); } private Span GetBoxNameSpan(int box) => Storage.Slice(GetBoxNameOffset(box), BOX_NAME_LEN); public override string GetBoxName(int box) => GetString(GetBoxNameSpan(box)); public override void SetBoxName(int box, ReadOnlySpan value) { const int maxlen = 8; var span = GetBoxNameSpan(box); SetString(span, value, maxlen, StringConverterOption.ClearZero); } private static int AdjustWallpaper(int value, int shift) { // Pt's Special Wallpapers 1-8 are shifted by +0x8 // HG/SS Special Wallpapers 1-8 (Primo Phrases) are shifted by +0x10 if (value >= 0x10) // special return value + shift; return value; } public override int GetBoxWallpaper(int box) { int offset = GetBoxWallpaperOffset(box); int value = Storage[offset]; return AdjustWallpaper(value, -0x10); } public override void SetBoxWallpaper(int box, int value) { value = AdjustWallpaper(value, 0x10); Storage[GetBoxWallpaperOffset(box)] = (byte)value; } #endregion public override IReadOnlyList Inventory { get { var info = ItemStorage4HGSS.Instance; InventoryPouch[] pouch = [ new InventoryPouch4(InventoryType.Items, info, 999, 0x644), // 0x644-0x8D7 (0x8CB) new InventoryPouch4(InventoryType.KeyItems, info, 1, 0x8D8), // 0x8D8-0x99F (0x979) new InventoryPouch4(InventoryType.TMHMs, info, 99, 0x9A0), // 0x9A0-0xB33 (0xB2F) new InventoryPouch4(InventoryType.MailItems, info, 999, 0xB34), // 0xB34-0xB63 (0xB63) new InventoryPouch4(InventoryType.Medicine, info, 999, 0xB64), // 0xB64-0xC03 (0xBFB) new InventoryPouch4(InventoryType.Berries, info, 999, 0xC04), // 0xC04-0xD03 new InventoryPouch4(InventoryType.Balls, info, 999, 0xD04), // 0xD04-0xD63 new InventoryPouch4(InventoryType.BattleItems, info, 999, 0xD64), // 0xD64-0xD97 ]; return pouch.LoadAll(General); } set => value.SaveAll(General); } public override int M { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x1234..]); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x1234..], (ushort)value); } public override int X { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x123C..]); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x123C..], (ushort)(X2 = value)); } public override int Y { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x1240..]); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x1240..], (ushort)(Y2 = value)); } public override Span Rival_Trash { get => RivalSpan; set { if (value.Length == MaxStringLengthOT * 2) value.CopyTo(RivalSpan); } } private Span RivalSpan => General.Slice(0x22D4, MaxStringLengthOT * 2); public override int X2 { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x236E..]); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x236E..], (ushort)value); } public override int Y2 { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x2372..]); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x2372..], (ushort)value); } public override int Z { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x2376..]); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x2376..], (ushort)value); } public int Badges16 { get => General[Trainer1 + 0x1F]; set => General[Trainer1 + 0x1F] = (byte)value; } private const int OFS_GearRolodex = 0xC0EC; private const byte GearMaxCallers = (byte)(PokegearNumber.Ernest + 1); public PokegearNumber GetCallerAtIndex(int index) => (PokegearNumber)General[OFS_GearRolodex + index]; public void SetCallerAtIndex(int index, PokegearNumber caller) => General[OFS_GearRolodex + index] = (byte)caller; public Span GetPokeGearRoloDex() { var arr = General.Slice(OFS_GearRolodex, GearMaxCallers); return MemoryMarshal.Cast(arr); } public void SetPokeGearRoloDex(ReadOnlySpan value) { if (value.Length > GearMaxCallers) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value)); MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(value).CopyTo(General.Slice(OFS_GearRolodex, GearMaxCallers)); } public void PokeGearUnlockAllCallers() { for (int i = 0; i < GearMaxCallers; i++) SetCallerAtIndex(i, (PokegearNumber)i); } public void PokeGearClearAllCallers(int start = 0) { var dex = GetPokeGearRoloDex(); dex[start..].Fill(PokegearNumber.None); } private static ReadOnlySpan NotTrainers => [ PokegearNumber.Mother, PokegearNumber.Professor_Elm, PokegearNumber.Professor_Oak, PokegearNumber.Ethan, PokegearNumber.Lyra, PokegearNumber.Kurt, PokegearNumber.Daycare_Man, PokegearNumber.Daycare_Lady, PokegearNumber.Bill, PokegearNumber.Bike_Shop, PokegearNumber.Baoba, ]; public void PokeGearUnlockAllCallersNoTrainers() { var dex = GetPokeGearRoloDex(); NotTrainers.CopyTo(dex); // clear remaining callers PokeGearClearAllCallers(NotTrainers.Length); } // Apricorn Pouch public int GetApricornCount(int index) => General[0xE558 + index]; public void SetApricornCount(int index, int count) => General[0xE558 + index] = (byte)count; // Pokewalker public const int WalkerPair = 0xE5E0; private const int OFS_WALKER = 0xE704; public uint PokewalkerSteps { get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(General[OFS_WALKER..]); set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(General[OFS_WALKER..], value); } public uint PokewalkerWatts { get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(General[(OFS_WALKER + 0x4)..]); set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(General[(OFS_WALKER + 4)..], value); } public bool[] GetPokewalkerCoursesUnlocked() => FlagUtil.GitBitFlagArray(General[(OFS_WALKER + 0x8)..], 32); public void SetPokewalkerCoursesUnlocked(ReadOnlySpan value) => FlagUtil.SetBitFlagArray(General[(OFS_WALKER + 0x8)..], value); public void PokewalkerCoursesSetAll(uint value = 0x07FF_FFFFu) => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(General[(OFS_WALKER + 0x8)..], value); // Swarm public override uint SwarmSeed { get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(General[0x68A8..]); set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(General[0x68A8..], value); } public override uint SwarmMaxCountModulo => 20; // Roamers public Roamer4 RoamerRaikou => GetRoamer(0); public Roamer4 RoamerEntei => GetRoamer(1); public Roamer4 RoamerLatias => GetRoamer(2); public Roamer4 RoamerLatios => GetRoamer(3); private Roamer4 GetRoamer(int index) { const int size = Roamer4.SIZE; var ofs = 0x68B4 + (index * size); var mem = GeneralBuffer.Slice(ofs, size); return new Roamer4(mem); } // Pokeathlon public uint PokeathlonPoints { get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(General[0xE548..]); set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(General[0xE548..], value); } }