using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Media; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using PKHeX.Core; using PKHeX.WinForms.Properties; using System.Configuration; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace PKHeX.WinForms { public partial class Main : Form { public Main() { #region Initialize Form new Thread(() => new SplashScreen().ShowDialog()).Start(); DragInfo.slotPkmSource = SAV.BlankPKM.EncryptedPartyData; InitializeComponent(); // Check for Updates L_UpdateAvailable.Click += (sender, e) => Process.Start(ThreadPath); new Thread(() => { string data = NetUtil.getStringFromURL(VersionPath); if (data == null) return; try { DateTime upd = DateTime.ParseExact(data, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None); DateTime cur = DateTime.ParseExact(Resources.ProgramVersion, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None); if (upd <= cur) return; string message = $"New Update Available! {upd:d}"; if (InvokeRequired) try { Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { L_UpdateAvailable.Visible = true; L_UpdateAvailable.Text = message; }); } catch { L_UpdateAvailable.Visible = true; L_UpdateAvailable.Text = message; } else { L_UpdateAvailable.Visible = true; L_UpdateAvailable.Text = message; } } catch { } }).Start(); setPKMFormatMode(SAV.Generation, SAV.Version); // Set up form properties and arrays. SlotPictureBoxes = new[] { bpkx1, bpkx2, bpkx3, bpkx4, bpkx5, bpkx6, bpkx7, bpkx8, bpkx9, bpkx10,bpkx11,bpkx12, bpkx13,bpkx14,bpkx15,bpkx16,bpkx17,bpkx18, bpkx19,bpkx20,bpkx21,bpkx22,bpkx23,bpkx24, bpkx25,bpkx26,bpkx27,bpkx28,bpkx29,bpkx30, ppkx1, ppkx2, ppkx3, ppkx4, ppkx5, ppkx6, bbpkx1,bbpkx2,bbpkx3,bbpkx4,bbpkx5,bbpkx6, dcpkx1, dcpkx2, gtspkx, fusedpkx,subepkx1,subepkx2,subepkx3, }; relearnPB = new[] { PB_WarnRelearn1, PB_WarnRelearn2, PB_WarnRelearn3, PB_WarnRelearn4 }; movePB = new[] { PB_WarnMove1, PB_WarnMove2, PB_WarnMove3, PB_WarnMove4 }; Label_Species.ResetForeColor(); // Set up Language Selection foreach (var cbItem in main_langlist) CB_MainLanguage.Items.Add(cbItem); // ToolTips for Drag&Drop new ToolTip().SetToolTip(dragout, "PKM QuickSave"); // Box Drag & Drop foreach (PictureBox pb in SlotPictureBoxes) { pb.AllowDrop = true; // The PictureBoxes have their own drag&drop event handlers (pbBoxSlot) pb.GiveFeedback += (sender, e) => { e.UseDefaultCursors = false; }; } dragout.GiveFeedback += (sender, e) => { e.UseDefaultCursors = false; }; GiveFeedback += (sender, e) => { e.UseDefaultCursors = false; }; foreach (TabPage tab in tabMain.TabPages) { tab.AllowDrop = true; tab.DragDrop += tabMain_DragDrop; tab.DragEnter += tabMain_DragEnter; } foreach (TabPage tab in tabBoxMulti.TabPages) { tab.AllowDrop = true; tab.DragDrop += tabMain_DragDrop; tab.DragEnter += tabMain_DragEnter; } GB_OT.Click += clickGT; GB_nOT.Click += clickGT; GB_Daycare.Click += switchDaycare; GB_CurrentMoves.Click += clickMoves; GB_RelearnMoves.Click += clickMoves; TB_Nickname.Font = FontUtil.getPKXFont(11); TB_OT.Font = (Font)TB_Nickname.Font.Clone(); TB_OTt2.Font = (Font)TB_Nickname.Font.Clone(); Menu_Modify.DropDown.Closing += (sender, e) => { if (e.CloseReason == ToolStripDropDownCloseReason.ItemClicked) e.Cancel = true; }; Menu_Options.DropDown.Closing += (sender, e) => { if (!Menu_Unicode.Selected) return; if (e.CloseReason == ToolStripDropDownCloseReason.ItemClicked) e.Cancel = true; }; // Box to Tabs D&D dragout.AllowDrop = true; FLP_SAVtools.Scroll += WinFormsUtil.PanelScroll; // Add Legality check to right click context menus // ToolStripItem can't be in multiple contextmenus, so put the item back when closing. var cm = new[]{mnuV, mnuVSD}; foreach (var c in cm) { c.Opening += (sender, e) => { var items = ((ContextMenuStrip)sender).Items; if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control) items.Add(mnuLLegality); else if (items.Contains(mnuLLegality)) items.Remove(mnuLLegality); }; } mnuL.Opening += (sender, e) => { if (mnuL.Items[0] != mnuLLegality) mnuL.Items.Insert(0, mnuLLegality); }; // Load Event Databases refreshMGDB(); #endregion #region Localize & Populate Fields string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); string filename = args.Length > 0 ? Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(args[0])?.ToLower() : ""; HaX = filename?.IndexOf("hax", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0; bool showChangelog = false; bool BAKprompt = false; int languageID = 1; // English try { ConfigUtil.checkConfig(); loadConfig(out BAKprompt, out showChangelog, out languageID); } catch (ConfigurationErrorsException e) { // Delete the settings if they exist var settingsFilename = (e.InnerException as ConfigurationErrorsException)?.Filename; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingsFilename) && File.Exists(settingsFilename)) deleteConfig(settingsFilename); else WinFormsUtil.Error("Unable to load settings.", e); } CB_MainLanguage.SelectedIndex = languageID; InitializeFields(); #endregion #region Load Initial File(s) string pkmArg = null; foreach (string arg in args.Skip(1)) // skip .exe { var fi = new FileInfo(arg); if (!fi.Exists) continue; if (PKX.getIsPKM(fi.Length)) pkmArg = arg; else openQuick(arg, force: true); } if (!SAV.Exportable) // No SAV loaded from exe args { string path = null; try { string cgse = ""; string pathCache = CyberGadgetUtil.GetCacheFolder(); if (Directory.Exists(pathCache)) cgse = Path.Combine(pathCache); if (!PathUtilWindows.detectSaveFile(out path, cgse)) WinFormsUtil.Error(path); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorWindow.ShowErrorDialog("An error occurred while attempting to auto-load your save file.", ex, true); } if (path != null && File.Exists(path)) openQuick(path, force: true); else { openSAV(SAV, null); SAV.Edited = false; // Prevents form close warning from showing until changes are made } } if (pkmArg != null) openQuick(pkmArg, force: true); formInitialized = true; // Splash Screen closes on its own. BringToFront(); WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; Show(); WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; if (HaX) WinFormsUtil.Alert("Illegal mode activated.", "Please behave."); if (showChangelog) new About().ShowDialog(); if (BAKprompt && !Directory.Exists(BackupPath)) promptBackup(); #endregion } #region Important Variables public static SaveFile SAV = SaveUtil.getBlankSAV(GameVersion.SN, "PKHeX"); public static PKM pkm = SAV.BlankPKM; // Tab Pokemon Data Storage private LegalityAnalysis Legality = new LegalityAnalysis(pkm); public static string curlanguage = "en"; public static string[] gendersymbols = { "♂", "♀", "-" }; public static bool unicode; public static volatile bool formInitialized; private static bool fieldsInitialized, fieldsLoaded, loadingSAV; private static int colorizedbox = -1; private static Image colorizedcolor; private static int colorizedslot; public static bool HaX; private static readonly Image mixedHighlight = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(Resources.slotSet, 0.5); private static readonly string[] main_langlist = { "日本語", // JPN "English", // ENG "Français", // FRE "Italiano", // ITA "Deutsch", // GER "Español", // SPA "한국어", // KOR "中文", // CHN "Português", // Portuguese }; private static GameVersion origintrack; private readonly PictureBox[] SlotPictureBoxes, movePB, relearnPB; private readonly ToolTip Tip1 = new ToolTip(), Tip2 = new ToolTip(), Tip3 = new ToolTip(), NatureTip = new ToolTip(), EVTip = new ToolTip(); #endregion #region Path Variables public static string WorkingDirectory => WinFormsUtil.IsClickonceDeployed ? Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "PKHeX") : Application.StartupPath; public static string DatabasePath => Path.Combine(WorkingDirectory, "pkmdb"); public static string MGDatabasePath => Path.Combine(WorkingDirectory, "mgdb"); private static string BackupPath => Path.Combine(WorkingDirectory, "bak"); private static string TemplatePath => Path.Combine(WorkingDirectory, "template"); private const string ThreadPath = @""; private const string VersionPath = @""; #endregion #region //// MAIN MENU FUNCTIONS //// private void loadConfig(out bool BAKprompt, out bool showChangelog, out int languageID) { BAKprompt = false; showChangelog = false; languageID = 1; var Settings = Properties.Settings.Default; Settings.Upgrade(); unicode = Menu_Unicode.Checked = Settings.Unicode; updateUnicode(); SaveFile.SetUpdateDex = Menu_ModifyDex.Checked = Settings.SetUpdateDex; SaveFile.SetUpdatePKM = Menu_ModifyPKM.Checked = Settings.SetUpdatePKM; Menu_FlagIllegal.Checked = Settings.FlagIllegal; Menu_ModifyUnset.Checked = Settings.ModifyUnset; // Select Language string l = Settings.Language; int lang = Array.IndexOf(GameInfo.lang_val, l); if (lang < 0) lang = Array.IndexOf(GameInfo.lang_val, "en"); if (lang > -1) languageID = lang; // Version Check if (Settings.Version.Length > 0) // already run on system { int lastrev; int.TryParse(Settings.Version, out lastrev); int currrev; int.TryParse(Resources.ProgramVersion, out currrev); showChangelog = lastrev < currrev; } // BAK Prompt if (!Settings.BAKPrompt) BAKprompt = Settings.BAKPrompt = true; Settings.Version = Resources.ProgramVersion; } private static void deleteConfig(string settingsFilename) { var dr = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "PKHeX's settings are corrupt. Would you like to reset the settings?", "Yes to delete the settings or No to close the program."); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { File.Delete(settingsFilename); WinFormsUtil.Alert("The settings have been deleted", "Please restart the program."); } Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } // Main Menu Strip UI Functions private void mainMenuOpen(object sender, EventArgs e) { string pkx = pkm.Extension; string ekx = 'e' + pkx.Substring(1, pkx.Length-1); string supported = string.Join(";", SAV.PKMExtensions.Select(s => "*."+s).Concat(new[] {"*.pkm"})); OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "All Files|*.*" + $"|Supported Files|main;*.sav;*.dat;*.gci;*.bin;*.{ekx};{supported};*.bak" + "|3DS Main Files|main" + "|Save Files|*.sav;*.dat;*.gci" + $"|Decrypted PKM File|{supported}" + $"|Encrypted PKM File|*.{ekx}" + "|Binary File|*.bin" + "|Backup File|*.bak" }; // Detect main string cgse = ""; string path; string pathCache = CyberGadgetUtil.GetCacheFolder(); if (Directory.Exists(pathCache)) cgse = Path.Combine(pathCache); if (!PathUtilWindows.detectSaveFile(out path, cgse)) WinFormsUtil.Error(path); if (path != null) { ofd.FileName = path; } if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) openQuick(ofd.FileName); } private void mainMenuSave(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!verifiedPKM()) return; PKM pk = preparePKM(); string pkx = pk.Extension; string ekx = 'e' + pkx.Substring(1, pkx.Length - 1); SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = $"Decrypted PKM File|*.{pkx}" + (SAV.Generation > 2 ? "" : $"|Encrypted PKM File|*.{ekx}") + "|Binary File|*.bin" + "|All Files|*.*", DefaultExt = pkx, FileName = Util.CleanFileName(pk.FileName) }; if (sfd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; string path = sfd.FileName; string ext = Path.GetExtension(path); if (File.Exists(path)) { // File already exists, save a .bak string bakpath = path + ".bak"; if (!File.Exists(bakpath)) { byte[] backupfile = File.ReadAllBytes(path); File.WriteAllBytes(bakpath, backupfile); } } if (new[] {".ekx", "."+ekx, ".bin"}.Contains(ext)) File.WriteAllBytes(path, pk.EncryptedPartyData); else if (new[] { "."+pkx }.Contains(ext)) File.WriteAllBytes(path, pk.DecryptedBoxData); else { WinFormsUtil.Error($"Foreign File Extension: {ext}", "Exporting as encrypted."); File.WriteAllBytes(path, pkm.EncryptedPartyData); } } private void mainMenuExit(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control) // Hotkey Triggered if (DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Quit PKHeX?")) return; Close(); } private void mainMenuAbout(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Open a new form with the About details. new About().ShowDialog(); } // Sub Menu Options private void mainMenuBoxReport(object sender, EventArgs e) { var z = Application.OpenForms.Cast
().FirstOrDefault(form => form.GetType() == typeof(frmReport)) as frmReport; if (z != null) { WinFormsUtil.CenterToForm(z, this); z.BringToFront(); return; } frmReport ReportForm = new frmReport(); ReportForm.Show(); ReportForm.PopulateData(SAV.BoxData); } private void mainMenuDatabase(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift) { var c = Application.OpenForms.Cast().FirstOrDefault(form => form.GetType() == typeof(KChart)) as KChart; if (c != null) { WinFormsUtil.CenterToForm(c, this); c.BringToFront(); } else new KChart().Show(); return; } var z = Application.OpenForms.Cast().FirstOrDefault(form => form.GetType() == typeof(SAV_Database)) as SAV_Database; if (z != null) { WinFormsUtil.CenterToForm(z, this); z.BringToFront(); return; } if (Directory.Exists(DatabasePath)) new SAV_Database(this).Show(); else WinFormsUtil.Alert("PKHeX's database was not found.", $"Please dump all boxes from a save file, then ensure the '{DatabasePath}' folder exists."); } private void mainMenuMysteryDM(object sender, EventArgs e) { var z = Application.OpenForms.Cast().FirstOrDefault(form => form.GetType() == typeof(SAV_MysteryGiftDB)) as SAV_MysteryGiftDB; if (z != null) { WinFormsUtil.CenterToForm(z, this); z.BringToFront(); return; } new SAV_MysteryGiftDB(this).Show(); } private void mainMenuUnicode(object sender, EventArgs e) { Settings.Default.Unicode = unicode = Menu_Unicode.Checked; updateUnicode(); } private void mainMenuModifyDex(object sender, EventArgs e) { Settings.Default.SetUpdateDex = SaveFile.SetUpdateDex = Menu_ModifyDex.Checked; } private void mainMenuModifyUnset(object sender, EventArgs e) { Settings.Default.ModifyUnset = Menu_ModifyUnset.Checked; } private void mainMenuModifyPKM(object sender, EventArgs e) { Settings.Default.SetUpdatePKM = SaveFile.SetUpdatePKM = Menu_ModifyPKM.Checked; } private void mainMenuFlagIllegal(object sender, EventArgs e) { Settings.Default.FlagIllegal = Menu_FlagIllegal.Checked; updateBoxViewers(all:true); setPKXBoxes(); } private void mainMenuBoxLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path = ""; if (Directory.Exists(DatabasePath)) { DialogResult ld = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Load from PKHeX's database?"); if (ld == DialogResult.Yes) path = DatabasePath; else if (ld == DialogResult.No) { // open folder dialog FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog(); if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) path = fbd.SelectedPath; } else return; } else { // open folder dialog FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog(); if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) path = fbd.SelectedPath; } loadBoxesFromDB(path); } private void mainMenuBoxDump(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path; bool separate = false; // Dump all of box content to files. DialogResult ld = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Save to PKHeX's database?"); if (ld == DialogResult.Yes) { path = DatabasePath; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } else if (ld == DialogResult.No) { separate = DialogResult.Yes == WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Save each box separately?"); // open folder dialog FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog(); if (fbd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; path = fbd.SelectedPath; } else return; string result; SAV.dumpBoxes(path, out result, separate); WinFormsUtil.Alert(result); } private void mainMenuBoxDumpSingle(object sender, EventArgs e) { // open folder dialog FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog(); if (fbd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; string result; SAV.dumpBox(fbd.SelectedPath, out result, CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex); WinFormsUtil.Alert(result); } private void manMenuBatchEditor(object sender, EventArgs e) { new BatchEditor(preparePKM()).ShowDialog(); setPKXBoxes(); // refresh updateBoxViewers(); } // Misc Options private void clickShowdownImportPKM(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!formInitialized) return; if (!Clipboard.ContainsText()) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Clipboard does not contain text."); return; } // Get Simulator Data ShowdownSet Set = new ShowdownSet(Clipboard.GetText()); if (Set.Species < 0) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Set data not found in clipboard."); return; } if (Set.Nickname != null && Set.Nickname.Length > SAV.NickLength) Set.Nickname = Set.Nickname.Substring(0, SAV.NickLength); if (DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Import this set?", Set.getText())) { return; } if (Set.InvalidLines.Any()) WinFormsUtil.Alert("Invalid lines detected:", string.Join(Environment.NewLine, Set.InvalidLines)); // Set Species & Nickname CB_Species.SelectedValue = Set.Species; CHK_Nicknamed.Checked = Set.Nickname != null; if (Set.Nickname != null) TB_Nickname.Text = Set.Nickname; if (Set.Gender != null) { int Gender = PKX.getGender(Set.Gender); Label_Gender.Text = gendersymbols[Gender]; Label_Gender.ForeColor = Gender == 2 ? Label_Species.ForeColor : (Gender == 1 ? Color.Red : Color.Blue); } // Set Form string[] formStrings = PKX.getFormList(Set.Species, Util.getTypesList("en"), Util.getFormsList("en"), gendersymbols, SAV.Generation); int form = 0; for (int i = 0; i < formStrings.Length; i++) if (formStrings[i].Contains(Set.Form ?? "")) { form = i; break; } CB_Form.SelectedIndex = Math.Min(CB_Form.Items.Count-1, form); // Set Ability int[] abilities = SAV.Personal.getAbilities(Set.Species, form); int ability = Array.IndexOf(abilities, Set.Ability); if (ability < 0) ability = 0; CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = ability; ComboBox[] m = {CB_Move1, CB_Move2, CB_Move3, CB_Move4}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) m[i].SelectedValue = Set.Moves[i]; // Set Item and Nature CB_HeldItem.SelectedValue = Set.Item < 0 ? 0 : Set.Item; CB_Nature.SelectedValue = Set.Nature < 0 ? 0 : Set.Nature; // Set IVs TB_HPIV.Text = Set.IVs[0].ToString(); TB_ATKIV.Text = Set.IVs[1].ToString(); TB_DEFIV.Text = Set.IVs[2].ToString(); TB_SPAIV.Text = Set.IVs[4].ToString(); TB_SPDIV.Text = Set.IVs[5].ToString(); TB_SPEIV.Text = Set.IVs[3].ToString(); // Set EVs TB_HPEV.Text = Set.EVs[0].ToString(); TB_ATKEV.Text = Set.EVs[1].ToString(); TB_DEFEV.Text = Set.EVs[2].ToString(); TB_SPAEV.Text = Set.EVs[4].ToString(); TB_SPDEV.Text = Set.EVs[5].ToString(); TB_SPEEV.Text = Set.EVs[3].ToString(); // Set Level and Friendship TB_Level.Text = Set.Level.ToString(); TB_Friendship.Text = Set.Friendship.ToString(); // Reset IV/EVs updateRandomPID(sender, e); updateRandomEC(sender, e); ComboBox[] p = {CB_PPu1, CB_PPu2, CB_PPu3, CB_PPu4}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) p[i].SelectedIndex = m[i].SelectedIndex != 0 ? 3 : 0; // max PP if (Set.Shiny) updateShinyPID(sender, e); pkm = preparePKM(); updateLegality(); } private void clickShowdownExportPKM(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!formInitialized) return; if (!verifiedPKM()) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Fix data before exporting."); return; } Clipboard.SetText(preparePKM().ShowdownText); WinFormsUtil.Alert("Exported Showdown Set to Clipboard:", Clipboard.GetText()); } private void clickShowdownExportParty(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.PartyData.Length <= 0) return; try { Clipboard.SetText( SAV.PartyData.Aggregate("", (current, pk) => current + pk.ShowdownText + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine).Trim()); WinFormsUtil.Alert("Showdown Team (Party) set to Clipboard."); } catch { } } private void clickShowdownExportBattleBox(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.BattleBoxData.Length <= 0) return; try { Clipboard.SetText( SAV.BattleBoxData.Aggregate("", (current, pk) => current + pk.ShowdownText + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine).Trim()); WinFormsUtil.Alert("Showdown Team (Battle Box) set to Clipboard."); } catch { } } private void clickOpenTempFolder(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path = CyberGadgetUtil.GetTempFolder(); if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(path, "root"))) Process.Start("explorer.exe", Path.Combine(path, "root")); else if (Directory.Exists(path)) Process.Start("explorer.exe", path); else WinFormsUtil.Alert("Can't find the temporary file.", "Make sure the Cyber Gadget software is paused."); } private void clickOpenCacheFolder(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path = CyberGadgetUtil.GetCacheFolder(); if (Directory.Exists(path)) Process.Start("explorer.exe", path); else WinFormsUtil.Alert("Can't find the cache folder."); } private void clickOpenSDFFolder(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path = Path.GetPathRoot(PathUtilWindows.get3DSLocation()); if (path != null && Directory.Exists(path = Path.Combine(path, "filer", "UserSaveData"))) Process.Start("explorer.exe", path); else WinFormsUtil.Alert("Can't find the SaveDataFiler folder."); } private void clickOpenSDBFolder(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path3DS = Path.GetPathRoot(PathUtilWindows.get3DSLocation()); string path; if (path3DS != null && Directory.Exists(path = Path.Combine(path3DS, "SaveDataBackup"))) Process.Start("explorer.exe", path); else WinFormsUtil.Alert("Can't find the SaveDataBackup folder."); } // Main Menu Subfunctions private void openQuick(string path, bool force = false) { if (!(CanFocus || force)) { SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play(); return; } // detect if it is a folder (load into boxes or not) if (Directory.Exists(path)) { loadBoxesFromDB(path); return; } string ext = Path.GetExtension(path); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path); if (fi.Length > 0x10009C && fi.Length != 0x380000 && ! SAV3GCMemoryCard.IsMemoryCardSize(fi.Length)) WinFormsUtil.Error("Input file is too large." + Environment.NewLine + $"Size: {fi.Length} bytes", path); else if (fi.Length < 32) WinFormsUtil.Error("Input file is too small." + Environment.NewLine + $"Size: {fi.Length} bytes", path); else { byte[] input; try { input = File.ReadAllBytes(path); } catch (Exception e) { WinFormsUtil.Error("Unable to load file. It could be in use by another program.\nPath: " + path, e); return; } #if DEBUG openFile(input, path, ext); #else try { openFile(input, path, ext); } catch (Exception e) { WinFormsUtil.Error("Unable to load file.\nPath: " + path, e); } #endif } } private void openFile(byte[] input, string path, string ext) { SaveFile sav; MysteryGift tg; PKM temp; string c; #region Powersaves Read-Only Conversion if (input.Length == 0x10009C) // Resize to 1MB { Array.Copy(input, 0x9C, input, 0, 0x100000); Array.Resize(ref input, 0x100000); } // Verify the Data Input Size is Proper if (input.Length == 0x100000) { if (openXOR(input, path)) // Check if we can load the save via xorpad return; // only if a save is loaded we abort if (BitConverter.ToUInt64(input, 0x10) != 0) // encrypted save { WinFormsUtil.Error("PKHeX only edits decrypted save files." + Environment.NewLine + "This save file is not decrypted.", path); return; } DialogResult sdr = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, "Press Yes to load the sav at 0x3000", "Press No for the one at 0x82000"); if (sdr == DialogResult.Cancel) return; int savshift = sdr == DialogResult.Yes ? 0 : 0x7F000; byte[] psdata = input.Skip(0x5400 + savshift).Take(SaveUtil.SIZE_G6ORAS).ToArray(); if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(psdata, SaveUtil.SIZE_G6ORAS - 0x1F0) == SaveUtil.BEEF) Array.Resize(ref psdata, SaveUtil.SIZE_G6ORAS); // set to ORAS size else if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(psdata, SaveUtil.SIZE_G6XY - 0x1F0) == SaveUtil.BEEF) Array.Resize(ref psdata, SaveUtil.SIZE_G6XY); // set to X/Y size else if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(psdata, SaveUtil.SIZE_G7SM - 0x1F0) == SaveUtil.BEEF) Array.Resize(ref psdata, SaveUtil.SIZE_G7SM); // set to S/M size else { WinFormsUtil.Error("The data file is not a valid save file", path); return; } openSAV(SaveUtil.getVariantSAV(psdata), path); } #endregion #region SAV/PKM else if ((sav = SaveUtil.getVariantSAV(input)) != null) { openSAV(sav, path); } else if ((SAV3GCMemoryCard.IsMemoryCardSize(input))) { SAV3GCMemoryCard MC = CheckGCMemoryCard(input, path); if (MC == null) return; if ((sav = SaveUtil.getVariantSAV(MC)) != null) { openSAV(sav, path); } else WinFormsUtil.Error("Attempted to load an unsupported file type/size.", $"File Loaded:{Environment.NewLine}{path}", $"File Size:{Environment.NewLine}{input.Length} bytes (0x{input.Length:X4})"); } else if ((temp = PKMConverter.getPKMfromBytes(input, prefer: ext.Length > 0 ? (ext.Last() - 0x30)&7 : SAV.Generation)) != null) { PKM pk = PKMConverter.convertToFormat(temp, SAV.PKMType, out c); if (pk == null) WinFormsUtil.Alert("Conversion failed.", c); else if (SAV.Generation < 3 && ((pk as PK1)?.Japanese ?? ((PK2)pk).Japanese) != SAV.Japanese) { string a_lang = SAV.Japanese ? "an International" : "a Japanese"; string pk_type = pk.GetType().Name; WinFormsUtil.Alert($"Cannot load {a_lang} {pk_type} in {a_lang} save file."); } else populateFields(pk); Console.WriteLine(c); } #endregion #region PC/Box Data else if (BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 4) == 0 && BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, 8) > 0 && PKX.getIsPKM(input.Length / SAV.BoxSlotCount / SAV.BoxCount) || PKX.getIsPKM(input.Length / SAV.BoxSlotCount)) { if (SAV.getPCBin().Length == input.Length) { if (SAV.getBoxHasLockedSlot(0, SAV.BoxCount - 1)) WinFormsUtil.Alert("Battle Box slots prevent loading of PC data."); else if (SAV.setPCBin(input)) WinFormsUtil.Alert("PC Binary loaded."); else { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Binary is not compatible with save file.", "Current SAV Generation: " + SAV.Generation); return; } } else if (SAV.getBoxBin(CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex).Length == input.Length) { if (SAV.getBoxHasLockedSlot(CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex, CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex)) WinFormsUtil.Alert("Battle Box slots in box prevent loading of box data."); else if (SAV.setBoxBin(input, CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex)) WinFormsUtil.Alert("Box Binary loaded."); else { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Binary is not compatible with save file.", "Current SAV Generation: " + SAV.Generation); return; } } else { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Binary is not compatible with save file.", "Current SAV Generation: " + SAV.Generation); return; } setPKXBoxes(); updateBoxViewers(); } #endregion #region Battle Video else if (BattleVideo.getIsValid(input)) { BattleVideo b = BattleVideo.getVariantBattleVideo(input); if (SAV.Generation != b.Generation) { WinFormsUtil.Alert($"Cannot load a Gen{b.Generation} Battle Video to a different generation save file."); return; } if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, $"Load Battle Video Pokémon data to {CB_BoxSelect.Text}?", "The box will be overwritten.") != DialogResult.Yes) return; bool? noSetb = getPKMSetOverride(); PKM[] data = b.BattlePKMs; int offset = SAV.getBoxOffset(CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex); int slotSkipped = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { if (SAV.getIsSlotLocked(CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex, i)) { slotSkipped++; continue; } SAV.setStoredSlot(data[i], offset + i*SAV.SIZE_STORED, noSetb); } if (slotSkipped > 0) WinFormsUtil.Alert($"Skipped {slotSkipped} locked slot{(slotSkipped > 1 ? "s" : "")}."); setPKXBoxes(); updateBoxViewers(); } #endregion #region Mystery Gift (Templates) else if ((tg = MysteryGift.getMysteryGift(input, ext)) != null) { if (!tg.IsPokémon) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Mystery Gift is not a Pokémon.", path); return; } temp = tg.convertToPKM(SAV); PKM pk = PKMConverter.convertToFormat(temp, SAV.PKMType, out c); if (pk == null) WinFormsUtil.Alert("Conversion failed.", c); else populateFields(pk); Console.WriteLine(c); } #endregion else WinFormsUtil.Error("Attempted to load an unsupported file type/size.", $"File Loaded:{Environment.NewLine}{path}", $"File Size:{Environment.NewLine}{input.Length} bytes (0x{input.Length:X4})"); } private bool openXOR(byte[] input, string path) { // try to get a save file via xorpad in same folder string[] pads = Directory.GetFiles(path); var s = SaveUtil.getSAVfromXORpads(input, pads); if (s == null) // failed to find xorpad in path folder { // try again pads = Directory.GetFiles(WorkingDirectory); s = SaveUtil.getSAVfromXORpads(input, pads); } if (s == null) return false; // failed openSAV(s, s.FileName); return true; } private static GameVersion SelectMemoryCardSaveGame(SAV3GCMemoryCard MC) { if (MC.SaveGameCount == 1) return MC.SelectedGameVersion; var games = new List(); if (MC.HasCOLO) games.Add(new ComboItem { Text = "Colosseum", Value = (int)GameVersion.COLO }); if (MC.HasXD) games.Add(new ComboItem { Text = "XD", Value = (int)GameVersion.XD }); if (MC.HasRSBOX) games.Add(new ComboItem { Text = "RS Box", Value = (int)GameVersion.RSBOX }); WinFormsUtil.Alert("Multiple games detected", "Select a game to edit."); var dialog = new SAV_GameSelect(games.ToArray()); dialog.ShowDialog(); return dialog.Result; } private static SAV3GCMemoryCard CheckGCMemoryCard(byte[] Data, string path) { SAV3GCMemoryCard MC = new SAV3GCMemoryCard(); GCMemoryCardState MCState = MC.LoadMemoryCardFile(Data); switch (MCState) { default: { WinFormsUtil.Error("Invalid or corrupted GC Memory Card. Aborting.", path); return null; } case GCMemoryCardState.NoPkmSaveGame: { WinFormsUtil.Error("GC Memory Card without any Pokémon save file. Aborting.", path); return null; } case GCMemoryCardState.DuplicateCOLO: case GCMemoryCardState.DuplicateXD: case GCMemoryCardState.DuplicateRSBOX: { WinFormsUtil.Error("GC Memory Card with duplicated game save files. Aborting.", path); return null; } case GCMemoryCardState.MultipleSaveGame: { GameVersion Game = SelectMemoryCardSaveGame(MC); if (Game == GameVersion.Invalid) //Cancel return null; MC.SelectSaveGame(Game); break; } case GCMemoryCardState.SaveGameCOLO: { MC.SelectSaveGame(GameVersion.COLO); break; } case GCMemoryCardState.SaveGameXD: { MC.SelectSaveGame(GameVersion.XD); break; } case GCMemoryCardState.SaveGameRSBOX: { MC.SelectSaveGame(GameVersion.RSBOX); break; } } return MC; } private void StoreLegalSaveGameData(SaveFile sav) { Legal.SavegameJapanese = sav.Japanese; Legal.EReaderBerryIsEnigma = sav.eBerryIsEnigma; Legal.EReaderBerryName = sav.eBerryName; Legal.Savegame_Gender = sav.Gender; Legal.Savegame_TID = sav.TID; Legal.Savegame_SID = sav.SID; Legal.Savegame_OT = sav.OT; Legal.Savegame_Version = sav.Version; } private void openSAV(SaveFile sav, string path) { if (sav == null || sav.Version == GameVersion.Invalid) { WinFormsUtil.Error("Invalid save file loaded. Aborting.", path); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) // If path is null, this is the default save { if (sav.RequiresMemeCrypto && !MemeCrypto.CanUseMemeCrypto()) { WinFormsUtil.Error("Your platform does not support the required cryptography components.", "In order to be able to save your changes, you must either upgrade to a newer version of Windows or disable FIPS compliance mode."); // Don't abort loading; user can still view save and fix checksum on another platform. } } // Finish setting up the save file. if (sav.Generation == 1) { // Ask the user if it is a VC save file or if it is from a physical cartridge. // Necessary for legality checking possibilities that are only obtainable on GSC (non VC) or event distributions. var drVC = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, $"{sav.Version} Save File detected. Is this a Virtual Console Save File?", "Yes: Virtual Console" + Environment.NewLine + "No: Physical Cartridge"); if (drVC == DialogResult.Cancel) return; Legal.AllowGBCartEra = drVC == DialogResult.No; // physical cart selected if (Legal.AllowGBCartEra && sav.Generation == 1) { var drTradeback = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, $"Generation {SAV.Generation} Save File detected. Allow tradebacks from Generation 2 for legality purposes?", "Yes: Allow Generation 2 tradeback learnsets" + Environment.NewLine + "No: Don't allow Generation 2 tradeback learnsets"); Legal.AllowGen1Tradeback = drTradeback == DialogResult.Yes; } else Legal.AllowGen1Tradeback = false; } else Legal.AllowGBCartEra = Legal.AllowGen1Tradeback = sav.Generation == 2; if (sav.Generation == 3 && (sav.IndeterminateGame || ModifierKeys == Keys.Control)) { WinFormsUtil.Alert($"Generation {SAV.Generation} Save File detected.", "Select version."); var g = new[] {GameVersion.R, GameVersion.S, GameVersion.E, GameVersion.FR, GameVersion.LG}; var games = g.Select(z => GameInfo.VersionDataSource.First(v => v.Value == (int)z)); var dialog = new SAV_GameSelect(games); dialog.ShowDialog(); switch (dialog.Result) // Reset save file info { case GameVersion.R: case GameVersion.S: sav = new SAV3(sav.BAK, GameVersion.RS); break; case GameVersion.E: sav = new SAV3(sav.BAK, GameVersion.E); break; case GameVersion.FR: case GameVersion.LG: sav = new SAV3(sav.BAK, GameVersion.FRLG); break; default: return; } if (sav.Version == GameVersion.FRLG) sav.Personal = dialog.Result == GameVersion.FR ? PersonalTable.FR : PersonalTable.LG; } else if (sav.IndeterminateSubVersion && sav.Version == GameVersion.FRLG) { string fr = GameInfo.VersionDataSource.First(r => r.Value == (int)GameVersion.FR).Text; string lg = GameInfo.VersionDataSource.First(l => l.Value == (int)GameVersion.LG).Text; const string dual = "{0}/{1} Save File Detected."; WinFormsUtil.Alert(string.Format(dual, fr, lg), "Select version."); var g = new[] {GameVersion.FR, GameVersion.LG}; var games = g.Select(z => GameInfo.VersionDataSource.First(v => v.Value == (int)z)); var dialog = new SAV_GameSelect(games); dialog.ShowDialog(); sav.Personal = dialog.Result == GameVersion.FR ? PersonalTable.FR : PersonalTable.LG; } if (sav.IndeterminateLanguage) { // Japanese Save files are different. Get isJapanese var drJP = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, $"{sav.Version} Save File detected. Select language...", "Yes: International" + Environment.NewLine + "No: Japanese"); if (drJP == DialogResult.Cancel) return; sav.Japanese = drJP == DialogResult.No; } StoreLegalSaveGameData(sav); loadingSAV = true; // clean fields bool WindowToggleRequired = SAV.Generation < 3 && sav.Generation >= 3; // version combobox refresh hack bool WindowTranslationRequired = false; PKM pk = preparePKM(); populateFields(SAV.BlankPKM); SAV = sav; string title = $"PKH{(HaX ? "a" : "e")}X ({Resources.ProgramVersion}) - " + $"{SAV.GetType().Name}: "; if (path != null) // Actual save file { SAV.FilePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); SAV.FileName = Path.GetExtension(path) == ".bak" ? Path.GetFileName(path).Split(new[] { " [" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0] : Path.GetFileName(path); Text = title + $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Util.CleanFileName(SAV.BAKName))}"; // more descriptive // If backup folder exists, save a backup. string backupName = Path.Combine(BackupPath, Util.CleanFileName(SAV.BAKName)); if (SAV.Exportable && Directory.Exists(BackupPath) && !File.Exists(backupName)) File.WriteAllBytes(backupName, SAV.BAK); GB_SAVtools.Visible = true; } else // Blank save file { SAV.FilePath = null; SAV.FileName = "Blank Save File"; Text = title + $"{SAV.FileName} [{SAV.OT} ({SAV.Version})]"; GB_SAVtools.Visible = false; } Menu_ExportSAV.Enabled = B_VerifyCHK.Enabled = SAV.Exportable; // Close subforms that are save dependent Type[] f = { typeof(SAV_BoxViewer) }; foreach (var form in Application.OpenForms.Cast().Where(form => f.Contains(form.GetType())).ToArray()) form.Close(); setBoxNames(); // Display the Box Names if (SAV.HasBox) { int startBox = path == null ? 0 : SAV.CurrentBox; // FF if BattleBox if (startBox > SAV.BoxCount - 1) { tabBoxMulti.SelectedIndex = 1; CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { tabBoxMulti.SelectedIndex = 0; CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex = startBox; } } setPKXBoxes(); // Reload all of the PKX Windows // Hide content if not present in game. GB_SUBE.Visible = SAV.HasSUBE; PB_Locked.Visible = SAV.HasBattleBox && SAV.BattleBoxLocked; if (!SAV.HasBox && tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Contains(Tab_Box)) tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Remove(Tab_Box); else if (SAV.HasBox && !tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Contains(Tab_Box)) { tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Insert(0, Tab_Box); WindowTranslationRequired = true; } Menu_LoadBoxes.Enabled = Menu_DumpBoxes.Enabled = Menu_Report.Enabled = Menu_Modify.Enabled = B_SaveBoxBin.Enabled = SAV.HasBox; int BoxTab = tabBoxMulti.TabPages.IndexOf(Tab_Box); int PartyTab = tabBoxMulti.TabPages.IndexOf(Tab_PartyBattle); if (!SAV.HasParty && tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Contains(Tab_PartyBattle)) tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Remove(Tab_PartyBattle); else if (SAV.HasParty && !tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Contains(Tab_PartyBattle)) { int index = BoxTab; if (index < 0) index = -1; tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Insert(index + 1, Tab_PartyBattle); WindowTranslationRequired = true; } if (!SAV.HasDaycare && tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Contains(Tab_Other)) tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Remove(Tab_Other); else if (SAV.HasDaycare && !tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Contains(Tab_Other)) { int index = PartyTab; if (index < 0) index = BoxTab; if (index < 0) index = -1; tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Insert(index + 1, Tab_Other); WindowTranslationRequired = true; } if (path != null) // Actual save file { PAN_BattleBox.Visible = L_BattleBox.Visible = L_ReadOnlyPBB.Visible = SAV.HasBattleBox; GB_Daycare.Visible = SAV.HasDaycare; GB_Fused.Visible = SAV.HasFused; GB_GTS.Visible = SAV.HasGTS; B_OpenSecretBase.Enabled = SAV.HasSecretBase; B_OpenPokepuffs.Enabled = SAV.HasPuff; B_OpenPokeBeans.Enabled = SAV.Generation == 7; B_OpenZygardeCells.Enabled = SAV.Generation == 7; B_OUTPasserby.Enabled = SAV.HasPSS; B_OpenBoxLayout.Enabled = SAV.HasBoxWallpapers; B_OpenWondercards.Enabled = SAV.HasWondercards; B_OpenSuperTraining.Enabled = SAV.HasSuperTrain; B_OpenHallofFame.Enabled = SAV.HasHoF; B_OpenOPowers.Enabled = SAV.HasOPower; B_OpenPokedex.Enabled = SAV.HasPokeDex; B_OpenBerryField.Enabled = SAV.HasBerryField && SAV.XY; B_OpenFriendSafari.Enabled = SAV.XY; B_OpenPokeblocks.Enabled = SAV.HasPokeBlock; B_JPEG.Visible = SAV.HasJPEG; B_OpenEventFlags.Enabled = SAV.HasEvents; B_OpenLinkInfo.Enabled = SAV.HasLink; B_CGearSkin.Enabled = SAV.Generation == 5; B_OpenTrainerInfo.Enabled = B_OpenItemPouch.Enabled = SAV.HasParty; // Box RS B_OpenMiscEditor.Enabled = SAV is SAV3 || SAV.DP || SAV.HGSS; B_OpenHoneyTreeEditor.Enabled = SAV.DP || SAV.Pt; B_OpenRTCEditor.Enabled = SAV.RS || SAV.E; } GB_SAVtools.Visible = (path != null) && FLP_SAVtools.Controls.Cast().Any(c => c.Enabled); foreach (Control c in FLP_SAVtools.Controls.Cast()) c.Visible = c.Enabled; // Generational Interface Tip1.RemoveAll(); Tip2.RemoveAll(); Tip3.RemoveAll(); // TSV/PSV FLP_Country.Visible = FLP_SubRegion.Visible = FLP_3DSRegion.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 6; Label_EncryptionConstant.Visible = BTN_RerollEC.Visible = TB_EC.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 6; GB_nOT.Visible = GB_RelearnMoves.Visible = BTN_Medals.Visible = BTN_History.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 6; PB_Legal.Visible = PB_WarnMove1.Visible = PB_WarnMove2.Visible = PB_WarnMove3.Visible = PB_WarnMove4.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 6; PB_MarkPentagon.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 6; PB_MarkAlola.Visible = PB_MarkVC.Visible = PB_MarkHorohoro.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 7; TB_Secure1.Visible = TB_Secure2.Visible = L_Secure1.Visible = L_Secure2.Visible = SAV.Exportable && SAV.Generation >= 6; TB_GameSync.Visible = L_GameSync.Visible = SAV.Exportable && SAV.Generation >= 6; FLP_NSparkle.Visible = L_NSparkle.Visible = CHK_NSparkle.Visible = SAV.Generation == 5; CB_Form.Visible = Label_Form.Visible = CHK_AsEgg.Visible = GB_EggConditions.Visible = PB_Mark5.Visible = PB_Mark6.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 4; DEV_Ability.Enabled = DEV_Ability.Visible = SAV.Generation > 3 && HaX; CB_Ability.Visible = !DEV_Ability.Enabled && SAV.Generation >= 3; FLP_Nature.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 3; FLP_Ability.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 3; FLP_Language.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 3; GB_ExtraBytes.Visible = GB_ExtraBytes.Enabled = SAV.Generation >= 3; GB_Markings.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 3; BTN_Ribbons.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 3; CB_HPType.Enabled = CB_Form.Enabled = SAV.Generation >= 3; BTN_RerollPID.Visible = Label_PID.Visible = TB_PID.Visible = Label_SID.Visible = TB_SID.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 3; FLP_FriendshipForm.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 2; FLP_HeldItem.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 2; CHK_IsEgg.Visible = Label_Gender.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 2; FLP_PKRS.Visible = FLP_EggPKRSRight.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 2; Label_OTGender.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 2; if (SAV.Version == GameVersion.BATREV) { L_SaveSlot.Visible = CB_SaveSlot.Visible = true; CB_SaveSlot.DisplayMember = "Text"; CB_SaveSlot.ValueMember = "Value"; CB_SaveSlot.DataSource = new BindingSource(((SAV4BR) SAV).SaveSlots.Select(i => new ComboItem { Text = ((SAV4BR) SAV).SaveNames[i], Value = i }).ToList(), null); CB_SaveSlot.SelectedValue = ((SAV4BR)SAV).CurrentSlot; } else L_SaveSlot.Visible = CB_SaveSlot.Visible = false; FLP_Purification.Visible = FLP_ShadowID.Visible = SAV.Version == GameVersion.COLO || SAV.Version == GameVersion.XD; NUD_ShadowID.Maximum = SAV.MaxShadowID; // HaX override, needs to be after DEV_Ability enabled assignment. TB_AbilityNumber.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 6 && DEV_Ability.Enabled; // Met Tab FLP_MetDate.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 4; FLP_Fateful.Visible = FLP_Ball.Visible = FLP_OriginGame.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 3; FLP_MetLocation.Visible = FLP_MetLevel.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 2; FLP_TimeOfDay.Visible = SAV.Generation == 2; // Stats FLP_StatsTotal.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 3; FLP_Characteristic.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 3; FLP_HPType.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 2; PAN_Contest.Visible = SAV.Generation >= 3; // Second daycare slot SlotPictureBoxes[43].Visible = SAV.Generation >= 2; if (sav.Generation == 1) { FLP_SpD.Visible = false; Label_SPA.Visible = false; Label_SPC.Visible = true; TB_HPIV.Enabled = false; MaskedTextBox[] evControls = { TB_SPAEV, TB_HPEV, TB_ATKEV, TB_DEFEV, TB_SPEEV, TB_SPDEV }; foreach (var ctrl in evControls) { ctrl.Mask = "00000"; ctrl.Size = Stat_HP.Size; } } else if (sav.Generation == 2) { FLP_SpD.Visible = true; Label_SPA.Visible = true; Label_SPC.Visible = false; TB_SPDEV.Enabled = TB_SPDIV.Enabled = false; TB_HPIV.Enabled = false; MaskedTextBox[] evControls = { TB_SPAEV, TB_HPEV, TB_ATKEV, TB_DEFEV, TB_SPEEV, TB_SPDEV }; foreach (var ctrl in evControls) { ctrl.Mask = "00000"; ctrl.Size = Stat_HP.Size; } } else { FLP_SpD.Visible = true; Label_SPA.Visible = true; Label_SPC.Visible = false; TB_SPDEV.Enabled = TB_SPDIV.Enabled = true; TB_HPIV.Enabled = true; MaskedTextBox[] evControls = { TB_SPAEV, TB_HPEV, TB_ATKEV, TB_DEFEV, TB_SPEEV, TB_SPDEV }; foreach (var ctrl in evControls) { ctrl.Mask = "000"; ctrl.Size = TB_ExtraByte.Size; } } // Recenter PKM SubEditors FLP_PKMEditors.Location = new Point((Tab_OTMisc.Width - FLP_PKMEditors.Width) / 2, FLP_PKMEditors.Location.Y); bool init = fieldsInitialized; fieldsInitialized = fieldsLoaded = false; switch (SAV.Generation) { case 6: TB_GameSync.Enabled = SAV.GameSyncID != null; TB_GameSync.MaxLength = SAV.GameSyncIDSize; TB_GameSync.Text = (SAV.GameSyncID ?? 0.ToString()).PadLeft(SAV.GameSyncIDSize, '0'); TB_Secure1.Text = SAV.Secure1?.ToString("X16"); TB_Secure2.Text = SAV.Secure2?.ToString("X16"); break; case 7: TB_GameSync.Enabled = SAV.GameSyncID != null; TB_GameSync.MaxLength = SAV.GameSyncIDSize; TB_GameSync.Text = (SAV.GameSyncID ?? 0.ToString()).PadLeft(SAV.GameSyncIDSize, '0'); TB_Secure1.Text = SAV.Secure1?.ToString("X16"); TB_Secure2.Text = SAV.Secure2?.ToString("X16"); break; } pkm = pkm.GetType() != SAV.PKMType ? SAV.BlankPKM : pk; if (pkm.Format < 3) pkm = SAV.BlankPKM; populateFilteredDataSources(); populateFields(pkm); fieldsInitialized |= init; // SAV Specific Limits TB_OT.MaxLength = SAV.OTLength; TB_OTt2.MaxLength = SAV.OTLength; TB_Nickname.MaxLength = SAV.NickLength; // Hide Unused Tabs if (SAV.Generation == 1 && tabMain.TabPages.Contains(Tab_Met)) tabMain.TabPages.Remove(Tab_Met); else if (SAV.Generation != 1 && !tabMain.TabPages.Contains(Tab_Met)) { tabMain.TabPages.Insert(1, Tab_Met); WindowTranslationRequired = true; } // Common HaX Interface CHK_HackedStats.Enabled = CHK_HackedStats.Visible = MT_Level.Enabled = MT_Level.Visible = MT_Form.Enabled = MT_Form.Visible = HaX; TB_Level.Visible = !HaX; // Setup PKM Preparation/Extra Bytes setPKMFormatMode(SAV.Generation, SAV.Version); // pk2 save files do not have an Origin Game stored. Prompt the met location list to update. if (SAV.Generation == 2) updateOriginGame(null, null); // Refresh PK* conversion info PKMConverter.updateConfig(SAV.SubRegion, SAV.Country, SAV.ConsoleRegion, SAV.OT, SAV.Gender, SAV.Language); if (WindowTranslationRequired) // force update -- re-added controls may be untranslated { // Keep window title title = Text; WinFormsUtil.TranslateInterface(this, curlanguage); Text = title; } if (WindowToggleRequired) // Version combobox selectedvalue needs a little help, only updates once it is visible { tabMain.SelectedTab = Tab_Met; // parent tab of CB_GameOrigin tabMain.SelectedTab = Tab_Main; // first tab } // No changes made yet UndoStack.Clear(); Menu_Undo.Enabled = false; RedoStack.Clear(); Menu_Redo.Enabled = false; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) // Actual Save { // Check location write protection bool locked = true; try { locked = File.GetAttributes(path).HasFlag(FileAttributes.ReadOnly); } catch { } if (locked) WinFormsUtil.Alert("File's location is write protected:\n" + path, "If the path is a removable disk (SD card), please ensure the write protection switch is not set."); } TemplateFields(); loadingSAV = false; SAV.Edited = false; // Indicate audibly the save is loaded SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); } private static void refreshMGDB() { Legal.RefreshMGDB(MGDatabasePath); } // Language Translation private void changeMainLanguage(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CB_MainLanguage.SelectedIndex < 8) curlanguage = GameInfo.lang_val[CB_MainLanguage.SelectedIndex]; // Set the culture (makes it easy to pass language to other forms) Settings.Default.Language = curlanguage; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(curlanguage.Substring(0, 2)); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; PKM pk = SAV.getPKM((fieldsInitialized ? preparePKM() : pkm).Data); bool alreadyInit = fieldsInitialized; fieldsInitialized = false; Menu_Options.DropDown.Close(); InitializeStrings(); InitializeLanguage(); string ProgramTitle = Text; WinFormsUtil.TranslateInterface(this, curlanguage); // Translate the UI to language. Text = ProgramTitle; // Recenter PKM SubEditors FLP_PKMEditors.Location = new Point((Tab_OTMisc.Width - FLP_PKMEditors.Width)/2, FLP_PKMEditors.Location.Y); populateFields(pk); // put data back in form fieldsInitialized |= alreadyInit; } private void InitializeStrings() { string l = curlanguage; GameInfo.Strings = GameInfo.getStrings(l); // Update Legality Strings // Clipboard.SetText(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, Util.getLocalization(typeof(LegalityCheckStrings)))); Task.Run(() => Util.setLocalization(typeof(LegalityCheckStrings), Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName.Substring(0, 2))); // Force an update to the met locations origintrack = GameVersion.Unknown; // Update Legality Analysis strings LegalityAnalysis.movelist = GameInfo.Strings.movelist; LegalityAnalysis.specieslist = GameInfo.Strings.specieslist; if (fieldsInitialized) updateIVs(null, null); // Prompt an update for the characteristics } #endregion #region //// PKX WINDOW FUNCTIONS //// private void InitializeFields() { // Now that the ComboBoxes are ready, load the data. fieldsInitialized = true; pkm.RefreshChecksum(); // Load Data populateFields(pkm); TemplateFields(); CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex = 0; } private static PKM loadTemplate() { if (!Directory.Exists(TemplatePath)) return null; var blank = SAV.BlankPKM; string path = Path.Combine(TemplatePath, new DirectoryInfo(TemplatePath).Name + "." + blank.Extension); if (!File.Exists(path) || !PKX.getIsPKM(new FileInfo(path).Length)) return null; var pk = PKMConverter.getPKMfromBytes(File.ReadAllBytes(path), prefer: blank.Format); return PKMConverter.convertToFormat(pk, SAV.BlankPKM.GetType(), out path); // no sneaky plz; reuse string } private void TemplateFields() { var template = loadTemplate(); if (template != null) { populateFields(template); return; } CB_GameOrigin.SelectedIndex = 0; CB_Move1.SelectedValue = 1; TB_OT.Text = "PKHeX"; TB_TID.Text = 12345.ToString(); TB_SID.Text = 54321.ToString(); int curlang = Array.IndexOf(GameInfo.lang_val, curlanguage); CB_Language.SelectedIndex = curlang > CB_Language.Items.Count - 1 ? 1 : curlang; CB_Ball.SelectedIndex = Math.Min(0, CB_Ball.Items.Count - 1); CB_Country.SelectedIndex = Math.Min(0, CB_Country.Items.Count - 1); CAL_MetDate.Value = CAL_EggDate.Value = DateTime.Today; CB_Species.SelectedValue = SAV.MaxSpeciesID; CHK_Nicknamed.Checked = false; lastData = null; } private void InitializeLanguage() { ComboBox[] cbs = { CB_Country, CB_SubRegion, CB_3DSReg, CB_Language, CB_Ball, CB_HeldItem, CB_Species, DEV_Ability, CB_Nature, CB_EncounterType, CB_GameOrigin, CB_HPType }; foreach (var cb in cbs) { cb.DisplayMember = "Text"; cb.ValueMember = "Value"; } // Set the various ComboBox DataSources up with their allowed entries setCountrySubRegion(CB_Country, "countries"); CB_3DSReg.DataSource = Util.getUnsortedCBList("regions3ds"); GameInfo.InitializeDataSources(GameInfo.Strings); CB_EncounterType.DataSource = Util.getCBList(GameInfo.Strings.encountertypelist, new[] { 0 }, Legal.Gen4EncounterTypes); CB_HPType.DataSource = Util.getCBList(GameInfo.Strings.types.Skip(1).Take(16).ToArray(), null); CB_Nature.DataSource = new BindingSource(GameInfo.NatureDataSource, null); populateFilteredDataSources(); } private void populateFilteredDataSources() { GameInfo.setItemDataSource(HaX, SAV.MaxItemID, SAV.HeldItems, SAV.Generation, SAV.Version, GameInfo.Strings); if (SAV.Generation > 1) CB_HeldItem.DataSource = new BindingSource(GameInfo.ItemDataSource.Where(i => i.Value <= SAV.MaxItemID).ToList(), null); var languages = Util.getUnsortedCBList("languages"); if (SAV.Generation < 7) languages = languages.Where(l => l.Value <= 8).ToList(); // Korean CB_Language.DataSource = languages; CB_Ball.DataSource = new BindingSource(GameInfo.BallDataSource.Where(b => b.Value <= SAV.MaxBallID).ToList(), null); CB_Species.DataSource = new BindingSource(GameInfo.SpeciesDataSource.Where(s => s.Value <= SAV.MaxSpeciesID).ToList(), null); DEV_Ability.DataSource = new BindingSource(GameInfo.AbilityDataSource.Where(a => a.Value <= SAV.MaxAbilityID).ToList(), null); CB_GameOrigin.DataSource = new BindingSource(GameInfo.VersionDataSource.Where(g => g.Value <= SAV.MaxGameID || SAV.Generation >= 3 && g.Value == 15).ToList(), null); // Set the Move ComboBoxes too.. GameInfo.MoveDataSource = (HaX ? GameInfo.HaXMoveDataSource : GameInfo.LegalMoveDataSource).Where(m => m.Value <= SAV.MaxMoveID).ToList(); // Filter Z-Moves if appropriate foreach (ComboBox cb in new[] { CB_Move1, CB_Move2, CB_Move3, CB_Move4, CB_RelearnMove1, CB_RelearnMove2, CB_RelearnMove3, CB_RelearnMove4 }) { cb.DisplayMember = "Text"; cb.ValueMember = "Value"; cb.DataSource = new BindingSource(GameInfo.MoveDataSource, null); } } private Action getFieldsfromPKM; private Func getPKMfromFields; private byte[] lastData; private bool PKMIsUnsaved => fieldsInitialized && Menu_ModifyUnset.Checked && !loadingSAV && lastData != null && lastData.Any(b => b != 0) && !lastData.SequenceEqual(preparePKM().Data); private void setPKMFormatMode(int Format, GameVersion version) { byte[] extraBytes = new byte[0]; switch (Format) { case 1: getFieldsfromPKM = populateFieldsPK1; getPKMfromFields = preparePK1; break; case 2: getFieldsfromPKM = populateFieldsPK2; getPKMfromFields = preparePK2; break; case 3: if (version == GameVersion.COLO) { getFieldsfromPKM = populateFieldsCK3; getPKMfromFields = prepareCK3; extraBytes = CK3.ExtraBytes; break; } if (version == GameVersion.XD) { getFieldsfromPKM = populateFieldsXK3; getPKMfromFields = prepareXK3; extraBytes = XK3.ExtraBytes; break; } getFieldsfromPKM = populateFieldsPK3; getPKMfromFields = preparePK3; extraBytes = PK3.ExtraBytes; break; case 4: if (version == GameVersion.BATREV) { getFieldsfromPKM = populateFieldsBK4; getPKMfromFields = prepareBK4; } else { getFieldsfromPKM = populateFieldsPK4; getPKMfromFields = preparePK4; } extraBytes = PK4.ExtraBytes; break; case 5: getFieldsfromPKM = populateFieldsPK5; getPKMfromFields = preparePK5; extraBytes = PK5.ExtraBytes; break; case 6: getFieldsfromPKM = populateFieldsPK6; getPKMfromFields = preparePK6; extraBytes = PK6.ExtraBytes; break; case 7: getFieldsfromPKM = populateFieldsPK7; getPKMfromFields = preparePK7; extraBytes = PK7.ExtraBytes; break; } // Load Extra Byte List GB_ExtraBytes.Visible = GB_ExtraBytes.Enabled = extraBytes.Length != 0; if (GB_ExtraBytes.Enabled) { CB_ExtraBytes.Items.Clear(); foreach (byte b in extraBytes) CB_ExtraBytes.Items.Add("0x" + b.ToString("X2")); CB_ExtraBytes.SelectedIndex = 0; } } public void populateFields(PKM pk, bool focus = true) { if (pk == null) { WinFormsUtil.Error("Attempted to load a null file."); return; } if ((pk.Format >= 3 && pk.Format > SAV.Generation) // pk3-7, can't go backwards || (pk.Format <= 2 && SAV.Generation > 2 && SAV.Generation < 7)) // pk1-2, can't go 3-6 { WinFormsUtil.Alert($"Can't load Gen{pk.Format} to Gen{SAV.Generation} games."); return; } bool oldInit = fieldsInitialized; fieldsInitialized = fieldsLoaded = false; if (focus) Tab_Main.Focus(); pkm = pk.Clone(); if (fieldsInitialized & !pkm.ChecksumValid) WinFormsUtil.Alert("PKM File has an invalid checksum."); if (pkm.Format != SAV.Generation) // past gen format { string c; pkm = PKMConverter.convertToFormat(pkm, SAV.PKMType, out c); if (pk.Format != pkm.Format && focus) // converted WinFormsUtil.Alert("Converted File."); } try { getFieldsfromPKM(); } catch { fieldsInitialized = oldInit; throw; } CB_EncounterType.Visible = Label_EncounterType.Visible = pkm.Gen4 && SAV.Generation < 7; fieldsInitialized = oldInit; updateIVs(null, null); updatePKRSInfected(null, null); updatePKRSCured(null, null); if (HaX) // Load original values from pk not pkm { MT_Level.Text = (pk.Stat_HPMax != 0 ? pk.Stat_Level : PKX.getLevel(pk.Species, pk.EXP)).ToString(); TB_EXP.Text = pk.EXP.ToString(); MT_Form.Text = pk.AltForm.ToString(); if (pk.Stat_HPMax != 0) // stats present { Stat_HP.Text = pk.Stat_HPCurrent.ToString(); Stat_ATK.Text = pk.Stat_ATK.ToString(); Stat_DEF.Text = pk.Stat_DEF.ToString(); Stat_SPA.Text = pk.Stat_SPA.ToString(); Stat_SPD.Text = pk.Stat_SPD.ToString(); Stat_SPE.Text = pk.Stat_SPE.ToString(); } } fieldsLoaded = true; Label_HatchCounter.Visible = CHK_IsEgg.Checked && SAV.Generation > 1; Label_Friendship.Visible = !CHK_IsEgg.Checked && SAV.Generation > 1; // Set the Preview Box dragout.Image = pk.Sprite(); setMarkings(); updateLegality(); lastData = preparePKM()?.Data; } // General Use Functions shared by other Forms // internal static void setCountrySubRegion(ComboBox CB, string type) { int index = CB.SelectedIndex; // fix for Korean / Chinese being swapped string cl = curlanguage + ""; cl = cl == "zh" ? "ko" : cl == "ko" ? "zh" : cl; CB.DataSource = Util.getCBList(type, cl); if (index > 0 && index < CB.Items.Count && fieldsInitialized) CB.SelectedIndex = index; } private void setForms() { int species = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species); if (SAV.Generation < 4 && species != 201) { Label_Form.Visible = CB_Form.Visible = CB_Form.Enabled = false; return; } bool hasForms = SAV.Personal[species].HasFormes || new[] { 201, 664, 665, 414 }.Contains(species); CB_Form.Enabled = CB_Form.Visible = Label_Form.Visible = hasForms; if (HaX && SAV.Generation >= 4) Label_Form.Visible = true; if (!hasForms) return; var ds = PKX.getFormList(species, GameInfo.Strings.types, GameInfo.Strings.forms, gendersymbols, SAV.Generation).ToList(); if (ds.Count == 1 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(ds[0])) // empty (Alolan Totems) CB_Form.Enabled = CB_Form.Visible = Label_Form.Visible = false; else CB_Form.DataSource = ds; } private void setAbilityList() { if (SAV.Generation < 3) // no abilities return; int formnum = 0; int species = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species); if (SAV.Generation > 3) // has forms formnum = CB_Form.SelectedIndex; int[] abils = SAV.Personal.getAbilities(species, formnum); if (abils[1] == 0 && SAV.Generation != 3) abils[1] = abils[0]; string[] abilIdentifier = {" (1)", " (2)", " (H)"}; List ability_list = abils.Where(a => a != 0).Select((t, i) => GameInfo.Strings.abilitylist[t] + abilIdentifier[i]).ToList(); if (!ability_list.Any()) ability_list.Add(GameInfo.Strings.abilitylist[0] + abilIdentifier[0]); bool tmp = fieldsLoaded; fieldsLoaded = false; int abil = CB_Ability.SelectedIndex; CB_Ability.DataSource = ability_list; CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = abil < 0 || abil >= CB_Ability.Items.Count ? 0 : abil; fieldsLoaded = tmp; } // PKX Data Calculation Functions // private void setIsShiny(object sender) { if (sender == TB_PID) pkm.PID = Util.getHEXval(TB_PID.Text); else if (sender == TB_TID) pkm.TID = (int)Util.ToUInt32(TB_TID.Text); else if (sender == TB_SID) pkm.SID = (int)Util.ToUInt32(TB_SID.Text); bool isShiny = pkm.IsShiny; // Set the Controls BTN_Shinytize.Visible = BTN_Shinytize.Enabled = !isShiny; Label_IsShiny.Visible = isShiny; // Refresh Markings (for Shiny Star if applicable) setMarkings(); } private void setMarkings() { double getOpacity(bool b) => b ? 1 : 0.175; PictureBox[] pba = { PB_Mark1, PB_Mark2, PB_Mark3, PB_Mark4, PB_Mark5, PB_Mark6 }; for (int i = 0; i < pba.Length; i++) pba[i].Image = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(pba[i].InitialImage, getOpacity(pkm.Markings[i] != 0)); PB_MarkShiny.Image = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(PB_MarkShiny.InitialImage, getOpacity(!BTN_Shinytize.Enabled)); PB_MarkCured.Image = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(PB_MarkCured.InitialImage, getOpacity(CHK_Cured.Checked)); PB_MarkPentagon.Image = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(PB_MarkPentagon.InitialImage, getOpacity(pkm.Gen6)); // Gen7 Markings if (pkm.Format != 7) return; PB_MarkAlola.Image = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(PB_MarkAlola.InitialImage, getOpacity(pkm.Gen7)); PB_MarkVC.Image = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(PB_MarkVC.InitialImage, getOpacity(pkm.VC)); PB_MarkHorohoro.Image = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(PB_MarkHorohoro.InitialImage, getOpacity(pkm.Horohoro)); for (int i = 0; i < pba.Length; i++) { switch (pkm.Markings[i]) { case 1: pba[i].Image = ImageUtil.ChangeAllColorTo(pba[i].Image, Color.FromArgb(000, 191, 255)); break; case 2: pba[i].Image = ImageUtil.ChangeAllColorTo(pba[i].Image, Color.FromArgb(255, 117, 179)); break; } } } // Clicked Label Shortcuts // private bool QR6Notified; private void clickQR(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt) { // Fetch data from QR code... byte[] ekx = QR.getQRData(); if (ekx == null) return; PKM pk = PKMConverter.getPKMfromBytes(ekx, prefer: SAV.Generation); if (pk == null) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Decoded data not a valid PKM.", $"QR Data Size: {ekx.Length}"); } else { if (!pk.Valid || pk.Species <= 0) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Invalid data detected."); return; } string c; PKM pkz = PKMConverter.convertToFormat(pk, SAV.PKMType, out c); if (pkz == null) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(c); return; } populateFields(pkz); } } else { if (!verifiedPKM()) return; PKM pkx = preparePKM(); Image qr; switch (pkx.Format) { case 7: qr = QR.GenerateQRCode7((PK7) pkx); break; default: if (pkx.Format == 6 && !QR6Notified) // hint that the user should not be using QR6 injection { WinFormsUtil.Alert("QR codes are deprecated in favor of other methods.", "Consider utilizing homebrew or on-the-fly RAM editing custom firmware (PKMN-NTR)."); QR6Notified = true; } qr = QR.getQRImage(pkx.EncryptedBoxData, QR.getQRServer(pkx.Format)); break; } if (qr == null) return; var sprite = dragout.Image; var la = new LegalityAnalysis(pkx); if (la.Parsed) { var img = la.Valid ? Resources.valid : Resources.warn; sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, img, 24, 0, 1); } string[] r = pkx.QRText; string refer = $"PKHeX ({Resources.ProgramVersion})"; new QR(qr, sprite, r[0], r[1], r[2], $"{refer} ({pkx.GetType().Name})", pkx).ShowDialog(); } } private void clickFriendship(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control) // prompt to reset TB_Friendship.Text = pkm.CurrentFriendship.ToString(); else TB_Friendship.Text = TB_Friendship.Text == "255" ? SAV.Personal[pkm.Species].BaseFriendship.ToString() : "255"; } private void clickLevel(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control) { ((MaskedTextBox)sender).Text = "100"; } } private void clickGender(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get Gender Threshold int gt = SAV.Personal.getFormeEntry(WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species), CB_Form.SelectedIndex).Gender; if (gt == 255 || gt == 0 || gt == 254) // Single gender/genderless return; if (gt >= 255) return; // If not a single gender(less) species: (should be <254 but whatever, 255 never happens) int newGender = PKX.getGender(Label_Gender.Text) ^ 1; if (SAV.Generation == 2) do { TB_ATKIV.Text = (Util.rnd32() & SAV.MaxIV).ToString(); } while (PKX.getGender(Label_Gender.Text) != newGender); else if (SAV.Generation <= 4) { pkm.Species = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species); pkm.Version = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_GameOrigin); pkm.Nature = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Nature); pkm.AltForm = CB_Form.SelectedIndex; pkm.setPIDGender(newGender); TB_PID.Text = pkm.PID.ToString("X8"); } pkm.Gender = newGender; Label_Gender.Text = gendersymbols[pkm.Gender]; Label_Gender.ForeColor = pkm.Gender == 2 ? Label_Species.ForeColor : (pkm.Gender == 1 ? Color.Red : Color.Blue); if (PKX.getGender(CB_Form.Text) < 2) // Gendered Forms CB_Form.SelectedIndex = PKX.getGender(Label_Gender.Text); getQuickFiller(dragout); } private void clickPPUps(object sender, EventArgs e) { CB_PPu1.SelectedIndex = ModifierKeys != Keys.Control && WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Move1) > 0 ? 3 : 0; CB_PPu2.SelectedIndex = ModifierKeys != Keys.Control && WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Move2) > 0 ? 3 : 0; CB_PPu3.SelectedIndex = ModifierKeys != Keys.Control && WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Move3) > 0 ? 3 : 0; CB_PPu4.SelectedIndex = ModifierKeys != Keys.Control && WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Move4) > 0 ? 3 : 0; } private void clickMarking(object sender, EventArgs e) { PictureBox[] pba = { PB_Mark1, PB_Mark2, PB_Mark3, PB_Mark4, PB_Mark5, PB_Mark6 }; int index = Array.IndexOf(pba, sender); // Handling Gens 3-6 int[] markings = pkm.Markings; switch (pkm.Format) { case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: // on/off markings[index] ^= 1; // toggle pkm.Markings = markings; break; case 7: // 0 (none) | 1 (blue) | 2 (pink) markings[index] = (markings[index]+1)%3; // cycle pkm.Markings = markings; break; default: return; } setMarkings(); } private void clickStatLabel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (!(ModifierKeys == Keys.Control || ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt)) return; if (sender == Label_SPC) sender = Label_SPA; int index = Array.IndexOf(new[] { Label_HP, Label_ATK, Label_DEF, Label_SPA, Label_SPD, Label_SPE }, sender); if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt) // EV { var mt = new[] {TB_HPEV, TB_ATKEV, TB_DEFEV, TB_SPAEV, TB_SPDEV, TB_SPEEV}[index]; if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) // max mt.Text = SAV.Generation >= 3 ? Math.Min(Math.Max(510 - Util.ToInt32(TB_EVTotal.Text) + Util.ToInt32(mt.Text), 0), 252).ToString() : ushort.MaxValue.ToString(); else // min mt.Text = 0.ToString(); } else new[] {TB_HPIV, TB_ATKIV, TB_DEFIV, TB_SPAIV, TB_SPDIV, TB_SPEIV}[index].Text = (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left ? SAV.MaxIV : 0).ToString(); } private void clickIV(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control) if (SAV.Generation < 7) ((MaskedTextBox) sender).Text = SAV.MaxIV.ToString(); else { var index = Array.IndexOf(new[] {TB_HPIV, TB_ATKIV, TB_DEFIV, TB_SPAIV, TB_SPDIV, TB_SPEIV}, sender); pkm.HyperTrainInvert(index); updateIVs(sender, e); } else if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt) ((MaskedTextBox) sender).Text = 0.ToString(); } private void clickEV(object sender, EventArgs e) { MaskedTextBox mt = (MaskedTextBox)sender; if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control) // EV mt.Text = SAV.Generation >= 3 ? Math.Min(Math.Max(510 - Util.ToInt32(TB_EVTotal.Text) + Util.ToInt32(mt.Text), 0), 252).ToString() : ushort.MaxValue.ToString(); else if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt) mt.Text = 0.ToString(); } private void clickOT(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!SAV.Exportable) return; // Get Save Information TB_OT.Text = SAV.OT; Label_OTGender.Text = gendersymbols[SAV.Gender % 2]; Label_OTGender.ForeColor = SAV.Gender == 1 ? Color.Red : Color.Blue; TB_TID.Text = SAV.TID.ToString("00000"); TB_SID.Text = SAV.SID.ToString("00000"); if (SAV.Game >= 0) CB_GameOrigin.SelectedValue = SAV.Game; if (SAV.Language >= 0) CB_Language.SelectedValue = SAV.Language; if (SAV.HasGeolocation) { CB_3DSReg.SelectedValue = SAV.ConsoleRegion; CB_Country.SelectedValue = SAV.Country; CB_SubRegion.SelectedValue = SAV.SubRegion; } updateNickname(null, null); } private void clickCT(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TB_OTt2.Text.Length > 0) Label_CTGender.Text = gendersymbols[SAV.Gender % 2]; } private void clickGT(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!GB_nOT.Visible) return; if (sender == GB_OT) { pkm.CurrentHandler = 0; GB_OT.BackgroundImage = mixedHighlight; GB_nOT.BackgroundImage = null; } else if (TB_OTt2.Text.Length > 0) { pkm.CurrentHandler = 1; GB_OT.BackgroundImage = null; GB_nOT.BackgroundImage = mixedHighlight; } TB_Friendship.Text = pkm.CurrentFriendship.ToString(); } private void clickTRGender(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label lbl = sender as Label; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lbl?.Text)) // set gender label (toggle M/F) { int gender = PKX.getGender(lbl.Text) ^ 1; lbl.Text = gendersymbols[gender]; lbl.ForeColor = gender == 1 ? Color.Red : Color.Blue; } } private void clickMoves(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateLegality(skipMoveRepop:true); if (sender == GB_CurrentMoves) { bool random = ModifierKeys == Keys.Control; int[] m = Legality.getSuggestedMoves(tm: random, tutor: random, reminder: random); if (m == null) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Suggestions are not enabled for this PKM format."); return; } if (random) Util.Shuffle(m); if (m.Length > 4) m = m.Skip(m.Length - 4).ToArray(); Array.Resize(ref m, 4); if (pkm.Moves.SequenceEqual(m)) return; string r = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, m.Select(v => v >= GameInfo.Strings.movelist.Length ? "ERROR" : GameInfo.Strings.movelist[v])); if (DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Apply suggested current moves?", r)) return; CB_Move1.SelectedValue = m[0]; CB_Move2.SelectedValue = m[1]; CB_Move3.SelectedValue = m[2]; CB_Move4.SelectedValue = m[3]; } else if (sender == GB_RelearnMoves) { int[] m = Legality.getSuggestedRelearn(); if (!pkm.WasEgg && !pkm.WasEvent && !pkm.WasEventEgg && !pkm.WasLink) { var encounter = Legality.getSuggestedMetInfo(); if (encounter != null) m = encounter.Relearn; } if (pkm.RelearnMoves.SequenceEqual(m)) return; string r = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, m.Select(v => v >= GameInfo.Strings.movelist.Length ? "ERROR" : GameInfo.Strings.movelist[v])); if (DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Apply suggested relearn moves?", r)) return; CB_RelearnMove1.SelectedValue = m[0]; CB_RelearnMove2.SelectedValue = m[1]; CB_RelearnMove3.SelectedValue = m[2]; CB_RelearnMove4.SelectedValue = m[3]; } updateLegality(); } private void clickMetLocation(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (HaX) return; pkm = preparePKM(); updateLegality(skipMoveRepop:true); if (Legality.Valid) return; var encounter = Legality.getSuggestedMetInfo(); if (encounter == null || (pkm.Format >= 3 && encounter.Location < 0)) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Unable to provide a suggestion."); return; } int level = encounter.Level; int location = encounter.Location; int minlvl = Legal.getLowestLevel(pkm, encounter.Species); if (minlvl == 0) minlvl = level; if (pkm.CurrentLevel >= minlvl && pkm.Met_Level == level && pkm.Met_Location == location) return; if (minlvl < level) minlvl = level; var suggestion = new List {"Suggested:"}; if (pkm.Format >= 3) { var met_list = GameInfo.getLocationList((GameVersion)pkm.Version, SAV.Generation, egg: false); var locstr = met_list.FirstOrDefault(loc => loc.Value == location)?.Text; suggestion.Add($"Met Location: {locstr}"); suggestion.Add($"Met Level: {level}"); } if (pkm.CurrentLevel < minlvl) suggestion.Add($"Current Level: {minlvl}"); if (suggestion.Count == 1) // no suggestion return; string suggest = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, suggestion); if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, suggest) != DialogResult.Yes) return; if (pkm.Format >= 3) { TB_MetLevel.Text = level.ToString(); CB_MetLocation.SelectedValue = location; } if (pkm.CurrentLevel < minlvl) TB_Level.Text = minlvl.ToString(); pkm = preparePKM(); updateLegality(); } // Prompted Updates of PKX Functions // private bool changingFields; private void updateBall(object sender, EventArgs e) { PB_Ball.Image = PKMUtil.getBallSprite(WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Ball)); } private void updateEXPLevel(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (changingFields || !fieldsInitialized) return; changingFields = true; if (sender == TB_EXP) { // Change the Level uint EXP = Util.ToUInt32(TB_EXP.Text); int Species = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species); int Level = PKX.getLevel(Species, EXP); if (Level == 100) EXP = PKX.getEXP(100, Species); TB_Level.Text = Level.ToString(); if (!HaX) TB_EXP.Text = EXP.ToString(); else if (Level <= 100 && Util.ToInt32(MT_Level.Text) <= 100) MT_Level.Text = Level.ToString(); } else { // Change the XP int Level = Util.ToInt32((HaX ? MT_Level : TB_Level).Text); if (Level > 100) TB_Level.Text = "100"; if (Level > byte.MaxValue) MT_Level.Text = "255"; if (Level <= 100) TB_EXP.Text = PKX.getEXP(Level, WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species)).ToString(); } changingFields = false; if (fieldsLoaded) // store values back { pkm.EXP = Util.ToUInt32(TB_EXP.Text); pkm.Stat_Level = Util.ToInt32((HaX ? MT_Level : TB_Level).Text); } updateStats(); updateLegality(); } private void updateHPType(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (changingFields || !fieldsInitialized) return; changingFields = true; int[] ivs = { Util.ToInt32(TB_HPIV.Text), Util.ToInt32(TB_ATKIV.Text), Util.ToInt32(TB_DEFIV.Text), Util.ToInt32(TB_SPAIV.Text), Util.ToInt32(TB_SPDIV.Text), Util.ToInt32(TB_SPEIV.Text) }; // Change IVs to match the new Hidden Power int[] newIVs = PKX.setHPIVs(WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_HPType), ivs); TB_HPIV.Text = newIVs[0].ToString(); TB_ATKIV.Text = newIVs[1].ToString(); TB_DEFIV.Text = newIVs[2].ToString(); TB_SPAIV.Text = newIVs[3].ToString(); TB_SPDIV.Text = newIVs[4].ToString(); TB_SPEIV.Text = newIVs[5].ToString(); // Refresh View changingFields = false; updateIVs(null, null); } private void updateIVs(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (changingFields || !fieldsInitialized) return; if (sender != null && Util.ToInt32(((MaskedTextBox) sender).Text) > SAV.MaxIV) ((MaskedTextBox) sender).Text = SAV.MaxIV.ToString("00"); changingFields = true; // Update IVs pkm.IV_HP = Util.ToInt32(TB_HPIV.Text); pkm.IV_ATK = Util.ToInt32(TB_ATKIV.Text); pkm.IV_DEF = Util.ToInt32(TB_DEFIV.Text); pkm.IV_SPE = Util.ToInt32(TB_SPEIV.Text); pkm.IV_SPA = Util.ToInt32(TB_SPAIV.Text); pkm.IV_SPD = Util.ToInt32(TB_SPDIV.Text); var IV_Boxes = new[] {TB_HPIV, TB_ATKIV, TB_DEFIV, TB_SPAIV, TB_SPDIV, TB_SPEIV}; var HT_Vals = new[] {pkm.HT_HP, pkm.HT_ATK, pkm.HT_DEF, pkm.HT_SPA, pkm.HT_SPD, pkm.HT_SPE}; for (int i = 0; i < IV_Boxes.Length; i++) if (HT_Vals[i]) IV_Boxes[i].BackColor = Color.LightGreen; else IV_Boxes[i].ResetBackColor(); if (SAV.Generation < 3) { TB_HPIV.Text = pkm.IV_HP.ToString(); TB_SPDIV.Text = TB_SPAIV.Text; if (SAV.Generation == 2) { Label_Gender.Text = gendersymbols[pkm.Gender]; Label_Gender.ForeColor = pkm.Gender == 2 ? Label_Species.ForeColor : (pkm.Gender == 1 ? Color.Red : Color.Blue); if (pkm.Species == 201 && e != null) // Unown CB_Form.SelectedIndex = pkm.AltForm; } setIsShiny(null); getQuickFiller(dragout); } CB_HPType.SelectedValue = pkm.HPType; changingFields = false; // Potential Reading L_Potential.Text = (unicode ? new[] {"★☆☆☆", "★★☆☆", "★★★☆", "★★★★"} : new[] {"+", "++", "+++", "++++"} )[pkm.PotentialRating]; TB_IVTotal.Text = pkm.IVs.Sum().ToString(); int characteristic = pkm.Characteristic; L_Characteristic.Visible = Label_CharacteristicPrefix.Visible = characteristic > -1; if (characteristic > -1) L_Characteristic.Text = GameInfo.Strings.characteristics[pkm.Characteristic]; updateStats(); } private void updateEVs(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (sender is MaskedTextBox) { MaskedTextBox m = (MaskedTextBox)sender; if (Util.ToInt32(m.Text) > SAV.MaxEV) { m.Text = SAV.MaxEV.ToString(); return; } // recursive on text set } changingFields = true; if (sender == TB_HPEV) pkm.EV_HP = Util.ToInt32(TB_HPEV.Text); else if (sender == TB_ATKEV) pkm.EV_ATK = Util.ToInt32(TB_ATKEV.Text); else if (sender == TB_DEFEV) pkm.EV_DEF = Util.ToInt32(TB_DEFEV.Text); else if (sender == TB_SPEEV) pkm.EV_SPE = Util.ToInt32(TB_SPEEV.Text); else if (sender == TB_SPAEV) pkm.EV_SPA = Util.ToInt32(TB_SPAEV.Text); else if (sender == TB_SPDEV) pkm.EV_SPD = Util.ToInt32(TB_SPDEV.Text); if (SAV.Generation < 3) TB_SPDEV.Text = TB_SPAEV.Text; int evtotal = pkm.EVs.Sum(); if (evtotal > 510) // Background turns Red TB_EVTotal.BackColor = Color.Red; else if (evtotal == 510) // Maximum EVs TB_EVTotal.BackColor = Color.Honeydew; else if (evtotal == 508) // Fishy EVs TB_EVTotal.BackColor = Color.LightYellow; else TB_EVTotal.BackColor = TB_IVTotal.BackColor; TB_EVTotal.Text = evtotal.ToString(); EVTip.SetToolTip(TB_EVTotal, $"Remaining: {510 - evtotal}"); changingFields = false; updateStats(); } private void updateRandomIVs(object sender, EventArgs e) { changingFields = true; if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control || ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift) { // Max IVs TB_HPIV.Text = SAV.MaxIV.ToString(); TB_ATKIV.Text = SAV.MaxIV.ToString(); TB_DEFIV.Text = SAV.MaxIV.ToString(); TB_SPAIV.Text = SAV.MaxIV.ToString(); TB_SPDIV.Text = SAV.MaxIV.ToString(); TB_SPEIV.Text = SAV.MaxIV.ToString(); } else { bool IV3 = Legal.Legends.Contains(pkm.Species) || Legal.SubLegends.Contains(pkm.Species); int[] IVs = new int[6]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) IVs[i] = (int)(Util.rnd32() & SAV.MaxIV); if (IV3) for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) IVs[i] = SAV.MaxIV; Util.Shuffle(IVs); // Randomize IV order var IVBoxes = new[] {TB_HPIV, TB_ATKIV, TB_DEFIV, TB_SPAIV, TB_SPDIV, TB_SPEIV}; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) IVBoxes[i].Text = IVs[i].ToString(); } changingFields = false; updateIVs(null, e); } private void updateRandomEVs(object sender, EventArgs e) { changingFields = true; var tb = new[] {TB_HPEV, TB_ATKEV, TB_DEFEV, TB_SPAEV, TB_SPDEV, TB_SPEEV}; bool zero = ModifierKeys == Keys.Control || ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift; var evs = zero ? new uint[6] : PKX.getRandomEVs(SAV.Generation); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) tb[i].Text = evs[i].ToString(); changingFields = false; updateEVs(null, null); } private void updateRandomPID(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (pkm.Format < 3) return; if (fieldsLoaded) pkm.PID = Util.getHEXval(TB_PID.Text); if (sender == Label_Gender) pkm.setPIDGender(pkm.Gender); else if (sender == CB_Nature && pkm.Nature != WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Nature)) pkm.setPIDNature(WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Nature)); else if (sender == BTN_RerollPID) pkm.setPIDGender(pkm.Gender); else if (sender == CB_Ability && CB_Ability.SelectedIndex != pkm.PIDAbility && pkm.PIDAbility > -1) pkm.PID = PKX.getRandomPID(pkm.Species, pkm.Gender, pkm.Version, pkm.Nature, pkm.Format, (uint)(CB_Ability.SelectedIndex * 0x10001)); TB_PID.Text = pkm.PID.ToString("X8"); getQuickFiller(dragout); if (pkm.GenNumber < 6 && SAV.Generation >= 6) TB_EC.Text = TB_PID.Text; } private void updateRandomEC(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (pkm.Format < 6) return; int wIndex = Array.IndexOf(Legal.WurmpleEvolutions, WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species)); if (wIndex < 0) { TB_EC.Text = Util.rnd32().ToString("X8"); } else { uint EC; bool valid; do { EC = Util.rnd32(); uint evoVal; switch (pkm.GenNumber) { case 4: case 3: evoVal = pkm.EncryptionConstant & 0xFFFF; break; default: evoVal = pkm.EncryptionConstant >> 16; break; } evoVal = evoVal%10/5; valid = evoVal == wIndex/2; } while (!valid); TB_EC.Text = EC.ToString("X8"); } updateLegality(); } private void updateHackedStats(object sender, EventArgs e) { Stat_HP.Enabled = Stat_ATK.Enabled = Stat_DEF.Enabled = Stat_SPA.Enabled = Stat_SPD.Enabled = Stat_SPE.Enabled = CHK_HackedStats.Checked; } private void updateHackedStatText(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!CHK_HackedStats.Checked || !(sender is TextBox)) return; string text = ((TextBox)sender).Text; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) ((TextBox)sender).Text = "0"; if (Convert.ToUInt32(text) > ushort.MaxValue) ((TextBox)sender).Text = "65535"; } private void update255_MTB(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Util.ToInt32(((MaskedTextBox) sender).Text) > byte.MaxValue) ((MaskedTextBox) sender).Text = "255"; } private void updateForm(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CB_Form == sender && fieldsLoaded) pkm.AltForm = CB_Form.SelectedIndex; updateGender(); updateStats(); // Repopulate Abilities if Species Form has different abilities setAbilityList(); // Gender Forms if (WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species) == 201 && fieldsLoaded) { if (SAV.Generation == 3) { pkm.setPIDUnown3(CB_Form.SelectedIndex); TB_PID.Text = pkm.PID.ToString("X8"); } else if (SAV.Generation == 2) { int desiredForm = CB_Form.SelectedIndex; while (pkm.AltForm != desiredForm) updateRandomIVs(null, null); } } else if (PKX.getGender(CB_Form.Text) < 2) { if (CB_Form.Items.Count == 2) // actually M/F; Pumpkaboo formes in German are S,M,L,XL Label_Gender.Text = gendersymbols[PKX.getGender(CB_Form.Text)]; } if (changingFields) return; changingFields = true; MT_Form.Text = CB_Form.SelectedIndex.ToString(); changingFields = false; if (fieldsLoaded) getQuickFiller(dragout); } private void updateHaXForm(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (changingFields) return; changingFields = true; int form = pkm.AltForm = Util.ToInt32(MT_Form.Text); CB_Form.SelectedIndex = CB_Form.Items.Count > form ? form : -1; changingFields = false; if (fieldsLoaded) getQuickFiller(dragout); } private void updatePP(object sender, EventArgs e) { ComboBox[] cbs = {CB_Move1, CB_Move2, CB_Move3, CB_Move4}; ComboBox[] pps = {CB_PPu1, CB_PPu2, CB_PPu3, CB_PPu4}; MaskedTextBox[] tbs = {TB_PP1, TB_PP2, TB_PP3, TB_PP4}; int index = Array.IndexOf(cbs, sender); if (index < 0) index = Array.IndexOf(pps, sender); if (index < 0) return; int move = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(cbs[index]); int pp = pps[index].SelectedIndex; if (move == 0 && pp != 0) { pps[index].SelectedIndex = 0; return; // recursively triggers } tbs[index].Text = pkm.getMovePP(move, pp).ToString(); } private void updatePKRSstrain(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Change the PKRS Days to the legal bounds. int currentDuration = CB_PKRSDays.SelectedIndex; CB_PKRSDays.Items.Clear(); foreach (int day in Enumerable.Range(0, CB_PKRSStrain.SelectedIndex % 4 + 2)) CB_PKRSDays.Items.Add(day); // Set the days back if they're legal, else set it to 1. (0 always passes). CB_PKRSDays.SelectedIndex = currentDuration < CB_PKRSDays.Items.Count ? currentDuration : 1; if (CB_PKRSStrain.SelectedIndex != 0) return; // Never Infected CB_PKRSDays.SelectedIndex = 0; CHK_Cured.Checked = false; CHK_Infected.Checked = false; } private void updatePKRSdays(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CB_PKRSDays.SelectedIndex != 0) return; // If no days are selected if (CB_PKRSStrain.SelectedIndex == 0) CHK_Cured.Checked = CHK_Infected.Checked = false; // No Strain = Never Cured / Infected, triggers Strain update else CHK_Cured.Checked = true; // Any Strain = Cured } private void updatePKRSCured(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!fieldsInitialized) return; // Cured PokeRus is toggled if (CHK_Cured.Checked) { // Has Had PokeRus Label_PKRSdays.Visible = CB_PKRSDays.Visible = false; CB_PKRSDays.SelectedIndex = 0; Label_PKRS.Visible = CB_PKRSStrain.Visible = true; CHK_Infected.Checked = true; // If we're cured we have to have a strain infection. if (CB_PKRSStrain.SelectedIndex == 0) CB_PKRSStrain.SelectedIndex = 1; } else if (!CHK_Infected.Checked) { // Not Infected, Disable the other Label_PKRS.Visible = CB_PKRSStrain.Visible = false; CB_PKRSStrain.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { // Still Infected for a duration Label_PKRSdays.Visible = CB_PKRSDays.Visible = true; CB_PKRSDays.SelectedValue = 1; } // if not cured yet, days > 0 if (!CHK_Cured.Checked && CHK_Infected.Checked && CB_PKRSDays.SelectedIndex == 0) CB_PKRSDays.SelectedIndex++; setMarkings(); } private void updatePKRSInfected(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!fieldsInitialized) return; if (CHK_Cured.Checked && !CHK_Infected.Checked) { CHK_Cured.Checked = false; return; } if (CHK_Cured.Checked) return; Label_PKRS.Visible = CB_PKRSStrain.Visible = CHK_Infected.Checked; if (!CHK_Infected.Checked) { CB_PKRSStrain.SelectedIndex = 0; CB_PKRSDays.SelectedIndex = 0; Label_PKRSdays.Visible = CB_PKRSDays.Visible = false; } else if (CB_PKRSStrain.SelectedIndex == 0) { CB_PKRSStrain.SelectedIndex = 1; Label_PKRSdays.Visible = CB_PKRSDays.Visible = true; updatePKRSCured(sender, e);} // if not cured yet, days > 0 if (CHK_Infected.Checked && CB_PKRSDays.SelectedIndex == 0) CB_PKRSDays.SelectedIndex++; } private void updateCountry(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WinFormsUtil.getIndex(sender as ComboBox) > 0) setCountrySubRegion(CB_SubRegion, "sr_" + WinFormsUtil.getIndex(sender as ComboBox).ToString("000")); } private void updateSpecies(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get Species dependent information setAbilityList(); setForms(); updateForm(null, null); if (!fieldsLoaded) return; pkm.Species = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species); // Recalculate EXP for Given Level uint EXP = PKX.getEXP(pkm.CurrentLevel, pkm.Species); TB_EXP.Text = EXP.ToString(); // Check for Gender Changes updateGender(); // If species changes and no nickname, set the new name == speciesName. if (!CHK_Nicknamed.Checked) updateNickname(sender, e); updateLegality(); } private void updateOriginGame(object sender, EventArgs e) { GameVersion Version = (GameVersion)WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_GameOrigin); // check if differs GameVersion newTrack = GameUtil.getMetLocationVersionGroup(Version); if (newTrack != origintrack) { var met_list = GameInfo.getLocationList(Version, SAV.Generation, egg:false); CB_MetLocation.DisplayMember = "Text"; CB_MetLocation.ValueMember = "Value"; CB_MetLocation.DataSource = new BindingSource(met_list, null); int metLoc = 0; // transporter or pal park for past gen pkm switch (newTrack) { case GameVersion.GO: metLoc = 30012; break; case GameVersion.RBY: metLoc = 30013; break; } if (metLoc != 0) CB_MetLocation.SelectedValue = metLoc; else CB_MetLocation.SelectedIndex = metLoc; var egg_list = GameInfo.getLocationList(Version, SAV.Generation, egg:true); CB_EggLocation.DisplayMember = "Text"; CB_EggLocation.ValueMember = "Value"; CB_EggLocation.DataSource = new BindingSource(egg_list, null); CB_EggLocation.SelectedIndex = CHK_AsEgg.Checked ? 1 : 0; // daycare : none origintrack = newTrack; // Stretch C/XD met location dropdowns int width = CB_EggLocation.DropDownWidth; if (Version == GameVersion.CXD && SAV.Generation == 3) width = 2*width; CB_MetLocation.DropDownWidth = width; } // Visibility logic for Gen 4 encounter type; only show for Gen 4 Pokemon. if (SAV.Generation >= 4) { bool g4 = Version >= GameVersion.HG && Version <= GameVersion.Pt; if ((int) Version == 9) // invalid g4 = false; CB_EncounterType.Visible = Label_EncounterType.Visible = g4 && SAV.Generation < 7; if (!g4) CB_EncounterType.SelectedValue = 0; } if (!fieldsLoaded) return; pkm.Version = (int)Version; setMarkings(); // Set/Remove KB marking updateLegality(); } private void updateExtraByteValue(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CB_ExtraBytes.Items.Count == 0) return; // Changed Extra Byte's Value if (Util.ToInt32(((MaskedTextBox) sender).Text) > byte.MaxValue) ((MaskedTextBox) sender).Text = "255"; int value = Util.ToInt32(TB_ExtraByte.Text); int offset = Convert.ToInt32(CB_ExtraBytes.Text, 16); pkm.Data[offset] = (byte)value; } private void updateExtraByteIndex(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CB_ExtraBytes.Items.Count == 0) return; // Byte changed, need to refresh the Text box for the byte's value. TB_ExtraByte.Text = pkm.Data[Convert.ToInt32(CB_ExtraBytes.Text, 16)].ToString(); } private void updateNatureModification(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (sender != CB_Nature) return; int nature = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Nature); int incr = nature / 5; int decr = nature % 5; Label[] labarray = { Label_ATK, Label_DEF, Label_SPE, Label_SPA, Label_SPD }; // Reset Label Colors foreach (Label label in labarray) label.ResetForeColor(); // Set Colored StatLabels only if Nature isn't Neutral NatureTip.SetToolTip(CB_Nature, incr != decr ? $"+{labarray[incr].Text} / -{labarray[decr].Text}".Replace(":", "") : "-/-"); } private void updateNickname(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (fieldsInitialized && ModifierKeys == Keys.Control && sender != null) // Import Showdown { clickShowdownImportPKM(sender, e); return; } if (fieldsInitialized && ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt && sender != null) // Export Showdown { clickShowdownExportPKM(sender, e); return; } int lang = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Language); if (!fieldsInitialized || CHK_Nicknamed.Checked) return; // Fetch Current Species and set it as Nickname Text int species = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species); if (species < 1 || species > SAV.MaxSpeciesID) { TB_Nickname.Text = ""; return; } if (CHK_IsEgg.Checked) species = 0; // get the egg name. // If name is that of another language, don't replace the nickname if (sender != CB_Language && species != 0 && !PKX.getIsNicknamedAnyLanguage(species, TB_Nickname.Text, SAV.Generation)) return; TB_Nickname.Text = PKX.getSpeciesNameGeneration(species, lang, SAV.Generation); if (SAV.Generation == 1) ((PK1) pkm).setNotNicknamed(); if (SAV.Generation == 2) ((PK2) pkm).setNotNicknamed(); } private void updateNicknameClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { TextBox tb = !(sender is TextBox) ? TB_Nickname : (TextBox) sender; // Special Character Form if (ModifierKeys != Keys.Control) return; if (tb == TB_Nickname) { pkm.Nickname = tb.Text; var d = new f2_Text(tb, pkm.Nickname_Trash); d.ShowDialog(); tb.Text = d.FinalString; pkm.Nickname_Trash = d.FinalBytes; } else if (tb == TB_OT) { pkm.OT_Name = tb.Text; var d = new f2_Text(tb, pkm.OT_Trash); d.ShowDialog(); tb.Text = d.FinalString; pkm.OT_Trash = d.FinalBytes; } else if (tb == TB_OTt2) { pkm.HT_Name = tb.Text; var d = new f2_Text(tb, pkm.HT_Trash); d.ShowDialog(); tb.Text = d.FinalString; pkm.HT_Trash = d.FinalBytes; } } private void updateNotOT(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TB_OTt2.Text)) { clickGT(GB_OT, null); // Switch CT over to OT. Label_CTGender.Text = ""; TB_Friendship.Text = pkm.CurrentFriendship.ToString(); } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Label_CTGender.Text)) Label_CTGender.Text = gendersymbols[0]; } private void updateIsEgg(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Display hatch counter if it is an egg, Display Friendship if it is not. Label_HatchCounter.Visible = CHK_IsEgg.Checked && SAV.Generation > 1; Label_Friendship.Visible = !CHK_IsEgg.Checked && SAV.Generation > 1; if (!fieldsLoaded) return; pkm.IsEgg = CHK_IsEgg.Checked; if (CHK_IsEgg.Checked) { TB_Friendship.Text = "1"; // If we are an egg, it won't have a met location. CHK_AsEgg.Checked = true; GB_EggConditions.Enabled = true; CAL_MetDate.Value = new DateTime(2000, 01, 01); // if egg wasn't originally obtained by OT => Link Trade, else => None bool isTraded = SAV.OT != TB_OT.Text || SAV.TID != Util.ToInt32(TB_TID.Text) || SAV.SID != Util.ToInt32(TB_SID.Text); CB_MetLocation.SelectedIndex = isTraded ? 2 : 0; if (!CHK_Nicknamed.Checked) { TB_Nickname.Text = PKX.getSpeciesNameGeneration(0, WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Language), pkm.Format); CHK_Nicknamed.Checked = true; } } else // Not Egg { if (!CHK_Nicknamed.Checked) updateNickname(null, null); TB_Friendship.Text = SAV.Personal[WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species)].BaseFriendship.ToString(); if (CB_EggLocation.SelectedIndex == 0) { CAL_EggDate.Value = new DateTime(2000, 01, 01); CHK_AsEgg.Checked = false; GB_EggConditions.Enabled = false; } if (TB_Nickname.Text == PKX.getSpeciesNameGeneration(0, WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Language), pkm.Format)) CHK_Nicknamed.Checked = false; } updateNickname(null, null); getQuickFiller(dragout); } private void updateMetAsEgg(object sender, EventArgs e) { GB_EggConditions.Enabled = CHK_AsEgg.Checked; if (CHK_AsEgg.Checked) { if (!fieldsLoaded) return; CAL_EggDate.Value = DateTime.Now; CB_EggLocation.SelectedIndex = 1; return; } // Remove egg met data CHK_IsEgg.Checked = false; CAL_EggDate.Value = new DateTime(2000, 01, 01); CB_EggLocation.SelectedValue = 0; updateLegality(); } private void updateShinyPID(object sender, EventArgs e) { pkm.TID = Util.ToInt32(TB_TID.Text); pkm.SID = Util.ToInt32(TB_SID.Text); pkm.PID = Util.getHEXval(TB_PID.Text); pkm.Nature = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Nature); pkm.Gender = PKX.getGender(Label_Gender.Text); pkm.AltForm = CB_Form.SelectedIndex; pkm.Version = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_GameOrigin); if (pkm.Format > 2) pkm.setShinyPID(); else { // IVs determine shininess // All 10IV except for one where (IV & 2 == 2) [gen specific] int[] and2 = {2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15}; int randIV = and2[Util.rnd32()%and2.Length]; if (pkm.Format == 1) { TB_ATKIV.Text = "10"; // an attempt was made TB_DEFIV.Text = randIV.ToString(); } else // pkm.Format == 2 { TB_ATKIV.Text = randIV.ToString(); TB_DEFIV.Text = "10"; } TB_SPEIV.Text = "10"; TB_SPAIV.Text = "10"; updateIVs(null, null); } TB_PID.Text = pkm.PID.ToString("X8"); if (pkm.GenNumber < 6 && TB_EC.Visible) TB_EC.Text = TB_PID.Text; getQuickFiller(dragout); updateLegality(); } private void updateTSV(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.Generation < 6) return; var TSV = pkm.TSV.ToString("0000"); string IDstr = "TSV: " + TSV; if (SAV.Generation > 6) IDstr += Environment.NewLine + "G7TID: " + pkm.TrainerID7.ToString("000000"); Tip1.SetToolTip(TB_TID, IDstr); Tip2.SetToolTip(TB_SID, IDstr); pkm.PID = Util.getHEXval(TB_PID.Text); var PSV = pkm.PSV; Tip3.SetToolTip(TB_PID, "PSV: " + PSV.ToString("0000")); } private void update_ID(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Trim out nonhex characters TB_PID.Text = Util.getHEXval(TB_PID.Text).ToString("X8"); TB_EC.Text = Util.getHEXval(TB_EC.Text).ToString("X8"); // Max TID/SID is 65535 if (Util.ToUInt32(TB_TID.Text) > ushort.MaxValue) TB_TID.Text = "65535"; if (Util.ToUInt32(TB_SID.Text) > ushort.MaxValue) TB_SID.Text = "65535"; setIsShiny(sender); getQuickFiller(dragout); updateIVs(null, null); // If the EC is changed, EC%6 (Characteristic) might be changed. TB_PID.Select(60, 0); // position cursor at end of field if (SAV.Generation <= 4 && fieldsLoaded) { fieldsLoaded = false; pkm.PID = Util.getHEXval(TB_PID.Text); CB_Nature.SelectedValue = pkm.Nature; Label_Gender.Text = gendersymbols[pkm.Gender]; Label_Gender.ForeColor = pkm.Gender == 2 ? Label_Species.ForeColor : (pkm.Gender == 1 ? Color.Red : Color.Blue); fieldsLoaded = true; } } private void updateShadowID(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!fieldsLoaded) return; FLP_Purification.Visible = NUD_ShadowID.Value > 0; } private void updatePurification(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!fieldsLoaded) return; fieldsLoaded = false; CHK_Shadow.Checked = NUD_Purification.Value > 0; fieldsLoaded = true; } private void updateShadowCHK(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!fieldsLoaded) return; fieldsLoaded = false; NUD_Purification.Value = CHK_Shadow.Checked ? NUD_Purification.Maximum : 0; fieldsLoaded = true; } private void validateComboBox(object sender) { if (!formInitialized) return; ComboBox cb = sender as ComboBox; if (cb == null) return; if (cb.Text == "" && cb.Items.Count > 0) { cb.SelectedIndex = 0; return; } if (cb.SelectedValue == null) cb.BackColor = Color.DarkSalmon; else cb.ResetBackColor(); } private void validateComboBox(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { if (!(sender is ComboBox)) return; validateComboBox(sender); if (fieldsLoaded) getQuickFiller(dragout); } private void validateComboBox2(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!fieldsInitialized) return; validateComboBox(sender, null); if (fieldsLoaded) { if (sender == CB_Ability && SAV.Generation >= 6) TB_AbilityNumber.Text = (1 << CB_Ability.SelectedIndex).ToString(); if (sender == CB_Ability && SAV.Generation <= 5 && CB_Ability.SelectedIndex < 2) // not hidden updateRandomPID(sender, e); if (sender == CB_Nature && SAV.Generation <= 4) { pkm.Nature = CB_Nature.SelectedIndex; updateRandomPID(sender, e); } if (sender == CB_HeldItem || sender == CB_Ability) updateLegality(); } updateNatureModification(sender, null); updateIVs(null, null); // updating Nature will trigger stats to update as well } private void validateMove(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!fieldsInitialized) return; validateComboBox(sender); if (!fieldsLoaded) return; if (new[] { CB_Move1, CB_Move2, CB_Move3, CB_Move4 }.Contains(sender)) // Move updatePP(sender, e); // Legality pkm.Moves = new[] {CB_Move1, CB_Move2, CB_Move3, CB_Move4}.Select(WinFormsUtil.getIndex).ToArray(); pkm.RelearnMoves = new[] {CB_RelearnMove1, CB_RelearnMove2, CB_RelearnMove3, CB_RelearnMove4}.Select(WinFormsUtil.getIndex).ToArray(); updateLegality(skipMoveRepop:true); } private void validateMovePaint(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Index < 0) return; var i = (ComboItem)(sender as ComboBox).Items[e.Index]; var moves = Legality.AllSuggestedMovesAndRelearn; bool vm = moves != null && moves.Contains(i.Value) && !HaX; bool current = (e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) == DrawItemState.Selected; Brush tBrush = current ? SystemBrushes.HighlightText : new SolidBrush(e.ForeColor); Brush brush = current ? SystemBrushes.Highlight : vm ? Brushes.PaleGreen : new SolidBrush(e.BackColor); e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, e.Bounds); e.Graphics.DrawString(i.Text, e.Font, tBrush, e.Bounds, StringFormat.GenericDefault); if (current) return; tBrush.Dispose(); if (!vm) brush.Dispose(); } private void validateLocation(object sender, EventArgs e) { validateComboBox(sender); if (!fieldsLoaded) return; pkm.Met_Location = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_MetLocation); pkm.Egg_Location = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_EggLocation); updateLegality(); } private void removedropCB(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { ((ComboBox)sender).DroppedDown = false; } private void showLegality(PKM pk, bool tabs, bool verbose, bool skipMoveRepop = false) { LegalityAnalysis la = new LegalityAnalysis(pk); if (!la.Parsed) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(pk.Format < 3 ? $"Checking legality of PK{pk.Format} files is not supported." : $"Checking legality of PK{pk.Format} files that originated from Gen{pk.GenNumber} is not supported."); return; } if (tabs) updateLegality(la, skipMoveRepop); WinFormsUtil.Alert(la.Report(verbose)); } private void updateLegality(LegalityAnalysis la = null, bool skipMoveRepop = false) { if (!fieldsLoaded) return; Legality = la ?? new LegalityAnalysis(pkm); if (!Legality.Parsed || HaX) { PB_Legal.Visible = PB_WarnMove1.Visible = PB_WarnMove2.Visible = PB_WarnMove3.Visible = PB_WarnMove4.Visible = PB_WarnRelearn1.Visible = PB_WarnRelearn2.Visible = PB_WarnRelearn3.Visible = PB_WarnRelearn4.Visible = false; return; } PB_Legal.Visible = true; PB_Legal.Image = Legality.Valid ? Resources.valid : Resources.warn; // Refresh Move Legality for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) movePB[i].Visible = !Legality.vMoves[i].Valid; if (pkm.Format >= 6) for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) relearnPB[i].Visible = !Legality.vRelearn[i].Valid; if (skipMoveRepop) return; // Resort moves bool tmp = fieldsLoaded; fieldsLoaded = false; var cb = new[] {CB_Move1, CB_Move2, CB_Move3, CB_Move4}; var moves = Legality.AllSuggestedMovesAndRelearn; var moveList = GameInfo.MoveDataSource.OrderByDescending(m => moves.Contains(m.Value)).ToArray(); foreach (ComboBox c in cb) { var index = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(c); c.DataSource = new BindingSource(moveList, null); c.SelectedValue = index; if (c.Visible) c.SelectionLength = 0; // flicker hack } fieldsLoaded |= tmp; } private void updateGender() { int cg = PKX.getGender(Label_Gender.Text); int gt = SAV.Personal.getFormeEntry(WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species), CB_Form.SelectedIndex).Gender; int Gender; if (gt == 255) // Genderless Gender = 2; else if (gt == 254) // Female Only Gender = 1; else if (gt == 0) // Male Only Gender = 0; else if (cg == 2 || WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_GameOrigin) < 24) Gender = (Util.getHEXval(TB_PID.Text) & 0xFF) <= gt ? 1 : 0; else Gender = cg; Label_Gender.Text = gendersymbols[Gender]; Label_Gender.ForeColor = Gender == 2 ? Label_Species.ForeColor : (Gender == 1 ? Color.Red : Color.Blue); } private void updateStats() { // Generate the stats. pkm.setStats(pkm.getStats(SAV.Personal.getFormeEntry(pkm.Species, pkm.AltForm))); Stat_HP.Text = pkm.Stat_HPCurrent.ToString(); Stat_ATK.Text = pkm.Stat_ATK.ToString(); Stat_DEF.Text = pkm.Stat_DEF.ToString(); Stat_SPA.Text = pkm.Stat_SPA.ToString(); Stat_SPD.Text = pkm.Stat_SPD.ToString(); Stat_SPE.Text = pkm.Stat_SPE.ToString(); // Recolor the Stat Labels based on boosted stats. { int incr = pkm.Nature / 5; int decr = pkm.Nature % 5; Label[] labarray = { Label_ATK, Label_DEF, Label_SPE, Label_SPA, Label_SPD }; // Reset Label Colors foreach (Label label in labarray) label.ResetForeColor(); // Set Colored StatLabels only if Nature isn't Neutral if (incr == decr) return; labarray[incr].ForeColor = Color.Red; labarray[decr].ForeColor = Color.Blue; } } private void updateUnicode() { if (!unicode) { gendersymbols = new[] { "M", "F", "-" }; BTN_Shinytize.Text = "*"; TB_Nickname.Font = TB_OT.Font = TB_OTt2.Font = Label_TID.Font; } else { gendersymbols = new[] { "♂", "♀", "-" }; BTN_Shinytize.Text = "☆"; TB_Nickname.Font = TB_OT.Font = TB_OTt2.Font = FontUtil.getPKXFont(11); } // Switch active gender labels to new if they are active. if (PKX.getGender(Label_Gender.Text) < 2) Label_Gender.Text = gendersymbols[PKX.getGender(Label_Gender.Text)]; if (PKX.getGender(Label_OTGender.Text) < 2) Label_OTGender.Text = gendersymbols[PKX.getGender(Label_OTGender.Text)]; if (PKX.getGender(Label_CTGender.Text) < 2) Label_CTGender.Text = gendersymbols[PKX.getGender(Label_CTGender.Text)]; } // Secondary Windows for Ribbons/Amie/Memories private void openRibbons(object sender, EventArgs e) { new RibbonEditor().ShowDialog(); } private void openMedals(object sender, EventArgs e) { new SuperTrainingEditor().ShowDialog(); } private void openHistory(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Write back current values pkm.HT_Name = TB_OTt2.Text; pkm.OT_Name = TB_OT.Text; pkm.IsEgg = CHK_IsEgg.Checked; pkm.CurrentFriendship = Util.ToInt32(TB_Friendship.Text); new MemoryAmie().ShowDialog(); TB_Friendship.Text = pkm.CurrentFriendship.ToString(); } // Open/Save Array Manipulation // public bool verifiedPKM() { if (ModifierKeys == (Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.Alt)) return true; // Override // Make sure the PKX Fields are filled out properly (color check) ComboBox[] cba = { CB_Species, CB_Nature, CB_HeldItem, CB_Ability, // Main Tab CB_MetLocation, CB_EggLocation, CB_Ball, // Met Tab CB_Move1, CB_Move2, CB_Move3, CB_Move4, // Moves CB_RelearnMove1, CB_RelearnMove2, CB_RelearnMove3, CB_RelearnMove4 // Moves }; ComboBox cb = cba.FirstOrDefault(c => c.BackColor == Color.DarkSalmon && c.Items.Count != 0); if (cb != null) { Control c = cb.Parent; while (!(c is TabPage)) c = c.Parent; tabMain.SelectedTab = c as TabPage; } else if (SAV.Generation >= 3 && Convert.ToUInt32(TB_EVTotal.Text) > 510 && !CHK_HackedStats.Checked) tabMain.SelectedTab = Tab_Stats; else if (WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species) == 0) tabMain.SelectedTab = Tab_Main; else return true; SystemSounds.Exclamation.Play(); return false; } public PKM preparePKM(bool click = true) { if (click) ValidateChildren(); PKM pk = getPKMfromFields(); return pk?.Clone(); } // Drag & Drop Events private void tabMain_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { if (e.AllowedEffect == (DragDropEffects.Copy | DragDropEffects.Link)) // external file e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; else if (e.Data != null) // within e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move; } private void tabMain_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); openQuick(files[0]); e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; Cursor = DefaultCursor; } // Decrypted Export private void dragout_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && (ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt || ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift)) clickQR(sender, e); if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) return; if (!verifiedPKM()) return; // Create Temp File to Drag PKM pkx = preparePKM(); bool encrypt = ModifierKeys == Keys.Control; string fn = pkx.FileName; fn = fn.Substring(0, fn.LastIndexOf('.')); string filename = $"{fn}{(encrypt ? ".ek" + pkx.Format : "." + pkx.Extension)}"; byte[] dragdata = encrypt ? pkx.EncryptedBoxData : pkx.DecryptedBoxData; // Make file string newfile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Util.CleanFileName(filename)); try { File.WriteAllBytes(newfile, dragdata); PictureBox pb = (PictureBox)sender; DragInfo.Cursor = Cursor = new Cursor(((Bitmap)pb.Image).GetHicon()); DoDragDrop(new DataObject(DataFormats.FileDrop, new[] { newfile }), DragDropEffects.Move); } catch (Exception x) { WinFormsUtil.Error("Drag & Drop Error", x); } DragInfo.Cursor = Cursor = DefaultCursor; File.Delete(newfile); } private void dragout_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move; } // Dragout Display private void dragoutEnter(object sender, EventArgs e) { dragout.BackgroundImage = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species) > 0 ? Resources.slotSet : Resources.slotDel; Cursor = Cursors.Hand; } private void dragoutLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { dragout.BackgroundImage = Resources.slotTrans; if (Cursor == Cursors.Hand) Cursor = Cursors.Default; } private void dragoutDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); openQuick(files[0]); e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; Cursor = DefaultCursor; } private void Main_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if ((SAV.Edited || PKMIsUnsaved) && DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Any unsaved changes will be lost.", "Are you sure you want to close PKHeX?")) { e.Cancel = true; return; } try { Settings.Default.Save(); } catch (Exception x) { File.WriteAllLines("config error.txt", new[] { x.ToString() }); } } #endregion #region //// SAVE FILE FUNCTIONS //// private void clickVerifyCHK(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.Edited) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Save has been edited. Cannot integrity check."); return; } if (SAV.ChecksumsValid) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Checksums are valid."); return; } if (DialogResult.Yes == WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Export Checksum Info to Clipboard?")) Clipboard.SetText(SAV.ChecksumInfo); } private void clickExportSAVBAK(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!SAV.Exportable) return; SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog { FileName = Util.CleanFileName(SAV.BAKName) }; if (sfd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; string path = sfd.FileName; File.WriteAllBytes(path, SAV.BAK); WinFormsUtil.Alert("Saved Backup of current SAV to:", path); if (!Directory.Exists(BackupPath)) promptBackup(); } private static void promptBackup() { if (DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, $"PKHeX can perform automatic backups if you create a folder with the name \"{BackupPath}\" in the same folder as PKHeX's executable.", "Would you like to create the backup folder now?")) return; try { Directory.CreateDirectory(BackupPath); WinFormsUtil.Alert("Backup folder created!", $"If you wish to no longer automatically back up save files, delete the \"{BackupPath}\" folder."); } catch(Exception ex) { WinFormsUtil.Error($"Unable to create backup folder @ {BackupPath}", ex); } } private void clickExportSAV(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Menu_ExportSAV.Enabled) return; ValidateChildren(); // Chunk Error Checking string err = SAV.MiscSaveChecks(); if (err.Length > 0 && WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, err, "Continue saving?") != DialogResult.Yes) return; SaveFileDialog main = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = SAV.Filter, FileName = SAV.FileName, RestoreDirectory = true }; if (Directory.Exists(SAV.FilePath)) main.InitialDirectory = SAV.FilePath; // Export if (main.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; if (SAV.HasBox) SAV.CurrentBox = CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex; bool dsv = Path.GetExtension(main.FileName)?.ToLower() == ".dsv"; bool gci = Path.GetExtension(main.FileName)?.ToLower() == ".gci"; try { File.WriteAllBytes(main.FileName, SAV.Write(dsv, gci)); SAV.Edited = false; WinFormsUtil.Alert("SAV exported to:", main.FileName); } catch (Exception x) { if (x is UnauthorizedAccessException || x is FileNotFoundException || x is IOException) WinFormsUtil.Error("Unable to save." + Environment.NewLine + x.Message, "If destination is a removable disk (SD card), please ensure the write protection switch is not set."); else throw; } } // Box/SAV Functions // private void clickBoxRight(object sender, EventArgs e) { CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex = (CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex + 1) % SAV.BoxCount; } private void clickBoxLeft(object sender, EventArgs e) { CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex = (CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex + SAV.BoxCount-1) % SAV.BoxCount; } private void clickBoxSort(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tabBoxMulti.SelectedTab != Tab_Box) return; if (!SAV.HasBox) return; string modified; bool all = false; if (ModifierKeys == (Keys.Alt | Keys.Shift) && DialogResult.Yes == WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Clear ALL Boxes?!")) { if (SAV.getBoxHasLockedSlot(0, SAV.BoxCount - 1)) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Battle Box slots prevent the clearing of all boxes."); return; } SAV.resetBoxes(); modified = "Boxes cleared!"; all = true; } else if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt && DialogResult.Yes == WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Clear Current Box?")) { if (SAV.getBoxHasLockedSlot(CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex, CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex)) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Battle Box slots prevent the clearing of box."); return; } SAV.resetBoxes(CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex, CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex + 1); modified = "Current Box cleared!"; } else if (ModifierKeys == (Keys.Control | Keys.Shift) && DialogResult.Yes == WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Sort ALL Boxes?!")) { if (SAV.getBoxHasLockedSlot(0, SAV.BoxCount - 1)) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Battle Box slots prevent the sorting of all boxes."); return; } SAV.sortBoxes(); modified = "Boxes sorted!"; all = true; } else if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control && DialogResult.Yes == WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Sort Current Box?")) { if (SAV.getBoxHasLockedSlot(CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex, CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex)) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Battle Box slots prevent the sorting of box."); return; } SAV.sortBoxes(CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex, CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex + 1); modified = "Current Box sorted!"; } else return; setPKXBoxes(); updateBoxViewers(all); WinFormsUtil.Alert(modified); } private void clickBoxDouble(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (tabBoxMulti.SelectedTab == Tab_SAV) { clickSaveFileName(sender, e); return; } if (tabBoxMulti.SelectedTab != Tab_Box) return; if (!SAV.HasBox) return; if (ModifierKeys != Keys.Shift) { var z = Application.OpenForms.Cast().FirstOrDefault(form => form.GetType() == typeof(SAV_BoxViewer)) as SAV_BoxViewer; if (z != null) { WinFormsUtil.CenterToForm(z, this); z.BringToFront(); return; } } new SAV_BoxViewer(this).Show(); } public int swapBoxesViewer(int viewBox) { int mainBox = CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex; CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex = viewBox; return mainBox; } public void notifyBoxViewerRefresh() { var views = Application.OpenForms.OfType(); foreach (var v in views.Where(v => DragInfo.WasDragParticipant(v, v.CurrentBox) == false)) v.setPKXBoxes(); if (DragInfo.WasDragParticipant(this, CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex) == false) setPKXBoxes(); } private void updateBoxViewers(bool all = false) { var views = Application.OpenForms.OfType(); foreach (var v in views.Where(v => v.CurrentBox == CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex || all)) v.setPKXBoxes(); } private void clickSlot(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (ModifierKeys) { case Keys.Control | Keys.Alt: clickClone(sender, e); break; case Keys.Control: clickView(sender, e); break; case Keys.Shift: clickSet(sender, e); break; case Keys.Alt: clickDelete(sender, e); break; } } private void clickView(object sender, EventArgs e) { int slot = getSlot(sender); if (SlotPictureBoxes[slot].Image == null) { SystemSounds.Exclamation.Play(); return; } if (PKMIsUnsaved && DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "PKM has been modified but has not been Set.", "Continue?")) return; int offset = getPKXOffset(slot); if (offset < 0) { WinFormsUtil.Error($"Slot read error @ slot {slot}."); return; } // Load the PKX file PKM pk = 30 <= slot && slot < 36 ? SAV.getPartySlot(offset) : SAV.getStoredSlot(offset); if (pk.Valid && pk.Species != 0) { try { populateFields(pk); } catch { } // Visual to display what slot is currently loaded. getSlotColor(slot, Resources.slotView); } else SystemSounds.Exclamation.Play(); } private void clickSet(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!verifiedPKM()) return; int slot = getSlot(sender); if (slot == 30 && (CB_Species.SelectedIndex == 0 || CHK_IsEgg.Checked)) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Can't have empty/egg first slot."); return; } if (SAV.getIsSlotLocked(CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex, slot)) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Can't set to locked slot."); return; } int offset = getPKXOffset(slot); if (offset < 0) { WinFormsUtil.Error($"Slot read error @ slot {slot}."); return; } PKM pk = preparePKM(); string[] errata = SAV.IsPKMCompatible(pk); if (errata.Length > 0 && DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, string.Join(Environment.NewLine, errata), "Continue?")) return; if (slot >= 30 && slot < 36) // Party { // If slot isn't overwriting existing PKM, make it write to the lowest empty PKM slot if (SAV.PartyCount < slot + 1 - 30) { slot = SAV.PartyCount + 30; offset = getPKXOffset(slot); } SAV.setPartySlot(pk, offset); setParty(); getSlotColor(slot, Resources.slotSet); } else if (slot < 30 || HaX) { if (slot < 30) { UndoStack.Push(new SlotChange { Box = CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex, Slot = slot, Offset = offset, OriginalData = SAV.getStoredSlot(offset) }); Menu_Undo.Enabled = true; } SAV.setStoredSlot(pk, offset); getQuickFiller(SlotPictureBoxes[slot], pk); getSlotColor(slot, Resources.slotSet); } lastData = pk.Data; updateBoxViewers(); RedoStack.Clear(); Menu_Redo.Enabled = false; } private void clickDelete(object sender, EventArgs e) { int slot = getSlot(sender); if (slot == 30 && SAV.PartyCount == 1 && !HaX) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Can't delete first slot."); return; } if (SAV.getIsSlotLocked(CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex, slot)) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Can't delete locked slot."); return; } int offset = getPKXOffset(slot); if (offset < 0) { WinFormsUtil.Error($"Slot read error @ slot {slot}."); return; } if (slot >= 30 && slot < 36) // Party { SAV.deletePartySlot(slot-30); setParty(); getSlotColor(slot, Resources.slotDel); return; } if (slot < 30 || HaX) { if (slot < 30) { UndoStack.Push(new SlotChange { Box = CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex, Slot = slot, Offset = offset, OriginalData = SAV.getStoredSlot(offset) }); Menu_Undo.Enabled = true; } SAV.setStoredSlot(SAV.BlankPKM, getPKXOffset(slot)); } else return; getQuickFiller(SlotPictureBoxes[slot], SAV.BlankPKM); getSlotColor(slot, Resources.slotDel); updateBoxViewers(); RedoStack.Clear(); Menu_Redo.Enabled = false; } private readonly Stack UndoStack = new Stack(); private readonly Stack RedoStack = new Stack(); private void clickUndo(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!UndoStack.Any()) return; SlotChange change = UndoStack.Pop(); if (change.Slot >= 30) return; RedoStack.Push(new SlotChange { Slot = change.Slot, Box = change.Box, Offset = change.Offset, OriginalData = SAV.getStoredSlot(change.Offset) }); undoSlotChange(change); } private void clickRedo(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!RedoStack.Any()) return; SlotChange change = RedoStack.Pop(); if (change.Slot >= 30) return; UndoStack.Push(new SlotChange { Slot = change.Slot, Box = change.Box, Offset = change.Offset, OriginalData = SAV.getStoredSlot(change.Offset) }); undoSlotChange(change); } private void undoSlotChange(SlotChange change) { int slot = change.Slot; int offset = change.Offset; PKM pk = (PKM)change.OriginalData; if (CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex != change.Box) CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex = change.Box; SAV.setStoredSlot(pk, offset); getQuickFiller(SlotPictureBoxes[slot], pk); getSlotColor(slot, Resources.slotSet); Menu_Undo.Enabled = UndoStack.Any(); Menu_Redo.Enabled = RedoStack.Any(); SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play(); } private void clickClone(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (getSlot(sender) > 30) return; // only perform action if cloning to boxes if (!verifiedPKM()) return; // don't copy garbage to the box if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, $"Clone Pokemon from Editing Tabs to all slots in {CB_BoxSelect.Text}?") != DialogResult.Yes) return; PKM pk = preparePKM(); int slotSkipped = 0; for (int i = 0; i < SAV.BoxSlotCount; i++) // set to every slot in box { if (SAV.getIsSlotLocked(CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex, i)) { slotSkipped++; continue; } SAV.setStoredSlot(pk, getPKXOffset(i)); getQuickFiller(SlotPictureBoxes[i], pk); } if (slotSkipped > 0) WinFormsUtil.Alert($"Skipped {slotSkipped} locked slot{(slotSkipped > 1 ? "s" : "")}."); updateBoxViewers(); } private void clickLegality(object sender, EventArgs e) { int slot = getSlot(sender); PKM pk; if (slot >= 0) { pk = SAV.getStoredSlot(getPKXOffset(slot)); if (slot < 30 || slot >= 36) // not party pk.Box = CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex; // mark as in a box } else if (verifiedPKM()) pk = preparePKM(); else return; if (pk.Species == 0 || !pk.ChecksumValid) { SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play(); return; } showLegality(pk, slot < 0, ModifierKeys == Keys.Control); } private void updateSaveSlot(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.Version != GameVersion.BATREV) return; ((SAV4BR)SAV).CurrentSlot = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_SaveSlot); setPKXBoxes(); } private void updateStringSeed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!fieldsLoaded) return; TextBox tb = sender as TextBox; if (tb == null) return; if (tb.Text.Length == 0) { tb.Undo(); return; } string filterText = Util.getOnlyHex(tb.Text); if (filterText.Length != tb.Text.Length) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Expected HEX (0-9, A-F).", "Received: " + Environment.NewLine + tb.Text); tb.Undo(); return; } // Write final value back to the save if (tb == TB_RNGSeed) { var value = filterText.PadLeft(SAV.DaycareSeedSize, '0'); SAV.setDaycareRNGSeed(SAV.DaycareIndex, value); SAV.Edited = true; } else if (tb == TB_GameSync) { var value = filterText.PadLeft(SAV.GameSyncIDSize, '0'); SAV.GameSyncID = value; SAV.Edited = true; } else if (SAV.Generation >= 6) { var value = Convert.ToUInt64(filterText, 16); if (tb == TB_Secure1) SAV.Secure1 = value; else if (tb == TB_Secure2) SAV.Secure2 = value; SAV.Edited = true; } } private void updateIsNicknamed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!fieldsLoaded) return; pkm.Nickname = TB_Nickname.Text; if (CHK_Nicknamed.Checked) return; int species = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species); if (species < 1 || species > SAV.MaxSpeciesID) return; if (CHK_IsEgg.Checked) species = 0; // get the egg name. if (PKX.getIsNicknamedAnyLanguage(species, TB_Nickname.Text, SAV.Generation)) CHK_Nicknamed.Checked = true; } // Generic Subfunctions // public void setParty() { PKM[] party = SAV.PartyData; PKM[] battle = SAV.BattleBoxData; // Refresh slots if (SAV.HasParty) { for (int i = 0; i < party.Length; i++) getQuickFiller(SlotPictureBoxes[i + 30], party[i]); for (int i = party.Length; i < 6; i++) SlotPictureBoxes[i + 30].Image = null; } if (SAV.HasBattleBox) { for (int i = 0; i < battle.Length; i++) getQuickFiller(SlotPictureBoxes[i + 36], battle[i]); for (int i = battle.Length; i < 6; i++) SlotPictureBoxes[i + 36].Image = null; } } private int getPKXOffset(int slot) { if (slot < 30) // Box Slot return SAV.getBoxOffset(CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex) + slot * SAV.SIZE_STORED; slot -= 30; if (slot < 6) // Party Slot return SAV.getPartyOffset(slot); slot -= 6; if (slot < 6) // Battle Box Slot return SAV.BattleBox + slot * SAV.SIZE_STORED; slot -= 6; if (slot < 2) // Daycare return SAV.getDaycareSlotOffset(SAV.DaycareIndex, slot); slot -= 2; if (slot == 0) // GTS return SAV.GTS; slot -= 1; if (slot == 0) // Fused return SAV.Fused; slot -= 1; if (slot < 3) // SUBE return SAV.SUBE + slot * (SAV.SIZE_STORED + 4); return -1; } private int getSlot(object sender) { sender = ((sender as ToolStripItem)?.Owner as ContextMenuStrip)?.SourceControl ?? sender as PictureBox; return Array.IndexOf(SlotPictureBoxes, sender); } public void setPKXBoxes() { if (SAV.HasBox) { int boxoffset = SAV.getBoxOffset(CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex); int boxbgval = SAV.getBoxWallpaper(CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex); PAN_Box.BackgroundImage = SAV.WallpaperImage(boxbgval); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { if (i < SAV.BoxSlotCount) { getSlotFiller(boxoffset + SAV.SIZE_STORED * i, SlotPictureBoxes[i]); } else { SlotPictureBoxes[i].Image = null; SlotPictureBoxes[i].Visible = false; } } } // Reload Party if (SAV.HasParty) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) getSlotFiller(SAV.getPartyOffset(i), SlotPictureBoxes[i + 30]); } // Reload Battle Box if (SAV.HasBattleBox) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) getSlotFiller(SAV.BattleBox + SAV.SIZE_STORED * i, SlotPictureBoxes[i + 36]); } // Reload Daycare if (SAV.HasDaycare) { Label[] L_SlotOccupied = { L_DC1, L_DC2 }; TextBox[] TB_SlotEXP = { TB_Daycare1XP, TB_Daycare2XP }; Label[] L_SlotEXP = { L_XP1, L_XP2 }; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { getSlotFiller(SAV.getDaycareSlotOffset(SAV.DaycareIndex, i), SlotPictureBoxes[i + 42]); uint? exp = SAV.getDaycareEXP(SAV.DaycareIndex, i); TB_SlotEXP[i].Visible = L_SlotEXP[i].Visible = exp != null; TB_SlotEXP[i].Text = exp.ToString(); bool? occ = SAV.getDaycareOccupied(SAV.DaycareIndex, i); L_SlotOccupied[i].Visible = occ != null; if (occ == true) // If Occupied L_SlotOccupied[i].Text = $"{i + 1}: ✓"; else { L_SlotOccupied[i].Text = $"{i + 1}: ✘"; SlotPictureBoxes[i + 42].Image = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(SlotPictureBoxes[i + 42].Image, 0.6); } } bool? egg = SAV.getDaycareHasEgg(SAV.DaycareIndex); DayCare_HasEgg.Visible = egg != null; DayCare_HasEgg.Checked = egg == true; var seed = SAV.getDaycareRNGSeed(SAV.DaycareIndex); L_DaycareSeed.Visible = TB_RNGSeed.Visible = seed != null; if (seed != null) { TB_RNGSeed.MaxLength = SAV.DaycareSeedSize; TB_RNGSeed.Text = seed; } } // GTS if (SAV.HasGTS) getSlotFiller(SAV.GTS, SlotPictureBoxes[44]); // Fused if (SAV.HasFused) getSlotFiller(SAV.Fused, SlotPictureBoxes[45]); // SUBE if (SAV.HasSUBE) for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int offset = SAV.SUBE + i * (SAV.SIZE_STORED + 4); if (BitConverter.ToUInt64(SAV.Data, offset) != 0) getSlotFiller(offset, SlotPictureBoxes[46 + i]); else SlotPictureBoxes[46 + i].Image = null; } // Recoloring of a storage box slot (to not show for other storage boxes) if (colorizedslot <= SAV.BoxCount) SlotPictureBoxes[colorizedslot].BackgroundImage = colorizedbox == CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex ? colorizedcolor : null; } private void setBoxNames() { if (!SAV.HasBox) return; // Build ComboBox Dropdown Items try { CB_BoxSelect.Items.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < SAV.BoxCount; i++) CB_BoxSelect.Items.Add(SAV.getBoxName(i)); } catch { CB_BoxSelect.Items.Clear(); for (int i = 1; i <= SAV.BoxCount; i++) CB_BoxSelect.Items.Add($"BOX {i}"); } if (SAV.CurrentBox < CB_BoxSelect.Items.Count) CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex = SAV.CurrentBox; // restore selected box } private void getQuickFiller(PictureBox pb, PKM pk = null) { if (!fieldsInitialized) return; pk = pk ?? preparePKM(false); // don't perform control loss click if (pb == dragout) mnuLQR.Enabled = pk.Species != 0; // Species int slot = getSlot(pb); pb.Image = pk.Sprite(SAV, CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex, slot, Menu_FlagIllegal.Checked); if (pb.BackColor == Color.Red) pb.BackColor = Color.Transparent; } private void getSlotFiller(int offset, PictureBox pb) { if (SAV.getData(offset, SAV.SIZE_STORED).SequenceEqual(new byte[SAV.SIZE_STORED])) { // 00s present in slot. pb.Image = null; pb.BackColor = Color.Transparent; pb.Visible = true; return; } PKM p = SAV.getStoredSlot(offset); if (!p.Valid) // Invalid { // Bad Egg present in slot. pb.Image = null; pb.BackColor = Color.Red; pb.Visible = true; return; } int slot = getSlot(pb); pb.Image = p.Sprite(SAV, CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex, slot, Menu_FlagIllegal.Checked); pb.BackColor = Color.Transparent; pb.Visible = true; } private void getSlotColor(int slot, Image color) { foreach (PictureBox t in SlotPictureBoxes) t.BackgroundImage = null; if (slot < 30) colorizedbox = CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex; SlotPictureBoxes[slot].BackgroundImage = color; colorizedcolor = color; colorizedslot = slot; } private void getBox(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.CurrentBox != CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex) { SAV.CurrentBox = CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex; SAV.Edited = true; // Dumb } setPKXBoxes(); } private void switchDaycare(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!SAV.HasTwoDaycares) return; if (DialogResult.Yes == WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Would you like to switch the view to the other Daycare?", $"Currently viewing daycare {SAV.DaycareIndex + 1}.")) // If ORAS, alter the daycare offset via toggle. SAV.DaycareIndex ^= 1; // Refresh Boxes setPKXBoxes(); } private void loadBoxesFromDB(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) return; if (!SAV.HasBox) return; DialogResult dr = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, "Clear subsequent boxes when importing data?", "If you only want to overwrite for new data, press no."); if (dr == DialogResult.Cancel) return; string result; bool clearAll = dr == DialogResult.Yes; bool? noSetb = getPKMSetOverride(); SAV.loadBoxes(path, out result, CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex, clearAll, noSetb); setPKXBoxes(); WinFormsUtil.Alert(result); } private void B_SaveBoxBin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!SAV.HasBox) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Save file does not have boxes to dump!"); return; } DialogResult dr = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, "Yes: Export All Boxes" + Environment.NewLine + $"No: Export {CB_BoxSelect.Text} (Box {CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex + 1})" + Environment.NewLine + "Cancel: Abort"); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog {Filter = "Box Data|*.bin", FileName = "pcdata.bin"}; if (sfd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; File.WriteAllBytes(sfd.FileName, SAV.getPCBin()); } else if (dr == DialogResult.No) { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog {Filter = "Box Data|*.bin", FileName = $"boxdata {CB_BoxSelect.Text}.bin"}; if (sfd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; File.WriteAllBytes(sfd.FileName, SAV.getBoxBin(CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex)); } } private bool? getPKMSetOverride() { var yn = Menu_ModifyPKM.Checked ? "Yes" : "No"; DialogResult noSet = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, "Loading overrides:", "Yes - Modify .pk* when set to SAV" + Environment.NewLine + "No - Don't modify .pk*" + Environment.NewLine + $"Cancel - Use current settings ({yn})"); return noSet == DialogResult.Yes ? true : (noSet == DialogResult.No ? (bool?)false : null); } // Subfunction Save Buttons // private void B_OpenWondercards_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_Wondercard(sender as MysteryGift).ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenPokepuffs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_Pokepuff().ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenPokeBeans_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_Pokebean().ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenItemPouch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_Inventory().ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenBerryField_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_BerryFieldXY().ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenPokeblocks_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_PokeBlockORAS().ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenEventFlags_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_EventFlags().ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenSuperTraining_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_SuperTrain().ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenSecretBase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_SecretBase().ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenZygardeCells_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_ZygardeCell().ShowDialog(); private void B_LinkInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_Link6().ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenBoxLayout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { new SAV_BoxLayout(CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex).ShowDialog(); setBoxNames(); // fix box names setPKXBoxes(); // refresh box background updateBoxViewers(all:true); // update subviewers } private void B_OpenTrainerInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.Generation < 6) new SAV_SimpleTrainer().ShowDialog(); else if (SAV.Generation == 6) new SAV_Trainer().ShowDialog(); else if (SAV.Generation == 7) new SAV_Trainer7().ShowDialog(); // Refresh conversion info PKMConverter.updateConfig(SAV.SubRegion, SAV.Country, SAV.ConsoleRegion, SAV.OT, SAV.Gender, SAV.Language); } private void B_OpenOPowers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.Generation != 6) return; if (SAV.ORAS) { DialogResult dr = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "No editing support for ORAS :(", "Max O-Powers with a working code?"); if (dr != DialogResult.Yes) return; new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }.CopyTo(SAV.Data, ((SAV6) SAV).OPower); } else if (SAV.XY) new SAV_OPower().ShowDialog(); } private void B_OpenFriendSafari_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!SAV.XY) return; DialogResult dr = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "No editing support for Friend Safari :(", "Unlock all 3 slots for each friend?"); if (dr != DialogResult.Yes) return; // Unlock + reveal all safari slots if friend data is present for (int i = 1; i < 101; i++) if (SAV.Data[0x1E7FF + 0x15*i] != 0x00) // no friend data == 0x00 SAV.Data[0x1E7FF + 0x15*i] = 0x3D; } private void B_OpenPokedex_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (SAV.Generation) { case 1: case 2: new SAV_SimplePokedex().ShowDialog(); break; case 3: if (SAV.GameCube) return; new SAV_SimplePokedex().ShowDialog(); break; case 4: if (SAV is SAV4BR) return; new SAV_Pokedex4().ShowDialog(); break; case 5: new SAV_Pokedex5().ShowDialog(); break; case 6: if (SAV.ORAS) new SAV_PokedexORAS().ShowDialog(); else if (SAV.XY) new SAV_PokedexXY().ShowDialog(); break; case 7: if (SAV.SM) new SAV_PokedexSM().ShowDialog(); break; } } private void B_OpenMiscEditor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (SAV.Generation) { case 3: new SAV_Misc3().ShowDialog(); break; case 4: new SAV_Misc4().ShowDialog(); break; } } private void B_OpenRTCEditor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (SAV.Generation) { case 3: new SAV_RTC3().ShowDialog(); break; } } private void B_OpenHoneyTreeEditor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (SAV.Version) { case GameVersion.DP: case GameVersion.Pt: new SAV_HoneyTree().ShowDialog(); break; } } private void B_OUTPasserby_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.Generation != 6) return; if (DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Export Passerby Info to Clipboard?")) return; string result = "PSS List" + Environment.NewLine; string[] headers = { "PSS Data - Friends", "PSS Data - Acquaintances", "PSS Data - Passerby", }; int offset = ((SAV6) SAV).PSS; for (int g = 0; g < 3; g++) { result += Environment.NewLine + "----" + Environment.NewLine + headers[g] + Environment.NewLine + "----" + Environment.NewLine; // uint count = BitConverter.ToUInt32(savefile, offset + 0x4E20); int r_offset = offset; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { ulong unkn = BitConverter.ToUInt64(SAV.Data, r_offset); if (unkn == 0) break; // No data present here if (i > 0) result += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; string otname = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(SAV.Data, r_offset + 8, 0x1A)); string message = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(SAV.Data, r_offset + 0x22, 0x22)); // Trim terminated // uint unk1 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(savefile, r_offset + 0x44); // ulong unk2 = BitConverter.ToUInt64(savefile, r_offset + 0x48); // uint unk3 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(savefile, r_offset + 0x50); // uint unk4 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(savefile, r_offset + 0x54); byte region = SAV.Data[r_offset + 0x56]; byte country = SAV.Data[r_offset + 0x57]; byte game = SAV.Data[r_offset + 0x5A]; // ulong outfit = BitConverter.ToUInt64(savefile, r_offset + 0x5C); int favpkm = BitConverter.ToUInt16(SAV.Data, r_offset + 0x9C) & 0x7FF; string gamename; try { gamename = GameInfo.Strings.gamelist[game]; } catch { gamename = "UNKNOWN GAME"; } var cr = GameInfo.getCountryRegionText(country, region, curlanguage); result += "OT: " + otname + Environment.NewLine + "Message: " + message + Environment.NewLine + "Game: " + gamename + Environment.NewLine + "Country: " + cr.Item1 + Environment.NewLine + "Region: " + cr.Item2 + Environment.NewLine + "Favorite: " + GameInfo.Strings.specieslist[favpkm]; r_offset += 0xC8; // Advance to next entry } offset += 0x5000; // Advance to next block } Clipboard.SetText(result); } private void B_OUTHallofFame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.Generation == 6) new SAV_HallOfFame().ShowDialog(); else if (SAV.SM) new SAV_HallOfFame7().ShowDialog(); } private void B_CGearSkin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.Generation != 5) return; // can never be too safe new SAV_CGearSkin().ShowDialog(); } private void B_JPEG_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte[] jpeg = SAV.JPEGData; if (SAV.JPEGData == null) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("No PGL picture data found in the save file!"); return; } string filename = SAV.JPEGTitle + "'s picture"; SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog {FileName = filename, Filter = "JPEG|*.jpeg"}; if (sfd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; File.WriteAllBytes(sfd.FileName, jpeg); } // Save Folder Related private void clickSaveFileName(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path; string cgse = ""; string pathCache = CyberGadgetUtil.GetCacheFolder(); if (Directory.Exists(pathCache)) cgse = Path.Combine(pathCache); if (!PathUtilWindows.detectSaveFile(out path, cgse)) WinFormsUtil.Error(path); if (path == null || !File.Exists(path)) return; if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Open save file from the following location?", path) == DialogResult.Yes) openQuick(path); // load save } // Drag and drop related functions private static Image OriginalBackground; private static Image CurrentBackground; private void pbBoxSlot_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e) { var pb = (PictureBox) sender; if (pb.Image == null) return; OriginalBackground = pb.BackgroundImage; pb.BackgroundImage = CurrentBackground = Resources.slotHover; Cursor = Cursors.Hand; } private void pbBoxSlot_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { var pb = (PictureBox)sender; if (pb.BackgroundImage != CurrentBackground) return; pb.BackgroundImage = OriginalBackground; Cursor = Cursors.Default; } private void pbBoxSlot_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (!DragInfo.slotDragDropInProgress) clickSlot(sender, e); } private void pbBoxSlot_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) DragInfo.slotLeftMouseIsDown = false; if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) DragInfo.slotRightMouseIsDown = false; } private void pbBoxSlot_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) DragInfo.slotLeftMouseIsDown = true; if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) DragInfo.slotRightMouseIsDown = true; } private void pbBoxSlot_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (DragInfo.slotDragDropInProgress) return; if (!DragInfo.slotLeftMouseIsDown) return; // The goal is to create a temporary PKX file for the underlying Pokemon // and use that file to perform a drag drop operation. // Abort if there is no Pokemon in the given slot. PictureBox pb = (PictureBox)sender; if (pb.Image == null) return; int slot = getSlot(pb); int box = slot >= 30 ? -1 : CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex; if (SAV.getIsSlotLocked(box, slot)) return; // Set flag to prevent re-entering. DragInfo.slotDragDropInProgress = true; DragInfo.slotSource = this; DragInfo.slotSourceSlotNumber = slot; DragInfo.slotSourceBoxNumber = box; DragInfo.slotSourceOffset = getPKXOffset(DragInfo.slotSourceSlotNumber); // Prepare Data DragInfo.slotPkmSource = SAV.getData(DragInfo.slotSourceOffset, SAV.SIZE_STORED); // Make a new file name based off the PID bool encrypt = ModifierKeys == Keys.Control; byte[] dragdata = SAV.decryptPKM(DragInfo.slotPkmSource); Array.Resize(ref dragdata, SAV.SIZE_STORED); PKM pkx = SAV.getPKM(dragdata); string fn = pkx.FileName; fn = fn.Substring(0, fn.LastIndexOf('.')); string filename = $"{fn}{(encrypt ? ".ek" + pkx.Format : "." + pkx.Extension)}"; // Make File string newfile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Util.CleanFileName(filename)); try { File.WriteAllBytes(newfile, encrypt ? pkx.EncryptedBoxData : pkx.DecryptedBoxData); var img = (Bitmap)pb.Image; DragInfo.Cursor = Cursor.Current = new Cursor(img.GetHicon()); pb.Image = null; pb.BackgroundImage = Resources.slotDrag; // Thread Blocks on DoDragDrop DragInfo.CurrentPath = newfile; DragDropEffects result = pb.DoDragDrop(new DataObject(DataFormats.FileDrop, new[] { newfile }), DragDropEffects.Move); if (!DragInfo.SourceValid || result != DragDropEffects.Link) // not dropped to another box slot, restore img pb.Image = img; else // refresh image getQuickFiller(pb, SAV.getStoredSlot(DragInfo.slotSourceOffset)); pb.BackgroundImage = null; if (DragInfo.SameBox && DragInfo.DestinationValid) { if (SAV.getIsTeamSet(box, DragInfo.slotDestinationSlotNumber) ^ SAV.getIsTeamSet(box, DragInfo.slotSourceSlotNumber)) getQuickFiller(SlotPictureBoxes[DragInfo.slotDestinationSlotNumber], SAV.getStoredSlot(DragInfo.slotDestinationOffset)); else SlotPictureBoxes[DragInfo.slotDestinationSlotNumber].Image = img; } if (result == DragDropEffects.Copy) // viewed in tabs, apply 'view' highlight getSlotColor(DragInfo.slotSourceSlotNumber, Resources.slotView); } catch (Exception x) { WinFormsUtil.Error("Drag & Drop Error", x); } notifyBoxViewerRefresh(); DragInfo.Reset(); Cursor = DefaultCursor; // Browser apps need time to load data since the file isn't moved to a location on the user's local storage. // Tested 10ms -> too quick, 100ms was fine. 500ms should be safe? new Thread(() => { Thread.Sleep(500); if (File.Exists(newfile) && DragInfo.CurrentPath == null) File.Delete(newfile); }).Start(); if (DragInfo.SourceParty || DragInfo.DestinationParty) setParty(); } private void pbBoxSlot_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { DragInfo.slotDestination = this; DragInfo.slotDestinationSlotNumber = getSlot(sender); DragInfo.slotDestinationOffset = getPKXOffset(DragInfo.slotDestinationSlotNumber); DragInfo.slotDestinationBoxNumber = DragInfo.DestinationParty ? -1 : CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex; // Check for In-Dropped files (PKX,SAV,ETC) string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); if (Directory.Exists(files[0])) { loadBoxesFromDB(files[0]); return; } if (DragInfo.SameSlot) return; if (SAV.getIsSlotLocked(DragInfo.slotDestinationBoxNumber, DragInfo.slotDestinationSlotNumber)) { DragInfo.slotDestinationSlotNumber = -1; // Invalidate WinFormsUtil.Alert("Unable to set to locked slot."); return; } if (DragInfo.slotSourceOffset < 0) // file { if (files.Length <= 0) return; string file = files[0]; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file); if (!PKX.getIsPKM(fi.Length) && !MysteryGift.getIsMysteryGift(fi.Length)) { openQuick(file); return; } byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(file); MysteryGift mg = MysteryGift.getMysteryGift(data, fi.Extension); PKM temp = mg?.convertToPKM(SAV) ?? PKMConverter.getPKMfromBytes(data, prefer: fi.Extension.Length > 0 ? (fi.Extension.Last() - 0x30)&7 : SAV.Generation); string c; PKM pk = PKMConverter.convertToFormat(temp, SAV.PKMType, out c); if (pk == null) { WinFormsUtil.Error(c); Console.WriteLine(c); return; } string[] errata = SAV.IsPKMCompatible(pk); if (errata.Length > 0) { string concat = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, errata); if (DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, concat, "Continue?")) { Console.WriteLine(c); Console.WriteLine(concat); return; } } DragInfo.setPKMtoDestination(SAV, pk); getQuickFiller(SlotPictureBoxes[DragInfo.slotDestinationSlotNumber], pk); getSlotColor(DragInfo.slotDestinationSlotNumber, Resources.slotSet); Console.WriteLine(c); } else { PKM pkz = DragInfo.getPKMfromSource(SAV); if (!DragInfo.SourceValid) { } // not overwritable, do nothing else if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt && DragInfo.DestinationValid) // overwrite delete old slot { // Clear from slot if (DragInfo.SameBox) getQuickFiller(SlotPictureBoxes[DragInfo.slotSourceSlotNumber], SAV.BlankPKM); // picturebox DragInfo.setPKMtoSource(SAV, SAV.BlankPKM); } else if (ModifierKeys != Keys.Control && DragInfo.DestinationValid) { // Load data from destination PKM pk = ((PictureBox) sender).Image != null ? DragInfo.getPKMfromDestination(SAV) : SAV.BlankPKM; // Set destination pokemon image to source picture box if (DragInfo.SameBox) getQuickFiller(SlotPictureBoxes[DragInfo.slotSourceSlotNumber], pk); // Set destination pokemon data to source slot DragInfo.setPKMtoSource(SAV, pk); } else if (DragInfo.SameBox) getQuickFiller(SlotPictureBoxes[DragInfo.slotSourceSlotNumber], pkz); // Copy from temp to destination slot. DragInfo.setPKMtoDestination(SAV, pkz); getQuickFiller(SlotPictureBoxes[DragInfo.slotDestinationSlotNumber], pkz); e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Link; Cursor = DefaultCursor; } if (DragInfo.SourceParty || DragInfo.DestinationParty) setParty(); if (DragInfo.slotSource == null) // another instance or file { notifyBoxViewerRefresh(); DragInfo.Reset(); } } private void pbBoxSlot_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { if (e.AllowedEffect == (DragDropEffects.Copy | DragDropEffects.Link)) // external file e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; else if (e.Data != null) // within e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move; if (DragInfo.slotDragDropInProgress) Cursor = (Cursor)DragInfo.Cursor; } private void pbBoxSlot_QueryContinueDrag(object sender, QueryContinueDragEventArgs e) { if (e.Action == DragAction.Cancel || e.Action == DragAction.Drop) { DragInfo.slotLeftMouseIsDown = false; DragInfo.slotRightMouseIsDown = false; DragInfo.slotDragDropInProgress = false; } } public static class DragInfo { public static bool slotLeftMouseIsDown; public static bool slotRightMouseIsDown; public static bool slotDragDropInProgress; public static byte[] slotPkmSource; public static byte[] slotPkmDestination; public static object slotSource; public static int slotSourceOffset = -1; public static int slotSourceSlotNumber = -1; public static int slotSourceBoxNumber = -1; public static object slotDestination; public static int slotDestinationOffset = -1; public static int slotDestinationSlotNumber = -1; public static int slotDestinationBoxNumber = -1; public static object Cursor; public static string CurrentPath; public static bool SameBox => slotSourceBoxNumber > -1 && slotSourceBoxNumber == slotDestinationBoxNumber; public static bool SameSlot => slotSourceSlotNumber == slotDestinationSlotNumber && slotSourceBoxNumber == slotDestinationBoxNumber; public static bool SourceValid => slotSourceSlotNumber > -1 && (slotSourceBoxNumber > -1 || SourceParty); public static bool DestinationValid => slotDestinationSlotNumber > -1 && (slotDestinationBoxNumber > -1 || DestinationParty); public static bool SourceParty => 30 <= slotSourceSlotNumber && slotSourceSlotNumber < 36; public static bool DestinationParty => 30 <= slotDestinationSlotNumber && slotDestinationSlotNumber < 36; // PKM Get Set public static PKM getPKMfromSource(SaveFile SAV) { int o = slotSourceOffset; return SourceParty ? SAV.getPartySlot(o) : SAV.getStoredSlot(o); } public static PKM getPKMfromDestination(SaveFile SAV) { int o = slotDestinationOffset; return DestinationParty ? SAV.getPartySlot(o) : SAV.getStoredSlot(o); } public static void setPKMtoSource(SaveFile SAV, PKM pk) { int o = slotSourceOffset; if (!SourceParty) { SAV.setStoredSlot(pk, o); return; } if (pk.Species == 0) // Empty Slot { SAV.deletePartySlot(slotSourceSlotNumber-30); return; } if (pk.Stat_HPMax == 0) // Without Stats (Box) { pk.setStats(pk.getStats(SAV.Personal.getFormeEntry(pk.Species, pk.AltForm))); pk.Stat_Level = pk.CurrentLevel; } SAV.setPartySlot(pk, o); } public static void setPKMtoDestination(SaveFile SAV, PKM pk) { int o = slotDestinationOffset; if (!DestinationParty) { SAV.setStoredSlot(pk, o); return; } if (30 + SAV.PartyCount < slotDestinationSlotNumber) { o = SAV.getPartyOffset(SAV.PartyCount); slotDestinationSlotNumber = 30 + SAV.PartyCount; } if (pk.Stat_HPMax == 0) // Without Stats (Box/File) { pk.setStats(pk.getStats(SAV.Personal.getFormeEntry(pk.Species, pk.AltForm))); pk.Stat_Level = pk.CurrentLevel; } SAV.setPartySlot(pk, o); } public static void Reset() { slotLeftMouseIsDown = false; slotRightMouseIsDown = false; slotDragDropInProgress = false; slotPkmSource = null; slotSourceOffset = slotSourceSlotNumber = slotSourceBoxNumber = -1; slotPkmDestination = null; slotDestinationOffset = slotSourceBoxNumber = slotDestinationBoxNumber = -1; Cursor = null; CurrentPath = null; slotSource = null; slotDestination = null; } public static bool? WasDragParticipant(object form, int index) { if (slotDestinationBoxNumber != index && slotSourceBoxNumber != index) return null; // form was not watching box return slotSource == form || slotDestination == form; // form already updated? } } #endregion } }