using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives; namespace PKHeX.Core; /// /// Generation 4 object for My Pokémon Ranch saves. /// public sealed class SAV4Ranch : BulkStorage, ISaveFileRevision { protected override int SIZE_STORED => PokeCrypto.SIZE_4RSTORED; protected override int SIZE_PARTY => PokeCrypto.SIZE_4RSTORED; public int SaveRevision => Version == GameVersion.DP ? 0 : 1; public string SaveRevisionString => Version == GameVersion.DP ? "-DP" : "-Pt"; // ReSharper disable PrivateFieldCanBeConvertedToLocalVariable private readonly int DataEndMarker; private int DataEndMarkerOffset; private readonly int MiiDataOffset; private readonly int MiiCountOffset; private readonly int TrainerMiiDataOffset; private readonly int TrainerMiiCountOffset; private readonly int PokemonCountOffset; public override int SlotCount => RanchLevel.GetSlotCount(CurrentRanchLevelIndex); public override int BoxCount => (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)SlotCount / SlotsPerBox); public int MiiCount { get; } public int TrainerMiiCount { get; } public int MaxToys => RanchLevel.GetMaxToys(CurrentRanchLevelIndex); public int MaxMiiCount => RanchLevel.GetMaxMiis(CurrentRanchLevelIndex); public override IPersonalTable Personal => PersonalTable.Pt; public override IReadOnlyList HeldItems => Legal.HeldItems_Pt; protected override SaveFile CloneInternal() => new SAV4Ranch((byte[])Data.Clone()); protected internal override string ShortSummary => $"{OT} {PlayTimeString}"; public override string Extension => ".bin"; protected override PKM GetPKM(byte[] data) => new RK4(data); public override StorageSlotSource GetSlotFlags(int index) => index >= SlotCount ? StorageSlotSource.Locked : StorageSlotSource.None; protected override bool IsSlotSwapProtected(int box, int slot) => IsSlotOverwriteProtected(box, slot); public override bool IsPKMPresent(ReadOnlySpan data) => EntityDetection.IsPresentSAV4Ranch(data); public SAV4Ranch(byte[] data) : base(data, typeof(RK4), 0) { Version = Data.Length == SaveUtil.SIZE_G4RANCH_PLAT ? GameVersion.Pt : GameVersion.DP; OT = GetString(0x770, 0x12); // 0x18 starts the header table: [u32 BlockID, u32 Offset] // Block 00, Offset = Metadata object // Block 01, Offset = Mii Data Array object // Block 02, Offset = Mii Link Data Array object // Block 03, Offset = Pokemon Data Array object // Block 04, Offset = reserved object // Unpack the binary a little: // 00: size, ??? // 01: size, count, Mii data[count] // 02: size, count, Mii Link data[count] // 03: size, count, Pokemon (PK4 + metadata)[count] // 04: size, count, ??? MiiCountOffset = ReadInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x24)) + 4; TrainerMiiCountOffset = ReadInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x2C)) + 4; MiiCount = ReadInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(MiiCountOffset)); TrainerMiiCount = ReadInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(TrainerMiiCountOffset)); MiiDataOffset = MiiCountOffset + 4; TrainerMiiDataOffset = TrainerMiiCountOffset + 4; PokemonCountOffset = ReadInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x34)) + 4; Box = PokemonCountOffset + 4; DataEndMarkerOffset = ReadInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x3C)); DataEndMarker = ReadInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(DataEndMarkerOffset)); } private const int ToyBaseOffset = 0x227B; public byte CurrentRanchLevelIndex { get => Data[0x5A]; set => Data[0x5A] = value; } public byte PlannedRanchLevelIndex { get => Data[0x5B]; set => Data[0x5B] = value; } // tomorrow's level public uint SecondsSince2000 { get => ReadUInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x5C)); set => WriteUInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x5C), value); } public uint TotalSeconds { get => ReadUInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x60)); set => WriteUInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x60), value); } public ushort NextHayleyBringNationalDex { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x6A)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x6A), value); } public RanchToy GetRanchToy(int index) { if ((uint)index >= MaxToys) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)); int toyOffset = ToyBaseOffset + (RanchToy.SIZE * index); var data = Data.Slice(toyOffset, RanchToy.SIZE); return new RanchToy(data); } public void SetRanchToy(RanchToy toy, int index) { if ((uint)index >= MaxToys) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)); int toyOffset = ToyBaseOffset + (RanchToy.SIZE * index); SetData(Data, toy.Data, toyOffset); } public RanchMii GetRanchMii(int index) { if ((uint)index >= MiiCount) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)); int offset = MiiDataOffset + (RanchMii.SIZE * index); var data = Data.Slice(offset, RanchMii.SIZE); return new RanchMii(data); } public void SetRanchMii(RanchMii trainer, int index) { if ((uint)index >= MiiCount) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)); int offset = MiiDataOffset + (RanchMii.SIZE * index); SetData(Data, trainer.Data, offset); } public RanchTrainerMii GetRanchTrainerMii(int index) { if ((uint)index >= TrainerMiiCount) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)); int offset = TrainerMiiDataOffset + (RanchTrainerMii.SIZE * index); var data = Data.Slice(offset, RanchTrainerMii.SIZE); return new RanchTrainerMii(data); } public void SetRanchTrainerMii(RanchTrainerMii mii, int index) { if ((uint)index >= TrainerMiiCount) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)); int offset = TrainerMiiDataOffset + (RanchTrainerMii.SIZE * index); SetData(Data, mii.Data, offset); } protected override void SetChecksums() { // ensure the final data is written if the user screws stuff up WriteInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(DataEndMarkerOffset), DataEndMarker); var goodlen = (DataEndMarkerOffset + 4); Array.Clear(Data, goodlen, Data.Length - goodlen); // 20 byte SHA checksum at the top of the file, which covers all data that follows. using var hash = SHA1.Create(); var result = hash.ComputeHash(Data, 20, Data.Length - 20); SetData(result, 0); } protected override byte[] DecryptPKM(byte[] data) { var pokeData = PokeCrypto.DecryptArray45(data.Slice(0, PokeCrypto.SIZE_4STORED)); var ranchData = data.AsSpan(PokeCrypto.SIZE_4STORED, 0x1C); var finalData = new byte[SIZE_STORED]; pokeData.CopyTo(finalData, 0); ranchData.CopyTo(finalData.AsSpan(PokeCrypto.SIZE_4STORED)); return finalData; } public void WriteBoxSlotInternal(PKM pk, Span data, int offset, string htName = "", ushort htTID = 0, ushort htSID = 0, RanchOwnershipType type = RanchOwnershipType.Hayley) { RK4 rk = (RK4)this.GetCompatiblePKM(pk); rk.OwnershipType = type; rk.HT_TID = htTID; rk.HT_SID = htSID; rk.HT_Name = htName; WriteBoxSlot(rk, data, offset); } public override void WriteBoxSlot(PKM pk, Span data, int offset) { bool isBlank = pk.Data.SequenceEqual(BlankPKM.Data); if (pk is not RK4 rk4) { WriteBoxSlotInternal(pk, data, offset); return; } if (!isBlank && rk4.OwnershipType == RanchOwnershipType.None) rk4.OwnershipType = RanchOwnershipType.Hayley; // Pokemon without an Ownership type get erased when the save is loaded. Hayley is considered 'default'. base.WriteBoxSlot(rk4, data, offset); if ((offset + SIZE_STORED) > DataEndMarkerOffset) { DataEndMarkerOffset = (offset + SIZE_STORED); WriteInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x3C), DataEndMarkerOffset); WriteInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(DataEndMarkerOffset), DataEndMarker); } int pkStart = PokemonCountOffset + 4; int pkEnd = DataEndMarkerOffset; int pkCount = (pkEnd - pkStart) / SIZE_STORED; WriteInt32BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(PokemonCountOffset), pkCount); } private TimeSpan PlayedSpan { get => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TotalSeconds); set => TotalSeconds = (uint)value.TotalSeconds; } public override int PlayedHours { get => (ushort)PlayedSpan.TotalHours; set { var time = PlayedSpan; PlayedSpan = time - TimeSpan.FromHours(time.TotalHours) + TimeSpan.FromHours(value); } } public override int PlayedMinutes { get => (byte)PlayedSpan.Minutes; set { var time = PlayedSpan; PlayedSpan = time - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(time.Minutes) + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(value); } } public override int PlayedSeconds { get => (byte)PlayedSpan.Seconds; set { var time = PlayedSpan; PlayedSpan = time - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(time.Seconds) + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(value); } } public override string GetString(ReadOnlySpan data) => StringConverter4GC.GetStringUnicode(data); public override int SetString(Span destBuffer, ReadOnlySpan value, int maxLength, StringConverterOption option) { return StringConverter4GC.SetStringUnicode(value, destBuffer, maxLength, option); } }