using System; namespace PKHeX.Core { /// /// Contains a collection of methods that mutate the input Pokémon object, usually to obtain a correlation. /// public static class PIDGenerator { private static void SetValuesFromSeedLCRNG(PKM pk, PIDType type, uint seed) { var rng = RNG.LCRNG; var A = rng.Next(seed); var B = rng.Next(A); var skipBetweenPID = type is PIDType.Method_3 or PIDType.Method_3_Unown; if (skipBetweenPID) // VBlank skip between PID rand() [RARE] B = rng.Next(B); var swappedPIDHalves = type is >= PIDType.Method_1_Unown and <= PIDType.Method_4_Unown; if (swappedPIDHalves) // switched order of PID halves, "BA.." pk.PID = (A & 0xFFFF0000) | B >> 16; else pk.PID = (B & 0xFFFF0000) | A >> 16; var C = rng.Next(B); var skipIV1Frame = type is PIDType.Method_2 or PIDType.Method_2_Unown; if (skipIV1Frame) // VBlank skip after PID C = rng.Next(C); var D = rng.Next(C); var skipIV2Frame = type is PIDType.Method_4 or PIDType.Method_4_Unown; if (skipIV2Frame) // VBlank skip between IVs D = rng.Next(D); Span IVs = stackalloc int[6]; MethodFinder.GetIVsInt32(IVs, C >> 16, D >> 16); if (type == PIDType.Method_1_Roamer) { // Only store lowest 8 bits of IV data; zero out the other bits. IVs[1] &= 7; for (int i = 2; i < 6; i++) IVs[i] = 0; } pk.SetIVs(IVs); } private static void SetValuesFromSeedBACD(PKM pk, PIDType type, uint seed) { var rng = RNG.LCRNG; bool shiny = type is PIDType.BACD_R_S or PIDType.BACD_U_S; uint X = shiny ? rng.Next(seed) : seed; var A = rng.Next(X); var B = rng.Next(A); var C = rng.Next(B); var D = rng.Next(C); if (shiny) { uint PID = (X & 0xFFFF0000) | ((uint)pk.SID ^ (uint)pk.TID ^ X >> 16); PID &= 0xFFFFFFF8; PID |= B >> 16 & 0x7; // lowest 3 bits pk.PID = PID; } else if (type is PIDType.BACD_R_AX or PIDType.BACD_U_AX) { uint low = B >> 16; pk.PID = ((A & 0xFFFF0000) ^ (((uint)pk.TID ^ (uint)pk.SID ^ low) << 16)) | low; } else { pk.PID = (A & 0xFFFF0000) | B >> 16; } Span IVs = stackalloc int[6]; MethodFinder.GetIVsInt32(IVs, C >> 16, D >> 16); pk.SetIVs(IVs); bool antishiny = type is PIDType.BACD_R_A or PIDType.BACD_U_A; while (antishiny && pk.IsShiny) pk.PID = unchecked(pk.PID + 1); } private static void SetValuesFromSeedXDRNG(PKM pk, uint seed) { var rng = RNG.XDRNG; switch (pk.Species) { case (int)Species.Umbreon or (int)Species.Eevee: // Colo Umbreon, XD Eevee pk.TID = (int)((seed = rng.Next(seed)) >> 16); pk.SID = (int)((seed = rng.Next(seed)) >> 16); seed = rng.Advance(seed, 2); // PID calls consumed break; case (int)Species.Espeon: // Colo Espeon pk.TID = (int)((seed = rng.Next(seed)) >> 16); pk.SID = (int)((seed = rng.Next(seed)) >> 16); seed = rng.Advance(seed, 9); // PID calls consumed, skip over Umbreon break; } var A = rng.Next(seed); // IV1 var B = rng.Next(A); // IV2 var C = rng.Next(B); // Ability? var D = rng.Next(C); // PID var E = rng.Next(D); // PID pk.PID = (D & 0xFFFF0000) | E >> 16; Span IVs = stackalloc int[6]; MethodFinder.GetIVsInt32(IVs, A >> 16, B >> 16); pk.SetIVs(IVs); } public static void SetValuesFromSeedXDRNG_EReader(PKM pk, uint seed) { var rng = RNG.XDRNG; var A = rng.Reverse(seed, 4); var D = rng.Next(A); // PID var E = rng.Next(D); // PID pk.PID = (D & 0xFFFF0000) | E >> 16; } private static void SetValuesFromSeedChannel(PKM pk, uint seed) { var rng = RNG.XDRNG; var O = rng.Next(seed); // SID var A = rng.Next(O); // PID var B = rng.Next(A); // PID var C = rng.Next(B); // Held Item var D = rng.Next(C); // Version var E = rng.Next(D); // OT Gender const int TID = 40122; var SID = (int)(O >> 16); var pid1 = A >> 16; var pid2 = B >> 16; pk.TID = TID; pk.SID = SID; var pid = pid1 << 16 | pid2; if ((pid2 > 7 ? 0 : 1) != (pid1 ^ SID ^ TID)) pid ^= 0x80000000; pk.PID = pid; pk.HeldItem = (int)(C >> 31) + 169; // 0-Ganlon, 1-Salac pk.Version = (int)(D >> 31) + 1; // 0-Sapphire, 1-Ruby pk.OT_Gender = (int)(E >> 31); Span ivs = stackalloc int[6]; rng.GetSequentialIVsInt32(E, ivs); pk.SetIVs(ivs); } public static void SetValuesFromSeed(PKM pk, PIDType type, uint seed) { var method = GetGeneratorMethod(type); method(pk, seed); } private static Action GetGeneratorMethod(PIDType t) { switch (t) { case PIDType.Channel: return SetValuesFromSeedChannel; case PIDType.CXD: return SetValuesFromSeedXDRNG; case PIDType.Method_1 or PIDType.Method_2 or PIDType.Method_3 or PIDType.Method_4: case PIDType.Method_1_Unown or PIDType.Method_2_Unown or PIDType.Method_3_Unown or PIDType.Method_4_Unown: case PIDType.Method_1_Roamer: return (pk, seed) => SetValuesFromSeedLCRNG(pk, t, seed); case PIDType.BACD_R: case PIDType.BACD_R_A: case PIDType.BACD_R_S: case PIDType.BACD_R_AX: return (pk, seed) => SetValuesFromSeedBACD(pk, t, seed & 0xFFFF); case PIDType.BACD_U: case PIDType.BACD_U_A: case PIDType.BACD_U_S: case PIDType.BACD_U_AX: return (pk, seed) => SetValuesFromSeedBACD(pk, t, seed); case PIDType.PokeSpot: return SetRandomPIDIV; case PIDType.G5MGShiny: return SetValuesFromSeedMG5Shiny; case PIDType.Pokewalker: return (pk, seed) => pk.PID = GetPokeWalkerPID(pk.TID, pk.SID, seed%24, pk.Gender, pk.PersonalInfo.Gender); // others: unimplemented case PIDType.CuteCharm: break; case PIDType.ChainShiny: return SetRandomChainShinyPID; case PIDType.G4MGAntiShiny: break; } return (_, _) => { }; } public static void SetRandomChainShinyPID(PKM pk, uint seed) { // 13 rand bits // 1 3-bit for upper // 1 3-bit for lower uint Next() => (seed = RNG.LCRNG.Next(seed)) >> 16; uint lower = Next() & 7; uint upper = Next() & 7; for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) lower |= (Next() & 1) << (3 + i); upper = ((uint)(lower ^ pk.TID ^ pk.SID) & 0xFFF8) | (upper & 0x7); pk.PID = upper << 16 | lower; Span IVs = stackalloc int[6]; MethodFinder.GetIVsInt32(IVs, Next(), Next()); pk.SetIVs(IVs); } public static void SetRandomPokeSpotPID(PKM pk, int nature, int gender, int ability, int slot) { while (true) { var seed = Util.Rand32(); if (!MethodFinder.IsPokeSpotActivation(slot, seed, out _)) continue; var rng = RNG.XDRNG; var D = rng.Next(seed); // PID var E = rng.Next(D); // PID pk.PID = (D & 0xFFFF0000) | E >> 16; if (!IsValidCriteria4(pk, nature, ability, gender)) continue; pk.SetRandomIVs(); return; } } public static uint GetMG5ShinyPID(uint gval, uint av, int TID, int SID) { uint PID = (uint)((TID ^ SID ^ gval) << 16 | gval); if ((PID & 0x10000) != av << 16) PID ^= 0x10000; return PID; } public static uint GetPokeWalkerPID(int TID, int SID, uint nature, int gender, int gr) { if (nature >= 24) nature = 0; uint pid = (uint)((TID ^ SID) >> 8 ^ 0xFF) << 24; // the most significant byte of the PID is chosen so the Pokémon can never be shiny. // Ensure nature is set to required nature without affecting shininess pid += nature - (pid % 25); if (gr is 0 or >= 0xFE) // non-dual gender return pid; // Ensure Gender is set to required gender without affecting other properties // If Gender is modified, modify the ability if appropriate // either m/f var pidGender = (pid & 0xFF) < gr ? 1 : 0; if (gender == pidGender) return pid; if (gender == 0) // Male { pid += (uint)((((gr - (pid & 0xFF)) / 25) + 1) * 25); if ((nature & 1) != (pid & 1)) pid += 25; } else { pid -= (uint)(((((pid & 0xFF) - gr) / 25) + 1) * 25); if ((nature & 1) != (pid & 1)) pid -= 25; } return pid; } public static void SetValuesFromSeedMG5Shiny(PKM pk, uint seed) { var gv = seed >> 24; var av = seed & 1; // arbitrary choice pk.PID = GetMG5ShinyPID(gv, av, pk.TID, pk.SID); SetRandomIVs(pk); } public static void SetRandomWildPID(PKM pk, int gen, int nature, int ability, int gender, PIDType specific = PIDType.None) { if (specific == PIDType.Pokewalker) { SetRandomPIDPokewalker(pk, nature, gender); return; } switch (gen) { case 3: case 4: SetRandomWildPID4(pk, nature, ability, gender, specific); break; case 5: SetRandomWildPID5(pk, nature, ability, gender, specific); break; default: SetRandomWildPID(pk, nature, ability, gender); break; } } public static void SetRandomPIDPokewalker(PKM pk, int nature, int gender) { // Pokewalker PIDs cannot yield multiple abilities from the input nature-gender-trainerID. Disregard any ability request. pk.Gender = gender; do { pk.PID = GetPokeWalkerPID(pk.TID, pk.SID, (uint) nature, gender, pk.PersonalInfo.Gender); } while (!pk.IsGenderValid()); pk.RefreshAbility((int) (pk.PID & 1)); SetRandomIVs(pk); } /// /// Generates a and that are unrelated. /// /// Pokémon to modify. /// Seed which is used for the . private static void SetRandomPIDIV(PKM pkm, uint seed) { pkm.PID = seed; SetRandomIVs(pkm); } private static void SetRandomWildPID4(PKM pk, int nature, int ability, int gender, PIDType specific = PIDType.None) { pk.RefreshAbility(ability); pk.Gender = gender; var type = GetPIDType(pk, specific); var method = GetGeneratorMethod(type); while (true) { method(pk, Util.Rand32()); if (!IsValidCriteria4(pk, nature, ability, gender)) continue; return; } } private static bool IsValidCriteria4(PKM pk, int nature, int ability, int gender) { if (pk.GetSaneGender() != gender) return false; if (pk.Nature != nature) return false; if ((pk.PID & 1) != ability) return false; return true; } private static PIDType GetPIDType(PKM pk, PIDType specific) { if (specific != PIDType.None) return specific; if (pk.Version == 15) return PIDType.CXD; if (pk.Gen3 && pk.Species == (int)Species.Unown) { return Util.Rand.Next(3) switch { 1 => PIDType.Method_2_Unown, 2 => PIDType.Method_4_Unown, _ => PIDType.Method_1_Unown, }; } return PIDType.Method_1; } private static void SetRandomWildPID5(PKM pk, int nature, int ability, int gender, PIDType specific = PIDType.None) { var tidbit = (pk.TID ^ pk.SID) & 1; pk.RefreshAbility(ability); pk.Gender = gender; pk.Nature = nature; if (ability == 2) ability = 0; while (true) { uint seed = Util.Rand32(); if (specific == PIDType.G5MGShiny) { SetValuesFromSeedMG5Shiny(pk, seed); seed = pk.PID; } else { var bitxor = (seed >> 31) ^ (seed & 1); if (bitxor != tidbit) seed ^= 1; } if (((seed >> 16) & 1) != ability) continue; pk.PID = seed; if (pk.GetSaneGender() != gender) continue; SetRandomIVs(pk); return; } } private static void SetRandomWildPID(PKM pk, int nature, int ability, int gender) { uint seed = Util.Rand32(); pk.PID = seed; pk.Nature = nature; pk.Gender = gender; pk.RefreshAbility(ability); SetRandomIVs(pk); } private static void SetRandomIVs(PKM pk) { pk.SetRandomIVs(); } } }