using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace PKHeX.Core { /// /// Repository of localized game strings for a given . /// public sealed class GameStrings : IBasicStrings { // PKM Info public readonly string[] specieslist, movelist, itemlist, abilitylist, types, natures, forms, memories, genloc, trainingbags, trainingstage, characteristics, encountertypelist, balllist, gamelist, pokeblocks, ribbons; private readonly string[] g4items, g3coloitems, g3xditems, g3items, g2items, g1items; // Met Locations public readonly string[] metGSC_00000, metRSEFRLG_00000, metCXD_00000; public readonly string[] metHGSS_00000, metHGSS_02000, metHGSS_03000; public readonly string[] metBW2_00000, metBW2_30000, metBW2_40000, metBW2_60000; public readonly string[] metXY_00000, metXY_30000, metXY_40000, metXY_60000; public readonly string[] metSM_00000, metSM_30000, metSM_40000, metSM_60000; public readonly string[] metGG_00000, metGG_30000, metGG_40000, metGG_60000; public readonly string[] metSWSH_00000, metSWSH_30000, metSWSH_40000, metSWSH_60000; // Misc public readonly string[] wallpapernames, puffs, walkercourses; public readonly string[] uggoods, ugspheres, ugtraps, ugtreasures; private readonly string lang; private readonly int LanguageIndex; public string EggName { get; } public IReadOnlyList Species => specieslist; public IReadOnlyList Item => itemlist; public IReadOnlyList Move => movelist; public IReadOnlyList Ability => abilitylist; public IReadOnlyList Types => types; public IReadOnlyList Natures => natures; private string[] Get(string ident) => GameLanguage.GetStrings(ident, lang); private const string NPC = "NPC"; public GameStrings(string l) { lang = l; LanguageIndex = GameLanguage.GetLanguageIndex(l); ribbons = Get("ribbons"); // Past Generation strings g3items = Get("ItemsG3"); // XD and Colosseum { g3coloitems = (string[])g3items.Clone(); string[] tmp = Get("ItemsG3Colosseum"); Array.Resize(ref g3coloitems, 500 + tmp.Length); for (int i = g3items.Length; i < g3coloitems.Length; i++) g3coloitems[i] = $"UNUSED {i}"; tmp.CopyTo(g3coloitems, g3coloitems.Length - tmp.Length); g3xditems = (string[])g3items.Clone(); string[] tmp2 = Get("ItemsG3XD"); Array.Resize(ref g3xditems, 500 + tmp2.Length); for (int i = g3items.Length; i < g3xditems.Length; i++) g3xditems[i] = $"UNUSED {i}"; tmp2.CopyTo(g3xditems, g3xditems.Length - tmp2.Length); } g2items = Get("ItemsG2"); g1items = Get("ItemsG1"); metRSEFRLG_00000 = Get("rsefrlg_00000"); metGSC_00000 = Get("gsc_00000"); metCXD_00000 = Get("cxd_00000"); metCXD_00000 = SanitizeMetStringsCXD(metCXD_00000); // Current Generation strings natures = Util.GetNaturesList(l); types = Get("types"); abilitylist = Get("abilities"); movelist = Get("moves"); string[] ps = { "P", "S" }; // Distinguish Physical/Special for (int i = 622; i < 658; i++) movelist[i] += $" ({ps[i % 2]})"; itemlist = Get("items"); characteristics = Get("character"); specieslist = Get("species"); wallpapernames = Get("wallpaper"); encountertypelist = Get("encountertype"); gamelist = Get("games"); balllist = new string[Legal.Items_Ball.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < balllist.Length; i++) balllist[i] = itemlist[Legal.Items_Ball[i]]; pokeblocks = Get("pokeblock"); forms = Get("forms"); memories = Get("memories"); genloc = Get("genloc"); trainingbags = Get("trainingbag"); trainingstage = Get("supertraining"); puffs = Get("puff"); Array.Resize(ref puffs, puffs.Length + 1); // shift all down, 0th will be 'none' -- applied later Array.Copy(puffs, 0, puffs, 1, puffs.Length - 1); walkercourses = Get("hgss_walkercourses"); uggoods = Get("dppt_uggoods"); ugspheres = Get("dppt_ugspheres"); ugtraps = Get("dppt_ugtraps"); ugtreasures = Get("dppt_ugtreasures"); EggName = specieslist[0]; metHGSS_00000 = Get("hgss_00000"); metHGSS_02000 = Get("hgss_02000"); metHGSS_03000 = Get("hgss_03000"); metBW2_00000 = Get("bw2_00000"); metBW2_30000 = Get("bw2_30000"); metBW2_40000 = Get("bw2_40000"); metBW2_60000 = Get("bw2_60000"); metXY_00000 = Get("xy_00000"); metXY_30000 = Get("xy_30000"); metXY_40000 = Get("xy_40000"); metXY_60000 = Get("xy_60000"); metSM_00000 = Get("sm_00000"); metSM_30000 = Get("sm_30000"); metSM_40000 = Get("sm_40000"); metSM_60000 = Get("sm_60000"); metGG_00000 = Get("gg_00000"); metGG_30000 = metSM_30000; metGG_40000 = Get("gg_40000"); metGG_60000 = metSM_60000; metSWSH_00000 = Get("swsh_00000"); metSWSH_30000 = Get("swsh_30000"); metSWSH_40000 = Get("swsh_40000"); metSWSH_60000 = Get("swsh_60000"); Sanitize(); g4items = (string[])itemlist.Clone(); Get("mail4").CopyTo(g4items, 137); } private static string[] SanitizeMetStringsCXD(string[] cxd) { // Mark duplicate locations with their index var metSanitize = (string[])cxd.Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < metSanitize.Length; i++) { var met = metSanitize[i]; if (cxd.Count(z => z == met) > 1) metSanitize[i] += $" [{i:000}]"; } return metSanitize; } private void Sanitize() { SanitizeItemNames(); SanitizeMetLocations(); // De-duplicate the Calyrex ability names abilitylist[(int)Core.Ability.AsOneI] += $" ({specieslist[(int)Core.Species.Glastrier]})"; abilitylist[(int)Core.Ability.AsOneG] += $" ({specieslist[(int)Core.Species.Spectrier]})"; // Replace the Egg Name with ---; egg name already stored to eggname specieslist[0] = "---"; // Fix (None) tags var none = $"({itemlist[0]})"; abilitylist[0] = itemlist[0] = movelist[0] = metXY_00000[0] = metBW2_00000[0] = metHGSS_00000[0] = metCXD_00000[0] = puffs[0] = none; } private void SanitizeItemNames() { // Fix Item Names (Duplicate entries) var HM06 = itemlist[425]; var HM0 = HM06.Substring(0, HM06.Length - 1); // language ambiguous! itemlist[426] = $"{HM0}7 (G4)"; itemlist[427] = $"{HM0}8 (G4)"; itemlist[456] += " (HG/SS)"; // S.S. Ticket itemlist[736] += " (OR/AS)"; // S.S. Ticket itemlist[463] += " (DPPt)"; // Storage Key itemlist[734] += " (OR/AS)"; // Storage Key itemlist[476] += " (HG/SS)"; // Basement Key itemlist[723] += " (OR/AS)"; // Basement Key itemlist[621] += " (M)"; // Xtransceiver itemlist[626] += " (F)"; // Xtransceiver itemlist[629] += " (2)"; // DNA Splicers itemlist[637] += " (2)"; // Dropped Item itemlist[707] += " (2)"; // Travel Trunk itemlist[713] += " (2)"; // Alt Bike itemlist[714] += " (2)"; // Holo Caster itemlist[729] += " (1)"; // Meteorite itemlist[740] += " (2)"; // Contest Costume itemlist[751] += " (2)"; // Meteorite itemlist[771] += " (3)"; // Meteorite itemlist[772] += " (4)"; // Meteorite itemlist[842] += " (SM)"; // Fishing Rod itemlist[945] += " (2)"; // Used Solarizer itemlist[946] += " (2)"; // Used Lunarizer itemlist[873] += " (GP/GE)"; // S.S. Ticket itemlist[459] += " (HG/SS)"; // Parcel itemlist[467] += " (Pt)"; // Secret Key itemlist[475] += " (HG/SS)"; // Card Key itemlist[894] += " (GP)"; // Leaf Letter itemlist[895] += " (GE)"; // Leaf Letter // some languages have same names for other items! itemlist[878] += " (GP/GE)"; // Lift Key (Elevator Key=700) itemlist[479] += " (HG/SS)"; // Lost Item (Dropped Item=636) // Append Z-Crystal flagging foreach (var i in Legal.Pouch_ZCrystal_USUM) itemlist[i] += " [Z]"; itemlist[0121] += " (1)"; // Pokémon Box Link itemlist[1075] += " (2)"; // Pokémon Box Link itemlist[1080] += " (SW/SH)"; // Fishing Rod itemlist[1081] += " (1)"; // Rotom Bike itemlist[1266] += " (2)"; // Rotom Bike itemlist[1585] += " (3)"; // Rotom Bike itemlist[1586] += " (4)"; // Rotom Bike itemlist[1590] += " (1)"; // Reins of Unity itemlist[1591] += " (2)"; // Reins of Unity itemlist[1607] += " (3)"; // Reins of Unity for (int i = 12; i <= 29; i++) // Differentiate DNA Samples g3coloitems[500 + i] += $" ({i - 11:00})"; // differentiate G3 Card Key from Colo g3coloitems[500 + 10] += " (COLO)"; } private void SanitizeMetLocations() { // Fix up some of the Location strings to make them more descriptive SanitizeMetG4HGSS(); SanitizeMetG5BW(); SanitizeMetG6XY(); SanitizeMetG7SM(); SanitizeMetG8SWSH(); if (lang == "es" || lang == "it") { // Campeonato Mundial duplicates for (int i = 27; i < 34; i++) metXY_40000[i] += " (-)"; // Evento de Videojuegos -- first as duplicate metXY_40000[34] += " (-)"; metSM_40000[37] += " (-)"; metGG_40000[26] += " (-)"; } if (lang == "ko") { // Pokémon Ranger duplicate (should be Ranger Union) metBW2_40000[70] += " (-)"; } } private void SanitizeMetG4HGSS() { metHGSS_00000[054] += " (DP/Pt)"; // Victory Road metHGSS_00000[221] += " (HG/SS)"; // Victory Road // German language duplicate; handle for all since it can be confused. metHGSS_00000[104] += " (DP/Pt)"; // Vista Lighthouse metHGSS_00000[212] += " (HG/SS)"; // Lighthouse metHGSS_02000[1] += $" ({NPC})"; // Anything from an NPC metHGSS_02000[2] += $" ({EggName})"; // Egg From Link Trade } private void SanitizeMetG5BW() { metBW2_00000[36] = $"{metBW2_00000[84]}/{metBW2_00000[36]}"; // Cold Storage in BW = PWT in BW2 metBW2_00000[40] += " (B/W)"; // Victory Road in BW metBW2_00000[134] += " (B2/W2)"; // Victory Road in B2W2 // BW2 Entries from 76 to 105 are for Entralink in BW for (int i = 76; i < 106; i++) metBW2_00000[i] += "●"; // Collision between 40002 (legal) and 00002 (illegal) "Faraway place" if (metBW2_00000[2] == metBW2_40000[2 - 1]) metBW2_00000[2] += " (2)"; for (int i = 96; i < 108; i++) metBW2_40000[i] += $" ({i - 96})"; // Localize the Poketransfer to the language (30001) metBW2_30000[1 - 1] = GameLanguage.GetTransporterName(LanguageIndex); metBW2_30000[2 - 1] += $" ({NPC})"; // Anything from an NPC metBW2_30000[3 - 1] += $" ({EggName})"; // Link Trade (Egg) // Zorua/Zoroark events metBW2_30000[10 - 1] = $"{specieslist[251]} ({specieslist[570]} 1)"; // Celebi's Zorua Event metBW2_30000[11 - 1] = $"{specieslist[251]} ({specieslist[570]} 2)"; // Celebi's Zorua Event metBW2_30000[12 - 1] = $"{specieslist[571]} (1)"; // Zoroark metBW2_30000[13 - 1] = $"{specieslist[571]} (2)"; // Zoroark metBW2_60000[3 - 1] += $" ({EggName})"; // Egg Treasure Hunter/Breeder, whatever... } private void SanitizeMetG6XY() { metXY_00000[104] += " (X/Y)"; // Victory Road metXY_00000[106] += " (X/Y)"; // Pokémon League metXY_00000[202] += " (OR/AS)"; // Pokémon League metXY_00000[298] += " (OR/AS)"; // Victory Road metXY_30000[0] += $" ({NPC})"; // Anything from an NPC metXY_30000[1] += $" ({EggName})"; // Egg From Link Trade for (int i = 62; i < 69; i++) metXY_40000[i] += $" ({i - 61})"; } private void SanitizeMetG7SM() { // Sun/Moon duplicates -- elaborate! var metSM_00000_good = (string[])metSM_00000.Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < metSM_00000.Length; i += 2) { var nextLoc = metSM_00000[i + 1]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nextLoc) && nextLoc[0] != '[') metSM_00000_good[i] += $" ({nextLoc})"; var name = metSM_00000_good[i]; if (i > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) && metSM_00000_good.Take(i - 1).Contains(name)) metSM_00000_good[i] += $" ({metSM_00000_good.Take(i - 1).Count(s => s == name) + 1})"; } Array.Copy(metSM_00000, 194, metSM_00000_good, 194, 4); // Restore Island Names (unused) metSM_00000_good.CopyTo(metSM_00000, 0); metSM_30000[0] += $" ({NPC})"; // Anything from an NPC metSM_30000[1] += $" ({EggName})"; // Egg From Link Trade for (int i = 2; i <= 5; i++) // distinguish first set of regions (unused) from second (used) metSM_30000[i] += " (-)"; for (int i = 58; i < 65; i++) // distinguish Event year duplicates metSM_40000[i] += " (-)"; for (int i = 47; i < 54; i++) // distinguish Event year duplicates metGG_40000[i] += " (-)"; } private void SanitizeMetG8SWSH() { // SWSH duplicates -- elaborate! var metSWSH_00000_good = (string[])metSWSH_00000.Clone(); for (int i = 2; i < metSWSH_00000_good.Length; i += 2) { var nextLoc = metSWSH_00000[i + 1]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nextLoc) && nextLoc[0] != '[') metSWSH_00000_good[i] += $" ({nextLoc})"; } for (int i = 121; i <= 155; i+=2) metSWSH_00000_good[i] = string.Empty; // clear Wild Area sub-zone strings (trips duplicate Test) for (int i = 165; i <= 195; i += 2) metSWSH_00000_good[i] = string.Empty; // clear Wild Area sub-zone strings (trips duplicate Test) for (int i = 205; i <= 235; i += 2) metSWSH_00000_good[i] = string.Empty; // clear Wild Area sub-zone strings (trips duplicate Test) metSWSH_00000_good.CopyTo(metSWSH_00000, 0); metSWSH_30000[0] += $" ({NPC})"; // Anything from an NPC metSWSH_30000[1] += $" ({EggName})"; // Egg From Link Trade for (int i = 2; i <= 5; i++) // distinguish first set of regions (unused) from second (used) metSWSH_30000[i] += " (-)"; metSWSH_30000[18] += " (?)"; // Kanto for the third time for (int i = 54; i < 60; i++) // distinguish Event year duplicates metSWSH_40000[i] += " (-)"; metSWSH_40000[29] += " (-)"; // a Video game Event (in spanish etc) -- duplicate with line 39 metSWSH_40000[52] += " (-)"; // a Pokémon event -- duplicate with line 37 metSWSH_40000[80] += " (-)"; // Pokémon GO -- duplicate with 30000's entry metSWSH_40000[85] += " (-)"; // Pokémon HOME -- duplicate with 30000's entry // metSWSH_30000[11] += " (-)"; // Pokémon GO -- duplicate with 40000's entry // metSWSH_30000[17] += " (-)"; // Pokémon HOME -- duplicate with 40000's entry } public IReadOnlyList GetItemStrings(int generation, GameVersion game = GameVersion.Any) { return generation switch { 0 => Array.Empty(), 1 => g1items, 2 => g2items, 3 => GetItemStrings3(game), 4 => g4items, // mail names changed 4->5 _ => itemlist }; } private string[] GetItemStrings3(GameVersion game) { switch (game) { case GameVersion.COLO: return g3coloitems; case GameVersion.XD: return g3xditems; default: if (EReaderBerrySettings.IsEnigma) return g3items; var g3ItemsWithEBerry = (string[])g3items.Clone(); g3ItemsWithEBerry[175] = EReaderBerrySettings.DisplayName; return g3ItemsWithEBerry; } } /// /// Gets the location name for the specified parameters. /// /// Location is from the /// Location value /// Current /// of origin /// Current GameVersion (only applicable for differentiation) /// Location name public string GetLocationName(bool isEggLocation, int location, int format, int generation, GameVersion version) { int gen = -1; int bankID = 0; if (format == 2) { gen = 2; } else if (format == 3) { gen = 3; } else if (generation == 4 && (isEggLocation || format == 4)) // 4 { const int size = 1000; bankID = location / size; gen = 4; location %= size; } else // 5-7+ { const int size = 10000; bankID = location / size; int g = generation; if (g >= 5) gen = g; else if (format >= 5) gen = format; location %= size; if (bankID >= 3) // 30000 and onwards don't use 0th index, shift down 1 location--; } var bank = GetLocationNames(gen, bankID, version); if (bank.Count <= location) return string.Empty; return bank[location]; } /// /// Gets the location names array for a specified generation. /// /// Generation to get location names for. /// BankID used to choose the text bank. /// Version of origin /// List of location names. public IReadOnlyList GetLocationNames(int gen, int bankID, GameVersion version) { switch (gen) { case 2: return metGSC_00000; case 3: return GameVersion.CXD.Contains(version) ? metCXD_00000 : metRSEFRLG_00000; case 4: return GetLocationNames4(bankID); case 5: return GetLocationNames5(bankID); case 6: return GetLocationNames6(bankID); case 7: if (GameVersion.Gen7b.Contains(version)) return GetLocationNames7GG(bankID); return GetLocationNames7(bankID); case 8: return GetLocationNames8(bankID); default: return Array.Empty(); } } private IReadOnlyList GetLocationNames4(int bankID) { return bankID switch { 0 => metHGSS_00000, 2 => metHGSS_02000, 3 => metHGSS_03000, _ => Array.Empty() }; } public IReadOnlyList GetLocationNames5(int bankID) { return bankID switch { 0 => metBW2_00000, 3 => metBW2_30000, 4 => metBW2_40000, 6 => metBW2_60000, _ => Array.Empty() }; } public IReadOnlyList GetLocationNames6(int bankID) { return bankID switch { 0 => metXY_00000, 3 => metXY_30000, 4 => metXY_40000, 6 => metXY_60000, _ => Array.Empty() }; } public IReadOnlyList GetLocationNames7(int bankID) { return bankID switch { 0 => metSM_00000, 3 => metSM_30000, 4 => metSM_40000, 6 => metSM_60000, _ => Array.Empty() }; } public IReadOnlyList GetLocationNames7GG(int bankID) { return bankID switch { 0 => metGG_00000, 3 => metGG_30000, 4 => metGG_40000, 6 => metGG_60000, _ => Array.Empty() }; } public IReadOnlyList GetLocationNames8(int bankID) { return bankID switch { 0 => metSWSH_00000, 3 => metSWSH_30000, 4 => metSWSH_40000, 6 => metSWSH_60000, _ => Array.Empty() }; } } }