using System; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace PKHeX.Core { public sealed class SAV7 : SaveFile { // Save Data Attributes public override string BAKName => $"{FileName} [{OT} ({Version}) - {LastSavedTime}].bak"; public override string Filter => "Main SAV|*.*"; public override string Extension => ""; public override string[] PKMExtensions => PKM.Extensions.Where(f => { int gen = f.Last() - 0x30; return gen == 1 || (3 <= gen && gen <= 7); }).ToArray(); public SAV7(byte[] data = null) { Data = data == null ? new byte[SaveUtil.SIZE_G7SM] : (byte[])data.Clone(); BAK = (byte[])Data.Clone(); Exportable = !Data.SequenceEqual(new byte[Data.Length]); // Load Info GetBlockInfo(); GetSAVOffsets(); HeldItems = Legal.HeldItems_SM; Personal = PersonalTable.SM; if (!Exportable) ClearBoxes(); var demo = new byte[0x4C4].SequenceEqual(Data.Skip(PCLayout).Take(0x4C4)); // up to Battle Box values if (demo || !Exportable) { PokeDex = -1; // Disabled LockedSlots = new int[0]; TeamSlots = new int[0]; } else // Valid slot locking info present { int lockedCount = 0, teamCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < TeamCount; i++) { bool locked = Data[PCBackgrounds - TeamCount - i] == 1; for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { short val = BitConverter.ToInt16(Data, BattleBoxFlags + (i*6 + j) * 2); if (val < 0) continue; var slotVal = (BoxSlotCount*(val >> 8) + (val & 0xFF)) & 0xFFFF; if (locked) LockedSlots[lockedCount++] = slotVal; else TeamSlots[teamCount++] = slotVal; } } Array.Resize(ref LockedSlots, lockedCount); Array.Resize(ref TeamSlots, teamCount); } } // Configuration public override SaveFile Clone() { return new SAV7(Data); } public override int SIZE_STORED => PKX.SIZE_6STORED; protected override int SIZE_PARTY => PKX.SIZE_6PARTY; public override PKM BlankPKM => new PK7(); public override Type PKMType => typeof(PK7); public override int BoxCount => 32; public override int MaxEV => 252; public override int Generation => 7; protected override int GiftCountMax => 48; protected override int GiftFlagMax => 0x100 * 8; protected override int EventFlagMax => 3968; protected override int EventConstMax => (EventFlag - EventConst) / 2; public override int OTLength => 12; public override int NickLength => 12; public override int MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_7; public override int MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_7; public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_7; public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_7; public override int MaxBallID => Legal.MaxBallID_7; // 26 public override int MaxGameID => Legal.MaxGameID_7; public int QRSaveData; // Feature Overrides public override bool HasGeolocation => true; // Blocks & Offsets private int BlockInfoOffset; private BlockInfo[] Blocks; private void GetBlockInfo() { BlockInfoOffset = Data.Length - 0x200 + 0x10; if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, BlockInfoOffset) != SaveUtil.BEEF) BlockInfoOffset -= 0x200; // No savegames have more than 0x3D blocks, maybe in the future? int count = (Data.Length - BlockInfoOffset - 0x8) / 8; BlockInfoOffset += 4; Blocks = new BlockInfo[count]; int CurrentPosition = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Blocks.Length; i++) { Blocks[i] = new BlockInfo { Offset = CurrentPosition, Length = BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, BlockInfoOffset + 0 + 8 * i), ID = BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, BlockInfoOffset + 4 + 8 * i), Checksum = BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, BlockInfoOffset + 6 + 8 * i) }; // Expand out to nearest 0x200 CurrentPosition += Blocks[i].Length % 0x200 == 0 ? Blocks[i].Length : 0x200 - Blocks[i].Length % 0x200 + Blocks[i].Length; if ((Blocks[i].ID != 0) || i == 0) continue; count = i; break; } // Fix Final Array Lengths Array.Resize(ref Blocks, count); } protected override void SetChecksums() { // Check for invalid block lengths if (Blocks.Length < 3) // arbitrary... { Console.WriteLine("Not enough blocks ({0}), aborting SetChecksums", Blocks.Length); return; } // Apply checksums for (int i = 0; i < Blocks.Length; i++) { if (Blocks[i].Length + Blocks[i].Offset > Data.Length) { Console.WriteLine("Block {0} has invalid offset/length value.", i); return; } byte[] array = new byte[Blocks[i].Length]; Array.Copy(Data, Blocks[i].Offset, array, 0, array.Length); BitConverter.GetBytes(SaveUtil.CRC16_7(array, Blocks[i].ID)).CopyTo(Data, BlockInfoOffset + 6 + i * 8); } Data = SaveUtil.Resign7(Data); } public override bool ChecksumsValid { get { for (int i = 0; i < Blocks.Length; i++) { if (Blocks[i].Length + Blocks[i].Offset > Data.Length) return false; byte[] array = new byte[Blocks[i].Length]; Array.Copy(Data, Blocks[i].Offset, array, 0, array.Length); if (SaveUtil.CRC16_7(array, Blocks[i].ID) != BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, BlockInfoOffset + 6 + i * 8)) return false; } return true; } } public override string ChecksumInfo { get { int invalid = 0; string rv = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Blocks.Length; i++) { if (Blocks[i].Length + Blocks[i].Offset > Data.Length) return $"Block {i} Invalid Offset/Length."; byte[] array = new byte[Blocks[i].Length]; Array.Copy(Data, Blocks[i].Offset, array, 0, array.Length); if (SaveUtil.CRC16_7(array, Blocks[i].ID) == BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, BlockInfoOffset + 6 + i * 8)) continue; invalid++; rv += $"Invalid: {i:X2} @ Region {Blocks[i].Offset:X5}" + Environment.NewLine; } // Return Outputs rv += $"SAV: {Blocks.Length - invalid}/{Blocks.Length + Environment.NewLine}"; return rv; } } public override ulong? Secure1 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt64(Data, BlockInfoOffset - 0x14); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value ?? 0).CopyTo(Data, BlockInfoOffset - 0x14); } public override ulong? Secure2 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt64(Data, BlockInfoOffset - 0xC); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value ?? 0).CopyTo(Data, BlockInfoOffset - 0xC); } private void GetSAVOffsets() { if (SM) { /* 00 */ Bag = 0x00000; // [DE0] MyItem /* 01 */ Trainer1 = 0x00E00; // [07C] Situation /* 02 */ // = 0x01000; // [014] RandomGroup /* 03 */ TrainerCard = 0x01200; // [0C0] MyStatus /* 04 */ Party = 0x01400; // [61C] PokePartySave /* 05 */ EventConst = 0x01C00; // [E00] EventWork /* 06 */ PokeDex = 0x02A00; // [F78] ZukanData /* 07 */ GTS = 0x03A00; // [228] GtsData /* 08 */ Fused = 0x03E00; // [104] UnionPokemon /* 09 */ Misc = 0x04000; // [200] Misc /* 10 */ Trainer2 = 0x04200; // [020] FieldMenu /* 11 */ // = 0x04400; // [004] ConfigSave /* 12 */ AdventureInfo = 0x04600; // [058] GameTime /* 13 */ PCLayout = 0x04800; // [5E6] BOX /* 14 */ Box = 0x04E00; // [36600] BoxPokemon /* 15 */ Resort = 0x3B400; // [572C] ResortSave /* 16 */ PlayTime = 0x40C00; // [008] PlayTime /* 17 */ Overworld = 0x40E00; // [1080] FieldMoveModelSave /* 18 */ Fashion = 0x42000; // [1A08] Fashion /* 19 */ // = 0x43C00; // [6408] JoinFestaPersonalSave /* 20 */ // = 0x4A200; // [6408] JoinFestaPersonalSave /* 21 */ JoinFestaData = 0x50800; // [3998] JoinFestaDataSave /* 22 */ // = 0x54200; // [100] BerrySpot /* 23 */ // = 0x54400; // [100] FishingSpot /* 24 */ // = 0x54600; // [10528] LiveMatchData /* 25 */ // = 0x64C00; // [204] BattleSpotData /* 26 */ PokeFinderSave = 0x65000; // [B60] PokeFinderSave /* 27 */ WondercardFlags = 0x65C00; // [3F50] MysteryGiftSave /* 28 */ Record = 0x69C00; // [358] Record /* 29 */ // = 0x6A000; // [728] Data Block /* 30 */ // = 0x6A800; // [200] GameSyncSave /* 31 */ // = 0x6AA00; // [718] PokeDiarySave /* 32 */ BattleTree = 0x6B200; // [1FC] BattleInstSave /* 33 */ Daycare = 0x6B400; // [200] Sodateya /* 34 */ // = 0x6B600; // [120] WeatherSave /* 35 */ QRSaveData = 0x6B800; // [1C8] QRReaderSaveData /* 36 */ // = 0x6BA00; // [200] TurtleSalmonSave EventFlag = EventConst + 0x7D0; OFS_PouchHeldItem = Bag + 0; // 430 (Case 0) OFS_PouchKeyItem = Bag + 0x6B8; // 184 (Case 4) OFS_PouchTMHM = Bag + 0x998; // 108 (Case 2) OFS_PouchMedicine = Bag + 0xB48; // 64 (Case 1) OFS_PouchBerry = Bag + 0xC48; // 72 (Case 3) OFS_PouchZCrystals = Bag + 0xD68; // 30 (Case 5) PokeDexLanguageFlags = PokeDex + 0x550; WondercardData = WondercardFlags + 0x100; BattleBoxFlags = PCLayout + 0x4C4; PCBackgrounds = PCLayout + 0x5C0; LastViewedBox = PCLayout + 0x5E3; PCFlags = PCLayout + 0x5E0; HoF = 0x25C0; // Inside EventWork (const/flag) block FashionLength = 0x1A08; TeamCount = 6; LockedSlots = new int[6*TeamCount]; TeamSlots = new int[6*TeamCount]; } else // Empty input { Party = 0x0; Box = Party + SIZE_PARTY * 6 + 0x1000; } } // Private Only private int Bag { get; set; } = int.MinValue; private int AdventureInfo { get; set; } = int.MinValue; private int Trainer2 { get; set; } = int.MinValue; private int Misc { get; set; } = int.MinValue; private int LastViewedBox { get; set; } = int.MinValue; private int WondercardFlags { get; set; } = int.MinValue; private int PlayTime { get; set; } = int.MinValue; private int ItemInfo { get; set; } = int.MinValue; private int Overworld { get; set; } = int.MinValue; private int JoinFestaData { get; set; } = int.MinValue; private int PokeFinderSave { get; set; } = int.MinValue; private int BattleTree { get; set; } = int.MinValue; private int BattleBoxFlags { get; set; } = int.MinValue; private int TeamCount { get; set; } = int.MinValue; // Accessible as SAV7 private int TrainerCard { get; set; } = 0x14000; private int Resort { get; set; } private int PCFlags { get; set; } = int.MinValue; public int PSSStats { get; private set; } = int.MinValue; public int MaisonStats { get; private set; } = int.MinValue; private int PCBackgrounds { get; set; } = int.MinValue; public int Contest { get; private set; } = int.MinValue; public int Accessories { get; private set; } = int.MinValue; public int PokeDexLanguageFlags { get; private set; } = int.MinValue; public int Fashion { get; set; } = int.MinValue; public int FashionLength { get; set; } = int.MinValue; private int Record { get; set; } = int.MinValue; private const int ResortCount = 93; public PKM[] ResortPKM { get { PKM[] data = new PKM[ResortCount]; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { data[i] = GetPKM(GetData(Resort + 0x12 + i * SIZE_STORED, SIZE_STORED)); data[i].Identifier = $"Resort Slot {i}"; } return data; } set { if (value?.Length != ResortCount) throw new ArgumentException(); for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) SetStoredSlot(value[i], Resort + 0x12 + i*SIZE_STORED); } } public override GameVersion Version { get { switch (Game) { case 30: return GameVersion.SN; case 31: return GameVersion.MN; } return GameVersion.Unknown; } } // Player Information public override ushort TID { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, TrainerCard + 0); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, TrainerCard + 0); } public override ushort SID { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, TrainerCard + 2); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, TrainerCard + 2); } public override int Game { get => Data[TrainerCard + 4]; set => Data[TrainerCard + 4] = (byte)value; } public override int Gender { get => Data[TrainerCard + 5]; set => Data[TrainerCard + 5] = (byte)value; } public override int GameSyncIDSize => 16; // 64 bits public override string GameSyncID { get { var data = Data.Skip(TrainerCard + 0x10).Take(GameSyncIDSize/2).Reverse().ToArray(); return BitConverter.ToString(data).Replace("-", ""); } set { if (value == null) return; if (value.Length > GameSyncIDSize) return; Enumerable.Range(0, value.Length) .Where(x => x % 2 == 0) .Reverse() .Select(x => Convert.ToByte(value.Substring(x, 2), 16)) .ToArray().CopyTo(Data, TrainerCard + 0x10); } } private const int NexUniqueIDSize = 32; // 128 bits public string NexUniqueID { get { var data = Data.Skip(TrainerCard + 0x18).Take(NexUniqueIDSize/2).Reverse().ToArray(); return BitConverter.ToString(data).Replace("-", ""); } set { if (value == null) return; if (value.Length > NexUniqueIDSize) return; Enumerable.Range(0, value.Length) .Where(x => x % 2 == 0) .Reverse() .Select(x => Convert.ToByte(value.Substring(x, 2), 16)) .ToArray().CopyTo(Data, TrainerCard + 0x18); } } public override int SubRegion { get => Data[TrainerCard + 0x2E]; set => Data[TrainerCard + 0x2E] = (byte)value; } public override int Country { get => Data[TrainerCard + 0x2F]; set => Data[TrainerCard + 0x2F] = (byte)value; } public override int ConsoleRegion { get => Data[TrainerCard + 0x34]; set => Data[TrainerCard + 0x34] = (byte)value; } public override int Language { get => Data[TrainerCard + 0x35]; set => Data[TrainerCard + 0x35] = (byte)value; } public override string OT { get => GetString(TrainerCard + 0x38, 0x1A); set => SetString(value, OTLength).CopyTo(Data, TrainerCard + 0x38); } public int DressUpSkinColor { get => (Data[TrainerCard + 0x54] >> 2) & 7; set => Data[TrainerCard + 0x54] = (byte)((Data[TrainerCard + 0x54] & ~(7 << 2)) | (value << 2)); } public int BallThrowType { get => Data[TrainerCard + 0x7A]; set => Data[TrainerCard + 0x7A] = (byte)(value > 8 ? 0 : value); } public int M { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, Trainer1 + 0x00); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, Trainer1 + 0x00); } public float X { get => BitConverter.ToSingle(Data, Trainer1 + 0x08); set { BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Trainer1 + 0x08); BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Overworld + 0x08); } } public float Z { get => BitConverter.ToSingle(Data, Trainer1 + 0x10); set { BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Trainer1 + 0x10); BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Overworld + 0x10); } } public float Y { get => (int)BitConverter.ToSingle(Data, Trainer1 + 0x18); set { BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Trainer1 + 0x18); BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Overworld + 0x18); } } public float R { get => (int)BitConverter.ToSingle(Data, Trainer1 + 0x20); set { BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Trainer1 + 0x20); BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Overworld + 0x20); } } public override uint Money { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, Misc + 0x4); set { if (value > 9999999) value = 9999999; BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Misc + 0x4); } } public uint Stamps { get => (BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, Misc + 0x08) << 13) >> 17; // 15 stamps; discard top13, lowest4 set { uint flags = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, Misc + 0x08) & 0xFFF8000F; flags |= (value & 0x7FFF) << 4; BitConverter.GetBytes(flags).CopyTo(Data, Misc + 0x08); } } public uint BP { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, Misc + 0x11C); set { if (value > 9999) value = 9999; BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Misc + 0x11C); } } public int Vivillon { get => Data[Misc + 0x130] & 0x1F; set => Data[Misc + 0x130] = (byte)((Data[Misc + 0x130] & ~0x1F) | (value & 0x1F)); } public int DaysFromRefreshed { get => Data[Misc + 0x123]; set => Data[Misc + 0x123] = (byte)value; } public uint UsedFestaCoins { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, 0x69C98); set { if (value > 9999999) value = 9999999; BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0x69C98); } } public uint FestaCoins { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, JoinFestaData + 0x508); set { if (value > 9999999) value = 9999999; BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, JoinFestaData + 0x508); TotalFestaCoins = UsedFestaCoins + value; } } private uint TotalFestaCoins { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, JoinFestaData + 0x50C); set { if (value > 9999999) value = 9999999; BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, JoinFestaData + 0x50C); } } public string FestivalPlazaName { get => Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(Data, JoinFestaData + 0x510, 0x2A)); set { const int max = 20; if (value.Length > max) value = value.Substring(0, max); Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(value.PadRight(value.Length + 1, '\0')).CopyTo(Data, JoinFestaData + 0x510); } } public sealed class FashionItem { public bool IsOwned; public bool IsNew; } public FashionItem[] Wardrobe { get { var data = GetData(Fashion, 0x5A8); return data.Select(b => new FashionItem {IsOwned = (b & 1) != 0, IsNew = (b & 2) != 0}).ToArray(); } set { if (value.Length != 0x5A8) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Unexpected size: 0x{value.Length:X}"); SetData(value.Select(t => (byte) ((t.IsOwned ? 1 : 0) | (t.IsNew ? 2 : 0))).ToArray(), Fashion); } } public override int PlayedHours { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, PlayTime); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, PlayTime); } public override int PlayedMinutes { get => Data[PlayTime + 2]; set => Data[PlayTime + 2] = (byte)value; } public override int PlayedSeconds { get => Data[PlayTime + 3]; set => Data[PlayTime + 3] = (byte)value; } private uint LastSaved { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, PlayTime + 0x4); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, PlayTime + 0x4); } private int LastSavedYear { get => (int)(LastSaved & 0xFFF); set => LastSaved = LastSaved & 0xFFFFF000 | (uint)value; } private int LastSavedMonth { get => (int)(LastSaved >> 12 & 0xF); set => LastSaved = LastSaved & 0xFFFF0FFF | ((uint)value & 0xF) << 12; } private int LastSavedDay { get => (int)(LastSaved >> 16 & 0x1F); set => LastSaved = LastSaved & 0xFFE0FFFF | ((uint)value & 0x1F) << 16; } private int LastSavedHour { get => (int)(LastSaved >> 21 & 0x1F); set => LastSaved = LastSaved & 0xFC1FFFFF | ((uint)value & 0x1F) << 21; } private int LastSavedMinute { get => (int)(LastSaved >> 26 & 0x3F); set => LastSaved = LastSaved & 0x03FFFFFF | ((uint)value & 0x3F) << 26; } private string LastSavedTime => $"{LastSavedYear:0000}{LastSavedMonth:00}{LastSavedDay:00}{LastSavedHour:00}{LastSavedMinute:00}"; public DateTime? LastSavedDate { get => !Util.IsDateValid(LastSavedYear, LastSavedMonth, LastSavedDay) ? (DateTime?)null : new DateTime(LastSavedYear, LastSavedMonth, LastSavedDay, LastSavedHour, LastSavedMinute, 0); set { // Only update the properties if a value is provided. if (value.HasValue) { var dt = value.Value; LastSavedYear = dt.Year; LastSavedMonth = dt.Month; LastSavedDay = dt.Day; LastSavedHour = dt.Hour; LastSavedMinute = dt.Minute; } else // Clear the date. { // If code tries to access MetDate again, null will be returned. LastSavedYear = 0; LastSavedMonth = 0; LastSavedDay = 0; LastSavedHour = 0; LastSavedMinute = 0; } } } public int ResumeYear { get => BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, AdventureInfo + 0x4); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, AdventureInfo + 0x4); } public int ResumeMonth { get => Data[AdventureInfo + 0x8]; set => Data[AdventureInfo + 0x8] = (byte)value; } public int ResumeDay { get => Data[AdventureInfo + 0x9]; set => Data[AdventureInfo + 0x9] = (byte)value; } public int ResumeHour { get => Data[AdventureInfo + 0xB]; set => Data[AdventureInfo + 0xB] = (byte)value; } public int ResumeMinute { get => Data[AdventureInfo + 0xC]; set => Data[AdventureInfo + 0xC] = (byte)value; } public int ResumeSeconds { get => Data[AdventureInfo + 0xD]; set => Data[AdventureInfo + 0xD] = (byte)value; } public override int SecondsToStart { get => BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, AdventureInfo + 0x28); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, AdventureInfo + 0x28); } public override int SecondsToFame { get => BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, AdventureInfo + 0x30); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, AdventureInfo + 0x30); } public ulong AlolaTime { get => BitConverter.ToUInt64(Data, AdventureInfo + 0x48); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, AdventureInfo + 0x48); } // Stat Records public int GetRecord(int recordID) { int ofs = GetRecordOffset(recordID); if (recordID < 100) return BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, ofs); if (recordID < 200) return BitConverter.ToInt16(Data, ofs); return 0; } public void SetRecord(int recordID, int value) { int ofs = GetRecordOffset(recordID); int max = GetRecordMax(recordID); if (value > max) value = max; if (recordID < 100) BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, ofs); if (recordID < 200) BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, ofs); } public int GetRecordOffset(int recordID) { if (recordID < 100) return Record + recordID*4; if (recordID < 200) return Record + recordID*2 + 200; // first 100 are 4bytes, so bias the difference return -1; } public static int GetRecordMax(int recordID) => recordID < 200 ? RecordMax[RecordMaxType[recordID]] : 0; private static readonly int[] RecordMax = {999999999, 9999999, 999999, 99999, 65535, 9999, 999}; private static readonly int[] RecordMaxType = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, }; public ushort PokeFinderCameraVersion { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, PokeFinderSave + 0x00); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, PokeFinderSave + 0x00); } public bool PokeFinderGyroFlag { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, PokeFinderSave + 0x02) == 1; set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)(value ? 1 : 0)).CopyTo(Data, PokeFinderSave + 0x02); } public uint PokeFinderSnapCount { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, PokeFinderSave + 0x04); set { if (value > 9999999) // Top bound is unchecked, check anyway value = 9999999; BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, PokeFinderSave + 0x04); } } public uint PokeFinderThumbsTotalValue { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, PokeFinderSave + 0x0C); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, PokeFinderSave + 0x0C); } public uint PokeFinderThumbsHighValue { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, PokeFinderSave + 0x10); set { if (value > 9999999) // 9mil; value = 9999999; BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, PokeFinderSave + 0x10); if (value > PokeFinderThumbsTotalValue) PokeFinderThumbsTotalValue = value; } } public ushort PokeFinderTutorialFlags { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, PokeFinderSave + 0x14); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, PokeFinderSave + 0x14); } // Inventory public override InventoryPouch[] Inventory { get { InventoryPouch[] pouch = { new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.Medicine, Legal.Pouch_Medicine_SM, 999, OFS_PouchMedicine), new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.Items, Legal.Pouch_Items_SM, 999, OFS_PouchHeldItem), new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.TMHMs, Legal.Pouch_TMHM_SM, 1, OFS_PouchTMHM), new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.Berries, Legal.Pouch_Berries_SM, 999, OFS_PouchBerry), new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.KeyItems, Legal.Pouch_Key_SM, 1, OFS_PouchKeyItem), new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.ZCrystals, Legal.Pouch_ZCrystal_SM, 1, OFS_PouchZCrystals), }; foreach (var p in pouch) p.GetPouch7(ref Data); return pouch; } set { foreach (var p in value) p.SetPouch7(ref Data); } } // Battle Tree public int GetTreeStreak(int battletype, bool super, bool max) { if (battletype > 3) throw new ArgumentException(); int offset = 8*battletype; if (super) offset += 2; if (max) offset += 4; return BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, BattleTree + offset); } public void SetTreeStreak(int value, int battletype, bool super, bool max) { if (battletype > 3) throw new ArgumentException(); if (value > ushort.MaxValue) value = ushort.MaxValue; int offset = 8 * battletype; if (super) offset += 2; if (max) offset += 4; BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, BattleTree + offset); } // Resort Save public int GetPokebeanCount(int bean_id) { if (bean_id < 0 || bean_id > 14) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid bean id!"); return Data[Resort + 0x564C + bean_id]; } public void SetPokebeanCount(int bean_id, int count) { if (bean_id < 0 || bean_id > 14) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid bean id!"); if (count < 0) count = 0; if (count > 255) count = 255; Data[Resort + 0x564C + bean_id] = (byte) count; } // Storage public override int CurrentBox { get => Data[LastViewedBox]; set => Data[LastViewedBox] = (byte)value; } public override int GetPartyOffset(int slot) { return Party + SIZE_PARTY * slot; } public override int GetBoxOffset(int box) { return Box + SIZE_STORED*box*30; } protected override int GetBoxWallpaperOffset(int box) { int ofs = PCBackgrounds > 0 && PCBackgrounds < Data.Length ? PCBackgrounds : -1; if (ofs > -1) return ofs + box; return ofs; } public override void SetBoxWallpaper(int box, int value) { if (PCBackgrounds < 0) return; int ofs = PCBackgrounds > 0 && PCBackgrounds < Data.Length ? PCBackgrounds : 0; Data[ofs + box] = (byte)value; } public override string GetBoxName(int box) { if (PCLayout < 0) return "B" + (box + 1); return Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(Data, PCLayout + 0x22*box, 0x22)); } public override void SetBoxName(int box, string val) { Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(val.PadRight(0x11, '\0')).CopyTo(Data, PCLayout + 0x22*box); Edited = true; } public override PKM GetPKM(byte[] data) { return new PK7(data); } protected override void SetPKM(PKM pkm) { PK7 pk7 = pkm as PK7; // Apply to this Save File int CT = pk7.CurrentHandler; DateTime Date = DateTime.Now; pk7.Trade(OT, TID, SID, Country, SubRegion, Gender, false, Date.Day, Date.Month, Date.Year); if (CT != pk7.CurrentHandler) // Logic updated Friendship { // Copy over the Friendship Value only under certain circumstances if (pk7.Moves.Contains(216)) // Return pk7.CurrentFriendship = pk7.OppositeFriendship; else if (pk7.Moves.Contains(218)) // Frustration pkm.CurrentFriendship = pk7.OppositeFriendship; } pkm.RefreshChecksum(); } protected override void SetDex(PKM pkm) { if (PokeDex < 0 || Version == GameVersion.Unknown) // sanity return; if (pkm.Species == 0 || pkm.Species > MaxSpeciesID) // out of range return; if (pkm.IsEgg) // do not add return; int bit = pkm.Species - 1; int bd = bit >> 3; // div8 int bm = bit & 7; // mod8 int gender = pkm.Gender % 2; // genderless -> male int shiny = pkm.IsShiny ? 1 : 0; if (pkm.Species == 351) // castform shiny = 0; int shift = gender | (shiny << 1); if (pkm.Species == 327) // Spinda { if ((Data[PokeDex + 0x84] & (1 << (shift + 4))) != 0) // Already 2 { BitConverter.GetBytes(pkm.EncryptionConstant).CopyTo(Data, PokeDex + 0x8E8 + shift * 4); // Data[PokeDex + 0x84] |= (byte)(1 << (shift + 4)); // 2 -- pointless Data[PokeDex + 0x84] |= (byte)(1 << shift); // 1 } else if ((Data[PokeDex + 0x84] & (1 << shift)) == 0) // Not yet 1 { Data[PokeDex + 0x84] |= (byte)(1 << shift); // 1 } } int ofs = PokeDex // Raw Offset + 0x08 // Magic + Flags + 0x80; // Misc Data (1024 bits) // Set the Owned Flag Data[ofs + bd] |= (byte)(1 << bm); // Starting with Gen7, form bits are stored in the same region as the species flags. int formstart = pkm.AltForm; int formend = pkm.AltForm; bool reset = SanitizeFormsToIterate(pkm.Species, out int fs, out int fe, formstart); if (reset) { formstart = fs; formend = fe; } for (int form = formstart; form <= formend; form++) { int bitIndex = bit; if (form > 0) // Override the bit to overwrite { int fc = Personal[pkm.Species].FormeCount; if (fc > 1) // actually has forms { int f = SaveUtil.GetDexFormIndexSM(pkm.Species, fc, MaxSpeciesID - 1); if (f >= 0) // bit index valid bitIndex = f + form; } } SetDexFlags(bitIndex, gender, shiny, pkm.Species - 1); } // Set the Language int lang = pkm.Language; const int langCount = 9; if (lang <= 10 && lang != 6 && lang != 0) // valid language { if (lang >= 7) lang--; lang--; // 0-8 languages if (lang < 0) lang = 1; int lbit = bit * langCount + lang; if (lbit >> 3 < 920) // Sanity check for max length of region Data[PokeDexLanguageFlags + (lbit >> 3)] |= (byte)(1 << (lbit & 7)); } } protected override void SetPartyValues(PKM pkm, bool isParty) { uint duration = 0; if (isParty && pkm.AltForm != 0) switch (pkm.Species) { case 676: duration = 5; break; case 720: // Hoopa duration = 3; break; } ((PK7)pkm).FormDuration = duration; } private static bool SanitizeFormsToIterate(int species, out int formStart, out int formEnd, int formIn) { // 004AA370 in Moon // Simplified in terms of usage -- only overrides to give all the battle forms for a pkm formStart = 0; formEnd = 0; switch (species) { case 351: // Castform formStart = 0; formEnd = 3; return true; case 421: // Cherrim case 555: // Darmanitan case 648: // Meloetta case 746: // Wishiwashi case 778: // Mimikyu formStart = 0; formEnd = 1; return true; case 774: // Minior // Cores forms are after Meteor forms, so the game iterator would give all meteor forms (NO!) // So the game so the game chooses to only award entries for Core forms after they appear in battle. return formIn > 6; // resets to 0/0 if an invalid request is made (non-form entry) case 718: if (formIn == 3) // complete return true; // 0/0 if (formIn != 2) // give return false; // Apparently form 2 is invalid (50% core-ability), set to 10%'s form formStart = 1; formEnd = 1; return true; default: return false; } } private void SetDexFlags(int index, int gender, int shiny, int baseSpecies) { const int brSize = 0x8C; int shift = gender | (shiny << 1); int ofs = PokeDex // Raw Offset + 0x08 // Magic + Flags + 0x80 // Misc Data (1024 bits) + 0x68; // Owned Flags int bd = index >> 3; // div8 int bm = index & 7; // mod8 int bd1 = baseSpecies >> 3; int bm1 = baseSpecies & 7; // Set the [Species/Gender/Shiny] Seen Flag int brSeen = shift * brSize; Data[ofs + brSeen + bd] |= (byte)(1 << bm); // Check Displayed Status for base form bool Displayed = false; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int brDisplayed = (4 + i) * brSize; Displayed |= (Data[ofs + brDisplayed + bd1] & (byte)(1 << bm1)) != 0; } // If form is not base form, check form too if (!Displayed && baseSpecies != index) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int brDisplayed = (4 + i) * brSize; Displayed |= (Data[ofs + brDisplayed + bd] & (byte)(1 << bm)) != 0; } } if (Displayed) return; // Set the Display flag if none are set Data[ofs + (4 + shift) * brSize + bd] |= (byte)(1 << bm); } public override bool GetCaught(int species) { int bit = species - 1; int bd = bit >> 3; // div8 int bm = bit & 7; // mod8 int ofs = PokeDex // Raw Offset + 0x08 // Magic + Flags + 0x80; // Misc Data (1024 bits) return (1 << bm & Data[ofs + bd]) != 0; } public override bool GetSeen(int species) { const int brSize = 0x8C; int bit = species - 1; int bd = bit >> 3; // div8 int bm = bit & 7; // mod8 byte mask = (byte)(1 << bm); int ofs = PokeDex // Raw Offset + 0x08 // Magic + Flags + 0x80; // Misc Data (1024 bits) for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) // check all 4 seen flags (gender/shiny) if ((Data[ofs + bd + i * brSize] & mask) != 0) return true; return false; } public override byte[] DecryptPKM(byte[] data) { return PKX.DecryptArray(data); } public override int PartyCount { get => Data[Party + 6 * SIZE_PARTY]; protected set => Data[Party + 6 * SIZE_PARTY] = (byte)value; } public override int BoxesUnlocked { get => Data[PCFlags + 1]; set => Data[PCFlags + 1] = (byte)value; } public override bool IsSlotLocked(int box, int slot) { if (slot >= 30 || box >= BoxCount) return false; int slotIndex = slot + BoxSlotCount*box; return LockedSlots.Any(s => s == slotIndex); } public override bool IsSlotInBattleTeam(int box, int slot) { if (slot >= 30 || box >= BoxCount) return false; int slotIndex = slot + BoxSlotCount * box; return TeamSlots.Any(s => s == slotIndex); } public override int DaycareSeedSize => 32; // 128 bits public override int GetDaycareSlotOffset(int loc, int slot) { if (loc != 0) return -1; if (Daycare < 0) return -1; return Daycare + 1 + slot * (SIZE_STORED + 1); } public override bool? IsDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot) { if (loc != 0) return null; if (Daycare < 0) return null; return Data[Daycare + (SIZE_STORED + 1) * slot] != 0; } public override string GetDaycareRNGSeed(int loc) { if (loc != 0) return null; if (Daycare < 0) return null; var data = Data.Skip(Daycare + 0x1DC).Take(DaycareSeedSize / 2).Reverse().ToArray(); return BitConverter.ToString(data).Replace("-", ""); } public override bool? IsDaycareHasEgg(int loc) { if (loc != 0) return null; if (Daycare < 0) return null; return Data[Daycare + 0x1D8] == 1; } public override void SetDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot, bool occupied) { if (loc != 0) return; if (Daycare < 0) return; Data[Daycare + (SIZE_STORED + 1) * slot] = (byte)(occupied ? 1 : 0); } public override void SetDaycareRNGSeed(int loc, string seed) { if (loc != 0) return; if (Daycare < 0) return; if (seed == null) return; if (seed.Length > DaycareSeedSize) return; Enumerable.Range(0, seed.Length) .Where(x => x % 2 == 0) .Reverse() .Select(x => Convert.ToByte(seed.Substring(x, 2), 16)) .ToArray().CopyTo(Data, Daycare + 0x1DC); } public override void SetDaycareHasEgg(int loc, bool hasEgg) { if (loc != 0) return; if (Daycare < 0) return; Data[Daycare + 0x1D8] = (byte)(hasEgg ? 1 : 0); } // Mystery Gift protected override bool[] MysteryGiftReceivedFlags { get { if (WondercardData < 0 || WondercardFlags < 0) return null; bool[] r = new bool[(WondercardData-WondercardFlags)*8]; for (int i = 0; i < r.Length; i++) r[i] = (Data[WondercardFlags + (i>>3)] >> (i&7) & 0x1) == 1; return r; } set { if (WondercardData < 0 || WondercardFlags < 0) return; if ((WondercardData - WondercardFlags)*8 != value?.Length) return; byte[] data = new byte[value.Length/8]; for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) if (value[i]) data[i>>3] |= (byte)(1 << (i&7)); data.CopyTo(Data, WondercardFlags); Edited = true; } } protected override MysteryGift[] MysteryGiftCards { get { if (WondercardData < 0) return null; MysteryGift[] cards = new MysteryGift[GiftCountMax]; for (int i = 0; i < cards.Length; i++) cards[i] = GetWC7(i); return cards; } set { if (value == null) return; if (value.Length > GiftCountMax) Array.Resize(ref value, GiftCountMax); for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) SetWC7(value[i], i); for (int i = value.Length; i < GiftCountMax; i++) SetWC7(new WC7(), i); } } private WC7 GetWC7(int index) { if (WondercardData < 0) return null; if (index < 0 || index > GiftCountMax) return null; return new WC7(GetData(WondercardData + index * WC7.Size, WC7.Size)); } private void SetWC7(MysteryGift wc7, int index) { if (WondercardData < 0) return; if (index < 0 || index > GiftCountMax) return; wc7.Data.CopyTo(Data, WondercardData + index * WC7.Size); Edited = true; } // Writeback Validity public override string MiscSaveChecks() { var r = new StringBuilder(); // MemeCrypto check if (RequiresMemeCrypto && !MemeCrypto.CanUseMemeCrypto()) { r.AppendLine("Platform does not support required cryptography providers."); r.AppendLine("Checksum will be broken until the file is saved using an OS without FIPS compliance enabled or a newer OS."); r.AppendLine(); } // FFFF checks byte[] FFFF = Enumerable.Repeat((byte)0xFF, 0x200).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < Data.Length / 0x200; i++) { if (!FFFF.SequenceEqual(Data.Skip(i * 0x200).Take(0x200))) continue; r.AppendLine($"0x200 chunk @ 0x{i*0x200:X5} is FF'd."); r.AppendLine("Cyber will screw up (as of August 31st 2014)."); r.AppendLine(); // Check to see if it is in the Pokedex if (i * 0x200 > PokeDex && i * 0x200 < PokeDex + 0x900) { r.Append("Problem lies in the Pokedex. "); if (i * 0x200 == PokeDex + 0x400) r.Append("Remove a language flag for a species < 585, ie Petilil"); } break; } return r.ToString(); } public override string MiscSaveInfo() { return Blocks.Aggregate("", (current, b) => current + $"{b.ID:00}: {b.Offset:X5}-{b.Offset + b.Length:X5}, {b.Length:X5}{Environment.NewLine}"); } public byte BallThrowTypeUnlocked { get => (byte)(((BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x23F4) << 4) >> 10) << 2); set { ushort flags = (ushort)(BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, 0x23F4) & 0xF03F); flags |= (ushort)((value & 0xFC) << 4); BitConverter.GetBytes(flags).CopyTo(Data, 0x23F4); } } public byte BallThrowTypeLearned { get => (byte)((Data[0x2583] & 0x7F) << 1); set => Data[0x2583] = (byte)((Data[0x2583] & 0x80) | ((value & 0xFE) >> 1)); } public byte BattleTreeSuperUnlocked { get => (byte)(Data[0x23F9] >> 5); set => Data[0x23F9] = (byte)((Data[0x23F9] & 0x1F) | ((value & 0x07) << 5)); } public bool MegaUnlocked { get => (Data[0x1278] & 0x01) != 0; set => Data[0x1278] = (byte)((Data[0x1278] & 0xFE) | (value ? 1 : 0)); // in battle // Data[0x1F22] = (byte)((Data[0x1F22] & 0xFE) | (value ? 1 : 0)); // event } public override bool RequiresMemeCrypto => true; public override string GetString(int Offset, int Count) => PKX.GetString7(Data, Offset, Count); public override byte[] SetString(string value, int maxLength, int PadToSize = 0, ushort PadWith = 0) { if (PadToSize == 0) PadToSize = maxLength + 1; return PKX.SetString7(value, maxLength, PadToSize, PadWith); } } }