using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// Key for crypto with binaries.
public sealed class MemeKey
/// Distinguished Encoding Rules
private readonly byte[] DER;
/// Private Exponent, BigInteger
private readonly BigInteger D;
/// Public Exponent, BigInteger
private readonly BigInteger E;
/// Modulus, BigInteger
private readonly BigInteger N;
// Constructor
public MemeKey(MemeKeyIndex key)
DER = GetMemeData(key);
var _N = new byte[0x61];
var _E = new byte[0x3];
Array.Copy(DER, 0x18, _N, 0, 0x61);
Array.Copy(DER, 0x7B, _E, 0, 3);
N = new BigInteger(_N);
E = new BigInteger(_E);
if (key == MemeKeyIndex.PokedexAndSaveFile)
var _D = (byte[])D_3.Clone();
D = new BigInteger(_D);
/// Indicates if this key can be used to resign messages.
public bool CanResign => D != INVALID;
/// Get the AES key for this MemeKey
private byte[] GetAesKey(byte[] data)
if (data.Length < 0x60)
throw new ArgumentException("Memebuffers must be atleast 0x60 bytes long!");
var buffer = new byte[DER.Length + data.Length - 0x60];
Array.Copy(DER, 0, buffer, 0, DER.Length);
Array.Copy(data, 0, buffer, DER.Length, buffer.Length - DER.Length);
using var sha1 = SHA1.Create();
var result = sha1.ComputeHash(buffer);
var key = new byte[0x10];
Array.Copy(result, 0, key, 0, 0x10);
return key;
/// Performs Aes Decryption
internal byte[] AesDecrypt(byte[] input)
var key = GetAesKey(input);
var data = new byte[0x60];
Array.Copy(input, input.Length - 0x60, data, 0, 0x60);
var temp = new byte[0x10];
var curblock = new byte[0x10];
var outdata = new byte[data.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < data.Length / 0x10; i++) // Reverse Phase 2
var ofs = ((data.Length / 0x10) - 1 - i) * 0x10;
Array.Copy(data, ofs, curblock, 0, 0x10);
var temp1 = Xor(temp, curblock);
temp = AesEcbDecrypt(key, temp1);
temp.CopyTo(outdata, ofs);
// At this point we have Phase1(buf) ^ subkey.
// Subkey is (block first ^ block last) << 1
// We don't have block first or block last, though?
// How can we derive subkey?
// Well, (a ^ a) = 0. so (block first ^ subkey) ^ (block last ^ subkey)
// = block first ^ block last ;)
Array.Copy(outdata, ((data.Length / 0x10) - 1) * 0x10, temp, 0, 0x10);
temp = Xor(temp, outdata.AsSpan(0, 0x10));
var subkey = GetSubKey(temp);
for (var i = 0; i < data.Length / 0x10; i++)
Array.Copy(outdata, 0x10 * i, curblock, 0, 0x10);
var temp1 = Xor(curblock, subkey);
Array.Copy(temp1, 0, outdata, 0x10 * i, 0x10);
// Now we have Phase1Encrypt(buf).
Array.Clear(temp, 0, 0x10); // Clear to all zero
for (var i = 0; i < data.Length / 0x10; i++) // Phase 1: CBC Encryption.
Array.Copy(outdata, i * 0x10, curblock, 0, 0x10);
var temp1 = AesEcbDecrypt(key, curblock);
var temp2 = Xor(temp1, temp);
temp2.CopyTo(outdata, i * 0x10);
curblock.CopyTo(temp, 0);
var outbuf = (byte[]) input.Clone();
Array.Copy(outdata, 0, outbuf, outbuf.Length - 0x60, 0x60);
return outbuf;
/// Perform Aes Encryption
internal byte[] AesEncrypt(byte[] input)
var key = GetAesKey(input);
var data = new byte[0x60];
Array.Copy(input, input.Length - 0x60, data, 0, 0x60);
var temp = new byte[0x10];
var curblock = new byte[0x10];
var outdata = new byte[data.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < data.Length / 0x10; i++) // Phase 1: CBC Encryption.
Array.Copy(data, i * 0x10, curblock, 0, 0x10);
var temp1 = Xor(temp, curblock);
temp = AesEcbEncrypt(key, temp1);
temp.CopyTo(outdata, i * 0x10);
// In between - CMAC stuff
var inbet = outdata.AsSpan(0, 0x10);
temp = Xor(temp, inbet);
var subkey = GetSubKey(temp);
Array.Clear(temp, 0, temp.Length); // Memcpy from an all-zero buffer
for (var i = 0; i < data.Length / 0x10; i++)
var ofs = ((data.Length / 0x10) - 1 - i) * 0x10;
Array.Copy(outdata, ofs, curblock, 0, 0x10);
byte[] temp2 = Xor(curblock, subkey);
byte[] temp3 = AesEcbEncrypt(key, temp2);
byte[] temp4 = Xor(temp3, temp);
Array.Copy(temp4, 0, outdata, ofs, 0x10);
temp = temp2;
var outbuf = (byte[])input.Clone();
Array.Copy(outdata, 0, outbuf, outbuf.Length - 0x60, 0x60);
return outbuf;
private static byte[] GetSubKey(byte[] temp)
var subkey = new byte[0x10];
for (var ofs = 0; ofs < 0x10; ofs += 2) // Imperfect ROL implementation
byte b1 = temp[ofs + 0], b2 = temp[ofs + 1];
subkey[ofs + 0] = (byte)((2 * b1) + (b2 >> 7));
subkey[ofs + 1] = (byte)(2 * b2);
if (ofs + 2 < temp.Length)
subkey[ofs + 1] += (byte)(temp[ofs + 2] >> 7);
if ((temp[0] & 0x80) != 0)
subkey[0xF] ^= 0x87;
return subkey;
private static byte[] Xor(byte[] b1, ReadOnlySpan b2)
Debug.Assert(b1.Length == b2.Length);
var x = new byte[b1.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < b1.Length; i++)
x[i] = (byte)(b1[i] ^ b2[i]);
return x;
/// Perform Rsa Decryption
internal byte[] RsaPrivate(byte[] data)
var _M = new byte[data.Length + 1];
data.CopyTo(_M, 1);
var M = new BigInteger(_M);
return Exponentiate(M, D);
/// Perform Rsa Encryption
internal byte[] RsaPublic(ReadOnlySpan data)
var _M = new byte[data.Length + 1];
var M = new BigInteger(_M);
return Exponentiate(M, E);
#region MemeKey Helper Methods
/// Indicator value for a bad Exponent
private static readonly BigInteger INVALID = BigInteger.MinusOne;
// Helper method for Modular Exponentiation
private byte[] Exponentiate(BigInteger M, BigInteger Power)
var rawSig = BigInteger.ModPow(M, Power, N).ToByteArray();
var outSig = new byte[0x60];
if (rawSig.Length < 0x60)
Array.Copy(rawSig, 0, outSig, 0x60 - rawSig.Length, rawSig.Length);
else if (rawSig.Length > 0x60)
Array.Copy(rawSig, rawSig.Length - 0x60, outSig, 0, 0x60);
Array.Copy(rawSig, outSig, 0x60);
return outSig;
private static byte[] GetMemeData(MemeKeyIndex key) => key switch
MemeKeyIndex.LocalWireless => DER_LW,
MemeKeyIndex.FriendlyCompetition => DER_0,
MemeKeyIndex.LiveCompetition => DER_1,
MemeKeyIndex.RentalTeam => DER_2,
MemeKeyIndex.PokedexAndSaveFile => DER_3,
MemeKeyIndex.GaOle => DER_4,
MemeKeyIndex.MagearnaEvent => DER_5,
MemeKeyIndex.MoncolleGet => DER_6,
MemeKeyIndex.IslandScanEventSpecial => DER_7,
MemeKeyIndex.TvTokyoDataBroadcasting => DER_8,
MemeKeyIndex.CapPikachuEvent => DER_9,
MemeKeyIndex.Unknown10 => DER_A,
MemeKeyIndex.Unknown11 => DER_B,
MemeKeyIndex.Unknown12 => DER_C,
MemeKeyIndex.Unknown13 => DER_D,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(key), key, null)
private static readonly byte[] rgbIV = new byte[0x10];
// Helper Method to perform AES ECB Encryption
private static byte[] AesEcbEncrypt(byte[] key, byte[] data)
using var ms = new MemoryStream();
using var aes = Aes.Create();
aes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
aes.Padding = PaddingMode.None;
using var cs = new CryptoStream(ms, aes.CreateEncryptor(key, rgbIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write);
cs.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
return ms.ToArray();
// Helper Method to perform AES ECB Decryption
private static byte[] AesEcbDecrypt(byte[] key, byte[] data)
using var ms = new MemoryStream();
using var aes = Aes.Create();
aes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
aes.Padding = PaddingMode.None;
using var cs = new CryptoStream(ms, aes.CreateDecryptor(key, rgbIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write);
cs.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
return ms.ToArray();
public static bool IsValidPokeKeyIndex(int index)
if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MemeKeyIndex), index))
return false;
return (MemeKeyIndex)index != MemeKeyIndex.LocalWireless;
#region Official Keydata
private static readonly byte[] DER_0 = "307C300D06092A864886F70D0101010500036B003068026100B3D68C9B1090F6B1B88ECFA9E2F60E9C62C3033B5B64282F262CD393B433D97BD3DB7EBA470B1A77A3DB3C18A1E7616972229BDAD54FB02A19546C65FA4773AABE9B8C926707E7B7DDE4C867C01C0802985E438656168A4430F3F3B9662D7D010203010001".ToByteArray();
private static readonly byte[] DER_1 = "307C300D06092A864886F70D0101010500036B003068026100C10F4097FD3C781A8FDE101EF3B2F091F82BEE4742324B9206C581766EAF2FBB42C7D60D749B999C529B0E22AD05E0C880231219AD473114EC454380A92898D7A8B54D9432584897D6AFE4860235126190A328DD6525D97B9058D98640B0FA050203010001".ToByteArray();
private static readonly byte[] DER_2 = "307C300D06092A864886F70D0101010500036B003068026100C3C8D89F55D6A236A115C77594D4B318F0A0A0E3252CC0D6345EB9E33A43A5A56DC9D10B7B59C135396159EC4D01DEBC5FB3A4CAE47853E205FE08982DFCC0C39F0557449F97D41FED13B886AEBEEA918F4767E8FBE0494FFF6F6EE3508E3A3F0203010001".ToByteArray();
private static readonly byte[] DER_3 = "307C300D06092A864886F70D0101010500036B003068026100B61E192091F90A8F76A6EAAA9A3CE58C863F39AE253F037816F5975854E07A9A456601E7C94C29759FE155C064EDDFA111443F81EF1A428CF6CD32F9DAC9D48E94CFB3F690120E8E6B9111ADDAF11E7C96208C37C0143FF2BF3D7E831141A9730203010001".ToByteArray();
private static readonly byte[] DER_4 = "307C300D06092A864886F70D0101010500036B003068026100A0F2AC80B408E2E4D58916A1C706BEE7A24758A62CE9B50AF1B31409DFCB382E885AA8BB8C0E4AD1BCF6FF64FB3037757D2BEA10E4FE9007C850FFDCF70D2AFAA4C53FAFE38A9917D467862F50FE375927ECFEF433E61BF817A645FA5665D9CF0203010001".ToByteArray();
private static readonly byte[] DER_5 = "307C300D06092A864886F70D0101010500036B003068026100D046F2872868A5089205B226DE13D86DA552646AC152C84615BE8E0A5897C3EA45871028F451860EA226D53B68DDD5A77D1AD82FAF857EA52CF7933112EEC367A06C0761E580D3D70B6B9C837BAA3F16D1FF7AA20D87A2A5E2BCC6E383BF12D50203010001".ToByteArray();
private static readonly byte[] DER_6 = "307C300D06092A864886F70D0101010500036B003068026100D379919001D7FF40AC59DF475CF6C6368B1958DD4E870DFD1CE11218D5EA9D88DD7AD530E2806B0B092C02E25DB092518908EDA574A0968D49B0503954B24284FA75445A074CE6E1ABCEC8FD01DAA0D21A0DD97B417BC3E54BEB7253FC06D3F30203010001".ToByteArray();
private static readonly byte[] DER_7 = "307C300D06092A864886F70D0101010500036B003068026100B751CB7D282625F2961A7138650ABE1A6AA80D69548BA3AE9DFF065B2805EB3675D960C62096C2835B1DF1C290FC19411944AFDF3458E3B1BC81A98C3F3E95D0EE0C20A0259E614399404354D90F0C69111A4E525F425FBB31A38B8C558F23730203010001".ToByteArray();
private static readonly byte[] DER_8 = "307C300D06092A864886F70D0101010500036B003068026100B328FE4CC41627882B04FBA0A396A15285A8564B6112C1203048766D827E8E4E5655D44B266B2836575AE68C8301632A3E58B1F4362131E97B0AA0AFC38F2F7690CBD4F3F4652072BFD8E9421D2BEEF177873CD7D08B6C0D1022109CA3ED5B630203010001".ToByteArray();
private static readonly byte[] DER_9 = "307C300D06092A864886F70D0101010500036B003068026100C4B32FD1161CC30D04BD569F409E878AA2815C91DD009A5AE8BFDAEA7D116BF24966BF10FCC0014B258DFEF6614E55FB6DAB2357CD6DF5B63A5F059F724469C0178D83F88F45048982EAE7A7CC249F84667FC393684DA5EFE1856EB10027D1D70203010001".ToByteArray();
private static readonly byte[] DER_A = "307C300D06092A864886F70D0101010500036B003068026100C5B75401E83352A64EEC8916C4206F17EC338A24A6F7FD515260696D7228496ABC1423E1FF30514149FC199720E95E682539892E510B239A8C7A413DE4EEE74594F073815E9B434711F6807E8B9E7C10C281F89CF3B1C14E3F0ADF83A2805F090203010001".ToByteArray();
private static readonly byte[] DER_B = "307C300D06092A864886F70D0101010500036B003068026100AC36B88D00C399C660B4846287FFC7F9DF5C07487EAAE3CD4EFD0029D3B86ED3658AD7DEE4C7F5DA25F9F6008885F343122274994CAB647776F0ADCFBA1E0ECEC8BF57CAAB8488BDD59A55195A0167C7D2C4A9CF679D0EFF4A62B5C8568E09770203010001".ToByteArray();
private static readonly byte[] DER_C = "307C300D06092A864886F70D0101010500036B003068026100CAC0514D4B6A3F70771C461B01BDE3B6D47A0ADA078074DDA50703D8CC28089379DA64FB3A34AD3435D24F7331383BDADC4877662EFB555DA2077619B70AB0342EBE6EE888EBF3CF4B7E8BCCA95C61E993BDD6104C10D11115DC84178A5894350203010001".ToByteArray();
private static readonly byte[] DER_D = "307C300D06092A864886F70D0101010500036B003068026100B906466740F5A9428DA84B418C7FA6146F7E24C783373D671F9214B40948A4A317C1A4460111B45D2DADD093815401573E52F0178890D35CBD95712EFAAE0D20AD47187648775CD9569431B1FC3C784113E3A48436D30B2CD162218D6781F5ED0203010001".ToByteArray();
private static readonly byte[] DER_LW = "307C300D06092A864886F70D0101010500036B003068026100B756E1DCD8CECE78E148107B1BAC115FDB17DE843453CAB7D4E6DF8DD21F5A3D17B4477A8A531D97D57EB558F0D58A4AF5BFADDDA4A0BC1DC22FF87576C7268B942819D4C83F78E1EE92D406662F4E68471E4DE833E5126C32EB63A868345D1D0203010001".ToByteArray();
private static readonly byte[] D_3 = "00775455668FFF3CBA3026C2D0B26B8085895958341157AEB03B6B0495EE57803E2186EB6CB2EB62A71DF18A3C9C6579077670961B3A6102DABE5A194AB58C3250AED597FC78978A326DB1D7B28DCCCB2A3E014EDBD397AD33B8F28CD525054251".ToByteArray();