using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
public static partial class Util
public static int ToInt32(string value) => ToInt32(value.AsSpan());
public static uint ToUInt32(string value) => ToUInt32(value.AsSpan());
public static uint GetHexValue(string value) => GetHexValue(value.AsSpan());
public static ulong GetHexValue64(string value) => GetHexValue64(value.AsSpan());
public static byte[] GetBytesFromHexString(string value) => GetBytesFromHexString(value.AsSpan());
public static string GetHexStringFromBytes(byte[] data, int offset, int length) => GetHexStringFromBytes(data.AsSpan(offset, length));
/// Parses the string into an , skipping all characters except for valid digits.
/// String to parse
/// Parsed value
public static int ToInt32(ReadOnlySpan value)
int result = 0;
if (value.Length == 0)
return result;
bool negative = false;
foreach (var c in value)
if (IsNum(c))
result *= 10;
result += c;
result -= '0';
else if (c == '-' && result == 0)
negative = true;
return negative ? -result : result;
/// Parses the string into a , skipping all characters except for valid digits.
/// String to parse
/// Parsed value
public static uint ToUInt32(ReadOnlySpan value)
uint result = 0;
if (value.Length == 0)
return result;
foreach (var c in value)
if (!IsNum(c))
result *= 10;
result += (uint)(c - '0');
return result;
/// Parses the hex string into a , skipping all characters except for valid digits.
/// Hex String to parse
/// Parsed value
public static uint GetHexValue(ReadOnlySpan value)
uint result = 0;
if (value.Length == 0)
return result;
foreach (var c in value)
if (IsNum(c))
result <<= 4;
result += (uint)(c - '0');
else if (IsHexUpper(c))
result <<= 4;
result += (uint)(c - 'A' + 10);
else if (IsHexLower(c))
result <<= 4;
result += (uint)(c - 'a' + 10);
return result;
/// Parses the hex string into a , skipping all characters except for valid digits.
/// Hex String to parse
/// Parsed value
public static ulong GetHexValue64(ReadOnlySpan value)
ulong result = 0;
if (value.Length == 0)
return result;
foreach (var c in value)
if (IsNum(c))
result <<= 4;
result += (uint)(c - '0');
else if (IsHexUpper(c))
result <<= 4;
result += (uint)(c - 'A' + 10);
else if (IsHexLower(c))
result <<= 4;
result += (uint)(c - 'a' + 10);
return result;
public static byte[] GetBytesFromHexString(ReadOnlySpan seed)
byte[] result = new byte[seed.Length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
var slice = seed.Slice(i * 2, 2);
result[^(i+1)] = (byte)GetHexValue(slice);
return result;
public static string GetHexStringFromBytes(ReadOnlySpan arr)
var sb = new StringBuilder(arr.Length * 2);
for (int i = arr.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
sb.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", arr[i]);
return sb.ToString();
private static bool IsNum(char c) => (uint)(c - '0') <= 9;
private static bool IsHexUpper(char c) => (uint)(c - 'A') <= 5;
private static bool IsHexLower(char c) => (uint)(c - 'a') <= 5;
private static bool IsHex(char c) => IsNum(c) || IsHexUpper(c) || IsHexLower(c);
/// Filters the string down to only valid hex characters, returning a new string.
/// Input string to filter
public static string GetOnlyHex(string str)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str))
return string.Empty;
var sb = new StringBuilder(str.Length);
foreach (var c in str)
if (IsHex(c))
return sb.ToString();
/// Returns a new string with each word converted to its appropriate title case.
/// Input string to modify
/// Trim ends of whitespace
public static string ToTitleCase(ReadOnlySpan str, bool trim = false)
int start = 0;
if (trim)
// Get First index that isn't a space
while (start < str.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(str[start]))
if (start == str.Length)
return string.Empty;
int end = str.Length - 1;
if (trim)
// Get Last index that isn't a space
while (end > start && char.IsWhiteSpace(str[end]))
var span = str.Slice(start, end - start + 1);
var sb = new StringBuilder(span.Length);
// Add each word to the string builder. Continue from the first index that isn't a space.
// Add the first character as uppercase, then add each successive character as lowercase.
bool first = true;
foreach (char c in span)
if (char.IsWhiteSpace(c))
first = true;
else if (first)
first = false;
return sb.ToString();
/// Trims a string at the first instance of a 0x0000 terminator.
/// String to trim.
/// Trimmed string.
public static string TrimFromZero(string input) => TrimFromFirst(input, '\0');
private static string TrimFromFirst(string input, char c)
int index = input.IndexOf(c);
return index < 0 ? input : input[..index];
public static void TrimFromFirst(StringBuilder input, char c)
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
if (input[i] != c)
input.Remove(i, input.Length - i);
public static Dictionary[] GetMultiDictionary(IReadOnlyList> nameArray, int start)
var result = new Dictionary[nameArray.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
result[i] = GetDictionary(nameArray[i], start);
return result;
private static Dictionary GetDictionary(IReadOnlyList names, int start)
var result = new Dictionary(names.Count - start);
for (int i = start; i < names.Count; i++)
result.Add(names[i], i);
return result;