using System; using System.Buffers; namespace PKHeX.Core; /// /// Logic for suggesting a moveset. /// public static class MoveListSuggest { private static void GetSuggestedMoves(PKM pk, EvolutionHistory evoChains, MoveSourceType types, IEncounterTemplate enc, Span moves) { if (pk is { IsEgg: true, Format: <= 5 }) // pre relearn { var source = GameData.GetLearnSource(enc.Version); source.SetEncounterMoves(enc.Species, 0, enc.LevelMin, moves); return; } if (types is not (MoveSourceType.None or MoveSourceType.Encounter)) { GetValidMoves(pk, enc, evoChains, moves, types); return; } // try to give current moves if (enc.Generation <= 2 && pk.Format < 8) { var lvl = pk.Format >= 7 ? pk.MetLevel : pk.CurrentLevel; var source = GameData.GetLearnSource(enc.Version); source.SetEncounterMoves(enc.Species, 0, lvl, moves); return; } if (pk.Species == enc.Species || pk.Context.Generation() >= 8) { var game = pk.Version; // account for SW/SH foreign mutated versions if (pk.Context.Generation() >= 8) game = pk.Context.GetSingleGameVersion(); var source = GameData.GetLearnSource(game); source.SetEncounterMoves(pk.Species, pk.Form, pk.CurrentLevel, moves); return; } GetValidMoves(pk, enc, evoChains, moves, types); } private static void GetValidMoves(PKM pk, IEncounterTemplate enc, EvolutionHistory evoChains, Span moves, MoveSourceType types = MoveSourceType.ExternalSources) { var length = pk.MaxMoveID + 1; bool[] rent = ArrayPool.Shared.Rent(length); var span = rent.AsSpan(0, length); LearnPossible.Get(pk, enc, evoChains, span, types); var count = span[1..].Count(true); int remain = moves.Length; if (count <= remain) LoadAll(moves, span); else LoadSample(moves, span, count, remain); span.Clear(); ArrayPool.Shared.Return(rent); } private static void LoadSample(Span moves, ReadOnlySpan span, int count, int remain) { // Selection Sampling int ctr = 0; var rnd = Util.Rand; for (ushort i = 1; i < span.Length; i++) { if (!span[i]) continue; if (rnd.Next(count--) >= remain) continue; moves[ctr++] = i; if (--remain == 0) break; } } private static void LoadAll(Span moves, ReadOnlySpan span) { int ctr = 0; for (ushort i = 1; i < span.Length; i++) { if (!span[i]) continue; moves[ctr++] = i; } } /// /// Gets four moves which can be learned depending on the input arguments. /// /// Parse information to generate a moveset for. /// Result storage /// Allowed move sources for populating the result array public static void GetSuggestedCurrentMoves(this LegalityAnalysis analysis, Span moves, MoveSourceType types = MoveSourceType.All) { if (!analysis.Parsed) return; var pk = analysis.Entity; if (pk is { IsEgg: true, Format: >= 6 }) { pk.GetRelearnMoves(moves); return; } if (pk.IsEgg) types = types.ClearNonEggSources(); var info = analysis.Info; GetSuggestedMoves(pk, info.EvoChainsAllGens, types, info.EncounterOriginal, moves); } /// /// Gets the current array of four moves that might be legal. /// /// Use instead of calling directly; this method just puts default values in without considering the final moveset. public static void GetSuggestedRelearn(this IEncounterTemplate enc, PKM pk, Span moves) { if (LearnVerifierRelearn.ShouldNotHaveRelearnMoves(enc, pk)) return; GetSuggestedRelearnInternal(enc, pk, moves); } // Invalid encounters won't be recognized as an EncounterEgg; check if it *should* be a bred egg. private static void GetSuggestedRelearnInternal(this IEncounterTemplate enc, PKM pk, Span moves) { if (enc is IRelearn { Relearn: { HasMoves: true } r }) r.CopyTo(moves); else if (enc is EncounterEgg or EncounterInvalid { IsEgg: true }) GetSuggestedRelearnEgg(enc, pk, moves); } private static void GetSuggestedRelearnEgg(IEncounterTemplate enc, PKM pk, Span moves) { Span current = stackalloc ushort[4]; pk.GetRelearnMoves(current); Span expected = stackalloc ushort[current.Length]; _ = MoveBreed.GetExpectedMoves(current, enc, expected); expected.CopyTo(moves); } /// /// Gets the current array of four moves that might be legal. /// public static void GetSuggestedRelearnMovesFromEncounter(this LegalityAnalysis analysis, Span moves, IEncounterTemplate? enc = null) { var info = analysis.Info; enc ??= info.EncounterOriginal; var pk = analysis.Entity; if (LearnVerifierRelearn.ShouldNotHaveRelearnMoves(enc, pk)) return; if (enc is EncounterEgg or EncounterInvalid {IsEgg: true}) enc.GetSuggestedRelearnEgg(info.Moves, pk, moves); else enc.GetSuggestedRelearnInternal(pk, moves); } private static void GetSuggestedRelearnEgg(this IEncounterTemplate enc, ReadOnlySpan parse, PKM pk, Span moves) { enc.GetEggRelearnMoves(parse, pk, moves); byte generation = enc.Generation; // Gen2 does not have split breed, Gen5 and below do not store relearn moves in the data structure. if (generation <= 5) return; // Split-breed species like Budew & Roselia may be legal for one, and not the other. // If we're not a split-breed or are already legal, return. if (!Breeding.IsSplitBreedNotBabySpecies(enc.Species, generation)) return; var tmp = pk.Clone(); tmp.SetRelearnMoves(moves); var la = new LegalityAnalysis(tmp); var chk = la.Info.Moves; if (MoveResult.AllValid(chk)) return; // Try again with the other split-breed species if possible. var generator = EncounterGenerator.GetGenerator(enc.Version); Span chain = stackalloc EvoCriteria[EvolutionTree.MaxEvolutions]; var origin = new EvolutionOrigin(enc.Species, enc.Version, enc.Generation, 1, 100, OriginOptions.EncounterTemplate); int count = EvolutionChain.GetOriginChain(chain, pk, origin); var evos = chain[..count].ToArray(); var other = generator.GetPossible(pk, evos, enc.Version, EncounterTypeGroup.Egg); foreach (var incense in other) { if (incense.Species == enc.Species) continue; incense.GetEggRelearnMoves(parse, pk, moves); break; } } private static void GetEggRelearnMoves(this IEncounterTemplate enc, ReadOnlySpan parse, PKM pk, Span moves) { // Extract a list of the moves that should end up in the relearn move list. LoadRelearnFlagged(moves, parse, pk); Span expected = stackalloc ushort[moves.Length]; _ = MoveBreed.GetExpectedMoves(moves, enc, expected); expected.CopyTo(moves); } private static void LoadRelearnFlagged(Span moves, ReadOnlySpan parse, PKM pk) { // Loads only indexes that are flagged as relearn moves int count = 0; for (int index = 0; index < parse.Length; index++) { var move = parse[index]; if (move.ShouldBeInRelearnMoves()) moves[count++] = pk.GetMove(index); } moves[count..].Clear(); } }