using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// Severity indication of the associated
/// Severity >= is green
/// Severity == is yellow
/// Severity <= is red
public enum Severity
/// Cannot determine validity; not valid.
Indeterminate = -2,
/// Definitively not valid.
Invalid = -1,
/// Suspicious values, but still valid.
Fishy = 0,
/// Values are valid.
Valid = 1,
public static partial class Extensions
/// Converts a Check result Severity determination (Valid/Invalid/etc) to the localized string.
/// value to convert to string.
/// Localized .
public static string Description(this Severity s)
switch (s)
case Severity.Indeterminate: return L_SIndeterminate;
case Severity.Invalid: return L_SInvalid;
case Severity.Fishy: return L_SFishy;
case Severity.Valid: return L_SValid;
default: return L_SNotImplemented;