using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Media; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using PKHeX.Core; using PKHeX.WinForms.Properties; using static PKHeX.Core.MessageStrings; namespace PKHeX.WinForms.Controls { public partial class SAVEditor : UserControl, ISlotViewer, ISaveFileProvider { public SaveFile SAV { get; set; } public int CurrentBox => Box.CurrentBox; public SlotChangeManager M { get; } public readonly Stack UndoStack = new Stack(); public readonly Stack RedoStack = new Stack(); public readonly ContextMenuSAV menu = new ContextMenuSAV(); public readonly BoxMenuStrip SortMenu; public bool HaX; public bool ModifyPKM; public ToolStripMenuItem Menu_Redo; public ToolStripMenuItem Menu_Undo; private bool FieldsLoaded; public PKMEditor PKME_Tabs; public SlotChange GetSlotData(PictureBox view) { int slot = GetSlot(view); var type = Extensions.GetMiscSlotType(slot); return new SlotChange { Slot = GetSlot(view), Box = ViewIndex, Offset = GetSlotOffset(slot), Parent = FindForm(), Type = type.GetMiscSlotType(), Editable = type.IsEditable(), IsPartyFormat = type.IsParty(SAV.Generation) }; } public IList SlotPictureBoxes { get; } public int GetSlot(PictureBox sender) => SlotPictureBoxes.IndexOf(WinFormsUtil.GetUnderlyingControl(sender) as PictureBox); public int ViewIndex { get; set; } = -1; public bool FlagIllegal { get => Box.FlagIllegal; set { Box.FlagIllegal = value && !HaX; ReloadSlots(); } } public void ReloadSlots() { UpdateBoxViewers(all: true); ResetNonBoxSlots(); } public SAVEditor() { var z = Task.Run(() => SaveUtil.GetBlankSAV(GameVersion.US, "PKHeX")); InitializeComponent(); SlotPictureBoxes = new[] { ppkx1, ppkx2, ppkx3, ppkx4, ppkx5, ppkx6, bbpkx1, bbpkx2, bbpkx3, bbpkx4, bbpkx5, bbpkx6, dcpkx1, dcpkx2 }; GiveFeedback += (sender, e) => e.UseDefaultCursors = false; SAV = z.Result; Box.Setup(M = new SlotChangeManager(this)); SL_Extra.M = M; foreach (TabPage tab in tabBoxMulti.TabPages) tab.AllowDrop = true; foreach (PictureBox pb in Box.SlotPictureBoxes) pb.ContextMenuStrip = menu.mnuVSD; foreach (PictureBox pb in SlotPictureBoxes) { InitializeDragDrop(pb); pb.ContextMenuStrip = menu.mnuVSD; } GB_Daycare.Click += SwitchDaycare; FLP_SAVtools.Scroll += WinFormsUtil.PanelScroll; SortMenu = new BoxMenuStrip(this); M.OtherSlots.Add(this); SL_Extra.ViewIndex = -2; M.OtherSlots.Add(SL_Extra); } private void InitializeDragDrop(Control pb) { pb.MouseEnter += M.MouseEnter; pb.MouseLeave += M.MouseLeave; pb.MouseClick += M.MouseClick; pb.MouseMove += M.MouseMove; pb.MouseDown += M.MouseDown; pb.MouseUp += M.MouseUp; pb.DragEnter += M.DragEnter; pb.DragDrop += M.DragDrop; pb.QueryContinueDrag += M.QueryContinueDrag; pb.GiveFeedback += (sender, e) => e.UseDefaultCursors = false; pb.AllowDrop = true; pb.ContextMenuStrip = menu.mnuVSD; } /// Occurs when the Control Collection requests a cloning operation to the current box. public event EventHandler RequestCloneData; /// Occurs when the Control Collection requests a save to be reloaded. public event EventHandler RequestReloadSave; public Cursor GetDefaultCursor => DefaultCursor; private Image GetSprite(PKM p, int slot) => p.Sprite(SAV, Box.CurrentBox, slot, Box.FlagIllegal); public void EnableDragDrop(DragEventHandler enter, DragEventHandler drop) { AllowDrop = true; DragDrop += drop; foreach (TabPage tab in tabBoxMulti.TabPages) { tab.AllowDrop = true; tab.DragEnter += enter; tab.DragDrop += drop; } M.RequestExternalDragDrop += drop; } // Generic Subfunctions // public int GetSlotOffset(int slot) { if (slot < (int)SlotIndex.BattleBox) // Party Slot return SAV.GetPartyOffset(slot - (int)SlotIndex.Party); if (slot < (int)SlotIndex.Daycare) // Battle Box Slot return SAV.BattleBox + (slot - (int)SlotIndex.BattleBox) * SAV.SIZE_STORED; return SAV.GetDaycareSlotOffset(SAV.DaycareIndex, slot - (int)SlotIndex.Daycare); } public int SwapBoxesViewer(int viewBox) { int mainBox = Box.CurrentBox; Box.CurrentBox = viewBox; return mainBox; } public void UpdateBoxViewers(bool all = false) { foreach (var v in M.Boxes.Where(v => v.CurrentBox == Box.CurrentBox || all)) { v.FlagIllegal = Box.FlagIllegal; v.ResetSlots(); } } public void SetPKMBoxes() { if (SAV.HasBox) Box.ResetSlots(); ResetNonBoxSlots(); // Recoloring of a storage box slot (to not show for other storage boxes) if (M?.ColorizedSlot >= (int)SlotIndex.Party && M.ColorizedSlot < SlotPictureBoxes.Count) SlotPictureBoxes[M.ColorizedSlot].BackgroundImage = M.ColorizedColor; } private void ResetNonBoxSlots() { ResetParty(); ResetBattleBox(); ResetDaycare(); ResetMiscSlots(); } private void ResetMiscSlots() { var slots = SL_Extra.SlotPictureBoxes; for (int i = 0; i < SL_Extra.SlotCount; i++) GetSlotFiller(SL_Extra.GetSlotOffset(i), slots[i]); } private void ResetParty() { if (!SAV.HasParty) return; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) GetSlotFiller(SAV.GetPartyOffset(i), SlotPictureBoxes[i + (int)SlotIndex.Party]); } private void ResetBattleBox() { if (!SAV.HasBattleBox) return; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) GetSlotFiller(SAV.BattleBox + SAV.SIZE_STORED * i, SlotPictureBoxes[i + (int)SlotIndex.BattleBox]); } private void ResetDaycare() { if (!SAV.HasDaycare) return; Label[] L_SlotOccupied = {L_DC1, L_DC2}; TextBox[] TB_SlotEXP = {TB_Daycare1XP, TB_Daycare2XP}; Label[] L_SlotEXP = {L_XP1, L_XP2}; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var pb = SlotPictureBoxes[i + (int)SlotIndex.Daycare]; GetSlotFiller(SAV.GetDaycareSlotOffset(SAV.DaycareIndex, i), pb); uint? exp = SAV.GetDaycareEXP(SAV.DaycareIndex, i); TB_SlotEXP[i].Visible = L_SlotEXP[i].Visible = exp != null; TB_SlotEXP[i].Text = exp.ToString(); bool? occ = SAV.IsDaycareOccupied(SAV.DaycareIndex, i); L_SlotOccupied[i].Visible = occ != null; if (occ == true) // If Occupied L_SlotOccupied[i].Text = $"{i + 1}: ✓"; else { L_SlotOccupied[i].Text = $"{i + 1}: ✘"; pb.Image = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(pb.Image, 0.6); } } bool? egg = SAV.IsDaycareHasEgg(SAV.DaycareIndex); DayCare_HasEgg.Visible = egg != null; DayCare_HasEgg.Checked = egg == true; var seed = SAV.GetDaycareRNGSeed(SAV.DaycareIndex); if (seed != null) { TB_RNGSeed.MaxLength = SAV.DaycareSeedSize; TB_RNGSeed.Text = seed; } L_DaycareSeed.Visible = TB_RNGSeed.Visible = seed != null; } public void SetParty() { // Refresh slots if (SAV.HasParty) { var party = SAV.PartyData; for (int i = 0; i < party.Count; i++) SlotPictureBoxes[i + (int)SlotIndex.Party].Image = GetSprite(party[i], i + (int)SlotIndex.Party); for (int i = party.Count; i < 6; i++) SlotPictureBoxes[i + (int)SlotIndex.Party].Image = null; } if (SAV.HasBattleBox) { var battle = SAV.BattleBoxData; for (int i = 0; i < battle.Count; i++) SlotPictureBoxes[i + (int)SlotIndex.BattleBox].Image = GetSprite(battle[i], i + (int)SlotIndex.BattleBox); for (int i = battle.Count; i < 6; i++) SlotPictureBoxes[i + (int)SlotIndex.BattleBox].Image = null; } } public void ClickUndo() { if (UndoStack.Count == 0) return; SlotChange change = UndoStack.Pop(); if (change.Slot >= (int)SlotIndex.Party) return; RedoStack.Push(new SlotChange { Slot = change.Slot, Box = change.Box, Offset = change.Offset, PKM = SAV.GetStoredSlot(change.Offset) }); UndoSlotChange(change); M.SetColor(change.Box, change.Slot, Resources.slotSet); } public void ClickRedo() { if (RedoStack.Count == 0) return; SlotChange change = RedoStack.Pop(); if (change.Slot >= (int)SlotIndex.Party) return; UndoStack.Push(new SlotChange { Slot = change.Slot, Box = change.Box, Offset = change.Offset, PKM = SAV.GetStoredSlot(change.Offset) }); UndoSlotChange(change); M.SetColor(change.Box, change.Slot, Resources.slotSet); } public void SetClonesToBox(PKM pk) { if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, string.Format(MsgSaveBoxCloneFromTabs, Box.CurrentBoxName)) != DialogResult.Yes) return; int slotSkipped = 0; for (int i = 0; i < SAV.BoxSlotCount; i++) // set to every slot in box { if (SAV.IsSlotLocked(Box.CurrentBox, i)) { slotSkipped++; continue; } SAV.SetStoredSlot(pk, Box.GetSlotOffset(i)); Box.SetSlotFiller(pk, Box.CurrentBox, i); } if (slotSkipped > 0) WinFormsUtil.Alert(string.Format(MsgSaveBoxImportSkippedLocked, slotSkipped)); UpdateBoxViewers(); } public void ClickSlot(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (ModifierKeys) { case Keys.Control | Keys.Alt: ClickClone(sender, e); break; default: menu.OmniClick(sender, e, ModifierKeys); break; } } private void UndoSlotChange(SlotChange change) { int box = change.Box; int slot = change.Slot; int offset = change.Offset; PKM pk = change.PKM; if (Box.CurrentBox != change.Box) Box.CurrentBox = change.Box; SAV.SetStoredSlot(pk, offset); Box.SetSlotFiller(pk, box, slot); M?.SetColor(box, slot, Resources.slotSet); if (Menu_Undo != null) Menu_Undo.Enabled = UndoStack.Count > 0; if (Menu_Redo != null) Menu_Redo.Enabled = RedoStack.Count > 0; SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play(); } private void GetSlotFiller(int offset, PictureBox pb) { if (!SAV.IsPKMPresent(offset)) { // 00s present in slot. pb.Image = null; pb.BackColor = Color.Transparent; return; } PKM p = SAV.GetStoredSlot(offset); if (!p.Valid) // Invalid { // Bad Egg present in slot. pb.Image = null; pb.BackColor = Color.Red; return; } int slot = GetSlot(pb); pb.Image = GetSprite(p, slot); pb.BackColor = Color.Transparent; } #region Box Manipulation private void ClickBoxSort(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (tabBoxMulti.SelectedTab != Tab_Box) return; if (!tabBoxMulti.GetTabRect(tabBoxMulti.SelectedIndex).Contains(PointToClient(MousePosition))) return; if (!e.Button.HasFlag(MouseButtons.Right)) { if (ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Alt)) ((ToolStripMenuItem)SortMenu.Items[0]).DropDownItems[0].PerformClick(); // Clear else if (ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control)) GetSorter()(PKMSorting.OrderBySpecies, false); // Sort return; Action, IEnumerable>, bool> GetSorter() => ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Shift) ? SortAll : (Action, IEnumerable>, bool>) SortCurrent; } var pt = Tab_Box.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0)); SortMenu.Show(pt); } public void ClearAll(Func criteria) { if (!CanManipulateRegion(0, SAV.BoxCount - 1, MsgSaveBoxClearAll, MsgSaveBoxClearAllFailBattle)) return; SAV.ClearBoxes(deleteCriteria: criteria); FinishBoxManipulation(MsgSaveBoxClearAllSuccess, true); } public void ClearCurrent(Func criteria) { if (!CanManipulateRegion(Box.CurrentBox, Box.CurrentBox, MsgSaveBoxClearCurrent, MsgSaveBoxClearCurrentFailBattle)) return; SAV.ClearBoxes(Box.CurrentBox, Box.CurrentBox, criteria); FinishBoxManipulation(MsgSaveBoxClearCurrentSuccess, false); } public void SortAll(Func, IEnumerable> sorter, bool reverse) { if (!CanManipulateRegion(0, SAV.BoxCount - 1, MsgSaveBoxSortAll, MsgSaveBoxSortAllFailBattle)) return; SAV.SortBoxes(sortMethod: sorter, reverse: reverse); FinishBoxManipulation(MsgSaveBoxSortAllSuccess, true); } public void SortCurrent(Func, IEnumerable> sorter, bool reverse) { if (!CanManipulateRegion(Box.CurrentBox, Box.CurrentBox, MsgSaveBoxSortCurrent, MsgSaveBoxSortCurrentFailBattle)) return; SAV.SortBoxes(Box.CurrentBox, Box.CurrentBox, sorter, reverse: reverse); FinishBoxManipulation(MsgSaveBoxSortCurrentSuccess, false); } public void ModifyAll(Action action) { SAV.ModifyBoxes(action); FinishBoxManipulation(null, true); SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play(); } public void ModifyCurrent(Action action) { SAV.ModifyBoxes(action, Box.CurrentBox, Box.CurrentBox); FinishBoxManipulation(null, true); SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play(); } private void FinishBoxManipulation(string message, bool all) { SetPKMBoxes(); UpdateBoxViewers(all); if (message != null) WinFormsUtil.Alert(message); } private bool CanManipulateRegion(int start, int end, string prompt, string fail) { if (prompt != null && WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, prompt) != DialogResult.Yes) return false; if (!SAV.IsAnySlotLockedInBox(start, end)) return true; if (fail != null) WinFormsUtil.Alert(fail); return false; } #endregion private void ClickBoxDouble(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (tabBoxMulti.SelectedTab == Tab_SAV) { RequestReloadSave?.Invoke(sender, e); return; } if (tabBoxMulti.SelectedTab != Tab_Box) return; if (!SAV.HasBox) return; if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift) { if (M.Boxes.Count > 1) // subview open { // close all subviews for (int i = 1; i < M.Boxes.Count; i++) M.Boxes[i].ParentForm.Close(); } new SAV_BoxList(this, M).Show(); return; } if (M.Boxes.Count > 1) // subview open { var z = M.Boxes[1].ParentForm; z.CenterToForm(ParentForm); z.BringToFront(); return; } new SAV_BoxViewer(this, M).Show(); } private void ClickClone(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (GetSlot((PictureBox)sender) >= 0) return; // only perform action if cloning to boxes RequestCloneData?.Invoke(sender, e); } private void UpdateSaveSlot(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.Version != GameVersion.BATREV) return; ((SAV4BR)SAV).CurrentSlot = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_SaveSlot); Box.ResetBoxNames(); // fix box names SetPKMBoxes(); UpdateBoxViewers(true); } private void UpdateStringSeed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!FieldsLoaded) return; if (!(sender is TextBox tb)) return; if (tb.Text.Length == 0) { tb.Undo(); return; } string filterText = Util.GetOnlyHex(tb.Text); if (filterText.Length != tb.Text.Length) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgProgramErrorExpectedHex, tb.Text); tb.Undo(); return; } // Write final value back to the save if (tb == TB_RNGSeed) { var value = filterText.PadLeft(SAV.DaycareSeedSize, '0'); SAV.SetDaycareRNGSeed(SAV.DaycareIndex, value); SAV.Edited = true; } else if (tb == TB_GameSync) { var value = filterText.PadLeft(SAV.GameSyncIDSize, '0'); SAV.GameSyncID = value; SAV.Edited = true; } else if (SAV.Generation >= 6) { var value = Convert.ToUInt64(filterText, 16); if (tb == TB_Secure1) SAV.Secure1 = value; else if (tb == TB_Secure2) SAV.Secure2 = value; SAV.Edited = true; } } private void SwitchDaycare(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!SAV.HasTwoDaycares) return; var current = string.Format(MsgSaveSwitchDaycareCurrent, SAV.DaycareIndex + 1); if (DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MsgSaveSwitchDaycareView, current)) return; SAV.DaycareIndex ^= 1; ResetDaycare(); } private void B_SaveBoxBin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!SAV.HasBox) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgSaveBoxFailNone); return; } Box.SaveBoxBinary(); } // Subfunction Save Buttons // private void B_OpenWondercards_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_Wondercard(SAV, sender as MysteryGift).ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenPokepuffs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_Pokepuff(SAV).ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenPokeBeans_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_Pokebean(SAV).ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenItemPouch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_Inventory(SAV).ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenBerryField_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_BerryFieldXY(SAV).ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenPokeblocks_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_PokeBlockORAS(SAV).ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenSuperTraining_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_SuperTrain(SAV).ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenSecretBase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_SecretBase(SAV).ShowDialog(); private void B_CellsStickers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_ZygardeCell(SAV).ShowDialog(); private void B_LinkInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_Link6(SAV).ShowDialog(); private void B_Roamer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_Roamer3(SAV).ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenApricorn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new SAV_Apricorn(SAV).ShowDialog(); private void B_OpenEventFlags_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var form = SAV.Generation == 1 ? new SAV_EventReset1(SAV) as Form : new SAV_EventFlags(SAV); form.ShowDialog(); } private void B_OpenBoxLayout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { new SAV_BoxLayout(SAV, Box.CurrentBox).ShowDialog(); Box.ResetBoxNames(); // fix box names Box.ResetSlots(); // refresh box background UpdateBoxViewers(all: true); // update subviewers } private void B_OpenTrainerInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.Generation < 6) new SAV_SimpleTrainer(SAV).ShowDialog(); else if (SAV.Generation == 6) new SAV_Trainer(SAV).ShowDialog(); else if (SAV.Generation == 7) new SAV_Trainer7(SAV).ShowDialog(); // Refresh conversion info PKMConverter.UpdateConfig(SAV.SubRegion, SAV.Country, SAV.ConsoleRegion, SAV.OT, SAV.Gender, SAV.Language); } private void B_OpenOPowers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.Generation != 6) return; if (SAV.ORAS) { var dr = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MsgSaveGen6OPower, MsgSaveGen6OPowerCheatDesc); if (dr != DialogResult.Yes) return; new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }.CopyTo(SAV.Data, SAV.OPower); } else if (SAV.XY) new SAV_OPower(SAV).ShowDialog(); } private void B_OpenFriendSafari_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!SAV.XY) return; var dr = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MsgSaveGen6FriendSafari, MsgSaveGen6FriendSafariCheatDesc); if (dr != DialogResult.Yes) return; // Unlock + reveal all safari slots if friend data is present for (int i = 1; i < 101; i++) if (SAV.Data[0x1E7FF + 0x15 * i] != 0x00) // no friend data == 0x00 SAV.Data[0x1E7FF + 0x15 * i] = 0x3D; SAV.Edited = true; } private void B_OpenPokedex_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (SAV.Generation) { case 1: case 2: new SAV_SimplePokedex(SAV).ShowDialog(); break; case 3: if (SAV.GameCube) return; new SAV_SimplePokedex(SAV).ShowDialog(); break; case 4: if (SAV is SAV4BR) return; new SAV_Pokedex4(SAV).ShowDialog(); break; case 5: new SAV_Pokedex5(SAV).ShowDialog(); break; case 6: if (SAV.ORAS) new SAV_PokedexORAS(SAV).ShowDialog(); else if (SAV.XY) new SAV_PokedexXY(SAV).ShowDialog(); break; case 7: if (SAV.SM || SAV.USUM) new SAV_PokedexSM(SAV).ShowDialog(); break; } } private void B_OpenMiscEditor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (SAV.Generation) { case 3: new SAV_Misc3(SAV).ShowDialog(); break; case 4: new SAV_Misc4(SAV).ShowDialog(); break; case 5: new SAV_Misc5(SAV).ShowDialog(); break; } } private void B_OpenRTCEditor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (SAV.Generation) { case 2: WinFormsUtil.Alert(string.Format(MsgSaveGen2RTCResetPassword, ((SAV2) SAV).ResetKey)); break; case 3: new SAV_RTC3(SAV).ShowDialog(); break; } } private void B_OpenHoneyTreeEditor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (SAV.Version) { case GameVersion.DP: case GameVersion.Pt: new SAV_HoneyTree(SAV).ShowDialog(); break; } } private void B_OUTPasserby_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.Generation != 6) return; if (DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MsgSaveGen6Passerby)) return; var result = new List {"PSS List"}; string[] headers = { "PSS Data - Friends", "PSS Data - Acquaintances", "PSS Data - Passerby", }; int offset = ((SAV6)SAV).PSS; for (int g = 0; g < 3; g++) { result.Add("----"); result.Add(headers[g]); result.Add("----"); // uint count = BitConverter.ToUInt32(savefile, offset + 0x4E20); int r_offset = offset; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { ulong unkn = BitConverter.ToUInt64(SAV.Data, r_offset); if (unkn == 0) break; // No data present here if (i > 0) result.Add(""); string otname = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(SAV.Data, r_offset + 8, 0x1A)); string message = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(SAV.Data, r_offset + 0x22, 0x22)); // Trim terminated // uint unk1 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(savefile, r_offset + 0x44); // ulong unk2 = BitConverter.ToUInt64(savefile, r_offset + 0x48); // uint unk3 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(savefile, r_offset + 0x50); // uint unk4 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(savefile, r_offset + 0x54); byte region = SAV.Data[r_offset + 0x56]; byte country = SAV.Data[r_offset + 0x57]; byte game = SAV.Data[r_offset + 0x5A]; // ulong outfit = BitConverter.ToUInt64(savefile, r_offset + 0x5C); int favpkm = BitConverter.ToUInt16(SAV.Data, r_offset + 0x9C) & 0x7FF; string gamename; try { gamename = GameInfo.Strings.gamelist[game]; } catch { gamename = "UNKNOWN GAME"; } var cr = GameInfo.GetCountryRegionText(country, region, GameInfo.CurrentLanguage); result.Add($"OT: {otname}"); result.Add($"Message: {message}"); result.Add($"Game: {gamename}"); result.Add($"Country: {cr.Item1}"); result.Add($"Region: {cr.Item2}"); result.Add($"Favorite: {GameInfo.Strings.specieslist[favpkm]}"); r_offset += 0xC8; // Advance to next entry } offset += 0x5000; // Advance to next block } Clipboard.SetText(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, result)); } private void B_OUTHallofFame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.Generation == 6) new SAV_HallOfFame(SAV).ShowDialog(); else if (SAV.Generation == 7) new SAV_HallOfFame7(SAV).ShowDialog(); } private void B_CGearSkin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.Generation != 5) return; // can never be too safe new SAV_CGearSkin(SAV).ShowDialog(); } private void B_JPEG_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte[] jpeg = SAV.JPEGData; if (SAV.JPEGData == null) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgSaveJPEGExportFail); return; } string filename = SAV.JPEGTitle + "'s picture"; SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog { FileName = filename, Filter = "JPEG|*.jpeg" }; if (sfd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; File.WriteAllBytes(sfd.FileName, jpeg); } private void ClickVerifyCHK(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.Edited) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgSaveChecksumFailEdited); return; } if (SAV.ChecksumsValid) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgSaveChecksumValid); return; } if (DialogResult.Yes == WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MsgSaveChecksumFailExport)) Clipboard.SetText(SAV.ChecksumInfo); } // File I/O public bool GetBulkImportSettings(out bool clearAll, out bool? noSetb) { clearAll = false; noSetb = false; var dr = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MsgSaveBoxImportClear, MsgSaveBoxImportClearNo); if (dr == DialogResult.Cancel) return false; clearAll = dr == DialogResult.Yes; noSetb = GetPKMSetOverride(); return true; } private bool? GetPKMSetOverride() { var yn = ModifyPKM ? MsgYes : MsgNo; DialogResult noSet = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MsgSaveBoxImportModifyIntro, MsgSaveBoxImportModifyYes + Environment.NewLine + MsgSaveBoxImportModifyNo + Environment.NewLine + string.Format(MsgSaveBoxImportModifyCurrent, yn)); return noSet == DialogResult.Yes || noSet == DialogResult.No ? (bool?)false : null; } private static bool IsFolderPath(out string path) { FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog(); var result = fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK; path = fbd.SelectedPath; return result; } public bool ExportSaveFile() { ValidateChildren(); return WinFormsUtil.SaveSAVDialog(SAV, SAV.CurrentBox); } public bool ExportBackup() { if (!SAV.Exportable) return false; SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog { FileName = Util.CleanFileName(SAV.BAKName) }; if (sfd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return false; string path = sfd.FileName; File.WriteAllBytes(path, SAV.BAK); WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgSaveBackup, path); return true; } public bool IsPCBoxBin(int length) => PKX.IsPKM(length / SAV.SlotCount) || PKX.IsPKM(length / SAV.BoxSlotCount); public bool OpenPCBoxBin(byte[] input, out string c) { if (SAV.PCBinary.Length == input.Length) { if (SAV.IsAnySlotLockedInBox(0, SAV.BoxCount - 1)) { c = MsgSaveBoxImportPCFailBattle; return false; } if (!SAV.SetPCBinary(input)) { c = string.Format(MsgSaveCurrentGeneration, SAV.Generation); return false; } c = MsgSaveBoxImportPCBinary; } else if (SAV.GetBoxBinary(Box.CurrentBox).Length == input.Length) { if (SAV.IsAnySlotLockedInBox(Box.CurrentBox, Box.CurrentBox)) { c = MsgSaveBoxImportBoxFailBattle; return false; } if (!SAV.SetBoxBinary(input, Box.CurrentBox)) { c = string.Format(MsgSaveCurrentGeneration, SAV.Generation); return false; } c = MsgSaveBoxImportBoxBinary; } else { c = string.Format(MsgSaveCurrentGeneration, SAV.Generation); return false; } SetPKMBoxes(); UpdateBoxViewers(); return true; } public bool OpenBattleVideo(BattleVideo b, out string c) { if (b == null || SAV.Generation != b.Generation) { c = MsgSaveBoxImportVideoFailGeneration; return false; } var prompt = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, string.Format(MsgSaveBoxImportVideo, Box.CurrentBoxName), MsgSaveBoxImportOverwrite); if (prompt != DialogResult.Yes) { c = string.Empty; return false; } bool? noSetb = GetPKMSetOverride(); PKM[] data = b.BattlePKMs; int offset = SAV.GetBoxOffset(Box.CurrentBox); int slotSkipped = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { if (SAV.IsSlotLocked(Box.CurrentBox, i)) { slotSkipped++; continue; } SAV.SetStoredSlot(data[i], offset + i * SAV.SIZE_STORED, noSetb); } SetPKMBoxes(); UpdateBoxViewers(); c = slotSkipped > 0 ? string.Format(MsgSaveBoxImportSkippedLocked, slotSkipped) : MsgSaveBoxImportVideoSuccess; return true; } public bool DumpBoxes(out string result, string path = null, bool separate = false) { if (path == null && !IsFolderPath(out path)) { result = path; return false; } Directory.CreateDirectory(path); SAV.DumpBoxes(path, out result, separate); return true; } public bool DumpBox(out string result, string path = null) { if (path == null && !IsFolderPath(out path)) { result = path; return false; } Directory.CreateDirectory(path); SAV.DumpBox(path, out result, Box.CurrentBox); return true; } public bool LoadBoxes(out string result, string path = null) { result = string.Empty; if (!SAV.HasBox) return false; if (path == null && !IsFolderPath(out path)) { result = path; return false; } if (!Directory.Exists(path)) return false; if (!GetBulkImportSettings(out bool clearAll, out bool? noSetb)) return false; SAV.LoadBoxes(path, out result, Box.CurrentBox, clearAll, noSetb); SetPKMBoxes(); UpdateBoxViewers(); return true; } public bool ToggleInterface() { FieldsLoaded = false; ToggleViewReset(); ToggleViewSubEditors(SAV); bool WindowTranslationRequired = false; WindowTranslationRequired |= ToggleViewBox(SAV); int BoxTab = tabBoxMulti.TabPages.IndexOf(Tab_Box); WindowTranslationRequired |= ToggleViewParty(SAV, BoxTab); int PartyTab = tabBoxMulti.TabPages.IndexOf(Tab_PartyBattle); WindowTranslationRequired |= ToggleViewDaycare(SAV, BoxTab, PartyTab); SetPKMBoxes(); // Reload all of the PKX Windows ToggleViewMisc(SAV); FieldsLoaded = true; return WindowTranslationRequired; } private void ToggleViewReset() { // Close subforms that are save dependent foreach (var z in M.Boxes.Skip(1).ToArray()) z.FindForm()?.Close(); UndoStack.Clear(); RedoStack.Clear(); Box.M = M; Box.ResetBoxNames(); // Display the Box Names M.SetColor(-1, -1, null); SortMenu.ToggleVisibility(); } private bool ToggleViewBox(SaveFile sav) { if (!sav.HasBox) { if (tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Contains(Tab_Box)) tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Remove(Tab_Box); B_SaveBoxBin.Enabled = false; return false; } B_SaveBoxBin.Enabled = true; int startBox = !sav.Exportable ? 0 : sav.CurrentBox; // FF if BattleBox if (startBox > sav.BoxCount - 1) { tabBoxMulti.SelectedIndex = 1; Box.CurrentBox = 0; } else { tabBoxMulti.SelectedIndex = 0; Box.CurrentBox = startBox; } if (tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Contains(Tab_Box)) return false; tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Insert(0, Tab_Box); return true; } private bool ToggleViewParty(SaveFile sav, int BoxTab) { if (!sav.HasParty) { if (tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Contains(Tab_PartyBattle)) tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Remove(Tab_PartyBattle); return false; } PB_Locked.Visible = sav.HasBattleBox && sav.BattleBoxLocked; if (tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Contains(Tab_PartyBattle)) return false; int index = BoxTab; if (index < 0) index = -1; tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Insert(index + 1, Tab_PartyBattle); return true; } private bool ToggleViewDaycare(SaveFile sav, int BoxTab, int PartyTab) { if (!sav.HasDaycare) { if (tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Contains(Tab_Other)) tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Remove(Tab_Other); return false; } SlotPictureBoxes[(int)SlotIndex.Daycare + 1].Visible = sav.Generation >= 2; // Second daycare slot if (tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Contains(Tab_Other)) return false; int index = PartyTab; if (index < 0) index = BoxTab; if (index < 0) index = -1; tabBoxMulti.TabPages.Insert(index + 1, Tab_Other); return true; } private void ToggleViewSubEditors(SaveFile sav) { if (!sav.Exportable || sav is BulkStorage) { GB_SAVtools.Visible = false; B_JPEG.Visible = false; SL_Extra.HideAllSlots(); return; } { PAN_BattleBox.Visible = L_BattleBox.Visible = L_ReadOnlyPBB.Visible = sav.HasBattleBox; GB_Daycare.Visible = sav.HasDaycare; B_OpenSecretBase.Enabled = sav.HasSecretBase; B_OpenPokepuffs.Enabled = sav.HasPuff; B_OpenPokeBeans.Enabled = sav.Generation == 7; B_CellsStickers.Enabled = sav.Generation == 7; B_OUTPasserby.Enabled = sav.HasPSS; B_OpenBoxLayout.Enabled = sav.HasNamableBoxes; B_OpenWondercards.Enabled = sav.HasWondercards; B_OpenSuperTraining.Enabled = sav.HasSuperTrain; B_OpenHallofFame.Enabled = sav.HasHoF; B_OpenOPowers.Enabled = sav.HasOPower; B_OpenPokedex.Enabled = sav.HasPokeDex; B_OpenBerryField.Enabled = sav.HasBerryField && sav.XY; B_OpenFriendSafari.Enabled = sav.XY; B_OpenPokeblocks.Enabled = sav.HasPokeBlock; B_JPEG.Visible = sav.HasJPEG; B_OpenEventFlags.Enabled = sav.HasEvents; B_OpenLinkInfo.Enabled = sav.HasLink; B_CGearSkin.Enabled = sav.Generation == 5; B_OpenTrainerInfo.Enabled = B_OpenItemPouch.Enabled = sav.HasParty; // Box RS B_OpenMiscEditor.Enabled = sav is SAV3 || sav is SAV4 || sav is SAV5; B_Roamer.Enabled = sav is SAV3; B_OpenHoneyTreeEditor.Enabled = sav.DP || sav.Pt; B_OpenApricorn.Enabled = sav.HGSS; B_OpenRTCEditor.Enabled = sav.RS || sav.E || sav.Generation == 2; B_OpenUGSEditor.Enabled = sav.DP || sav.Pt; B_FestivalPlaza.Enabled = sav.Generation == 7; B_MailBox.Enabled = sav is SAV2 || sav is SAV3 || sav is SAV4 || sav is SAV5; SL_Extra.Initialize(sav.GetExtraSlots(HaX), InitializeDragDrop); } GB_SAVtools.Visible = sav.Exportable && FLP_SAVtools.Controls.Cast().Any(c => c.Enabled); foreach (Control c in FLP_SAVtools.Controls.Cast()) c.Visible = c.Enabled; } private void ToggleViewMisc(SaveFile sav) { // Generational Interface TB_Secure1.Visible = TB_Secure2.Visible = L_Secure1.Visible = L_Secure2.Visible = sav.Exportable && sav.Generation >= 6; TB_GameSync.Visible = L_GameSync.Visible = sav.Exportable && sav.Generation >= 6; B_VerifyCHK.Enabled = SAV.Exportable; if (sav is SAV4BR br) { L_SaveSlot.Visible = CB_SaveSlot.Visible = true; var list = br.SaveNames.Select((z, i) => new ComboItem { Text = z, Value = i }).ToList(); CB_SaveSlot.DisplayMember = nameof(ComboItem.Text); CB_SaveSlot.ValueMember = nameof(ComboItem.Value); CB_SaveSlot.DataSource = new BindingSource(list, null); CB_SaveSlot.SelectedValue = br.CurrentSlot; } else L_SaveSlot.Visible = CB_SaveSlot.Visible = false; switch (sav.Generation) { case 6: TB_GameSync.Enabled = sav.GameSyncID != null; TB_GameSync.MaxLength = sav.GameSyncIDSize; TB_GameSync.Text = (sav.GameSyncID ?? 0.ToString()).PadLeft(sav.GameSyncIDSize, '0'); TB_Secure1.Text = sav.Secure1?.ToString("X16"); TB_Secure2.Text = sav.Secure2?.ToString("X16"); break; case 7: TB_GameSync.Enabled = sav.GameSyncID != null; TB_GameSync.MaxLength = sav.GameSyncIDSize; TB_GameSync.Text = (sav.GameSyncID ?? 0.ToString()).PadLeft(sav.GameSyncIDSize, '0'); TB_Secure1.Text = sav.Secure1?.ToString("X16"); TB_Secure2.Text = sav.Secure2?.ToString("X16"); break; } } // DragDrop private void MultiDragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { // iterate over all tabs to see if a tab switch should occur when drag/dropping Point pt = tabBoxMulti.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y)); for (int i = 0; i < tabBoxMulti.TabCount; i++) { if (tabBoxMulti.SelectedIndex == i || !tabBoxMulti.GetTabRect(i).Contains(pt)) continue; tabBoxMulti.SelectedIndex = i; return; } } public void ClickShowdownExportParty(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var str = ShowdownSet.GetShowdownSets(SAV.PartyData, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str)) return; Clipboard.SetText(str); } catch { } WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgSimulatorExportParty); } public void ClickShowdownExportBattleBox(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var str = ShowdownSet.GetShowdownSets(SAV.BattleBoxData, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str)) return; Clipboard.SetText(str); } catch { } WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgSimulatorExportBattleBox); } private void B_OpenUGSEditor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (SAV.Version) { case GameVersion.DP: case GameVersion.Pt: new SAV_Underground(SAV).ShowDialog(); break; } } private void B_FestivalPlaza_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SAV.Generation == 7) new SAV_FestivalPlaza(SAV).ShowDialog(); } private void B_MailBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { new SAV_MailBox(SAV).ShowDialog(); ResetParty(); } private void GenerateLivingDex() { var bd = SAV.BoxData; var tr = SAV; for (int i = 1; i <= 807; i++) { var pk = SAV.BlankPKM; pk.Species = i; pk.Gender = pk.GetSaneGender(); if (i == 678) pk.AltForm = pk.Gender; var f = EncounterMovesetGenerator.GeneratePKMs(pk, tr).FirstOrDefault(); if (f != null) bd[i] = PKMConverter.ConvertToType(f, SAV.PKMType, out _); } SAV.BoxData = bd; ReloadSlots(); } } }