using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Windows.Forms; using PKHeX.Core; namespace PKHeX.WinForms.Controls { public partial class TrainerID : UserControl { public TrainerID() => InitializeComponent(); public event EventHandler UpdatedID; private int Format = -1; private ITrainerID Trainer; private readonly ToolTip TSVTooltip = new ToolTip(); public void UpdateTSV() { var tsv = GetTSV(); if (tsv < 0) return; string IDstr = $"TSV: {tsv:d4}"; var repack = Trainer.SID * 1_000_000 + Trainer.TID; string supplement = Format < 7 ? $"G7ID: ({repack / 1_000_000:D4}){repack % 1_000_000:D6}" : $"ID: {Trainer.TID:D5}/{Trainer.SID:D5}"; IDstr += Environment.NewLine + supplement; TSVTooltip.SetToolTip(TB_TID, IDstr); TSVTooltip.SetToolTip(TB_SID, IDstr); TSVTooltip.SetToolTip(TB_TID7, IDstr); TSVTooltip.SetToolTip(TB_SID7, IDstr); } private int GetTSV() { if (Format <= 2) return -1; var xor = Trainer.SID ^ Trainer.TID; if (Format <= 5) return xor >> 3; return xor >> 4; } public void LoadIDValues(ITrainerID tr) { Trainer = tr; int format; if (tr is PKM p) { format = p.GenNumber; if (format < 3 && p.Format >= 7 || format <= 0) // VC or bad gen format = 4; // use TID/SID 16bit style } else format = tr is SaveFile s ? s.Generation : -1; SetFormat(format); LoadValues(); } public void UpdateSID() => LoadValues(); public void LoadInfo(ITrainerInfo info) { Trainer.TID = info.TID; Trainer.SID = info.SID; LoadValues(); } private void LoadValues() { if (Format <= 2) TB_TID.Text = Trainer.TID.ToString(); else if (Format <= 6) LoadTID(Trainer.TID, Trainer.SID); else LoadTID7(Trainer.TID, Trainer.SID); } private void LoadTID(int tid, int sid) { TB_TID.Text = tid.ToString("D5"); TB_SID.Text = sid.ToString("D5"); } private void LoadTID7(int tid, int sid) { var repack = (uint)((sid << 16) | tid); sid = (int)(repack / 1_000_000); tid = (int)(repack % 1_000_000); TB_TID7.Text = tid.ToString("D6"); TB_SID7.Text = sid.ToString("D4"); } private void SetFormat(int format) { if (format == Format) return; var controls = GetControlsForFormat(format); FLP.Controls.Clear(); int i = 0; foreach (var c in controls) { FLP.Controls.Add(c); FLP.Controls.SetChildIndex(c, i++); // because you don't listen the first time } Format = format; } private IEnumerable GetControlsForFormat(int format) { if (format >= 7) return new Control[] { Label_SID, TB_SID7, Label_TID, TB_TID7 }; if (format >= 3) return new Control[] { Label_TID, TB_TID, Label_SID, TB_SID }; return new Control[] { Label_TID, TB_TID }; } private void UpdateTSV(object sender, EventArgs e) => UpdateTSV(); private void Update_ID(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!(sender is MaskedTextBox mt)) return; var val = int.Parse(mt.Text); if (mt == TB_TID7) { if (val > 999_999) { mt.Text = "999999"; return; } SanityCheckSID7(val, int.Parse(TB_SID7.Text)); } else if (mt == TB_SID7) { if (val > 4294) // max 4 digits of 32bit int { mt.Text = "4294"; return; } SanityCheckSID7(int.Parse(TB_TID7.Text), val); } else { if (val > ushort.MaxValue) // prior to gen7 mt.Text = (val = ushort.MaxValue).ToString(); if (mt == TB_TID) Trainer.TID = val; else Trainer.SID = val; } UpdatedID?.Invoke(sender, e); } private void SanityCheckSID7(int tid, int sid) { var repack = (long)sid * 1_000_000 + tid; if (repack > uint.MaxValue) { TB_SID7.Text = (sid - 1).ToString(); return; } Trainer.SID = (ushort)(repack >> 16); Trainer.TID = (ushort)repack; } } }