using System; using System.Linq; namespace PKHeX.Core { /// /// Generation 3 object for Pokémon XD saves. /// public sealed class SAV3XD : SaveFile { public override string BAKName => $"{FileName} [{OT} ({Version}) #{SaveCount:0000}].bak"; public override string Filter { get { if (IsMemoryCardSave) return "Memory Card Raw File|*.raw|Memory Card Binary File|*.bin|GameCube Save File|*.gci|All Files|*.*"; return "GameCube Save File|*.gci|All Files|*.*"; } } public override string Extension => IsMemoryCardSave ? ".raw" : ".gci"; private const int SLOT_SIZE = 0x28000; private const int SLOT_START = 0x6000; private const int SLOT_COUNT = 2; private readonly int SaveCount = -1; private readonly int SaveIndex = -1; private readonly int Memo, Shadow; private readonly StrategyMemo StrategyMemo; private readonly ShadowInfoTableXD ShadowInfo; public override int MaxShadowID => ShadowInfo.Count; private readonly ushort[] LegalItems, LegalKeyItems, LegalBalls, LegalTMHMs, LegalBerries, LegalCologne, LegalDisc; private readonly int OFS_PouchCologne, OFS_PouchDisc; private readonly int[] subOffsets = new int[16]; private readonly SAV3GCMemoryCard MC; private bool IsMemoryCardSave => MC != null; public SAV3XD(byte[] data, SAV3GCMemoryCard MC) : this(data) { this.MC = MC; BAK = MC.Data; } public SAV3XD(byte[] data = null) { Data = data == null ? new byte[SaveUtil.SIZE_G3XD] : (byte[])data.Clone(); BAK = (byte[])Data.Clone(); Exportable = !Data.SequenceEqual(new byte[Data.Length]); if (SaveUtil.GetIsG3XDSAV(Data) != GameVersion.XD) return; OriginalData = (byte[])Data.Clone(); // Scan all 3 save slots for the highest counter for (int i = 0; i < SLOT_COUNT; i++) { int slotOffset = SLOT_START + i * SLOT_SIZE; int SaveCounter = BigEndian.ToInt32(Data, slotOffset + 4); if (SaveCounter <= SaveCount) continue; SaveCount = SaveCounter; SaveIndex = i; } // Decrypt most recent save slot { byte[] slot = new byte[SLOT_SIZE]; int slotOffset = SLOT_START + SaveIndex * SLOT_SIZE; Array.Copy(Data, slotOffset, slot, 0, slot.Length); ushort[] keys = new ushort[4]; for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) keys[i] = BigEndian.ToUInt16(slot, 8 + i * 2); // Decrypt Slot Data = SaveUtil.DecryptGC(slot, 0x00010, 0x27FD8, keys); } // Get Offset Info ushort[] subLength = new ushort[16]; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { subLength[i] = BigEndian.ToUInt16(Data, 0x20 + 2*i); subOffsets[i] = BigEndian.ToUInt16(Data, 0x40 + 4*i) | BigEndian.ToUInt16(Data, 0x40 + 4*i + 2) << 16; } // Offsets are displaced by the 0xA8 savedata region Trainer1 = subOffsets[1] + 0xA8; Party = Trainer1 + 0x30; Box = subOffsets[2] + 0xA8; Daycare = subOffsets[4] + 0xA8; Memo = subOffsets[5] + 0xA8; Shadow = subOffsets[7] + 0xA8; // Purifier = subOffsets[14] + 0xA8; StrategyMemo = new StrategyMemo(Data, Memo, xd: true); ShadowInfo = new ShadowInfoTableXD(Data.Skip(Shadow).Take(subLength[7]).ToArray()); OFS_PouchHeldItem = Trainer1 + 0x4C8; OFS_PouchKeyItem = Trainer1 + 0x540; OFS_PouchBalls = Trainer1 + 0x5EC; OFS_PouchTMHM = Trainer1 + 0x62C; OFS_PouchBerry = Trainer1 + 0x72C; OFS_PouchCologne = Trainer1 + 0x7E4; OFS_PouchDisc = Trainer1 + 0x7F0; LegalItems = Legal.Pouch_Items_XD; LegalKeyItems = Legal.Pouch_Key_XD; LegalBalls = Legal.Pouch_Ball_RS; LegalTMHMs = Legal.Pouch_TM_RS; // not HMs LegalBerries = Legal.Pouch_Berries_RS; LegalCologne = Legal.Pouch_Cologne_CXD; LegalDisc = Legal.Pouch_Disc_XD; Personal = PersonalTable.RS; HeldItems = Legal.HeldItems_XD; if (!Exportable) ClearBoxes(); // Since PartyCount is not stored in the save file, // Count up how many party slots are active. for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) if (GetPartySlot(GetPartyOffset(i)).Species != 0) PartyCount++; } private readonly byte[] OriginalData; public override byte[] Write(bool DSV, bool GCI) { // Set Memo Back StrategyMemo.FinalData.CopyTo(Data, Memo); ShadowInfo.FinalData.CopyTo(Data, Shadow); SetChecksums(); // Get updated save slot data ushort[] keys = new ushort[4]; for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) keys[i] = BigEndian.ToUInt16(Data, 8 + i * 2); byte[] newSAV = SaveUtil.EncryptGC(Data, 0x10, 0x27FD8, keys); // Put save slot back in original save data byte[] newFile = (byte[])OriginalData.Clone(); Array.Copy(newSAV, 0, newFile, SLOT_START + SaveIndex * SLOT_SIZE, newSAV.Length); // Return the gci if Memory Card is not being exported if (!IsMemoryCardSave || GCI) return Header.Concat(newFile).ToArray(); MC.SelectedSaveData = newFile.ToArray(); return MC.Data; } // Configuration public override SaveFile Clone() { byte[] data = Write(DSV: false, GCI: true).Skip(Header.Length).ToArray(); var sav = new SAV3XD(data) {Header = (byte[]) Header.Clone()}; return sav; } public override int SIZE_STORED => PKX.SIZE_3XSTORED; protected override int SIZE_PARTY => PKX.SIZE_3XSTORED; // unused public override PKM BlankPKM => new XK3(); public override Type PKMType => typeof(XK3); public override int MaxMoveID => 354; public override int MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_3; public override int MaxAbilityID => 77; public override int MaxItemID => 593; public override int MaxBallID => 0xC; public override int MaxGameID => 5; public override int MaxEV => 255; public override int Generation => 3; protected override int GiftCountMax => 1; public override int OTLength => 7; public override int NickLength => 10; public override int MaxMoney => 999999; public override int BoxCount => 8; // Checksums protected override void SetChecksums() { Data = SetChecksums(Data, subOffsets[0]); } public override bool ChecksumsValid => !ChecksumInfo.Contains("Invalid"); public override string ChecksumInfo { get { byte[] data = SetChecksums(Data, subOffsets[0]); const int start = 0xA8; // 0x88 + 0x20 int oldHC = BigEndian.ToInt32(Data, start + subOffsets[0] + 0x38); int newHC = BigEndian.ToInt32(data, start + subOffsets[0] + 0x38); bool header = newHC == oldHC; var oldCHK = Data.Skip(0x10).Take(0x10); var newCHK = data.Skip(0x10).Take(0x10); bool body = newCHK.SequenceEqual(oldCHK); return $"Header Checksum {(header ? "V" : "Inv")}alid, Body Checksum {(body ? "V" : "Inv")}alid."; } } private static byte[] SetChecksums(byte[] input, int subOffset0) { if (input.Length != 0x28000) throw new ArgumentException("Input should be a slot, not the entire save binary."); byte[] data = (byte[])input.Clone(); const int start = 0xA8; // 0x88 + 0x20 // Header Checksum int newHC = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) newHC += data[i]; BigEndian.GetBytes(newHC).CopyTo(data, start + subOffset0 + 0x38); // Body Checksum new byte[16].CopyTo(data, 0x10); // Clear old Checksum Data uint[] checksum = new uint[4]; int dt = 8; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 0x9FF4; j += 2, dt += 2) checksum[i] += BigEndian.ToUInt16(data, dt); ushort[] newchks = new ushort[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { newchks[i*2] = (ushort)(checksum[i] >> 16); newchks[i*2+1] = (ushort)checksum[i]; } Array.Reverse(newchks); for (int i = 0; i < newchks.Length; i++) BigEndian.GetBytes(newchks[i]).CopyTo(data, 0x10 + 2*i); return data; } // Trainer Info public override GameVersion Version { get => GameVersion.XD; protected set { } } public override string OT { get => GetString(Trainer1 + 0x00, 20); set => SetString(value, 10).CopyTo(Data, Trainer1 + 0x00); } public override ushort SID { get => BigEndian.ToUInt16(Data, Trainer1 + 0x2C); set => BigEndian.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Trainer1 + 0x2C); } public override ushort TID { get => BigEndian.ToUInt16(Data, Trainer1 + 0x2E); set => BigEndian.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Trainer1 + 0x2E); } public override int Gender { get => Data[Trainer1 + 0x8E0]; set => Data[Trainer1 + 0x8E0] = (byte)value; } public override uint Money { get => BigEndian.ToUInt32(Data, Trainer1 + 0x8E4); set => BigEndian.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Trainer1 + 0x8E4); } public uint Coupons { get => BigEndian.ToUInt32(Data, Trainer1 + 0x8E8); set => BigEndian.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, Trainer1 + 0x8E8); } // Storage public override int GetPartyOffset(int slot) { return Party + SIZE_STORED * slot; } public override int GetBoxOffset(int box) { return Box + (30 * SIZE_STORED + 0x14)*box + 0x14; } public override string GetBoxName(int box) { return GetString(Box + (30 * SIZE_STORED + 0x14)*box, 16); } public override void SetBoxName(int box, string value) { if (value.Length > 8) value = value.Substring(0, 8); // Hard cap SetString(value, 8).CopyTo(Data, Box + 0x24A4*box); } public override PKM GetPKM(byte[] data) { return new XK3(data.Take(SIZE_STORED).ToArray()); } public override byte[] DecryptPKM(byte[] data) { return data; } public override PKM GetPartySlot(int offset) { return GetStoredSlot(offset); } public override PKM GetStoredSlot(int offset) { // Get Shadow Data var pk = GetPKM(DecryptPKM(GetData(offset, SIZE_STORED))) as XK3; if (pk?.ShadowID > 0 && pk.ShadowID < ShadowInfo.Count) pk.Purification = ShadowInfo[pk.ShadowID - 1].Purification; return pk; } protected override void SetPKM(PKM pkm) { XK3 pk = pkm as XK3; if (pk == null) return; // shouldn't ever hit if (pk.CurrentRegion == 0) pk.CurrentRegion = 2; // NTSC-U if (pk.OriginalRegion == 0) pk.OriginalRegion = 2; // NTSC-U // Set Shadow Data back to save if (pk.ShadowID <= 0 || pk.ShadowID >= ShadowInfo.Count) return; var entry = ShadowInfo[pk.ShadowID - 1]; entry.Purification = pk.Purification; entry.Species = pk.Species; entry.PID = pk.PID; entry.IsPurified = pk.Purification == 0; } protected override void SetDex(PKM pkm) { // Dex Related var entry = StrategyMemo.GetEntry(pkm.Species); if (entry.IsEmpty) // Populate { entry.Species = pkm.Species; entry.PID = pkm.PID; entry.TID = pkm.TID; entry.SID = pkm.SID; } if (entry.Matches(pkm.Species, pkm.PID, pkm.TID, pkm.SID)) { entry.Seen = true; entry.Owned = true; } StrategyMemo.SetEntry(entry); } public override InventoryPouch[] Inventory { get { InventoryPouch[] pouch = { new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.Items, LegalItems, 999, OFS_PouchHeldItem, 30), // 20 COLO, 30 XD new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.KeyItems, LegalKeyItems, 1, OFS_PouchKeyItem, 43), new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.Balls, LegalBalls, 999, OFS_PouchBalls, 16), new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.TMHMs, LegalTMHMs, 999, OFS_PouchTMHM, 64), new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.Berries, LegalBerries, 999, OFS_PouchBerry, 46), new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.Medicine, LegalCologne, 999, OFS_PouchCologne, 3), // Cologne new InventoryPouch(InventoryType.BattleItems, LegalDisc, 999, OFS_PouchDisc, 60) }; foreach (var p in pouch) p.GetPouchBigEndian(ref Data); return pouch; } set { foreach (var p in value) p.SetPouchBigEndian(ref Data); } } // Daycare Structure: // 0x00 -- Occupied // 0x01 -- Deposited Level // 0x02-0x03 -- unused? // 0x04-0x07 -- Initial EXP public override int GetDaycareSlotOffset(int loc, int slot) { return Daycare + 8; } public override uint? GetDaycareEXP(int loc, int slot) { return null; } public override bool? IsDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot) { return null; } public override void SetDaycareEXP(int loc, int slot, uint EXP) { } public override void SetDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot, bool occupied) { } public override string GetString(int Offset, int Count) => StringConverter.GetBEString3(Data, Offset, Count); public override byte[] SetString(string value, int maxLength, int PadToSize = 0, ushort PadWith = 0) { if (PadToSize == 0) PadToSize = maxLength + 1; return StringConverter.SetBEString3(value, maxLength, PadToSize, PadWith); } } }