using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO; namespace PKHeX { public partial class SAV_SecretBase : Form { public SAV_SecretBase(Form1 frm1) { InitializeComponent(); m_parent = frm1; Array.Copy(m_parent.savefile, sav, 0x100000); savindex = m_parent.savindex; specieslist = Form1.specieslist; movelist = Form1.movelist; itemlist = Form1.itemlist; abilitylist = Form1.abilitylist; natures = Form1.natures; setupComboBoxes(); popFavorite(); popFavorite(); LB_Favorite.SelectedIndex = 0; B_SAV2FAV(null, null); if (LB_Passerby.Items.Count > 0) LB_Passerby.SelectedIndex = 0; } Form1 m_parent; public byte[] sav = new Byte[0x100000]; public byte[] wondercard_data = new Byte[0x108]; public bool editing = false; private static uint ToUInt32(String value) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) return 0; return UInt32.Parse(value); } public int savindex; int sv = 0; private int fav_offset = 0x23A00; private int pass_offset = 0x2B600 + 0x408; private bool loading = true; public static string[] specieslist = { }; public static string[] movelist = { }; public static string[] itemlist = { }; public static string[] abilitylist = { }; public static string[] natures = { }; private void setupComboBoxes() { #region Balls { // Allowed Balls int[] ball_nums = { 7, 576, 13, 492, 497, 14, 495, 493, 496, 494, 11, 498, 8, 6, 12, 15, 9, 5, 499, 10, 1, 16 }; int[] ball_vals = { 7, 25, 13, 17, 22, 14, 20, 18, 21, 19, 11, 23, 8, 6, 12, 15, 9, 5, 24, 10, 1, 16 }; // Set up List ball_list = new List(); for (int i = 4; i > 1; i--) // add 4,3,2 { // First 3 Balls are always first cbItem ncbi = new cbItem(); ncbi.Text = itemlist[i]; ncbi.Value = i; ball_list.Add(ncbi); } // Sort the Rest based on String Name string[] ballnames = new string[ball_nums.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ball_nums.Length; i++) ballnames[i] = itemlist[ball_nums[i]]; string[] sortedballs = new string[ball_nums.Length]; Array.Copy(ballnames, sortedballs, ballnames.Length); Array.Sort(sortedballs); // Add the rest of the balls for (int i = 0; i < sortedballs.Length; i++) { cbItem ncbi = new cbItem(); ncbi.Text = sortedballs[i]; ncbi.Value = ball_vals[Array.IndexOf(ballnames, sortedballs[i])]; ball_list.Add(ncbi); } CB_Ball.DisplayMember = "Text"; CB_Ball.ValueMember = "Value"; CB_Ball.DataSource = ball_list; } #endregion #region Held Items { // List of valid items to hold int[] item_nums = { 000,001,002,003,004,005,006,007,008,009,010,011,012,013,014,015,017,018,019,020,021,022,023,024,025,026,027,028,029,030,031,032,033,034,035, 036,037,038,039,040,041,042,043,044,045,046,047,048,049,050,051,052,053,054,055,056,057,058,059,060,061,062,063,064,065,066,067,068,069,070, 071,072,073,074,075,076,077,078,079,080,081,082,083,084,085,086,087,088,089,090,091,092,093,094,099,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109, 110,112,116,117,118,119,134,135,136,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174, 175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209, 210,211,212,213,214,215,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244, 245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279, 280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,289,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,300,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309,310,311,312,313,314, 315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,327,504,537,538,539,540,541,542,543,544,545,546,547,548,549,550,551,552,553,554,555,556,557, 558,559,560,561,562,563,564,565,566,567,568,569,570,571,572,573,577,580,581,582,583,584,585,586,587,588,589,590,591,639,640,644,645,646,647, 648,649,650,652,653,654,655,656,657,658,659,660,661,662,663,664,665,666,667,668,669,670,671,672,673,674,675,676,677,678,679,680,681,682,683, 684,685,686,687,688,699,704,708,709,710,711,715, // Appended ORAS Items (Orbs & Mega Stones) 534,535, 752,753,754,755,756,757,758,759,760,761,762,763,764,767,768,769,770, }; List item_list = new List(); // Sort the Rest based on String Name string[] itemnames = new string[item_nums.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < item_nums.Length; i++) itemnames[i] = itemlist[item_nums[i]]; string[] sorteditems = new string[item_nums.Length]; Array.Copy(itemnames, sorteditems, itemnames.Length); Array.Sort(sorteditems); // Add the rest of the items for (int i = 0; i < sorteditems.Length; i++) { cbItem ncbi = new cbItem(); ncbi.Text = sorteditems[i]; ncbi.Value = item_nums[Array.IndexOf(itemnames, sorteditems[i])]; item_list.Add(ncbi); } CB_HeldItem.DisplayMember = "Text"; CB_HeldItem.ValueMember = "Value"; CB_HeldItem.DataSource = item_list; } #endregion #region Species { List species_list = new List(); // Sort the Rest based on String Name string[] sortedspecies = new string[specieslist.Length]; Array.Copy(specieslist, sortedspecies, specieslist.Length); Array.Sort(sortedspecies); // Add the rest of the items for (int i = 0; i < sortedspecies.Length; i++) { cbItem ncbi = new cbItem(); ncbi.Text = sortedspecies[i]; ncbi.Value = Array.IndexOf(specieslist, sortedspecies[i]); species_list.Add(ncbi); } CB_Species.DisplayMember = "Text"; CB_Species.ValueMember = "Value"; CB_Species.DataSource = species_list; } #endregion #region Natures { List natures_list = new List(); // Sort the Rest based on String Name string[] sortednatures = new string[natures.Length]; Array.Copy(natures, sortednatures, natures.Length); Array.Sort(sortednatures); // Add the rest of the items for (int i = 0; i < sortednatures.Length; i++) { cbItem ncbi = new cbItem(); ncbi.Text = sortednatures[i]; ncbi.Value = Array.IndexOf(natures, sortednatures[i]); natures_list.Add(ncbi); } CB_Nature.DisplayMember = "Text"; CB_Nature.ValueMember = "Value"; CB_Nature.DataSource = natures_list; } #endregion #region Moves { List move_list = new List(); // Sort the Rest based on String Name string[] sortedmoves = new string[movelist.Length]; Array.Copy(movelist, sortedmoves, movelist.Length); Array.Sort(sortedmoves); // Add the rest of the items for (int i = 0; i < sortedmoves.Length; i++) { cbItem ncbi = new cbItem(); ncbi.Text = sortedmoves[i]; ncbi.Value = Array.IndexOf(movelist, sortedmoves[i]); move_list.Add(ncbi); } CB_Move1.DisplayMember = CB_Move2.DisplayMember = CB_Move3.DisplayMember = CB_Move4.DisplayMember = "Text"; CB_Move1.ValueMember = CB_Move2.ValueMember = CB_Move3.ValueMember = CB_Move4.ValueMember = "Value"; var move1_list = new BindingSource(move_list, null); CB_Move1.DataSource = move1_list; var move2_list = new BindingSource(move_list, null); CB_Move2.DataSource = move2_list; var move3_list = new BindingSource(move_list, null); CB_Move3.DataSource = move3_list; var move4_list = new BindingSource(move_list, null); CB_Move4.DataSource = move4_list; } #endregion } // Repopulation Functions private void popFavorite() { LB_Favorite.Items.Clear(); int playeroff = fav_offset + 0x5400 + 0x326; int favoff = fav_offset + 0x5400 + 0x63A; string OT = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(sav, sv + playeroff + 0x218, 0x1A)); LB_Favorite.Items.Add("* " + OT); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { string BaseTrainer = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(sav, sv + favoff + i * 0x3E0 + 0x218, 0x1A)); if (BaseTrainer.Length < 1 || BaseTrainer[0] == '\0') BaseTrainer = "Empty"; LB_Favorite.Items.Add(i.ToString() + " " + BaseTrainer); } } private void popPasserby() { for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) // Passerby { // Trainer Names string BaseTrainer = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(sav, sv + pass_offset + (0x298) * i + 0x14, 0x1A); LB_Passerby.Items.Add(i.ToString() + " " + BaseTrainer); } } private void B_SAV2FAV(object sender, EventArgs e) { loading = true; int index = LB_Favorite.SelectedIndex; if (index < 0) return; int offset = fav_offset + 0x5400 + 0x25A; // Base Offset Changing if (index == 0) offset = fav_offset + 0x5400 + 0x326; else offset += 0x3E0 * index; string TrainerName = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(sav, sv + offset + 0x218, 0x1A)); TB_FOT.Text = TrainerName; TB_FT1.Text = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(sav, sv + offset + 0x232 + 0x22 * 0, 0x22)); TB_FT2.Text = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(sav, sv + offset + 0x232 + 0x22 * 1, 0x22)); string saying1 = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(sav, sv + offset + 0x276 + 0x22 * 0, 0x22)); string saying2 = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(sav, sv + offset + 0x276 + 0x22 * 1, 0x22)); string saying3 = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(sav, sv + offset + 0x276 + 0x22 * 2, 0x22)); string saying4 = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(sav, sv + offset + 0x276 + 0x22 * 3, 0x22)); int baseloc = BitConverter.ToInt16(sav, sv + offset); NUD_FBaseLocation.Value = baseloc; TB_FSay1.Text = saying1; TB_FSay2.Text = saying2; TB_FSay3.Text = saying3; TB_FSay4.Text = saying4; // Gather data for Object Array objdata = new byte[25, 12]; for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) for (int z = 0; z < 12; z++) objdata[i, z] = sav[sv + offset + 2 + 12 * i + z]; NUD_FObject.Value = 1; // Trigger Update changeObjectIndex(null, null); GB_PKM.Enabled = (index > 0); // Trainer Pokemon pkmdata = new byte[3, 0x34]; if (index > 0) for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int z = 0; z < 0x34; z++) pkmdata[i, z] = sav[sv + offset + 0x32E + 0x34 * i + z]; NUD_FPKM.Value = 1; changeFavPKM(null, null); // Trigger Update loading = false; } private byte[,] objdata; private byte[,] pkmdata; private void B_FAV2SAV(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Write data back to save int index = LB_Favorite.SelectedIndex; // store for restoring if (!GB_PKM.Enabled && index > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Sorry, no overwriting someone else's base with your own data.", "Error"); return; } if (GB_PKM.Enabled && index == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Sorry, no overwriting of your own base with someone else's.","Error"); return; } if (LB_Favorite.Items[index].ToString().Substring(LB_Favorite.Items[index].ToString().Length - 5, 5) == "Empty") { MessageBox.Show("Sorry, no overwriting an empty base with someone else's.", "Error"); return; } if (index < 0) return; int offset = fav_offset + 0x5400 + 0x25A; // Base Offset Changing if (index == 0) offset = fav_offset + 0x5400 + 0x326; else offset += 0x3E0 * index; string TrainerName = TB_FOT.Text; byte[] tr = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(TrainerName); Array.Resize(ref tr, 0x22); Array.Copy(tr, 0, sav, sv + offset + 0x218, 0x1A); string team1 = TB_FT1.Text; string team2 = TB_FT2.Text; byte[] t1 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(team1); Array.Resize(ref t1, 0x22); Array.Copy(t1, 0, sav, sv + offset + 0x232 + 0x22 * 0, 0x22); byte[] t2 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(team2); Array.Resize(ref t2, 0x22); Array.Copy(t2, 0, sav, sv + offset + 0x232 + 0x22 * 1, 0x22); string saying1 = TB_FSay1.Text; string saying2 = TB_FSay2.Text; string saying3 = TB_FSay3.Text; string saying4 = TB_FSay4.Text; byte[] s1 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(saying1); Array.Resize(ref s1, 0x22); Array.Copy(s1, 0, sav, sv + offset + 0x276 + 0x22 * 0, 0x22); byte[] s2 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(saying2); Array.Resize(ref s2, 0x22); Array.Copy(s2, 0, sav, sv + offset + 0x276 + 0x22 * 1, 0x22); byte[] s3 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(saying3); Array.Resize(ref s3, 0x22); Array.Copy(s3, 0, sav, sv + offset + 0x276 + 0x22 * 2, 0x22); byte[] s4 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(saying4); Array.Resize(ref s4, 0x22); Array.Copy(s4, 0, sav, sv + offset + 0x276 + 0x22 * 3, 0x22); int baseloc = (int)NUD_FBaseLocation.Value; if (baseloc < 3) baseloc = 0; // skip 1/2 baselocs as they are dummied out ingame. Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(baseloc), 0, sav, sv + offset, 2); TB_FOT.Text = TrainerName; TB_FSay1.Text = saying1; TB_FSay2.Text = saying2; TB_FSay3.Text = saying3; TB_FSay4.Text = saying4; // Copy back Objects for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) for (int z = 0; z < 12; z++) sav[sv + offset + 2 + 12 * i + z] = objdata[i, z]; if (GB_PKM.Enabled) // Copy pkm data back in for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int z = 0; z < 0x34; z++) sav[sv + offset + 0x32E + 0x34 * i + z] = pkmdata[i, z]; popFavorite(); LB_Favorite.SelectedIndex = index; } // Button Specific private void B_Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Close(); } private void B_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Array.Copy(sav, m_parent.savefile, 0x100000); m_parent.savedited = true; Close(); } private void B_GiveDecor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int offset = sv + 0x23A00 + 0x5400; for (int i = 0; i < 173; i++) { // int qty = BitConverter.ToUInt16(sav, offset + i * 4); // int has = BitConverter.ToUInt16(sav, offset + i * 4 + 2); sav[offset + i * 4] = (byte)25; sav[offset + i * 4 + 2] = 1; } } private void changeObjectIndex(object sender, EventArgs e) { int objindex = (int)(NUD_FObject.Value) - 1; byte[] objinfo = new Byte[12]; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) objinfo[i] = objdata[objindex, i]; // Array with object data acquired. Fill data. int val = objinfo[0]; if (val == 0xFF) val = -1; byte x = objinfo[2]; byte y = objinfo[4]; byte rot = objinfo[6]; byte unk1 = objinfo[7]; ushort unk2 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(objinfo, 0x8); // Set values to display editing = true; NUD_FObjType.Value = val; NUD_FX.Value = x; NUD_FY.Value = y; NUD_FRot.Value = rot; editing = false; } private void changeObjectQuality(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (editing) return; int objindex = (int)(NUD_FObject.Value) - 1; byte val = (byte)(NUD_FObjType.Value); byte x = (byte)(NUD_FX.Value); byte y = (byte)(NUD_FY.Value); byte rot = (byte)(NUD_FRot.Value); objdata[objindex, 0] = val; objdata[objindex, 2] = x; objdata[objindex, 4] = y; objdata[objindex, 6] = rot; } private int currentpkm; private void changeFavPKM(object sender, EventArgs e) { int index = (int)(NUD_FPKM.Value); saveFavPKM(); // Save existing PKM currentpkm = index; loadFavPKM(); } private void saveFavPKM() { if (loading || !GB_PKM.Enabled) return; int index = currentpkm; byte[] pkm = new Byte[0x34]; Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Util.getHEXval(TB_EC)), 0, pkm, 0, 4); // EC Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Util.getIndex(CB_Species)), 0, pkm, 8, 2); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Util.getIndex(CB_HeldItem)), 0, pkm, 0xA, 2); pkm[0xC] = (byte)Array.IndexOf(abilitylist, (CB_Ability.Text).Remove((CB_Ability.Text).Length - 4)); // Ability pkm[0xD] = (byte)(CB_Ability.SelectedIndex << 1); // Number pkm[0x14] = (byte)Util.getIndex(CB_Nature); int fegform = 0; fegform += (Convert.ToInt32(Label_Gender.Text == "♀") * 2); // Female Gender fegform += (Convert.ToInt32(Label_Gender.Text == "-") * 4); // Genderless fegform += ((Util.getIndex(CB_Form)) * 8); pkm[0x15] = (byte)fegform; pkm[0x16] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte( TB_HPEV.Text) & 0x1F); pkm[0x17] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte(TB_ATKEV.Text) & 0x1F); pkm[0x18] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte(TB_DEFEV.Text) & 0x1F); pkm[0x19] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte(TB_SPAEV.Text) & 0x1F); pkm[0x1A] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte(TB_SPDEV.Text) & 0x1F); pkm[0x1B] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte(TB_SPEEV.Text) & 0x1F); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Util.getIndex(CB_Move1)), 0, pkm, 0x1C, 2); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Util.getIndex(CB_Move2)), 0, pkm, 0x1E, 2); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Util.getIndex(CB_Move3)), 0, pkm, 0x20, 2); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Util.getIndex(CB_Move4)), 0, pkm, 0x22, 2); pkm[0x24] = (byte)CB_PPu1.SelectedIndex; pkm[0x25] = (byte)CB_PPu2.SelectedIndex; pkm[0x26] = (byte)CB_PPu3.SelectedIndex; pkm[0x27] = (byte)CB_PPu4.SelectedIndex; pkm[0x28] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte(TB_HPIV.Text) & 0x1F); pkm[0x29] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte(TB_ATKIV.Text) & 0x1F); pkm[0x2A] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte(TB_DEFIV.Text) & 0x1F); pkm[0x2B] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte(TB_SPAIV.Text) & 0x1F); pkm[0x2C] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte(TB_SPDIV.Text) & 0x1F); pkm[0x2D] = (byte)(Convert.ToByte(TB_SPEIV.Text) & 0x1F); int shiny = (checkBox1.Checked? 1 : 0) << 6; pkm[0x2D] |= (byte)shiny; pkm[0x2E] = Convert.ToByte(TB_Friendship.Text); pkm[0x2F] = (byte)Util.getIndex(CB_Ball); pkm[0x30] = Convert.ToByte(TB_Level.Text); for (int i = 0; i < 0x34; i++) // Copy data back to storage. pkmdata[index - 1, i] = pkm[i]; } private void loadFavPKM() { int index = currentpkm - 1; byte[] fpkm = new Byte[0x34]; for (int i = 0; i < 0x34; i++) fpkm[i] = pkmdata[index, i]; uint ec = BitConverter.ToUInt32(fpkm, 0); uint unk = BitConverter.ToUInt32(fpkm, 4); int spec = BitConverter.ToInt16(fpkm, 8); int item = BitConverter.ToInt16(fpkm, 0xA); int abil = fpkm[0xC]; int abil_no = fpkm[0xD]; MT_AbilNo.Text = abil_no.ToString(); // 6 unknown bytes, contest? int nature = fpkm[0x14]; byte genform = fpkm[0x15]; genderflag = (genform >> 1) & 0x3; setGenderLabel(); byte HP_EV = fpkm[0x16]; byte AT_EV = fpkm[0x17]; byte DE_EV = fpkm[0x18]; byte SA_EV = fpkm[0x19]; byte SD_EV = fpkm[0x1A]; byte SP_EV = fpkm[0x1B]; int move1 = BitConverter.ToInt16(fpkm, 0x1C); int move2 = BitConverter.ToInt16(fpkm, 0x1E); int move3 = BitConverter.ToInt16(fpkm, 0x20); int move4 = BitConverter.ToInt16(fpkm, 0x22); byte ppu1 = fpkm[0x24]; byte ppu2 = fpkm[0x25]; byte ppu3 = fpkm[0x26]; byte ppu4 = fpkm[0x27]; byte HP_IV = fpkm[0x28]; byte AT_IV = fpkm[0x29]; byte DE_IV = fpkm[0x2A]; byte SA_IV = fpkm[0x2B]; byte SD_IV = fpkm[0x2C]; byte SP_IV = fpkm[0x2D]; bool isshiny = ((SP_IV & 0x40) > 0); SP_IV &= 0x1F; byte friendship = fpkm[0x2E]; int ball = fpkm[0x2F]; byte level = fpkm[0x30]; // Put data into fields. TB_EC.Text = ec.ToString("X8"); CB_Species.SelectedValue = spec; CB_HeldItem.SelectedValue = item; CB_Nature.SelectedValue = nature; CB_Ball.SelectedValue = ball; TB_HPIV.Text = HP_IV.ToString(); TB_ATKIV.Text = AT_IV.ToString(); TB_DEFIV.Text = DE_IV.ToString(); TB_SPAIV.Text = SA_IV.ToString(); TB_SPDIV.Text = SD_IV.ToString(); TB_SPEIV.Text = SP_IV.ToString(); TB_HPEV.Text = HP_EV.ToString(); TB_ATKEV.Text = AT_EV.ToString(); TB_DEFEV.Text = DE_EV.ToString(); TB_SPAEV.Text = SA_EV.ToString(); TB_SPDEV.Text = SD_EV.ToString(); TB_SPEEV.Text = SP_EV.ToString(); TB_Friendship.Text = friendship.ToString(); TB_Level.Text = level.ToString(); CB_Move1.SelectedValue = move1; CB_Move2.SelectedValue = move2; CB_Move3.SelectedValue = move3; CB_Move4.SelectedValue = move4; CB_PPu1.SelectedIndex = ppu1; CB_PPu2.SelectedIndex = ppu2; CB_PPu3.SelectedIndex = ppu3; CB_PPu4.SelectedIndex = ppu4; checkBox1.Checked = isshiny; // Set Form m_parent.setForms(spec, CB_Form); int form = genform >> 3; CB_Form.SelectedIndex = form; // Set Ability m_parent.updateAbilityList(MT_AbilNo, spec, CB_Ability, CB_Form); } private void updateSpecies(object sender, EventArgs e) { int species = Util.getIndex(CB_Species); // Get Forms for Given Species m_parent.setForms(species, CB_Form); // Check for Gender Changes // Get Gender Threshold species = Util.getIndex(CB_Species); DataTable spectable = PKX.SpeciesTable(); gt = (int)spectable.Rows[species][8]; if (gt == 258) // Genderless genderflag = 2; else if (gt == 257) // Female Only genderflag = 1; else if (gt == 256) // Male Only genderflag = 0; setGenderLabel(); m_parent.updateAbilityList(MT_AbilNo, Util.getIndex(CB_Species), CB_Ability, CB_Form); } private void updateForm(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_parent.updateAbilityList(MT_AbilNo, Util.getIndex(CB_Species), CB_Ability, CB_Form); // If form has a single gender, account for it. if (CB_Form.Text == "♂") Label_Gender.Text = "♂"; else if (CB_Form.Text == "♀") Label_Gender.Text = "♀"; } private int species; private int gt; private int genderflag; private void Label_Gender_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get Gender Threshold species = Util.getIndex(CB_Species); DataTable spectable = PKX.SpeciesTable(); gt = (int)spectable.Rows[species][8]; if (gt > 255) // Single gender/genderless return; if (gt < 256) // If not a single gender(less) species: { if (Label_Gender.Text == "♂") Label_Gender.Text = "♀"; else Label_Gender.Text = "♂"; } } private void setGenderLabel() { if (genderflag == 0) { // Gender = Male Label_Gender.Text = "♂"; } else if (genderflag == 1) { // Gender = Female Label_Gender.Text = "♀"; } else { Label_Gender.Text = "-"; } } } }