using System; namespace PKHeX.Core; /// /// Contains logic for the Generation 8 (SW/SH) overworld spawns that walk around the overworld. /// /// /// Entities spawned into the overworld that can be encountered are assigned a 32bit seed, which can be immediately derived from the . /// public static class Overworld8RNG { public static void ApplyDetails(PKM pk, EncounterCriteria criteria, Shiny shiny = Shiny.FixedValue, int flawless = -1, int maxAttempts = 70_000) { if (shiny == Shiny.FixedValue) shiny = criteria.Shiny is Shiny.Random or Shiny.Never ? Shiny.Never : criteria.Shiny; if (flawless == -1) flawless = 0; int ctr = 0; var rnd = Util.Rand; do { var seed = rnd.Rand32(); if (TryApplyFromSeed(pk, criteria, shiny, flawless, seed)) return; } while (++ctr != maxAttempts); TryApplyFromSeed(pk, EncounterCriteria.Unrestricted, shiny, flawless, rnd.Rand32()); } private static bool TryApplyFromSeed(PKM pk, EncounterCriteria criteria, Shiny shiny, int flawless, uint seed) { var xoro = new Xoroshiro128Plus(seed); // Encryption Constant pk.EncryptionConstant = (uint) xoro.NextInt(uint.MaxValue); // PID var pid = (uint) xoro.NextInt(uint.MaxValue); var xor = GetShinyXor(pk.TID, pk.SID, pid); var type = GetRareType(xor); if (shiny == Shiny.Never) { if (type != Shiny.Never) return false; } else if (shiny != Shiny.Random) { if (type == Shiny.Never) return false; if (shiny == Shiny.AlwaysSquare && type != Shiny.AlwaysSquare) return false; if (shiny == Shiny.AlwaysStar && type != Shiny.AlwaysStar) return false; } pk.PID = pid; // IVs Span ivs = stackalloc[] {UNSET, UNSET, UNSET, UNSET, UNSET, UNSET}; const int MAX = 31; for (int i = 0; i < flawless; i++) { int index; do { index = (int) xoro.NextInt(6); } while (ivs[index] != UNSET); ivs[index] = MAX; } for (int i = 0; i < ivs.Length; i++) { if (ivs[i] == UNSET) ivs[i] = (int) xoro.NextInt(32); } if (!criteria.IsIVsCompatible(ivs, 8)) return false; pk.IV_HP = ivs[0]; pk.IV_ATK = ivs[1]; pk.IV_DEF = ivs[2]; pk.IV_SPA = ivs[3]; pk.IV_SPD = ivs[4]; pk.IV_SPE = ivs[5]; // Remainder var scale = (IScaledSize) pk; scale.HeightScalar = (byte)((int) xoro.NextInt(0x81) + (int) xoro.NextInt(0x80)); scale.WeightScalar = (byte)((int) xoro.NextInt(0x81) + (int) xoro.NextInt(0x80)); return true; } private static Shiny GetRareType(uint xor) => xor switch { 0 => Shiny.AlwaysSquare, < 16 => Shiny.AlwaysStar, _ => Shiny.Never, }; public static bool ValidateOverworldEncounter(PKM pk, Shiny shiny = Shiny.FixedValue, int flawless = -1) { var seed = GetOriginalSeed(pk); return ValidateOverworldEncounter(pk, seed, shiny, flawless); } public static bool ValidateOverworldEncounter(PKM pk, uint seed, Shiny shiny = Shiny.FixedValue, int flawless = -1) { // is the seed Xoroshiro determined, or just truncated state? if (seed == uint.MaxValue) return false; var xoro = new Xoroshiro128Plus(seed); var ec = (uint) xoro.NextInt(uint.MaxValue); if (ec != pk.EncryptionConstant) return false; var pid = (uint) xoro.NextInt(uint.MaxValue); if (!IsPIDValid(pk, pid, shiny)) return false; var actualCount = flawless == -1 ? GetIsMatchEnd(pk, xoro) : GetIsMatchEnd(pk, xoro, flawless, flawless); return actualCount != NoMatchIVs; } private static bool IsPIDValid(PKM pk, uint pid, Shiny shiny) { if (shiny == Shiny.Random) return pid == pk.PID; if (pid == pk.PID) return true; // Check forced shiny if (pk.IsShiny) { if (GetIsShiny(pk.TID, pk.SID, pid)) return false; pid = GetShinyPID(pk.TID, pk.SID, pid, 0); return pid == pk.PID; } // Check forced non-shiny if (!GetIsShiny(pk.TID, pk.SID, pid)) return false; pid ^= 0x1000_0000; return pid == pk.PID; } private const int NoMatchIVs = -1; private const int UNSET = -1; private static int GetIsMatchEnd(PKM pk, Xoroshiro128Plus xoro, int start = 0, int end = 3) { bool skip1 = start == 0 && end == 3; for (int iv_count = start; iv_count <= end; iv_count++) { if (skip1 && iv_count == 1) continue; var copy = xoro; Span ivs = stackalloc [] { UNSET, UNSET, UNSET, UNSET, UNSET, UNSET }; const int MAX = 31; for (int i = 0; i < iv_count; i++) { int index; do { index = (int)copy.NextInt(6); } while (ivs[index] != UNSET); ivs[index] = MAX; } for (var i = 0; i < ivs.Length; i++) { if (ivs[i] == UNSET) ivs[i] = (int)copy.NextInt(31 + 1); } if (ivs[0] != pk.IV_HP) continue; if (ivs[1] != pk.IV_ATK) continue; if (ivs[2] != pk.IV_DEF) continue; if (ivs[3] != pk.IV_SPA) continue; if (ivs[4] != pk.IV_SPD) continue; if (ivs[5] != pk.IV_SPE) continue; if (pk is not IScaledSize s) continue; var height = (int) copy.NextInt(0x81) + (int) copy.NextInt(0x80); if (s.HeightScalar != height) continue; var weight = (int) copy.NextInt(0x81) + (int) copy.NextInt(0x80); if (s.WeightScalar != weight) continue; return iv_count; } return NoMatchIVs; } private static uint GetShinyPID(int tid, int sid, uint pid, int type) { return (uint)(((tid ^ sid ^ (pid & 0xFFFF) ^ type) << 16) | (pid & 0xFFFF)); } private static bool GetIsShiny(int tid, int sid, uint pid) { return GetShinyXor(pid, (uint)((sid << 16) | tid)) < 16; } private static uint GetShinyXor(int tid, int sid, uint pid) { return GetShinyXor(pid, (uint)((sid << 16) | tid)); } private static uint GetShinyXor(uint pid, uint oid) { var xor = pid ^ oid; return (xor ^ (xor >> 16)) & 0xFFFF; } /// /// Obtains the original seed for the Generation 8 overworld wild encounter. /// /// Entity to check for /// Seed public static uint GetOriginalSeed(PKM pk) { var seed = pk.EncryptionConstant - unchecked((uint)Xoroshiro128Plus.XOROSHIRO_CONST); if (seed == 0xD5B9C463) // Collision seed with the 0xFFFFFFFF re-roll. { var xoro = new Xoroshiro128Plus(seed); /* ec */ xoro.NextInt(uint.MaxValue); var pid = xoro.NextInt(uint.MaxValue); if (pid != pk.PID) return 0xDD6295A4; } return seed; } }