using static PKHeX.Core.EvolutionType;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// Criteria for evolving to this branch in the
/// Evolution Method
/// Evolve to Species
/// Destination Form
/// Conditional Argument (different from )
/// Conditional Argument (different from )
/// Indicates if a level up is required to trigger evolution.
public readonly record struct EvolutionMethod(EvolutionType Method, ushort Species, byte Form = 0, ushort Argument = 0, byte Level = 0, byte LevelUp = 0)
/// Evolve to Species
public ushort Species { get; } = Species;
/// Conditional Argument (different from )
public ushort Argument { get; } = Argument;
/// Evolution Method
public EvolutionType Method { get; } = Method;
/// Destination Form
public byte Form { get; } = Form;
/// Conditional Argument (different from )
public byte Level { get; } = Level;
/// Indicates if a level up is required to trigger evolution.
public byte LevelUp { get; } = LevelUp;
public override string ToString() => $"{(Species)Species}-{Form} [{Argument}] @ {Level}{(RequiresLevelUp ? "X" : "")}";
/// Is if the evolved form isn't modified. Special consideration for , which forces 1.
private const byte AnyForm = byte.MaxValue;
public bool RequiresLevelUp => LevelUp != 0;
/// Returns the form that the Pokémon will have after evolution.
/// Un-evolved Form ID
public byte GetDestinationForm(byte form)
if (Method == LevelUpFormFemale1)
return 1;
if (Form == AnyForm)
return form;
return Form;
/// Checks the for validity by comparing against the data.
/// Entity to check
/// Current level
/// Option to skip some comparisons to return a 'possible' evolution.
/// True if a evolution criteria is valid.
public bool Valid(PKM pk, byte lvl, bool skipChecks)
if (!Method.IsLevelUpRequired())
return ValidNotLevelUp(pk, skipChecks);
if (!IsLevelUpMethodSecondarySatisfied(pk, skipChecks))
return false;
// Level Up (any); the above Level Up (with condition) cases will reach here if they were valid
if (!RequiresLevelUp)
return lvl >= Level;
if (Level == 0 && lvl < 2)
return false;
if (lvl < Level)
return false;
if (skipChecks)
return lvl >= Level;
// Check Met Level for extra validity
return HasMetLevelIncreased(pk, lvl);
private bool IsLevelUpMethodSecondarySatisfied(PKM pk, bool skipChecks) => Method switch
// Special Level Up Cases -- return false if invalid
LevelUpMale when pk.Gender != 0 => false,
LevelUpFemale when pk.Gender != 1 => false,
LevelUpFormFemale1 when pk.Gender != 1 || pk.Form != 1 => false,
// Permit the evolution if we're exploring for mistakes.
LevelUpBeauty when pk is IContestStats s && s.CNT_Beauty < Argument => skipChecks,
LevelUpNatureAmped or LevelUpNatureLowKey when GetAmpLowKeyResult(pk.Nature) != pk.Form => skipChecks,
// Version checks come in pairs, check for any pair match
LevelUpVersion or LevelUpVersionDay or LevelUpVersionNight when ((pk.Version & 1) != (Argument & 1) && pk.IsUntraded) => skipChecks,
_ => true,
private bool ValidNotLevelUp(PKM pk, bool skipChecks) => Method switch
UseItemMale or RecoilDamageMale => pk.Gender == 0,
UseItemFemale or RecoilDamageFemale => pk.Gender == 1,
Trade or TradeHeldItem or TradeShelmetKarrablast => !pk.IsUntraded || skipChecks,
_ => true, // no conditions
private bool HasMetLevelIncreased(PKM pk, int lvl)
int origin = pk.Generation;
return origin switch
// No met data in RBY; No met data in GS, Crystal met data can be reset
1 or 2 => true,
// Pal Park / PokeTransfer updates Met Level
3 or 4 => pk.Format > origin || lvl > pk.Met_Level,
// 5=>6 and later transfers keep current level
>=5 => lvl >= Level && (!pk.IsNative || lvl > pk.Met_Level),
_ => false,
public EvoCriteria GetEvoCriteria(ushort species, byte form, byte lvl) => new()
Species = species,
Form = form,
LevelMax = lvl,
LevelMin = 0,
Method = Method,
public static int GetAmpLowKeyResult(int n)
var index = n - 1;
if ((uint)index > 22)
return 0;
return (0b_0101_1011_1100_1010_0101_0001 >> index) & 1;