using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings; using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityAnalysis; namespace PKHeX.Core { /// <summary> /// Logic to verify the current <see cref="PKM.RelearnMoves"/>. /// </summary> public static class VerifyRelearnMoves { public static CheckResult[] VerifyRelearn(PKM pkm, LegalInfo info) { if (info.Generation < 6 || pkm.VC1) return VerifyRelearnNone(pkm, info); switch (info.EncounterMatch) { case EncounterLink l: return VerifyRelearnSpecifiedMoveset(pkm, info, l.RelearnMoves); case MysteryGift g: return VerifyRelearnSpecifiedMoveset(pkm, info, g.RelearnMoves); case EncounterStatic s when s.Relearn.Length > 0: return VerifyRelearnSpecifiedMoveset(pkm, info, s.Relearn); case EncounterEgg e: return VerifyRelearnEggBase(pkm, info, e); case EncounterSlot z when pkm.RelearnMove1 != 0 && z.Permissions.DexNav && EncounterSlotGenerator.IsDexNavValid(pkm): return VerifyRelearnDexNav(pkm, info); } return VerifyRelearnNone(pkm, info); } private static CheckResult[] VerifyRelearnSpecifiedMoveset(PKM pkm, LegalInfo info, int[] moves) { CheckResult[] res = new CheckResult[4]; int[] RelearnMoves = pkm.RelearnMoves; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { res[i] = moves[i] != RelearnMoves[i] ? new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(LMoveFExpect_0, MoveStrings[moves[i]]), CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove) : new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove); } info.RelearnBase = moves; return res; } private static CheckResult[] VerifyRelearnDexNav(PKM pkm, LegalInfo info) { CheckResult[] res = new CheckResult[4]; int[] RelearnMoves = pkm.RelearnMoves; // DexNav Pokémon can have 1 random egg move as a relearn move. res[0] = !Legal.GetValidRelearn(pkm, Legal.GetBaseEggSpecies(pkm), true).Contains(RelearnMoves[0]) ? new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LMoveRelearnDexNav, CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove) : new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove); // All other relearn moves must be empty. for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { res[i] = RelearnMoves[i] != 0 ? new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LMoveRelearnNone, CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove) : new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove); } // Update the relearn base moves if the first relearn move is okay. info.RelearnBase = res[0].Valid ? RelearnMoves : new int[4]; return res; } private static CheckResult[] VerifyRelearnNone(PKM pkm, LegalInfo info) { CheckResult[] res = new CheckResult[4]; int[] RelearnMoves = pkm.RelearnMoves; // No relearn moves should be present. for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { res[i] = RelearnMoves[i] != 0 ? new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LMoveRelearnNone, CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove) : new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove); } info.RelearnBase = new int[4]; return res; } private static CheckResult[] VerifyRelearnEggBase(PKM pkm, LegalInfo info, EncounterEgg e) { int[] RelearnMoves = pkm.RelearnMoves; CheckResult[] res = new CheckResult[4]; // Level up moves cannot be inherited if Ditto is the parent // that means genderless species and male only species except Nidoran and Volbeat (they breed with female nidoran and illumise) could not have level up moves as an egg bool inheritLvlMoves = Legal.GetCanInheritMoves(e.Species); // Obtain level1 moves var baseMoves = Legal.GetBaseEggMoves(pkm, e.Species, e.Version, 1); int baseCt = Math.Min(4, baseMoves.Length); // Obtain Inherited moves var inheritMoves = Legal.GetValidRelearn(pkm, e.Species, inheritLvlMoves, e.Version).ToList(); int reqBase = GetRequiredBaseMoves(RelearnMoves, baseMoves, baseCt, inheritMoves); // Check if the required amount of Base Egg Moves are present. FlagBaseEggMoves(res, reqBase, baseMoves, RelearnMoves); // Non-Base moves that can magically appear in the regular movepool if (Legal.LightBall.Contains(pkm.Species)) inheritMoves.Add(344); // Volt Tackle // If any splitbreed moves are invalid, flag accordingly var splitMoves = e is EncounterEggSplit s ? Legal.GetValidRelearn(pkm, s.OtherSpecies, inheritLvlMoves, e.Version).ToList() : (IReadOnlyList<int>)Array.Empty<int>(); // Inherited moves appear after the required base moves. // If the pkm is capable of split-species breeding and any inherited move is from the other split scenario, flag accordingly. bool splitInvalid = FlagInvalidInheritedMoves(res, reqBase, RelearnMoves, inheritMoves, splitMoves); if (splitInvalid) FlagSplitbreedMoves(res, reqBase, e, pkm); info.RelearnBase = baseMoves; return res; } private static void FlagBaseEggMoves(CheckResult[] res, int required, IReadOnlyList<int> baseMoves, IReadOnlyList<int> RelearnMoves) { for (int i = 0; i < required; i++) { if (!baseMoves.Contains(RelearnMoves[i])) { FlagRelearnMovesMissing(res, required, baseMoves, i); return; } res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, LMoveRelearnEgg, CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove); } } private static void FlagRelearnMovesMissing(CheckResult[] res, int required, IReadOnlyList<int> baseMoves, int start) { for (int z = start; z < required; z++) res[z] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LMoveRelearnEggMissing, CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove); // provide the list of suggested base moves for the last required slot string em = string.Join(", ", GetMoveNames(baseMoves)); res[required - 1].Comment += string.Format(Environment.NewLine + LMoveRelearnFExpect_0, em); } private static bool FlagInvalidInheritedMoves(CheckResult[] res, int required, IReadOnlyList<int> RelearnMoves, IReadOnlyList<int> inheritMoves, IReadOnlyList<int> splitMoves) { bool splitInvalid = false; bool isSplit = splitMoves.Count > 0; for (int i = required; i < 4; i++) { if (RelearnMoves[i] == 0) // empty res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, LMoveSourceEmpty, CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove); else if (inheritMoves.Contains(RelearnMoves[i])) // inherited res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, LMoveSourceRelearn, CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove); else if (isSplit && splitMoves.Contains(RelearnMoves[i])) // inherited splitInvalid = true; else // not inheritable, flag res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LMoveRelearnInvalid, CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove); } return splitInvalid; } private static void FlagSplitbreedMoves(CheckResult[] res, int required, EncounterEgg e, PKM pkm) { var other = e is EncounterEggSplit x ? x.OtherSpecies : Legal.GetBaseEggSpecies(pkm, 1); for (int i = required; i < 4; i++) { if (res[i] != null) continue; string message = string.Format(LMoveEggFIncompatible0_1, SpeciesStrings[other], SpeciesStrings[e.Species]); res[i] = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, message, CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove); } } private static int GetRequiredBaseMoves(int[] RelearnMoves, IReadOnlyList<int> baseMoves, int baseCt, IReadOnlyList<int> inheritMoves) { var inherited = RelearnMoves.Where(m => m != 0 && (!baseMoves.Contains(m) || inheritMoves.Contains(m))).ToList(); int inheritCt = inherited.Count; // Get required amount of base moves int unique = baseMoves.Union(inherited).Count(); int reqBase = inheritCt == 4 || baseCt + inheritCt > 4 ? 4 - inheritCt : baseCt; if (RelearnMoves.Count(m => m != 0) < Math.Min(4, baseMoves.Count)) reqBase = Math.Min(4, unique); return reqBase; } } }