using System; namespace PKHeX.Core { /// /// Static Encounter Data /// /// /// Static Encounters are fixed position encounters with properties that are not subject to Wild Encounter conditions. /// public class EncounterStatic : IEncounterable, IMoveset, IGeneration, ILocation, IContestStats, IVersion { public int Species { get; set; } public int[] Moves { get; set; } public int Level { get; set; } public int LevelMin => Level; public int LevelMax => Level; public int Generation { get; set; } = -1; public int Location { get; set; } public int Ability { get; set; } public int Form { get; set; } public virtual Shiny Shiny { get; set; } = Shiny.Random; public int[] Relearn { get; set; } = Array.Empty(); public int Gender { get; set; } = -1; public int EggLocation { get; set; } public Nature Nature { get; set; } = Nature.Random; public bool Gift { get; set; } public int Ball { get; set; } = 4; // Only checked when is Gift public GameVersion Version { get; set; } = GameVersion.Any; public int[] IVs { get; set; } public int FlawlessIVCount { get; internal set; } public bool IV3 { set => FlawlessIVCount = value ? 3 : 0; } public int[] Contest { set => this.SetContestStats(value); } public int CNT_Cool { get; set; } public int CNT_Beauty { get; set; } public int CNT_Cute { get; set; } public int CNT_Smart { get; set; } public int CNT_Tough { get; set; } public int CNT_Sheen { get; set; } public int HeldItem { get; set; } public int EggCycles { get; set; } public bool Fateful { get; set; } public bool RibbonWishing { get; set; } public bool SkipFormCheck { get; set; } public bool Roaming { get; set; } public bool EggEncounter => EggLocation > 0; private void CloneArrays() { // dereference original arrays with new copies Moves = (int[])Moves?.Clone(); Relearn = (int[])Relearn.Clone(); IVs = (int[])IVs?.Clone(); } internal virtual EncounterStatic Clone() { var result = (EncounterStatic)MemberwiseClone(); result.CloneArrays(); return result; } private const string _name = "Static Encounter"; public string Name => Version == GameVersion.Any ? _name : $"{_name} ({Version})"; public PKM ConvertToPKM(ITrainerInfo SAV) { var version = this.GetCompatibleVersion((GameVersion)SAV.Game); SanityCheckVersion(ref version); int lang = (int)Legal.GetSafeLanguage(Generation, (LanguageID)SAV.Language); int level = LevelMin; var pk = PKMConverter.GetBlank(Generation, Version); int nature = Nature == Nature.Random ? Util.Rand.Next(25) : (int)Nature; var today = DateTime.Today; SAV.ApplyToPKM(pk); pk.EncryptionConstant = Util.Rand32(); pk.Species = Species; int gender = Gender < 0 ? pk.PersonalInfo.RandomGender : Gender; pk.Language = lang = GetEdgeCaseLanguage(pk, lang); pk.CurrentLevel = level; pk.Version = (int)version; pk.Nickname = PKX.GetSpeciesNameGeneration(Species, lang, Generation); pk.Ball = Ball; if (pk.Format > 2 || Version == GameVersion.C) { pk.Met_Location = Location; pk.Met_Level = level; if (Version == GameVersion.C && pk is PK2 pk2) pk2.Met_TimeOfDay = EncounterTime.Any.RandomValidTime(); if (pk.Format >= 4) pk.MetDate = DateTime.Today; } if (EggEncounter) { bool traded = (int)Version == SAV.Game; pk.Met_Location = Math.Max(0, EncounterSuggestion.GetSuggestedEggMetLocation(pk)); pk.Met_Level = EncounterSuggestion.GetSuggestedEncounterEggMetLevel(pk); if (pk.GenNumber >= 4) { pk.Egg_Location = EncounterSuggestion.GetSuggestedEncounterEggLocationEgg(pk, traded); pk.EggMetDate = today; } pk.Egg_Location = EggLocation; pk.EggMetDate = today; } pk.AltForm = Form; if (this is EncounterStaticPID p) { pk.PID = p.PID; pk.Gender = PKX.GetGenderFromPID(Species, p.PID); if (pk is PK5 pk5) { pk5.IVs = new[] {30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30}; pk5.NPokémon = p.NSparkle; pk5.OT_Name = Legal.GetG5OT_NSparkle(lang); pk5.TID = 00002; pk5.SID = 00000; } else { SetIVs(pk); } if (Generation >= 5) pk.Nature = nature; pk.RefreshAbility(Ability >> 1); } else { var pidtype = GetPIDType(); PIDGenerator.SetRandomWildPID(pk, pk.Format, nature, Ability >> 1, gender, pidtype); SetIVs(pk); } switch (pk.Format) { case 3: if (this is EncounterStaticShadow) ((PK3)pk).RibbonNational = true; break; case 4: if (this is EncounterStaticTyped t) pk.EncounterType = t.TypeEncounter.GetIndex(); break; case 6: pk.SetRandomMemory6(); break; } if (pk is IContestStats s) this.CopyContestStatsTo(s); var moves = Moves ?? MoveLevelUp.GetEncounterMoves(pk, level, version); pk.HeldItem = HeldItem; pk.Moves = moves; pk.SetMaximumPPCurrent(moves); if (pk.Format >= 6 && Relearn.Length > 0) pk.RelearnMoves = Relearn; pk.OT_Friendship = pk.PersonalInfo.BaseFriendship; if (Fateful) pk.FatefulEncounter = true; if (pk.Format < 6) return pk; if (RibbonWishing && pk is IRibbonSetEvent4 e4) e4.RibbonWishing = true; SAV.ApplyHandlingTrainerInfo(pk); pk.SetRandomEC(); return pk; } private void SanityCheckVersion(ref GameVersion version) { if (Generation != 4 || version == GameVersion.Pt) return; switch (Species) { case 491 when Location == 079: // DP Darkrai case 492 when Location == 063: // DP Shaymin version = GameVersion.Pt; return; } } private void SetIVs(PKM pk) { if (IVs != null) pk.SetRandomIVs(IVs, FlawlessIVCount); else if (FlawlessIVCount > 0) pk.SetRandomIVs(flawless: FlawlessIVCount); } private int GetEdgeCaseLanguage(PKM pk, int lang) { switch (pk.Format) { case 1 when Species == 151 && Version == GameVersion.VCEvents: // VC Mew pk.TID = 22796; pk.OT_Name = Legal.GetG1OT_GFMew(lang); return lang; case 1 when Version == GameVersion.EventsGBGen1: case 2 when Version == GameVersion.EventsGBGen2: case 3 when this is EncounterStaticShadow s && s.EReader: case 3 when Species == 151: pk.OT_Name = "ゲーフリ"; return 1; // Old Sea Map was only distributed to Japanese games. default: return lang; } } private PIDType GetPIDType() { switch (Generation) { case 3 when Roaming && Version != GameVersion.E: // Roamer IV glitch was fixed in Emerald return PIDType.Method_1_Roamer; case 4 when Shiny == Shiny.Always: // Lake of Rage Gyarados return PIDType.ChainShiny; case 4 when Species == 172: // Spiky Eared Pichu case 4 when Location == 233: // Pokéwalker return PIDType.Pokewalker; case 5 when Shiny == Shiny.Always: return PIDType.G5MGShiny; default: return PIDType.None; } } } }