using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace PKHeX.Core { public class ShowdownSet { // String to Values private static readonly string[] StatNames = { "HP", "Atk", "Def", "SpA", "SpD", "Spe" }; private static readonly string[] types = Util.getTypesList("en"); private static readonly string[] forms = Util.getFormsList("en"); private static readonly string[] species = Util.getSpeciesList("en"); private static readonly string[] items = Util.getItemsList("en"); private static readonly string[] natures = Util.getNaturesList("en"); private static readonly string[] moves = Util.getMovesList("en"); private static readonly string[] abilities = Util.getAbilitiesList("en"); private static readonly string[] hptypes = types.Skip(1).ToArray(); private const int MAX_SPECIES = 802; // Default Set Data public string Nickname { get; set; } public int Species { get; private set; } = -1; public string Form { get; private set; } public string Gender { get; private set; } public int Item { get; private set; } public int Ability { get; private set; } public int Level { get; private set; } = 100; public bool Shiny { get; private set; } public int Friendship { get; private set; } = 255; public int Nature { get; private set; } public int[] EVs { get; private set; } = {00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00}; public int[] IVs { get; private set; } = {31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31}; public int[] Moves { get; private set; } = {0, 0, 0, 0}; public readonly List InvalidLines = new List(); private int[] IVsSpeedFirst => new[] {IVs[0], IVs[1], IVs[2], IVs[5], IVs[3], IVs[4]}; private int[] IVsSpeedLast => new[] {IVs[0], IVs[1], IVs[2], IVs[4], IVs[5], IVs[3]}; private int[] EVsSpeedFirst => new[] {EVs[0], EVs[1], EVs[2], EVs[5], EVs[3], EVs[4]}; private int[] EVsSpeedLast => new[] {EVs[0], EVs[1], EVs[2], EVs[4], EVs[5], EVs[3]}; // Parsing Utility public ShowdownSet(string input = null) { if (input == null) return; string[] lines = input.Split(new[] { "\r\n", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) lines[i] = lines[i].Replace("'", "’").Trim(); // Sanitize apostrophes lines = lines.Where(line => line.Length > 2).ToArray(); if (lines.Length < 3) return; // Seek for start of set int start = Array.FindIndex(lines, line => line.Contains(" @ ")); if (start != -1) // Has Item -- skip to start. lines = lines.Skip(start).Take(lines.Length - start).ToArray(); else // Has no Item -- try parsing the first line anyway. { parseFirstLine(lines[0]); if (Species < -1) return; // Abort if no text is found lines = lines.Skip(1).Take(lines.Length - 1).ToArray(); } int movectr = 0; // Detect relevant data foreach (string line in lines) { if (line.StartsWith("-")) { string moveString = parseLineMove(line); int move = Array.IndexOf(moves, moveString); if (move < 0) InvalidLines.Add($"Unknown Move: {moveString}"); else Moves[movectr++] = move; if (movectr == 4) break; // End of moves continue; } string[] brokenline = line.Split(new[] { ": " }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (brokenline.Length == 1) brokenline = new[] {brokenline[0], ""}; switch (brokenline[0]) { case "Trait": case "Ability": { Ability = Array.IndexOf(abilities, brokenline[1].Trim()); break; } case "Level": { Level = Util.ToInt32(brokenline[1].Trim()); break; } case "Shiny": { Shiny = brokenline[1].Trim() == "Yes"; break; } case "Happiness": { Friendship = Util.ToInt32(brokenline[1].Trim()); break; } case "Nature": { Nature = Array.IndexOf(natures, brokenline[1].Trim()); break; } case "EV": case "EVs": { parseLineEVs(brokenline[1].Trim()); break; } case "IV": case "IVs": { parseLineIVs(brokenline[1].Trim()); break; } case "Type": { brokenline = new[] {line}; goto default; } // Type: Null edge case default: { // Either Nature or Gender ItemSpecies if (brokenline[0].Contains(" @ ")) { string[] pieces = line.Split(new[] {" @ "}, StringSplitOptions.None); string itemstr = pieces.Last().Trim(); int item = Array.IndexOf(items, itemstr); if (item < 0) InvalidLines.Add($"Unknown Item: {itemstr}"); else Item = item; parseFirstLine(pieces[0]); } else if (brokenline[0].Contains("Nature")) { string naturestr = line.Split(' ')[0].Trim(); int nature = Array.IndexOf(natures, naturestr); if (nature < 0) InvalidLines.Add($"Unknown Nature: {naturestr}"); else Nature = nature; } else // Fallback { string speciesstr = line.Split('(')[0].Trim(); int spec = Array.IndexOf(species, speciesstr); if (spec < 1) InvalidLines.Add(speciesstr); else Species = spec; } break; } } } IVs = IVsSpeedFirst; EVs = EVsSpeedFirst; // Showdown Quirks switch (Species) { case 658: // Greninja if (Ability == 210) Form = "Ash"; // Battle Bond break; case 666: // Vivillon if (Form == "Pokeball") Form = "Poké Ball"; break; case 718: // Zygarde if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Form)) Form = "50%"; else if (Form == "Complete") Form = "100%"; if (Ability == 211) Form += "-C"; // Power Construct break; case 774: // Minior if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Form) && Form != "Meteor") Form = "C-" + Form; break; } } public string getText() { if (Species == 0 || Species > MAX_SPECIES) return ""; // Showdown Quirks string form = Form; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form)) { switch (Species) { case 658: // Greninja form = form.Replace("Ash", ""); form = form.Replace("Active", ""); break; case 718: // Zygarde form = form.Replace("-C", ""); form = form.Replace("50%", ""); form = form.Replace("100%", "Complete"); break; case 774: // Minior if (form.StartsWith("M-")) form = "Meteor"; form = form.Replace("C-", ""); break; } } else if (Species == 774) // Minior { form = "Meteor"; } // First Line: Name, Nickname, Gender, Item string specForm = species[Species]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form)) specForm += "-" + form.Replace("Mega ", "Mega-"); string result = Nickname != null && species[Species] != Nickname ? $"{Nickname} ({specForm})" : $"{specForm}"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Gender)) result += $" ({Gender})"; if (Item > 0 && Item < items.Length) result += " @ " + items[Item]; result += Environment.NewLine; // IVs string[] ivstr = new string[6]; int ivctr = 0; int[] sIVs = IVsSpeedLast; // Reorganize speed for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (sIVs[i] == 31) continue; ivstr[ivctr++] += $"{sIVs[i]} {StatNames[i]}"; } if (ivctr > 0) result += "IVs: " + string.Join(" / ", ivstr.Take(ivctr)) + Environment.NewLine; // EVs string[] evstr = new string[6]; int[] sEVs = EVsSpeedLast; // Reorganize speed int evctr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (sEVs[i] == 0) continue; evstr[evctr++] += $"{sEVs[i]} {StatNames[i]}"; } if (evctr > 0) result += "EVs: " + string.Join(" / ", evstr.Take(evctr)) + Environment.NewLine; // Secondary Stats if (Ability > -1 && Ability < abilities.Length) result += "Ability: " + abilities[Ability] + Environment.NewLine; result += "Level: " + Level + Environment.NewLine; if (Shiny) result += "Shiny: Yes" + Environment.NewLine; if (Nature > -1) result += natures[Nature] + " Nature" + Environment.NewLine; // Add in Moves string[] MoveLines = new string[Moves.Length]; int movectr = 0; foreach (int move in Moves.Where(move => move != 0 && move < moves.Length)) { MoveLines[movectr] += "- " + moves[move]; if (move == 237) // Hidden Power { int hp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) hp |= (IVs[i] & 1) << i; hp *= 0xF; hp /= 0x3F; MoveLines[movectr] += $" [{hptypes[hp]}]"; } movectr++; } result += string.Join(Environment.NewLine, MoveLines.Take(movectr)); return result; } public static string getShowdownText(PKM pkm) { if (pkm.Species == 0) return ""; string[] Forms = PKX.getFormList(pkm.Species, types, forms, new[] {"", "F", ""}, pkm.Format); ShowdownSet Set = new ShowdownSet { Nickname = pkm.Nickname, Species = pkm.Species, Item = pkm.HeldItem, Ability = pkm.Ability, EVs = pkm.EVs, IVs = pkm.IVs, Moves = pkm.Moves, Nature = pkm.Nature, Gender = new[] { "M", "F", "" }[pkm.Gender < 2 ? pkm.Gender : 2], Friendship = pkm.CurrentFriendship, Level = PKX.getLevel(pkm.Species, pkm.EXP), Shiny = pkm.IsShiny, Form = pkm.AltForm > 0 && pkm.AltForm < Forms.Length ? Forms[pkm.AltForm] : "", }; if (Set.Form == "F") Set.Gender = ""; else if (Set.Species == 676) Set.Form = ""; // Furfrou else if (Set.Species == 666 && Set.Form == "Poké Ball") Set.Form = "Pokeball"; // Vivillon return Set.getText(); } private void parseFirstLine(string line) { // Gender Detection string last3 = line.Substring(line.Length - 3); if (last3 == "(M)" || last3 == "(F)") { Gender = last3.Substring(1, 1); line = line.Substring(0, line.Length - 3); } // Nickname Detection string spec = line; if (spec.Contains("(") && spec.Contains(")")) parseSpeciesNickname(ref spec); spec = spec.Trim(); if ((Species = Array.IndexOf(species, spec)) >= 0) // success, nothing else! return; string[] tmp = spec.Split(new[] { "-" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (tmp.Length < 2) return; Species = Array.IndexOf(species, tmp[0].Trim()); Form = tmp[1].Trim(); if (tmp.Length > 2) Form += " " + tmp[2]; } private void parseSpeciesNickname(ref string line) { int index = line.LastIndexOf("(", StringComparison.Ordinal); string n1, n2; if (index > 1) // correct format { n1 = line.Substring(0, index - 1); n2 = line.Substring(index).Trim(); replaceAll(ref n2, "", "[", "]", "(", ")"); // Trim out excess data } else // nickname first (manually created set, incorrect) { int end = line.IndexOf(")", StringComparison.Ordinal); n2 = line.Substring(index + 1, end - 1); n1 = line.Substring(end + 2); } bool inverted = Array.IndexOf(species, n2.Replace(" ", "")) > -1 || (Species = Array.IndexOf(species, n2.Split('-')[0])) > 0; line = inverted ? n2 : n1; Nickname = inverted ? n1 : n2; } private string parseLineMove(string line) { string moveString = line.Substring(line[1] == ' ' ? 2 : 1); if (!moveString.Contains("Hidden Power")) return moveString; // Defined Hidden Power if (moveString.Length > 13) { string type = moveString.Remove(0, 13); replaceAll(ref type, "", "[", "]", "(", ")"); // Trim out excess data int hpVal = Array.IndexOf(hptypes, type); // Get HP Type if (hpVal >= 0) IVs = PKX.setHPIVs(hpVal, IVs); // Get IVs else InvalidLines.Add($"Invalid Hidden Power Type: {type}"); } moveString = "Hidden Power"; return moveString; } private void parseLineEVs(string line) { string[] evlist = splitLineStats(line); if (evlist.Length == 1) InvalidLines.Add("Unknown EV input."); for (int i = 0; i < evlist.Length / 2; i++) { ushort EV; ushort.TryParse(evlist[i * 2 + 0], out EV); int index = Array.IndexOf(StatNames, evlist[i * 2 + 1]); if (index > -1) EVs[index] = EV; else InvalidLines.Add($"Unknown EV Type input: {evlist[i * 2]}"); } } private void parseLineIVs(string line) { string[] ivlist = splitLineStats(line); if (ivlist.Length == 1) InvalidLines.Add("Unknown IV input."); for (int i = 0; i < ivlist.Length / 2; i++) { byte IV; byte.TryParse(ivlist[i * 2 + 0], out IV); int index = Array.IndexOf(StatNames, ivlist[i * 2 + 1]); if (index > -1) IVs[index] = IV; else InvalidLines.Add($"Unknown IV Type input: {ivlist[i * 2]}"); } } private static string[] splitLineStats(string line) { // Because people think they can type sets out... return line .Replace("SAtk", "SpA").Replace("Sp Atk", "SpA") .Replace("SDef", "SpD").Replace("Sp Def", "SpD") .Replace("Spd", "Spe").Replace("Speed", "Spe").Split(new[] { " / ", " " }, StringSplitOptions.None); } private static void replaceAll(ref string rv, string o, params string[] i) { rv = i.Aggregate(rv, (current, v) => current.Replace(v, o)); } } }